[mod.computers.vax] SET HOST/DTE with Hayes compatible modems


        When I brought up version 4 of VMS long ago, I noticed the /DTE
qualifier on the the SET HOST command.  I tried it once, only to
discover that the default modem is a DEC DF03 or something like that.
Unfortunately, we have all Hayes compatible modems.  I also discovered
that DEC doesn't supply any other procedures for dial-out other than the
default one.  My request is simply to ask if anyone has modified it for
a Hayes compatible.  I figure someone must have, and would prefer not go
through the debugging work if it's already been done.

        Also, just a note of thanks for all the responses on the other
questions I have posted the last couple of weeks.  Alot of them were
problems that have been hanging around a long time waiting for me to
find some time for them.

Franklin and Marshall College
Lancaster, PA  17604, USA