[mod.computers.vax] LN03 with Postscript


        Any experience with or opinions on the new DEC LN03 laser printer
        with Postscript?  Will it handle postscript as well as an
        Apple Laserwriter, as fast?  Thanks for any information.

                                Claire Russell


    Date: 2 APR 87 15:44-EST
    From: CARS%CUTHRY.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu

	    Any experience with or opinions on the new DEC LN03 laser printer
	    with Postscript?  Will it handle postscript as well as an
	    Apple Laserwriter, as fast?  Thanks for any information.

				    Claire Russell

I can't comment on the LN03, but laserwriters are not fast. It cannot accept bitmap
data at 9600 baud (it takes 2.2 min to accept what should take 40 sec to send), and
it takes it 2+ min to unpack a run length encoded 700x1100 array and compose for
printing. (the first time we tried it, we had the laserwriter rotate the image as
well, it took it 7 min to rotate.)
