[mod.computers.vax] VMS Mail - printing messages


To Alan and Denis, and other concerned info-vaxers

About VMS Mail inadequacies:
   I get banner pages on mail messages printed to sys$print by default.  I
don't know how you've set up your printer to disable this feature.  On 
logical, non-generic queues, you do have to do a little extra to get 
banner pages.  Here's how we initialize our printers, maybe it will help.

$! define the line printer (LP27) queue and assign Sys$Print to it
$	set printer /lowercase lpb0:
$	init /queue /start /generic Sys$Print
$	init /queue/ start/ default=(flag,burst) lpb0
$       assign/queue lpb0 Sys$Print
$! define the laser printer (QMS 1200) and assign its queue
$	set printer /lowercase/page=0/width=300/printall LPE0:
$	init/queue/start/default=(flag,noburst,trailer=one) -
		/noenable_generic/separate=(reset:qmsreset) LPE0
$	set queue/prot=w:rw lpe0
$	initialize /queue  laser
$	assign /queue lpe0 laser
$	start /queue laser
$	set queue/prot=w:rw laser
$! Allow mail printed on laser queue to have header and trailer pages
$! NOTE: this has to be done after the queue has been started <dbs> dec86 
$	set queue /default=(trailer=one,flag=all,noburst) laser

Second, as far as being able to print to other printers, the VMS Mail print
command accepts  >pr/que=queue-name 
and the print symbiont will put banners on this output, becuase it does for

I agree with Denis that a MAIL$PRINT logical would be nice, since I don't
like getting my messages on the lineprinter, but always typing pr/que is
another thing that I forget sometimes.  I've heard rumors that VMS Mail
is being rewritten - maybe it will get better soon.


David B. Serafini   

ARPA:   serafini%ral@ames-io.ARPA        or     serafini@ames-aero.ARPA
SPAN:   RAL::serafini   (node 24.6)
UUCP:   { hplabs,ihnp4,dual,hao,decwrl,allegra }!ames!prandtl!serafini
ATT :   415-694-5944
USPS:   Sterling Software, Inc.
        NASA/Ames Research Center
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