>When a user logs on (and he has new mail) then the system beeps him >with a message "TWO NEW MAIL MESSAGES" (or the equivalent thereof). >What I want to know is where this number is stored. I tried to modify >the program SYS$EXAMPLES:MAILUAF.COM to print out the messages. However >I wasn't able hack it to do so. I think it is stored in the VMSMAIL.DAT and is sorted by the user name along with information about mail.directories and forwarding address. For the exact position of the NEWMAIL in the DAT you should consult the manual. I do not have it right now so could-nt be too sure. Anil Khullar {Ph.D. Prog in Psychology C.U.N.Y. Grad. Center. 33 W 42 St. Box 295, New York NY 10036 } BITNET:ank@cunyvms1 ========================================================================== POWER COMM~ETH NOT FROM USING IT BUT FROM KNOWING THAT IT IS THERE ! STUPIDITY COMM~ETH FROM USING IT AND NOT KNOWING THAT IT WAS THERE.... ========================================================================== [DISCLAIMER: They say after Boston there is heaven, I agree; I say after LispM there is nirvana, they don't. This and other opinion of mine are held dearly by me, My employers and the institution I represent do not necessarily hold that view. I am sole culprit of such fantasies. No living being is responsible, however unsolicited support is welcome]