[mod.computers.vax] Issuing list maintenance commands for INFO-VAX.


I am sending this to the list in response to the recent rash of:
ADD ME, REMOVE ME commands sent to the INFO-VAX discussion list.

Info-Vax is being redistributed using LISTSERV software which is written and
supported by Eric Thomas (ERIC@FRECP11.BITNET).  This allows both BITNET and
non-BITNET users to maintain their own entry in the list.  Use the following:

From VMS (Jnet) :  SEND LISTSERV@UGA "command"

From CMS        :  TELL LISTSERV AT UGA command

From other MAIL-ONLY sites: put the appropriate line as the body of the mail.

Some valid commands are:

             SUBscribe list-name real name
                                            (sign-up or
                                             change your real name)
             UNSUBscribe list-name          (sign-off / remove)
             REView list-name               (find out who's on list)
             HELP                           (send help)
             INFO                           (send LISTSERV info)
             LISTS                          (find out available lists)

There are quite a few LISTSERVs running in the States as PEERs and you should
send the command to your nearest LISTSERV but it is not necessary to know which
one is closer because LISTSERV will forward your command to the correct LISTSERV
for you.  Once you are signed up you should send your commands to the LISTSERV
that sends you your copy of INFO-VAX.  This info is in the header.  Feel free
to contact me if you want further info about LISTSERV.

       Jim Gerland              ( User Services Postmaster )

       Computer Center          Room 226
       University Computing Services
       State University of New York at Buffalo
       Buffalo, NY   14260      (716) 636-3557

       BITNET:  gerland@ubvms   (VAX/VMS)
                gerland@ubvm    (VM/CMS)

       DONATE BLOOD - We like your type!