[mod.computers.vax] I've heard many mumblings about a program called INDEX ...

charettep@NUSC-WPN.ARPA.UUCP (04/09/87)

	People are mentioning a program called INDEX from a DECUS tape.
Does anybody have a copy I can FTP, or that you can mail to me, or whatever?
It sounds VERY useful.

					Thanks in advance!


          |                     Paul Charette                      |
          |            Naval Underwater Systems Centre             |
          |                      Newport, RI                       |
          |                                                        |
          |          ARPAmail: <charettep@nusc-wpn.ARPA>           |
          |   UUCPmail: {allegra!seismo}!nusc-wpn!charettep.UUCP   |
