[mod.computers.vax] Table Top enclosure for rd53 needed


	We are moving some disks around and need a table top
box for an rd53 - DEC in their infinite wisdom will not sell 
the box separately - if you have one you are not using or know
of a 3rd party source please contact me.

campbell@maynard.BSW.COM.UUCP (04/08/87)

In article <8704061545.AA24715@tcgould.TN.CORNELL.EDU> hurf%batcomputer.UUCP@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu (Hurf Sheldon) writes:
>	We are moving some disks around and need a table top
>box for an rd53 - DEC in their infinite wisdom will not sell 
>the box separately - if you have one you are not using or know
>of a 3rd party source please contact me.

The RD53 is just a commodity PC disk -- the Micropolis 1325.  Check
the back pages of Byte or any PC hardware hacker magazine, or catalogs
like Priority One.  You should be able to pick up a box and power
supply for under $100.

Note also that if you buy the drive from Micropolis instead of DEC,
you pay $1000 instead of $4000.
Larry Campbell                                The Boston Software Works, Inc.
Internet: campbell@maynard.BSW.COM          120 Fulton Street, Boston MA 02109
uucp: {alliant,think,wjh12}!maynard!campbell        +1 617 367 6846


In article <8704072243.AA27200@maynard.BSW.COM> campbell%maynard.UUCP@talcott.HARVARD.EDU (Larry Campbell) writes:

>The RD53 is just a commodity PC disk -- the Micropolis 1325.  Check
>the back pages of Byte or any PC hardware hacker magazine, or catalogs
>like Priority One.  You should be able to pick up a box and power
>supply for under $100.
>Note also that if you buy the drive from Micropolis instead of DEC,
>you pay $1000 instead of $4000.
>Larry Campbell                                The Boston Software Works, Inc.

 	I appreciate the reply but I think this is not entirely true -
 My understanding is that DEC has their own mscp boards on the drive
 so just getting one third party will not work. For that reason the 
 cabling is different as well. If this is not correct please let me
 know. The power supply idea is good if we can get the cabling sussed