[mod.computers.vax] Software installation

cetron%ced@CS.UTAH.EDU.UUCP (04/10/87)

I have over and over found the only reliable way is to shut everything down
and do it at once...... While my management is as bewildered as yours, mine
last almost 2 days work when he demanded to keep running while I installed and
test a new BRU (rsx's sorta equivalent to backup) - and while it recreated his
entire directory, every file was empty......I don't get questioned much anymore
and can often be found doing updates saturday night at 3am....

-ed cetron
Computer Services Manager	(this is a professional reply, must use title)
Center for Engineering Design			(-:
Univ. of Utah.,


Well its me again.  I have another question about policy at different sites.
My last question of this type netted one response, but I will try again.

We have four VAXen in a cluster with 9 RA81s that are dual ported with
two HSC50s.  When we install software on the cluster (eg. new versions of
FORTRAN or Datatrieve) we will disable logins on all four machines, since
anything the installation procedure touches is accessible to all of the
machines.  We don't have any real schedule for software installation.  We
will generally wait until two or three products have arrived so we can get
them all done at once.

Management is complaining that it is absurd to disable all four machines
for the installation of software.  And that at least some of the machines
should be up at all times.  I could take one machine down and install the
software, but...

I would like to establish a software installation policy and put this
one to bed.  You can help me do this.  Please tell me what your software
installation policy is.  A couple of lines will do.  I just want some

Mark Moore
The University of Texas
Health Science Center
San Antonio, Texas

nagy%43198.hepnet@LBL.ARPA.UUCP (04/10/87)

Being a relatively fearless system manager, I've installed "minor"
items like new compiler versions on live systems on a VAXCluster and
then just logged into the "other" system and used INSTALL to REPLACE
the shared images.

Datatrieve and others were done on semi-live systems due to the lenght
of time required for the install and other factors (more complex products).

Factors in installing on live systems are:

	- updating the shared images on the other nodes (can be easily
	  done with INSTALL REPLACE).

	- a user might interfere with the install by using the HELPLIB
	  at the time the installation attempts to put a new module into
	  the library.

	- new DCLTABLES can be installed on other nodes by the same
	  INSTALL trick as above.  But users must logout and back in
	  to use the new tables.

	- others I've probably forgotten.