[mod.computers.vax] Mail file formats


Since there's been so much discussion of the formats of the mail files
on info-vax lately, I'm posting this document that I wrote over a year ago.

Mike Iglesias
University of California, Irvine

                VMS MAIL file formats

   Disclaimer:  I don't guarantee the following information is
                totally correct.  It is based on reading the
                microfiche and looking at mail files.  This
                information was derived from the VMS 4.0
                microfiche.  Use at your own risk.

                If you find any errors, have any new information
                to add, etc., you can send them to me at the
                following addresses:

                US Mail: Mike Iglesias
                         University of California
                         Computing Facility
                         Irvine, Ca  92717


  There are two file formats used in the VMS MAIL system:  The
  format for SYS$SYSTEM:VMSMAIL.DAT and the format for MAIL.MAI.
  SYS$SYSTEM:VMSMAIL.DAT has information on any forwarding set
  for each user, any directory (other than the login directory)
  where his mail file is, and a personal name.  MAIL.MAI (really
  *.MAI) is the file in each user's account that actually contains
  the mail messages.

  I've tried to use the names DEC used in the file MAILDEF.SDL
  (fiche 228) wherever I could.


  The SYS$SYSTEM:VMSMAIL.DAT (hereafter refered to as VMSMAIL.DAT)
  file is a keyed file.  The key is the USERNAME, blank filled to
  31 characters.

  Record format:

    Field name     Type            Size             Contents
    -------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------------------
    USERNAME       character       31 bytes         USERNAME
    FLAGS          bit             unsigned word    MAIL flags
    NEWMAIL        number          unsigned word    New mail count
    SPARE          spare area      7 longwords
    SPARE1         spare area      2 bytes
    DIRLNG         number          unsigned byte    Length of dir name if set
    FNMLNG         number          unsigned byte    Length of personal name
    FWDLNG         number          unsigned byte    Length of forward address

    if any of the last three items are set non-zero, the strings
    that they describe the length of follow in this order:

       Forward address
       Personal name
       Directory name

  The FLAGS field contains the following flags:

    Flag name      Bit    Hex value    Meaning
    -------------  -----  -----------  ----------------------------------
    SELFSEND        0       0001       Send a copy to self on a SEND
    SELFREPLY       1       0002       Send a copy to self on a REPLY
    NOAUTOPURGE     2       0004       Don't autopurge on EXIT or ^Z

  The minimum record length is 68 bytes.  The maximum is 833 (I think),
  but be forwarned that SYS$EXAMPLES:MAILUAF.COM appears to only handle
  records up to 255 bytes long.

  To find the user's MAIL.MAI file, you need the device and directory
  from their SYSUAF record and the directory name from VMSMAIL.DAT (if
  DIRLNG is non-zero).

  Format of MAIL.MAI (or any other mail file name)

  Each record in the actual mail file (MAIL.MAI, etc) has two keys -
  the data/time the message was received, and the folder to which it
  belongs.  The keys are in the 'common header' portion of the record,
  which each record in the file has at the begining.

  The 'common' part of the record looks like this:

      Field name     Type            Size             Contents
    -------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------------------
    DATIM          date/time       quadword         date/time field
    FILKEYLEN      count           unsigned byte    Length of data in FILEKEY
    FILEKEY        character       39 bytes         Filing key (FOLDER name)

  (The keys are DATIM and FILEKEY)

  If the high longword of the DATIM field is zero, then this is an info record,
  and the low longword is the info record type.  Info record types are:

    Code   Meaning
    ----   ------------------------------------------------
     1     LASTREAD - date/time of last read message (not used?)
     2     WASTENAME - name of wastebasket folder
     3     FILEINFO - file information
     4     MW - mailwatch info (not used?)
     5     NEWMSG - new message info (not used?)

  It appears that there is always a type 3 record (FILEINFO) and, if
  you use the SET WASTEBASKET_NAME command, there will be a type 2
  (WASTENAME) record.  Formats for FILEINFO and WASTENAME records


      Field name     Type            Size             Contents
    -------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------------------
     ('common' header)
    DELETEDBYTES   count           lognword         # of deleted bytes in file


      Field name     Type            Size             Contents
    -------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------------------
     ('common' header)
    LENGTH         count           unsigned byte    length of folder name
    WASTENAME      character       LENGTH bytes     name of wastebasket folder

  A record in the mail file can be at most 2048 bytes long.

  Message header record

  Each message in the mail file has a message header record.  The message
  header record has the 'common' header, followed by the mail header.
  The 'common' header has the folder that the message is in in the
  FILEKEY field, with the length of the folder name in FILKEYLEN.
  The mail header has the following format:

    Field name     Type            Size             Contents
    -------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------------------
    ('common' header)
    FLAGS          bit             unsigned word    message flags
    FLAGSIZ        count           unsigned byte    size of flag string if ASCII
    FLAGVAL        unknown         unsigned longwd  value of /FLAG=
    HDSPARE        spare           byte             spare byte to align data
    DATID          date/time       quadword         Key id of message text rec
    variable data  (see below)

  The variable data contains the 'from', 'to', etc. data for the message.
  The variable data is formatted as follows

    Field name     Type            Size             Contents
    -------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------------------
    CODE           value           word             variable data code
    LENGTH         count           unsigned word    length of variable data
    DATA           depends on data LENGTH bytes     data

  The codes and their data types are:

    Code     Data type
    -------  ----------------------------------------
      0      'From' text string
      1      'to' text string
      2      'subject' text string
      3      'cc' text string
      4      mailwatch info - unknown data type
      5      number of records in message
      6      spec of external file (not used)

  Codes 7-32767 are reserved to DIGITAL, 32768-65535 are reserved for

  The FLAGS field contains the following flags:

    Flag name      Bit    Hex value    Meaning
    -------------  -----  -----------  ----------------------------------
    NEWMSG          0       0001       This is a new message
    REPLIED         1       0002       This message has been replied to
    SKIP1           2       0004       spare bit
    EXTMSG          3       0008       message is in an external file
    SYSMSG          4       0010       message is in system file

  If the EXTMSG flag is set, the DATID is used as part of the file
  name after it is made into printable ASCII.  For instance, if the
  DATID field contains hex '0004008E5BA9F107', the external file name
  would be 'MAIL$0004008E5BA9F107.MAI;1'.

  Message Text record

  The message text record contains the actual text of a mail message
  unless the EXTMSG flag is set in the header record.  Each message text
  record contains 1 or more message text lines.  A message text
  record has the following format:

    Field name     Type            Size             Contents
    -------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------------------
    ('common' header)
    LENGTH         count           unsigned word    length of message text line
    DATA           character       LENGTH bytes     message text line

  The LENGTH and DATA are repeated for each message text line in the
  message (the number of records in the message text are in the mail message
  header; see above), up to the length of the record.

  The only field in the 'common' header part of the message text record
  that is filled in is the DATIM field, which is the same as the DATID
  field in the message header record for this message text.

  If the message resides in an external file, the file is a variable
  length sequential file (carriage return carriage control).