[mod.computers.ibm-pc] Welcome

GILLMANN@USC-ISIB.ARPA (Richard Gillmann) (10/20/85)

Welcome to Info-IBMPC!

Info-IBMPC is a forum for technical discussion of the IBM Personal
Computer and compatible micro-computers.  Info-IBMPC provides a way
for interested members of the ARPANET community to compare notes, ask
questions, and share insights of a technical nature about these
machines.  While it is not primarily a consumer's guide to the IBM PC,
the digest may also be useful for that purpose.

Messages are collected, edited into digests and distributed as the
volume of mail dictates (generally twice a week).  We welcome all
messages of a technical nature about IBM PCs.  Messages about other
topics will not be run.  In addition, two topics are taboo and are
routinely edited out: (1) self promotion of products for sale, and (2)
anything about copy protection.  Messages to the list should be
addressed to Info-IBMPC at ISIB.  All requests to be added to or
deleted from the list, problems, etc. should be sent to

Recent digests are archived in <INFO-IBMPC>DIGESTS-85.
Older digests are archived by quarter in the following files:

	Q3-DIGESTS-85	; V4 # 77-111
	Q2-DIGESTS-85	; V4 # 41-76
	Q1-DIGESTS-85	; V4 # 1-40 [too big for mm, use hermes]
	Q4-DIGESTS-84   ; V3 # 91-119
	Q3-DIGESTS-84	; V3 # 70-90
	Q2-DIGESTS-84	; V3 # 36-69
	Q1-DIGESTS-84	; V3 # 1-35
	Q4-DIGESTS-83	; V2 # 71-104
	Q3-DIGESTS-83	; V2 # 40-70
	Q2-DIGESTS-83	; V2 # 20-39
	Q1-DIGESTS-83	; V2 # 1-19
	Q34-DIGESTS-82	; V1 # 1-34

These files can be read by MM, HERMES, and other TOPS20 mail systems.
KWIC-INDEX.TXT contains a key-word-in-context index 
to digest articles.  TOC.???85 contains a table of contents 
for the month ???. These files may be FTP'ed to any Arpanet/Milnet 
host from [ISIB]<INFO-IBMPC> by logging in to FTP with
username ANONYMOUS, password GUEST.  If you're not directly on the
Arpanet the files can be mailed to you, although there is a limit to
the length of a message.

A library of free software is maintained in [ISIB]<INFO-IBMPC>.  The
list of available programs is in <INFO-IBMPC>PROGRAM-LIBRARY.LIST.
Donations of source code are eagerly welcomed (even trivial programs).
Donated programs must be truly free, with no fee or contribution
required or requested.

To donate a program to the library, send a description of the program
along with a copy of the source code to INFO-IBMPC-REQUEST.

Billy Brackenridge (BRACKENRIDGE at ISIB)
Eliot Moore (Elmo at ISIB)
Richard Nelson (Nelson at ISIB)
Koji Okazaki (Koji at ISIB)
