[mod.computers.ibm-pc] Info-IBMPC Digest V4 #128

Info-IBMPC@USC-ISIB.ARPA (Info-IBMPC Digest) (11/02/85)

Info-IBMPC Digest       Friday, 1 November 1985      Volume 4 : Issue 128

This Week's Editor: Eliot Moore <Elmo@USC-ISIB.Arpa>

Today's Topics:
                         Lugaru Epsilon 2.99
                          Janus Ada Compiler
        Documentation for the Professional Graphics Controller
                               NEC V20
      Unix V on 386 runs Unix, Xenix, DOS, and Lotus 1-2-3 code
             Xenix Patch for EGA with Monochrome Monitor
                 Replacing AT '286 CPU with '386 CPU
                           Bridge programs
                         DOS 3.1 RESTORE bug
                            Dos Path Hints
                             Hidden Files
Today's Queries:
                           NEC V30 vs 8086
                       Int 2F and PCDOS 3.0/3.1
              Spectrum Analysis Board for IBM-PC Wanted
                  Are all 4416 chips created alike?
                              Sanyo 555
                         PC/IX TTY driver bug

Date: 31 Oct 1985 10:03:07 PST
Subject: Lugaru Epsilon 2.99
From: Craig Milo Rogers  <ROGERS@USC-ISIB.ARPA>

	I, too, have been beta-testing the new release of Lugaru Epsilon.
While I agree with Billy Brackenridge that Epsilon is a very nice
implementation of EMACS, I'm afraid that he exaggerated some of its

	You do NOT receive the sources to Epsilon.  You do receive the
EEL-coded routines which implement all of the keyboard commands.  While
this is enough to change the personality of the editor in all but the
most extreme cases, there's a truck load of underlying software that you
don't have sources for:  the EEL compiler, the EEL bytecode interpreter,
the buffer virtual memory manager, the window updater, the DOS interface,

	The interface between Epsilon and EEL is somewhat inconvenient.
In other implementations of EMACS one can open a "mini-buffer", stick in
a few lines of Lisp or TECO, and execute it with a minimum of overhead.
In Epsilon there's more work involved:  you've gotta write the mini-buffer
to a file, start EEL as a subprocess, load the bytecode file if compilation
succeeded, switch back to the buffer you were editing, and execute the
command you just created.  However, there's no reason why I can't write a
new mini-buffer command in EEL to automate most of the steps I just described!

	All in all, Lugaru Epsilon is a fine product with an excellent
support staff behind it.  The Info-IBMPC library will be accepting
EEL routines, so with luck we will build a collection of extension
packages such as was developed for MIT EMACS:  mail readers, special
editing modes for specific programming languages, and so on.

					Craig Milo Rogers


Date: 31 October 85 09:00-PST
Subject: Janus Ada Compiler

    A couple of weeks ago I posted a comment on the Janus/Ada compiler.
In that note I complained that according to information received from
the local distributor, Computer Graphics Center in Palo Alto CA, the
C-Pak did not support floating point arithmetic.  I have received
notification from the primary Janus vendor R.R Software in Madison
Wisconsin, that the C-Pak does indeed support floating point, although
without the 8087.  The floating point library, however, is very limited.
I also remarked that statements by Computer Graphics indicated that even
the expensive D-Pak and S-Pak appeared not to generate in-line 8087
code.  R.R. also informs me that these do indeed generate in-line code.
As a result of R.R.'s information, I have decided to give Janus/Ada try.

   Harvey L. Lynch


Date: 31 October 85 09:49-PST
From:  Don Pelton (415) 854-3300 x2901 <DEP%SLACVM.BITNET@WISCVM.ARPA>
Subject: Documentation for the Professional Graphics Controller

After waiting several months for my Options and Adapters Manual, it
finally arrived without the update card included. But, it turns out,
there is still a way to get updates. The following is from IBM's
ASKINFO service:

    "... you can send in the dark blue cover page from Vol. 2
     to the following address if you didn't get a registration card:

     P.O. BOX 3077
     BOCA RATON, FL. 33431"


Date: 31 Oct 85 13:18:22 GMT
From: Bob Stine <stine@edn-vax.arpa>
To: info-IBMPC <info-IBMPC@usc-isib.arpa>
Subject: NEC V20

To clarify a previous message I sent concerning some incompatibilities
of the V20 and the 8088:

My copy of Easy-Flow Plus WILL NOT RUN with my NEC V20 installed, but
runs like a charm with my 8088 in place.  Steve Walton characterized
my previous letter as "hogwash"; he is doing a disservice to potential
purchasers of V20s.

I have a rather vanilla IBM PC, 640K, 2 DSDDs, no graphics.  For those
not familiar with Easy-Flow Plus, it is a batch- oriented flowchart
generator, which produces a printable ascii file when given a
program-like description of a flowchart.

I do not know why the V20 will not run such innocent, unstressing
software, and I'm only mildly interested in finding out.  It is clear,
however, that the NEC V20 is not all that compatible with the 8088.

- Bob Stine


From: Herm Fischer <hermix!fischer@rand-unix.ARPA>
Reply-To: HFischer@USC-ECLB
To: info-ibmpc%ISIB@ECLB
Subject: Unix V on 386 runs Unix, Xenix, DOS, and Lotus 1-2-3 code
Date: Fri Nov  1 09:45:22 1985

According to the product announcement I got today on Intel's '386 chip,
its "System V/386" runs DOS programs under it;  they specifically mention
that 1-2-3 will operate under Unix on the '386.  

Anybody know if that means the 1-2-3 user can be at a remote terminal of
the '386?  Anybody seen this working?

They also state that "future enhancements" will include Xenix '286
compatibility, open-NET, and optimized peripheral drivers.  [What's
unoptimized about the current drivers -- are they cruddy now??]

System V includes SDB, for my non-assembler hacker friends.

Does all this mean somebody is retailing these products now?  (It's all
in the present tense, and dated October 1985?)  Anybody got one of these
babies on an AT plug in card with the Unix V+DOS included?

  Herm Fischer  HFischer@eclb.arpa or 
                {randvax, ihnp4, decvax}!hermix!fischer

ps - the manual on the '386 is Intel order number 231630-001.  
pps - they quote the '387 at 1.8 whetstones per sec (compared to .3 for
      the '287)


From: Herm Fischer <hermix!fischer@rand-unix.ARPA>
Reply-To: HFischer@USC-ECLB
To: info-ibmpc%ISIB@ECLB
Subject: Xenix Patch for EGA with Monochrome Monitor
Cc: ciaraldi%rochester@eclb
Date: Fri Nov  1 23:04:41 1985

I've been asked to comment on the following message regarding patching
Xenix for the EGA with monochrome screens.  I have not tried this;  if it
works then that is great, but if it doesn't, caveat emptor.  At least the
reader will understand what is being done.

>From: Mike Ciaraldi  <ciaraldi@rochester.arpa>
>To: hfischer@usc-eclb.arpa
>Subject: IBM XENIX patch for EGA monochrome
>Described below is a patch obtained from IBM to enable XENIX to use a mono-
>chrome display with the EGA.  The documentation states that the patch was
>applied to a version of XENIX dated Aug. 3, which "had a size of 106350" and
>that the patch "should work for any version of IBM XENIX".

I don't know if that version is the same as the "Microsoft May Maintenance
release", which I received directly from Microsoft as November 84 customer.
Anybody know?

>The following is abstracted from hard copy IBM documentation of the patch:
>Assuming XENIX is already installed using one of the "supported" monitors, log
>onto the root directory and enter the command
>adb -w XENIX1 <XENIX.MONO >monologfile

... hmmm, this won't work unless the XENIX is replaced with xenix (l/c)

>where the file XENIX1 was copied from the file XENIX, monologfile is where the
>log file will go and XENIX.MONO is the following file of adb commands:
>$x                    tells adb that all input and output is to be in hex
>kdata_dscr+a8/w ffff  changes length of display segment for monochrome display
>                      from fff to ffff

As users of my EGA Graphics driver know, I patch the segment register for
the EGA/color display to permit access to the larger space of the EGA memory.
For the specific case here, they are patching segment register C0 (mono
screen only) to be longer than the 0x1000 (4k) it is distributed as.  They
should use the actual length (probably 16k) because this could cause the
kernel to crash if software went south and generated a bad address.  It
appears that, since the following uses EGA color monitor code, the screen
refresh for the mono becomes a sliding window in a 16k area (which is what
they do for the EGA color and Professional graphics screens).  You do get
an annoying flicker when scrolling downward and the window hits the bottom
and needs to have all the data moved back to the top again!

>hgasp+2/w c0          sets segment address of screen for EGA to c0 instead of c8

Symbols beginning with hga pertain to the "Professional Graphics" monitor,
and those beginning with ega pertain to the EGA monitor.  Apparently, when
the Professional and EGA both used the same code, then the shared
subroutine is known by the hga symbol prefix.  

hgasp is the segment register number used for all screen access by hga and
ega prefexed subroutines in the kernel.  It initializes as 0xc8.  Changing
it to 0xc0 switches to the mono screen segment pointer.  This would
prevent the kernel from working henceforth with either color,
professional, or enhanced color monitors.

>hgasp+12/w 4f60
>hgasp+14/w 3a56
>hgasp+16/w 6051
>hgasp+18/w 1f70
>hgasp+1a/w d00
>hgasp+1c/w c0b
>hgasp+22/w 2e5e
>hgasp+24/w 285d
>hgasp+26/w 5ed0
>hgasp+28/w a36e       These are the settings for the EGA registers at 3b5. The
>                      values use are defaults for mode 7 from the EGA TRM.

These appear to be the mode 7 initialization stuff from the options
and adapters tech ref manual.  I prefer my patch, which simply disables
the initcrtc routine instead (its been on the net zillions of times), and
thus leaves the values as loaded by the bootstrap.  That should simplify
patching (if it works for mono).

>hgascroll+6b?w 3b0    [QUESTION: Is the "?" correct?  I've not used adb.]

The question mark means that instruction code, rather than data code, is
being patched.   The 3b0 substitutes probably for 3d0;  I believe b is for
mono and d is for color.  

Routine hgascroll is used to scroll the screen (e.g., move the sliding
window down in graphics card memory, until it bottoms out, when all is
moved back to the top).

>egainit+b?w 3b0
>egainit+23?w 3b0      Changes addresses being used for OUT instruction.

This routine appears to initialize the screen.  It comes distributed for
the 3d0 addresses (color).

>hgacpy+18?w c0b8
>hgaclr+1d?w c0b8      Changes some hardcoded segment addresses.

The above two routines do not use hgasp to pick up the segment number for
color (c8);  with expected bad taste, they embed it as a constant, and
thus have to be patched even though hgasp was patched above.

hgacpy moves bytes from one screen buffer location to another (e.g., when
scrolling has bumped bottom, or when characters are deleted in a line).

hgaclr clears bytes in screen buffer memory (e.g, when needed for some
ANSI escape sequences).

>egacurs+19?w 3b4
>egacurs+22?w 3b5
>egacurs+2b?w 3b4
>egacurs+36?w 3b5      More out instructions.

These patches, to the cursor setting routine, change the color address to
mono address (3bx instead of 3dx).
>$q                    Exit adb.
>Now rename the file XENIX to something else and then rename XENIX1 to XENIX.
>Issue a haltsys. Set the switches on the EGA and reboot.  That's it.

That's wrong, because upper case XENIX should have been lower case xenix.

In addition, one should do all of this to the xenix.fd on the maintenance
disk, so that the maintenance disk loads and executes properly.  Since
xenix.fd is stripped, you can't patch it until you go into /usr/sys/conf
and remake it.  About 1/2 hour of hacking about.

Then, too, be sure to move your new xenix onto the maintenance disk so
that when your CMI disk blows up (and it sure will, believe me), your
maintenance disk properly builds a system which works with your monitor.

Commentary added by:

   Herm Fischer (HFischer@eclb.arpa, {randvax,ihnp4,decvax}!hermix!fischer)

   also licensing plot(5)+pixrect+windowing graphics driver for EGA with color


Reply-To: HFischer@USC-ECLB
To: info-ibmpc%ISIB@ECLB
Subject: Replacing AT '286 CPU with '386 CPU
Date: Fri Nov  1 22:19:22 1985

Now that '386 chips are surfacing, it seems that the rumor mill is abuzz
as it was when somebody discovered that you can replace AT crystals with
faster ones.

I am told that the '386 will substitute for the '286 in the motherboard
of the AT, but you have to wire-wrap up a PAL and a socket.  One site I
queried said it runs PCDOS, and that they have not tried Xenix.

The '386 manual confirms that it will work with 16-bit memories.  Any
volunteers for the wiring harness?  PAL layout?  Bootup programs (if
any) to place in real 8088 or Xenix-compatible 80286 modes?

What speedups have folks who hardware-hacked this up observed?  Will the
motherboard support 25 or 32 MHz crystals with a hacked-in '386?

  Herm Fischer
  HFischer@eclb.arpa; {randvax, ihnp4, decvax}!hermix!fischer

ps - it's possible you might void your warranty or burn up something;
     I'm not suggesting the above action, only curious as to its effect!

pps - would this then mean you can run the Unix V/386, described in the
     Intel Brochure as supporting DOS applications as Unix tasks?


Date: Fri 1 Nov 85 19:45:32-PST
From: L. Brett Glass 
Subject: Bridge programs
To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA

One of the most useful bridge-playing programs for the XT comes as part of
Turbo GameWorks, from Borland. Not only does it bid a good hand, but it
comes with the source! It beats me in duplicate most of the time....

--Brett Glass


Date: Sun, 27 Oct 85 16:00:04 PST
Subject: DOS 3.1 RESTORE bug

There is a VERY SEVERE bug in PC-DOS 3.1 RESTORE.COM utility.  Specifically,
if BACKUP.COM elects to create a backup file which straddles more than one
floppy disk, RESTORE.COM will sometimes (!) fail to restore the complete
file - what RESTORE.COM does is to restore the 1st segment of the BACKUP
file to hard disk, and completely ignore the rest of the BACKUP file
on the 2nd BACKUP floppy...  No warning message is issued by RESTORE, and
the disk LOOKS ok when you DIR the files.  The only problem is that such
files are missing huge hunks off their rear ends, and the usual symptom
is the message "BAD EXE FILE" from DOS, or "INVALID OBJECT MODULE" from LIB,
at some (future) time when you try to use your compilers...

Also, it "would-be-nice" if BACKUP analyzed the file and performed some
kind of squeeze (Huffman-code, Compression, whatever works best), and then
flags the kind of squeeze used in the 128-byte header prefix which is
present in all BACKUP saved files.  Hopefully RESTORE would read the header,
and then figure out the correct unsqueezing algorithm to use.  Please note
that the (public-domain) utility ARC.COM, distributed by
       System Enhancement Associates
       21 New Street
       Wayne, New Jersey
       U.S.A.  07470
operates in this manner, with a spectacular saving in file space...

Finally, has IBM considered replacing the Intel 8088 cpu chip with the
(pin-compatible) NEC cmos chip, the uPD 70108-5, which executes up to three
times faster, and implements the complete Intel 80186 instruction set?  I have
seen the Intel 8088 replaced with the NEC uPD 70108 on the IBM-PC/jr, the
IBM-PC, and the IBM-PC/xt with spectacular results...


Date: Tue, 29 Oct 85 17:09:10 est
From: jcm@ORNL-MSR.ARPA (James A. Mullens)
To: info-ibmpc@isib
Subject: Dos Path Hints

Here is something which I found interesting and useful.  If you want
to add more directories to an existing DOS PATH, you can do so without
retyping the entire PATH over again.  Here are 2 (very small) BAT files
which do this:

FILE: pathb.bat -- adds directory to beginning of PATH

  set PATH=%1;%PATH%

FILE: pathe.bat -- adds directory to end of PATH

  set PATH=%PATH%;%1

To use:
  pathb your-new-beginning-path-directory-here
  pathe your-new-ending___-path-directory-here

  >pathb A:\
  path A:\;C\
  >pathe b:\
  path A:\;C;\;b:\

The effect seems to be the same as the normal DOS PATH command, except
that lower case characters are not translated to upper case -- this does
not seem to cause problems.

I have tried this only under DOS 3.1 on an IBM PC.

  > jim mullens  jcm@ornl-msr


Date:  1 Nov 1985 14:25:01 PST
Subject: Hidden Files
To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA

Someone recently requested help with hidden files.  Here are some
instructions that might help.

In order to modify the status of hidden files so that they may be deleted or
otherwise manipulated it is only necessary to change the file attribute
byte which is located in the twelfth position of the catalog entry.
The possible combinations of that byte are listed below.

The following information is excerpted from the IBM DOS Technical 
reference manual part number 1502346 for DOS 2.10.

        01      File is marked read-only.
        02      Hidden file.
        04      System file.
        08      This is a volume label entry.
        10      This defines a subdirectory.
        20      Archive bit.  Used to indicate backup status.

If you don't have a disk utility tool like Norton's you can use Debug
to change the status.  Before you work on a live disk try formatting
a new disk with the /s option and then examine the directory entries
of the DOS files.  The following procedure will show you how to this
can be done using debug.

Format a disk with the /s option.

C>dir a:       

 Volume in drive A has no label             NOTE: This is what the
 Directory of  A:\                                catalog will look like 

COMMAND  COM    17792  11-05-84  11:10a
        1 File(s)    321536 bytes free

C>debug             NOTE: Starts up Debug       
 -l 100 0 05 01      NOTE: This is a L(oad) to address 100 form drive 0(a:)
                          sector 5 for a length of 1 sector
 -d                  NOTE: displays the loaded information
1A76:0100  49 42 4D 42 49 4F 20 20-43 4F 4D 27 00 00 00 00   IBMBIO  COM'..
1A76:0110  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60-54 07 02 00 80 12 00 00   .......`T.....
1A76:0120  49 42 4D 44 4F 53 20 20-43 4F 4D 27 00 00 00 00   IBMDOS  COM'..
1A76:0130  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60-54 07 07 00 80 42 00 00   .......`T....B
1A76:0140  43 4F 4D 4D 41 4E 44 20-43 4F 4D 20 00 00 00 00   COMMAND COM ..
                                            ^These are the attribute bytes
 -e10b             NOTE: This will edit byte 10b
1A76:010B  27.20   NOTE: This system types up to the period you type "20"

-w 100 0 05 01     NOTE: This writes back to where we read from
-q                 NOTE: This q(uits) back to the DOS

C>dir a:        NOTE: You now have a visible file.     

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of  A:\

IBMBIO   COM     4736  10-20-83  12:00p
COMMAND  COM    17792  11-05-84  11:10a
        2 File(s)    321536 bytes free

See how easy it is.  I hope this helps.

Dwight Baker
Hughes Aircraft


Date: 1 Nov 85 14:00:04 EST
Subject: NEC V30 vs 8086
Reply-to: Smereski.WBST@Xerox.ARPA

I ran a test Turbo Pascal program on a Xerox 6065 (8 Mhz 8086) and again
with the 8086 replaced by a NEC V30. Here are the results followed by
the program listing.


Results with a V30:

    String manipulation Test:                  17.2527 seconds.

    Integer Arithmetic Test:                   20.7692 seconds.

    Real Arithmetic Test:                      21.9231 seconds.

    Prime Number Sieve Test:                   13.7912 seconds.

Results with an 8086:

    String manipulation Test:                  32.3077 seconds.

    Integer Arithmetic Test:                   31.8132 seconds.

    Real Arithmetic Test:                      22.9121 seconds.

    Prime Number Sieve Test:                   15.6593 seconds.

Program BenchMark;

   Start : Real;

Function Time : Real;
   TL : Integer Absolute $40:$6C;
   TH : Integer Absolute $40:$6E;
   R : Real;
Begin {Time}
Time := TL;
End; {Time}

{  Eratosthenes Sieve Prime Number Program in Pascal }
Procedure PrimeSieve;

{ This program counts the number of prime numbers between 2 and 16,380 It makes
  use of the fact that 2 is the only even prime and considers only odd numbers.
  The method of the sieve is to consider an ordered collection of integers
  that begins with a prime. If all multiples of that prime are stricken from
  the collection then the next highed number left in the list must be prime.
  Multiples of this prime are cast out. The process is repeated until the list
  is exhausted. The remaining list will only contain primes. The following
  algorithm assumes that 3, 5, and 7 are all prime (i + i + 3).
   size =8190;

   flags : Array [0..size] of Boolean;
   i, prime, k, count, iter : Integer;
   AnyKey : Char;

Begin {PrimeSieve}
For iter := 1 To 20 Do
   count := 0;
   For i := 0 To Size Do flags [i] := True;  {initialize list to be considered}
   For i := 0 To size Do  {consider each odd number}
      If flags[i] Then
         prime := i + i + 3;
         k := i + prime;
         While k <= size Do  {strike all multiples of the prime}
            flags[k] := False;
            k := k + prime

         count := count + 1;  {increment count}
End; {PrimeSieve}

Procedure IntegerArithmetic;
   I, J : Integer;
   M, N, O : Integer;
Begin {IntegerArithmetic}
N := 100;
O := 1234;
For I := 1 To 10000 Do For J := 1 To 30 Do M := N * O;
For I := 1 To 10000 Do For J := 1 To 30 Do M := N Div O;
For I := 1 To 10000 Do For J := 1 To 30 Do M := N + O;
For I := 1 To 10000 Do For J := 1 To 30 Do M := N - O;
End; {IntegerArithmetic}

Procedure RealArithmetic;
   I, J : Integer;
   M, N, O : Real;
Begin {RealArithmetic}
N := 100.098;
O := 1234.53432;
For I := 1 To 1000 Do For J := 1 To 10 Do M := N * O;
For I := 1 To 1000 Do For J := 1 To 10 Do M := N / O;
For I := 1 To 1000 Do For J := 1 To 10 Do M := N * O;
For I := 1 To 1000 Do For J := 1 To 10 Do M := N - O;
End; {RealArithmetic}

Procedure StringTests;
   C : Char;
   I, J : Integer;
   S, T : String [255];
Begin {StringTests}
For I := 1 To 50 Do
   S := '';
   T := '';
   For J := 1 To 255 Do
      T := Chr (J) + T;
      S := S + Chr (J);
For I := 1 To 50 Do
   For J := 1 To 255 Do
      C := S [J];
      S [J] := S [256 - J];
      S [256 - J] := C;
End; {StringTests}

Procedure DisplayTime (StartTime : Real; X, Y : Integer);
Begin {DisplayTime (StartTime : Real; X, Y : Integer)}
GotoXY (X, Y);
Start := (Time - Start)/18.2;
Write (Start:20:4, ' seconds.');
End; {DisplayTime (StartTime : Real; X, Y : Integer)}

Begin {BenchMark}
GotoXY (5, 3);
Write ('String manipulation Test:');
GotoXY (5, 5);
Write ('Integer Arithmetic Test:');
GotoXY (5, 7);
Write ('Real Arithmetic Test:');
GotoXY (5, 9);
Write ('Prime Number Sieve Test:');
Start := Time;
DisplayTime (Start, 35, 3);
Start := Time;
DisplayTime (Start, 35, 5);
Start := Time;
DisplayTime (Start, 35, 7);
Start := Time;
DisplayTime (Start, 35, 9);
End. {BenchMark}


Date: Thursday, 31 Oct 1985 01:29:13-PST
From: tinius%43120.DEC@decwrl.DEC.COM  (Stephen Tinius - Kaufbeuren Manufacturing - KBO)
Subject: Int 2F and PCDOS 3.0/3.1

Has anybody used int 2F to queue a file under PCDOS 3.0 or 3.1?
I have a program which works properly under 2.1, but under 3.0 nothing
happens. Clues? Tips?

Stephen Tinius
Digital Equipment International GmbH
Kaufbeuren, West Germany


From: Dan Iuster <cptvideo@ihuxe.uucp>
Subject: Spectrum Analysis Board for IBM-PC Wanted
Date: 29 Oct 85 16:54:58 GMT
To:       info-ibmpc@usc-isib.ARPA

I am looking for an IBM-PC or compatible board that could
take a signal and perform a spectrum analysis on it.  I would
like to be able to analyze signals under 100Khz, and possibly
use windowing in the frequency spectrum.  Has anybody run into 
any boards that would perform this sort of function, and if so
could you send me any information about them you may have ?

Please send the info to ihnp4!ihwld!dfi@ucbvax, and don't just do an 'r'
because I hardly log on the machine I am sending this message from.

					Thanks in advance
					Dan Iuster


Date: 28 Oct 85 17:00:38 PST (Monday)
Subject: Are all 4416 chips created alike? 
From: Burton.osbunorth@Xerox.ARPA (Philip M. Burton)
To: ibm-pc^.ES@Xerox.ARPA, info-ibmpc@usc-isib.Arpa

Is there a difference (besides about $4 a chip) between a TMS4416 
and a "regular" 4416.  The application is the unfilled sockets on 
the piggyback memory card for the IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter.  
IBM uses TMS4416 chips.

If there is any response to me directly, I'll summarize to the 

Phil Burton 
415 496 6514


Date: 31 Oct 1985 20:51-CST

My son at Baylor University has a Sanyo 555 with the video ram board
modification.  He uses a Hayes Smartmodem (300 baud) and copylink to
connect to the university's vax system.  he'd like to be able to use
crosstalk or pc-vt to emulate a vt100 but neither will work on his
machine.  We've also tried to run kermit and qmodem with the same
results.  All will load but each acts as if there were no modem
connected to the port.  In fact, crosstalk gives an error message to
that effect.  Copylink works fine, but it had to be patched when he
first bought it (using info which came with the program).  We're
assuming the other programs mentioned might have to be patched, too,
but we keep drawing blanks.  Can anyone help?
One more plea....does anyone know of a way to generate an alternate
key function on the sanyo 555?  even if we are ever able to get
qmodem, pc-talk, etc. to run, he wouldn't be able to do much--if
anything--with them since the sanyo 555 has no alt key.
if anyone can help, please send a note to huggins@isie.
thanx!! // JAN P. HUGGINS //


Date:    Fri, 01 Nov 85 17:51 EST
To:  info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa
Subject: Word Perfect 4.1

Word Perfect 4.0 was able to support many nonstandard printers
via a generic 'line printer' driver. I have not been able to find
a similar driver with Version 4.1. In particular, the C. Itoh
M-8510 printer worked fine with Version 4.0 and does not seem
to function with Version 4.1. In Word Perfect's arsenal of printer
drivers, is there one that supports the C. Itoh M-8510 ? I know
that there is a Proprinter and an 8510 driver (limited support),
but these do not function correctly.
     Failing that, is there a way within Word Perfect to
construct a nonstandard driver, or is it just a matter of
finding a driver that is more or less compatible?
     Several faculty members have invested quite a but of
time and money, and they would like to know.
                 Mark Eggers, Applications Consultant
                 Computing Center
                 University of Notre Dame
                 Notre Dame, IN. 46556
                 BITNET       cf4a8x@irishmvs


Date: Fri, 1 Nov 85 21:15:35 est
From: karn@Bellcore.ARPA (Phil R. Karn)
To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa
Subject: PC/IX TTY driver bug

There is a bug in PC/IX (IBM's version of UNIX System III for the PC/XT)
that has annoyed me for a long time. When a remote user logs out from
either of the serial lines, frequently the driver close will hang,
disabling the line. The only way to restore it to operation is to
reboot the system.

I sometimes have to do this several times a day. Does anybody have a
patch that will fix this? H E L P!!

Phil Karn


End of Info-IBMPC Digest