[mod.computers.ibm-pc] Info-IBMPC Digest V4 #130

Info-IBMPC@USC-ISIB.ARPA (Info-IBMPC Digest) (11/13/85)

Info-IBMPC Digest       Tuesday, 12 November 1985      Volume 4 : Issue 130

This Week's Editor: Billy Brackenridge

Today's Topics:
		   AT Clock Crystal and Xenix Query
		     WordPerfect Printer Drivers
			     386 in an AT
			Lisp for IBM PC Query
		      PCVMS and OS Toolbox Query
	     32032 Coprocessor Boards for IBM/AT (3 Msgs)
	   Apple LaserWriter, XyWrite III, and DR Gem Draw
		      Polariod Palette / GemDraw
		   IBM Pro FORTRAN and EGA Problem
       C Routines for Lotus/Intel Above Board Addressing Query
		       8088 Disassemblers Query
	      Everex Edge w/ Amdec 310A Monitor Problem
		     Wordstar User Patches Query
		       Resetting the PC Cursor
			Math Text Editor Query
		   HELP: Graphics Terminal Emulator
			  Remote use of PCs
		   Color Terminal Emulation Package
		  One Finger Typing Routine (2 Msgs)
			Diablo 10MB Hard Disk
				MIX C
		       LARGE Scale Programming
		    Japanese Wordprocessing Query
			Problem with dBASE-II
		      TCP/IP and FTP for MS-DOS?
		  How and Why to Build an Echo Host
			   V20 Test Results
	       COMPAQ DeskPro Speed Switch (solution!)
			 Compaq MODE command
		       How Does SideKick Work?
			 Sidekick Version 1.5
		    External files in Turbo Pascal
		       AT Real Time Clock Query
			    DOS 3.1 Clock


Date: Fri, 1 Nov 85 15:22: PST
From: Richard Bass <bilbo.rwb@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: AT Clock Crystal and Xenix Query

I gather that there has been much discussion about raising the 286's
clock rate in an AT from 6Mhz to 8Mhz (or more).  Unfortunately, I
think I missed most of it.  I would really like to hear from anyone
who has had any experience with changing the AT's clock crystal on an
AT running Xenix.

			Thanks in advance.

Richard Bass
Locus Computing Corporation		       lcc!rwb@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU


From: lotto%lhasa@harvard.HARVARD.EDU
Date: 	2 Nov 85 14:42 EST
To: harvard!cf4a8x%irishmvs.bitnet@wiscvm.arpa
Subject:  WordPerfect Printer Drivers

	Word Perfect printer "drivers" are easy to build as
long as you make room for them. The printer file can hold
only a limited number (32)? and probably should contain only
those which are directly useful to save on space. The others
can be found in external files (in version 4.1) called
WPRINTER.1, .2, .3... I have written a few new printer
definition tables (what you refer to as drivers) as well as
font tables (which are independent) for apple laser and
imagewriter printers.  Additionally, 4.0 tables will be
converted by WordPerfect, so your old tables may be

	Start by deleting all of the drivers you do not
usually need using the PRINTER program (if they are
unchanged from the distribution disk, they can be recovered
from the archives).  Start from the end and work backwards
to save time. Then run WordPerfect and from the Printer
Control menu select "3" - Select Printers. This is all
documented in the installation manual p 22. There is a typo
on p 24 however, you need to use PgDn to display the
additional printers available. From here you may add other
printers to the main file.  You can install the same def. in
different numbers for later modification.

	Now run the PRINTER program with the new
WPRINTER.FIL file within reach and select Printer
Definition.  Start with one that matches your target as
closely as possible to avoid extra work, and step through
the menus modifying each slot as needed. Reading a few
existing tables before you start making changes will help.

	If you have special print wheels, define them as
fonts and then "install" the new fonts in the printer
definitions. There are archives of font files as well, but
the only way to get at them appears to be by renaming them
to WPFONT.FIL. An apparent oversight, I cannot find any
reference to them in the documentation. SSI provides toll
free support which is generally helpful and usually
available. If you still have trouble, give them a shout.
Good Luck.


From: Ken Shoemaker <kds%i80386.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: 386 in an AT
Date: 30 Oct 85 23:19:40 GMT

First, thanks for all the offers of congratulations!  Second, an
apology for this note being a little late, I was out of town for a
while, but as a result, Unix has now been running on the 386 on 3

There has been a bit of confusion about plugging the 386 into an AT.
While it is possible, it requires an interface card, since at 132
pins, the 386 isn't drop-in, pin compatible with the 286.  What the
386 does provide is a 16-bit bus option, which makes running the 386
into the AT socket (or any other 286 socket) pretty simple.  While
the card that I have here uses 7 chips to do it, I've heard that some
of our customers get away with as few as 3.  Also, with the simple
minded interface cards we use, we introduce a wait state over the
286, and run at the same speed as the 286.  This makes us incredibly
bus bound, and what this means is that you don't get much of a
performance improvement with this interface card running straight 286
code.  In fact, depending on the application, yet another wait state
can lead to a slight performance degradation.  Of course, if you
wanted to go all out, make an asynchronous card, and run the 386 at
16 MHz, you'd probably get more of an improvement.  And, again, if
you were to re-compile your programs to take advantage of the
architectural enhancements of the 386, you could also get more of a
performance improvement.  For us, the main idea of the interface card
was to allow us to run as much software as early as possible to check
out the chip.  Being able to plug the 386 into the PC-ATs out there
and still have a functional PC-AT (you really still can run Lotus,
Wordstar, Flight Simulator, whatever) is a great way to check out the
386 and to allow early software development for the 386, but it isn't
a real good way to benchmark the part for performance.

As to the operating system that we are running here, this is a modified
version of xenix 286, release 3 for the Intel 286/310 box.  Using the same
interface card as is used in a PC-AT, I have plugged the 386 into the
286 socket on the 286/10 card.  This is a fully protected mode 286
operating system, using the integrated memory management and protection
hardware of the 286, and now the 386.  While it would be possible to
compile and execute programs on the box (in fact, it has been done),
this is not an appropriate showcase for the 386 performance, since the
compiled code would also run on a 286, and because we are running over
a 16-bit bus at 1/3 the clock rate of the 386 with (I think) 3 wait
states.  I am working right now on being able to run 386 code on
a 386 system.  This entails adding a loader to xenix to handle the
32-bit programs, and porting xenix 286 over to the 386/20 card I have
right here (and a few other modifications to the kernel, which could
be major or minor, depending on how carried away I get).  I really don't
know when this will be done, since I am going to be away again in a few
days for a few weeks.  In the interum, others here are looking for alternate 
ways to run benchmarks.  Their results should be available shortly.

If you are looking for other information about the 386, you can look in
the October 17th issue of Electronic Design, wherein is contained our
intro article, which is the first of a three-part series.  Of course, 
most any other electronic magazine, newspaper, what have you, has had 
some mention about the 386.  We even made the Wall Street Journal and 
the London Times.

And finally a correction.  Pete Kaiser at DEC notified me that the
MicroVAX II was running Ultrix on the net before they announced it.
I guess that puts us in good company!

Ken Shoemaker, 386 design team, Intel Corp., Santa Clara, California


From: William Howell <howell@unc.uucp>
Subject: Lisp for IBM PC Query
Date: 31 Oct 85 14:47:32 GMT

I am trying to locate a good Lisp for development of an expert system
on an IBM-PC/AT.  The final system may eventually be ported to a UNIX
4.2 system so some compatibility with Lisps for UNIX would be of help.
Pointers to tools for building expert systems and/or other suitable
languages would also be helpful.  Also any pointers to reviews of 
suitable products that have appeared in the trade journals would be
very helpful.  I'd appreciate replys by mail, as I do not generally 
read all of these newsgroups.  Thanks in advance.

	US MAIL:  William Howell
		  University of North Carolina
		  New West Hall 035A
		  Chapel Hill, NC  27514
	  PHONE:  919-962-7103
	 USENET:  decvax!mcnc!unc!howell
	  CSNET:  howell@unc
	ARPANET:  howell%unc@csnet-relay


From: "Timothy A. Johnson" <johnson@nosc>
Subject: PCVMS and OS Toolbox Query
Date: 2 Nov 85 01:29:59 GMT

I am  interested in  a product  called PCVMS  and one  called  Operating
System Toolbox,  both by Wendin in Cheney, WA. Has anyone out there used
either of  these products and if so, what has been your opinion of them?
With regard to PCVMS, how close to DECs DCL is it?

Timothy A. Johnson
Computer Sciences Corporation

[I sent a check off to them more than a week ago but nothing has arrived yet.

From: Les Kent <les@proper.uucp>
Subject: 32032 Coprocessor Boards for IBM/AT
Date: 2 Nov 85 22:42:34 GMT
To:       info-ibmpc@usc-isib.ARPA

Im interested in coprocessor cards for an IBM/AT.  I have found four
cards based on the National 320xx.  Here are the ones I have found
so far:

    o	Opus Systems, Cupertino CA

	They have two configuraions available.  One with the 32032
	and the other with the 32016.  Memory sizes of 1MB, 2MB and
	4MB.  It runs System V R2 V2 with virtual memory.  They said
	they are working on networking support using Excelan software
	and hardware but did not give an exact date.  They seemed to
	be organized and on the ball.  The information they sent is
	very nicely done and is informative.

    o	Sritek, Cleveland OH

	They have one model available using the 32016 with 2MB of
	memory.  The information I received says it is expandable
	to 8MB.  It runs Genix 4.1 BSD with virtual memory support.
	I was not very impressed with Sritek for a number of reasons.
	First the salesperson the I talked with was not very technical
	or knowledgable about the product. Second on the information
	I received, dated January 1985, It talks a lot about Genix 4.2
	yet when I call, In November 1985, Im told that Genix 4.2 is
	not available yet!  Most of the other information I received
	were reprints from a magazine article in a 1983 Byte and
	one from a 1983 PC World.  Seems to me like Sritek started
	out with some great ideas that died somewhere along the way.

    o	Definicon Systems, Chatsworth CA

	This board was featured in a two part article in the August
	and September 1985 Byte.  They have one board but allows
	options of either a 32032 or a 32016.  It comes with as
	little as 256K and can be expanded to at least 2MB.  This 
	board also includes two serial ports.  I had a very good talk
	with a techincal sales engineer and got a lot of in depth
	information on their product.  He did make a point of saying
	that they run there board at 10Mhz and that no other folks
	doing coprocessor stuff could do that.  At this time they
	only have an interface between MS-DOS, and Concurrent DOS.
	They have available C, FORTRAN and PASCAL that run stand
	alone in the coprocessor card.  The person I talked to
	said they hope to have UNIX V V2 R2 in about a month.  They
	same outfit that ported the Opus UNIX is porting their
	UNIX so the time frame might be correct.

    o	Tektronix, Beaverton OR

	This board is still a mystery to me.  It is a new product
	and the field sales offices do not yet know a lot about
	it.  I do know that it runs Utek, their version of 4.2BSD
	that is the same as the 6000 family of workstations.  Utek
	looks like a very nice version of UNIX that has a mix of
	4.2 BSD and System V.  They also have there own distributed
	file system, networking, improved virtual memory support.
	The main thing I don't know right now is if they will be
	offering this product as an upgrade product for someone 
	with an existing IBM/AT or if you have to get the whole
	system from them.  

These are the boards based on the National 320xx processors.  I have
not yet looked at any other types of processors.  I would think that
maybe a 68020 would be great but I think it would be hard to fit on
a board that small.  

Does anyone have any experience with any of the above boards?  Do
you know of any other coprocessor boards?  Does XENIX run well
enough on an AT that a coprocessor is not required?  

The big problem is that all of the above products have strengths
and weakneses.  As an example the Opus product seems to be the
most mature yet does not have networking yet.  The Sritek runs
a BSD unix (I prefere) yet they don't have 4.2.  The Definicon
product is not complete but seems to have a speed advantage when
it comes out.  The Tektronix system seems perfect but might not
be available as an add on, and I have two AT's allready, and also
might be too expensive.  I hope to find out more on the Tektronix
product this week.

Les Kent		{qantel,dual,amdahl,intelca}!proper!les	
Vision Computers    	dual!proper!les@BERKELEY 


From: "Harry W. Reed" <doon@sdcrdcf.uucp>
Subject: 32032 Coprocessor Boards for IBM/AT
Date: 5 Nov 85 19:18:59 GMT

I have a friend who recently purchased the Definican DSI-32 for his AT.  And 
being his only "system programmer", here are my impressions of the card.

1.)	It's cute! A 32000 along with 2Mbytes of memory. The card has grat 

2.)	The software supplied with the card is quite minimal. For the price
	of the card you receive a 32000 assembler and public domain versions
	of lisp and forth. I haven't played with the lisp/forth yet but, it
	is slightly a pain to create and run 32000 assembly language programs.
	The difficulty being that they give you very little documentation on
	the boards hooks into MS-DOS, so making the board do something useful
	can take quite a bit of "playing around" to see what works. They
	also do not give you any type of librarian to consturct you're own
	function libraries! (But what do I expect for $3500 anyway??) so this
	is another sore point.

3.)	All in all without UNIX, I think, that the card is pretty much
	useless. Sure, it can run assembly language programs fatster than
	you can bat an eye, but there's just not much that you can do with it.
	Definicon is promising UNIX shortly. It is my opinion that the card
	will only really do well in a UNIX enviromment. Lets hope that it
	comes out soon.


From: Steve Childress <steve@wlbr.uucp>
Subject: 32032 Coprocessor Boards for IBM/AT
Date: 6 Nov 85 21:19:35 GMT

If you want a 32016 add-on board for a PC with Sys V, look at
the Opus board. (Opus is in the San Jose area). We like 'em.

			Steve Childress
			Eaton IMS    R&D Group MS 43 
			31717 La Tienda Drive
			Westlake Village,  CA    91360
			(818) 889-2211 X2148
			{trwrb, scgvaxd, ihnp4, voder, vortex} !wlbr!steve
		        or	 		        ...wlbr!wlbreng1!steve


Date:  Mon, 4 Nov 85 01:02 EST
From:  "Roger C. King" <RCKing@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA>
Subject:  Apple LaserWriter, XyWrite III, and DR Gem Draw

This is mildly ecstatic short review of the above combination when used
with an IBM AT.  I have been beta testing for some time XyQuest's
XyWrite III <to be released about 15 Nov., but don't hold me to it> in
combination with an Apple LaserWriter.  XyWrite III supports any
proportional font you can describe in a font width table, and as such
supports all the internal Helvetica, Times Roman, Greek, and Courier
fonts in the Apple LaserWriter.  At this point in time, and probably at
release, the user must insert his/her own PostScript code into a *.PRN
file which XyWRite uses.  Once this is done, the results are very
impressive since any font can be scaled to any size without any loss of
detail. (even one letter per page!) Viewgraphs can be made directly on
transparency as with all Canon engine machines.  Also, any PostScript
code describing any graphics/text image can be inserted into documents
for printing on output.  

Now enters Digital Research's Gem Draw.  At Adobe's suggestion, I sought
out a copy of Gem Desktop version 1.2 which supports PostScript on the
Apple LaserWriter.  This was not easy.  It seems that DR has continued
shipping desktop version 1.0 for sometime, and it is impossible to tell
from the box what version of the desktop is inside.  For example, we
finally found 1.2 Desktop in a version 1.0 Gem Collection which includes
the Desktop, Gem Write, and Gem Paint, but not Gem Draw which had to be
purchased separately. 

Having finally got all the pieces, I found Gem Draw capable of producing
phenomenal images on the LaserWriter.  Full 300x300 dot per inch output
is possible EVEN THOUGH I GET ONLY 200 by 640 in CGA emulation on my
Professional Graphics monitor.  To say this another way, Gem Draw Draw
is not a 'what-you-see is what-you-get' product, but more accurately a
'what-you-get is MORE than what-you-see' product.  It keeps internal all
line, box, shading, curve, etc. images as high level descriptions, then
describes these to the LaserWriter in PostSCript, not as a bit map, and
then the LaserWriter does the raster-scan conversion to dots after the
image elements have all been described.  Gem paint, on the other hand, must
send a bit map to the LaserWriter which is them limited in resolution to
what-you-see is what-you-get. Gem Desktop 1.2 also fully supports the EGA.
Although the interface to the LaserWriter is a 9600 serial connection, 
the largest delay is in the computations that have to take place in the
LaserWriter to put the high level image descriptions down on paper.  The
longest delay I typically experience is a minute or so, with 20 or 30
seconds typical of word processing documents.  I am told that some of
the same images require 10 or 15 minutes each to print on an Epson.
Recall that a LaserWriter has a 68000, 1.5 Meg RAM, 0.5 Meg ROM, and a
12 MHZ clock.

The only major outstanding problem with the LaserWriter/PC interface is
the lack of XON/XOFF support on the PC side, and the lack of any other
support on the LaserWriter side.  Gem Desk 1.2 provides background
spooling and XON/XOFF support, but XyWrite III does not currently
support XON/XOFF.  There are, however, a number of communications
software packages that do provide XON/XOFF which can be used to send
XyWrite III files to the LaserWriter.  I expect to see XON/XOFF support
directly from XyQuest sometime in the near future, but I do not speak
for XyQuest, (or Adobe, or DR). 

I have one question.  Being new to Gem Desk, I would appreciate it if
someone could point out a technique for spooling the raw printer output
from Gem Draw into a file so that I could then imbed the PostScript code
directly into my XyWrite Documents for more direct integration.

Roger King
MIT Lincoln Laboratory


From: Steven Taylor <taylor@ecsvax.uucp>
Subject: Polariod Palette / GemDraw
Date: 5 Nov 85 16:36:25 GMT

I am strongly considering purchasing a Polaroid Palette, Enhanced
Graphics borad & Monitor, and Gem Draw for production of 35mm
slides for presentations.  However I would really appreciate any
comments from anyone who has used a simialr set-up.

Also, the following have not been answered to my satisfaction:
1) I am told that Gem-Draw support the Palette. Can anyone confirm?
2) Has "pprint" been modified to support the EGA?
3) Has "psaver" been modified to support the EGA?

Thanks for your help.

Steven Taylor
Distributed Networking Associates
119 Doncaster Lane
Charlottesville, VA  22901
(804) 979-0656


Date: 17 Oct 85 11:29 EDT
From: CFMucken @ DDN2.ARPA
Subject: IBM Pro FORTRAN and EGA Problem

  A co-worker has  been  trying  to  use  IBM  Professional  FORTRAN,aka
Ryan-McFarland  FORTRAN, on a PC with an 8087 and EGA.  It doesn't work.
Apparently, the RM-Fortran tries to determine if an 8087 is present when
it  is  called,  the  EGA  some  how  traps  the  BIOS calls and returns
indicating that there is no 8087 installed,  which  conflicts  with  the
command  entered,  so  it  aborts.   RM is aware of the problem and will
supply a patch which NOPs this section of the startup routine,  this  is
all  well and good, except that IBM does not acknowledge the problem (it
appears to be an EGA induced error) so no patch is available from them.

  Does anyone have the RM patch, I really don't want to run through  the
startup in DEBUG to find it myself.

				Thanks in advance,

				Carl F. Muckenhirn


Date: Mon, 4 Nov 85 11:54:57 CST
From: fenchel@rsch.wisc.edu (Bob Fenchel)
Subject: C Routines for Lotus/Intel Above Board Addressing Query

Does anyone know of the availability of routines written in 'C'
(preferably, Lattice C) to access extended memory (added with
Lotus/Intel Above Board std) on a PC?

Please respond directly to me.


Date: 5 Nov 1985 09:30-EST
Subject: 8088 Disassemblers Query


For quite a while I've contentedly disassembled files in my CP/M environment
with a commercial 8080/Z80 disassembler, REVASZ .. worked just fine,
interactive, etc.

I've been researching something similar for MS-DOS and have seen
NOTHING that even resembles it!  Some brag of being able to identify
data and ASCII sequences, etc., but none seem to be interactive at ALL!
Plenty of debuggers .. but that's not what I want to do.

Also, the ASMGEN.COM disassembler in PC-BLUE Volume 068 gives me problems:
it will NOT read any sort of SEQ instruction file as explained in its .DOC ..
not even one with a single remark in it.  Anyone else ever play with this
program and have similar problems .. or more importantly, have it work as
it was supposed to?  I used the version stored at SIMTEL20 in <PC-BLUE.VOL068>.

Thanks in advance,
David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall


Date:     Tue, 5 Nov 85 11:20:37 EST
From:     Steven Segletes <steven@BRL-TBD.ARPA>
Subject:  Everex Edge w/ Amdec 310A Monitor Problem

I have just purchased an XT with an Everex Graphics Edge card and an Amdec
310A monitor.  This card allows one to run both monochrome features and IBM
Color Graphics features on a monochrome display.  I have just realized (the
hard way) that horizontal sync pulse on the Amdec is different from the IBM
monitor.  The monitor symptoms when used with the Everex Card are as follows:

1) in either (not both) of monochrome or color mode, I can get a beautiful
display as advertised.
2) Upon switching to the other display mode, the image is shifted right or
left (depending on whether mono or color image was initially aligned) about
1/2 screen (too much to correct with the MODE command).  This means of course
that a good fraction of the image shows up stretched and reversed on the beam

I see my options as:
1) return the monitor for a (what I consider to be inferior quality) IBM Mono
   display (I presume that it will not exhibit the same symptoms).
2) return the Graphics Edge, despite the fact that its features (both mono and
   Color displays on monochrome monitor) are exactly what I need.
3) Kill the salesperson at Arlington Computer Products (Ill.) who recommended
   this combination (pretty hard to do long distance).
4) Put up with the nuisance of realigning the monitor every time I switch
   modes (this means with a screwdriver, unless I develop a kludge to get
   around it).
5) Appeal to info-pc for help from people who have gone through the ordeal,
   and have come up with a clever hack already.

As you might have guessed, I have decided to go with Option 5 at the present.
Thanks for any advice/experiences/etc.

Steve Segletes
US Army Ballistic Research Laboratory
APG, MD 21005-5066


Date: Tue, 5 Nov 85 19:55:44 EST
From: Thomas_Ackenhusen%UB-MTS%UMich-MTS.Mailnet@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA
Subject: Wordstar User Patches Query

I have been trying to find a book/disk pack called Underground Wordstar
which contains user patches to Wordstar to make it do such things as
backspace when the backspace key is hit, etc.  I remember seeing it
mentioned in PC Magazine about 6-8 months ago, but I have lost the
name of the publisher and the author.   I have tried several computer
stores, but to no avail.  I was wondering if anyone knew about this book
and could tell me the publisher or where to get a copy.  I realize that I
should turn in my antiquated version of Wordstar for a new and easier
word processor, but I am loath to render useless my knowledge of Wordstar's
cryptic commands.
    I would really appreciate any help that could be given.  Thanks a lot.

                                        Tom Ackenhusen


From: Gary Perlman <perlman@wanginst.uucp>
Subject: UNIX|STAT on MSDOS 
Date: 4 Nov 85 19:16:48 GMT


Thanks to my efforts with Fred Horan at Cornell  University,
I am pleased  to announce  the release of  UNIX|STAT 5.1  on
MSDOS.    With  very   few  exceptions,  the  programs   are
functionally identical to those running on UNIX.

Later  in  this  message  are  the  contents  of  the  three
double-sided double density 360K diskettes that make up  the
distribution.  The CPU requirements are 96K or better.  Hard
disks are preferred, of course, but the programs are  useful
with just floppy drives.   The operating system  requirement
is vanilla MSDOS, which means  the programs will run on  IBM
PC's (all models), AT&T PC's  running MSDOS, Wang PC's,  and
probably others (which I have not yet tried).

To get your floppy  diskettes and paper documentation,  here
is what  you do.   Read  carefully, because  I will  not  be
devoting much  effort to  explaining why  I could  not  fill
incorrect  requests.    To  right-thinking  and   reponsible
persons, I apologize for the tone of the instructions, but I
am sure  YOU  can  understand what  problems  I  have  faced
sending out over 400 mag tapes over the past five years.   I
do not  intend to  face  the same  problems with  the  MSDOS

     1. Send me a check or money order in US funds for  $15.
     It should  be made  out  to  me personally.    Personal
     notes and invoices  are not  acceptable.   There is  no
     company   behind   this,   which   explains   why   the
     distribution is $15.  Don't  give me sob stories  about
     all   the    paperwork    involved   in    getting    a
     company/government check made out to a non-entity;  you
     can fork  over the  $15 yourself.   This  cost  applies
     worldwide, so people in  other countries need not  send
     more.  The cost also covers me for later releases  that
     will have four or five floppies.

     2. Include  your  return  mailing address  in  a  block
     format such as you will  see right below.  People  from
     foreign countries  and people  with obscure  letterhead
     should not assume I am willing to decipher countries or
     addresses.  Delivery is only via the postal service, so
     all you US government agencies should avoid wasting  my
     tax dollars on Federal Express.

That should not be  too hard, but I  am certain that  people
will botch it up.  You may request more detailed information
by writing  to  me.   Current  UNIX|STAT  users  should  not
bother.  The packages are  almost identical.  Okay, here  is
what I want  your addresses  to look  like.   Non-conformity
will cost  you at  least  a week,  maybe  a month  of  extra
delivery time.

            Gary Perlman
            School of Information Technology
            Wang Institute of Graduate Studies
            Tyngsboro, MA 01879 USA

                   UNIX|STAT 5.1 on MSDOS
                  Sunday, 3  November 1985

The MSDOS distribution of UNIX|STAT should run on any  MSDOS
system.  The main requirement is that there is enough memory
to hold  the largest  programs: 96  Kbytes.   Many  programs
allocate memory as  it is  needed, so the  size of  problems
that can  be analyzed  may depend  on the  amount of  memory

                     Diskette Contents

TRANSFORM (conditional extractions and transformations)
  abut        formatted printing of corresponding file lines
  colex       column/field extraction
  dm          data manipulation, conditional transformations
  maketrix    format a file into a matrix type file
  perm        randomly permute lines
  repeat      repeat a string or file
  reverse     reverse lines, fields, characters in lines
  series      generate a series of numbers
  transpose   transpose matrix type file of strings, numbers
  validata    validate, report columnar file for consistency

ANALYSIS (summary/inferential statistics, simple graphics)
  anova       multi-factor analysis of variance
  desc        describing a single data distribution
  oneway      one way analysis of variance or t-test
  pair        paired data points analysis and plots
  regress     multivariate linear regression and correlation
  stats       print summary statistics
  ts          time series analysis

MATH PSYCH (mathematical utility and psychological models)
  calc        algebraic formula calculator with variables
  critf       probability to F-ratio conversion
  dataplot    plot paired data
  dm          data manipulation, conditional transformations
  dprime      compute d' and beta for signal detection data
  perm        randomly permute lines
  pof         F-ratio to probability conversion function
  series      generate a series of numbers
  vincent     vincentizing of data from files

	UNIX is a trademark of Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.
	MSDOS is a trademark of MicroSoft Corporation.
	IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines
	... and so on
	UNIX|STAT is not a product of any company or organization
	UNIX|STAT is public domain software,
		but it may not be copied for material gain.
Gary Perlman  Wang Institute  Tyngsboro, MA 01879  (617) 649-9731
UUCP: decvax!wanginst!perlman             CSNET: perlman@wanginst


From: "G. Bogatko" <cim1@pyuxv.uucp>
Subject: Resetting the PC Cursor
Date: 5 Nov 85 05:01:27 GMT

When resetting the PC cursor, one thing must be kept in mind:

	There are two cursor sizes. One for the monochrome display,
and one for the color display.  The cursor for the monochrome starts
with line 0 at the top and ends at 13 on the bottom.  The cursor for
the color starts with 0 at the top and ends with 7 at the bottom. 

	When setting the cursor size, a check must first be made to
see what kind of card is installed.  Calling int 10 with AH set to 15
will return a value in AL of either 0-3 if a color card is installed,
or 7 if a monochrome card is installed. 

	If this check is not made, setting the color cursor to 5,6
for instance which is the normal color blinking underline, will set
the monochrome cursor to a thin line somewhere in the middle of a
character rather than the normal 12,13 setting.  Trying to set a full
size cursor, say 0,7 on color will obtain a half-size block at the
top of the line on monochrome rather than the full block (setting
0,13) that it should be.

	By the way, this same kind of check should be made when doing
direct screen access to make sure you are writing to the correct

	Hope this helps.

	G. Bogatko


Date: Thu, 07 Nov 85 08:44:35 CST
Subject: Math Text Editor Query

Is anybody using the Math Text Editor by Bob Huff of Penn State University ?
I would like to know if you have any remarks about it


Date: 7 Nov 1985 15:54-EDT
From: Bharat.Dave@CAD.CS.CMU.EDU
Subject: HELP: Graphics Terminal Emulator

Having installed IBM Graphics Terminal Emulator on AT, I can connect to 
host VAX over a modem. Next, I want to use graphic commands given in the
Emulator manual and so far, I haven't been able to get any results.

I haven't worked on Tektronix (which is what this software emulates),
have read the manual but don't understand how to incorporate the commands
and losing patience fast.

If anyone has used this software and could help me unravel the proper
invocation, please send me mail. All I want is to encode a small Pascal
program to be run on VAX and output some rectangles.


	-- dave@cad.cs.cmu.edu.ARPA


Subject: Remote use of PCs
Date: 07 Nov 85 16:07:31 PST (Thu)
From: Mike Iglesias <iglesias@UCI.EDU>

Several people around here have asked about using their office
PCs from home.  I seem to remember some discussion a while back
about a good program to allow this (better than the CTTY DOS
command).  Could someone tell me the name of the program,
manufacturer, etc?


Mike Iglesias
University of California, Irvine


Subject: PC-USPCE
From: Bradley Dickinson <bradley@princeton.uucp>
Date: 6 Nov 85 17:11:28 GMT

Some time ago there was mention of this version of SPICE.
I have just tried to reach Unit Software and Consulting in
Tempe, AZ with no success.  Has the company gone out of
business?  Is PC-SICE still available?  Reply my mail would be
fine.     Brad Dickinson     ... allegra!princeton!bradley


From: Steven Taylor <taylor@ecsvax.uucp>
Subject: Color Terminal Emulation Package
Date: 5 Nov 85 16:11:32 GMT

I am looking for an asynchronous terminal emulation package which
would allow a PC with either the standard color board/ monitor
or the enhanced board/monitor to emulate a COLOR terminal.

Preferable terminal emulation is for the ADDS Viewpoint Color, but
and would be better than none.  Graphics emulation is not required.
Price is not very important.

If you are aware of such a beast, Please let me know about it.  If
one is found, I'll post the results.


Steven Taylor
Distributed Networking Associates
119 Doncaster Lane
Charlottesville, VA  22901
(804) 979-0656


From: "Todd H. Ogasawara" <ogasawar@nosc>
Subject: One Finger Typing Routine???
Date: 7 Nov 85 06:40:55 GMT

We have a user who, due to a severe illness, can only use a single finger
to type.  This means this person cannot execute ALT and CTRL sequences
necessary to use many IBM PC based application programs.  If you have or know
of a resident program which will intercept the keyboard to allow this user
to execute such sequences by, for instance, first pressing ALT, releasing it,
then pressing A to execute ALT-A, please tell me about it.

Thanks in advance...todd

Todd Ogasawara, Computer Sciences Corp.
NOSC-Hawaii Laboratories

UUCPmail: {akgua,allegra,decvax,ihnp4,ucbvax}!sdcsvax!noscvax!ogasawar

[Keytronics makes a keyboard for the handicapped. -wab]


From: Erik Bailey <ejb@THINK.ARPA>
Subject: One Finger Typing Routine
Date: 8 Nov 85 21:38:37 GMT

There are several programs that support this. This feature is often built
into key redefinition programs, and is present in the two best known: Prokey
form RoseSoft, and Superkey from Borland International. I personally reccomend
SuperKey, as it not only costs less, but has a better user interface and some
neat features. It is available for ~$69.95 from Borland, and can be found in
many mail order outlets. Hope this helps!

Erik Bailey        -- 7 Oak Knoll                 (USENET courtesy of
ihnp4!godot!ejb       Arlington, MA  02174        Thinking Machines Corp.
ejb@think.com.arpa    (617) 643-0732              Cambridge, MA)


Date:  Fri, 8 Nov 85 07:50 EST
From:  "     Roz     " <RTaylor@RADC-MULTICS.ARPA>
Subject: Diablo 10MB Hard Disk

    I am posting this for a friend who has a PC.  Is the Diablo 10MB
hard disc drive (which uses 5MB removable platters) compatible
with/useable 'on' the PC?  Can someone speak from experience?
    REASON:  Someone in our area is offerring the above with power
supply, interface data, and schematics for $250.  It is being sold
because it was originally bought to interface to a Commodore, but the
owner never was able to make it work.  My friend is not an electronics
person (I can solder and use a VOM) so I offerred to translate and help
if possible.
    ADDRESS: I am not a regular subscriber to this mailing list, so I
would appreciate replies to my home address <RTaylor@radc-multics>.  If
this topic is currently being covered or has been covered, pointers on
where to look would be greatly appreciated.  If there is great response,
I will gladly post to your net, if several people request it.


From: Kim DeVaughn <kim@mips.uucp>
Subject: MIX C
Date: 7 Nov 85 07:37:05 GMT

> 	- There is no mechanism for linking assembler programs to the C
> 	  programs.  There *is* a mechanism for calling assembler programs,

I talked to the MIX.C folk the other day on this very point.  The person
I spoke to told me that they would have a utility very soon (actually, he
said "in a couple of weeks") to convert Intel/Microsoft .obj format files
into something the MIX linker could handle;  I *think* he said it would
be able to go the other way also, but I may be mistaken on that.  He
suggested I call them back to check on availability in early November.
The cost will be "nominal" (~$5.00, or so), I was told.

I also asked if they would publish the object format they are using.  He
didn't seem to see the need for that (given the conversion utility), but
thought that he might be able to make a 1 or 2 page description available
if I really needed it (a nice, helpful attitude ... very refreshing!)

He offered this information on an "undocumented feature" of MIX.C:

  "After searching CLIB.MIX, if there are still unresolved references,
  a library called LINKER.MIX will be automatically searched also."

He said they also plan to come out with several other libraries in the
future (and I noticed the names PLIB.MIX and BLIB.MIX in one area of
linker.com that needs to be patched with debug to configure it for a

I haven't used MIX.C too much yet ... mostly just a few experiments to
verify that I had patched cc.com and linker.com correctly (they omitted
some of the instructions on my copy, but have corrected that oversight
by now).  Anyway, I'm satisfied that I got my money's worth, and as I
mentioned earlier, I like their "bedside manner" over the telephone, and
their responsiveness to customer requests.  I guess the only gripe I do
have is having to patch the .com files to do the hard-disk configuration;
an install program would be alot more "professional", and in this case,
it would be a pretty simple piece of code.  I really can't complain very
loudly on this tho ... for $39.95, its a real bargin.

Disclaimer: I have no connection with MIX Software Inc., except as a
            satisfied customer.


UUCP:  {decvax,ucbvax,ihnp4}!decwrl!mips!kim
DDD:   415-960-1200
USPS:  MIPS Computer Systems Inc,  1330 Charleston Rd,  Mt View, CA 94043


Date: Fri 8 Nov 85 09:55:09-EST
From: Bill Catchings <OC.WBC3@CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU>
Subject: LARGE Scale Programming

I am presently working on a project to port a program from UNIX to the
AT.  This program is written in C and is comprised of over 1000 source
modules.  The final executable file is about 1Meg in size.  By using
the overlay capabilities of PLink86 I managed to get it all working.  The
problem now is how to evaluate performance.  I need to have some sort of
histogramming facility to tell me where the program is spending its time.
The overlays are not the real problem as I can build a smaller executable
without resorting to overlays that will exhibit the same performance

What do software developers out there (for instance at Lotus and Microsoft)
use to evaluate performance?  I can and will rewrite some of the C code
in assembler to speed things up, I just need to know where the pigs are
in the program.

Also does any one know of any products that allow programs to access
different data formats, such as SYLK, DIF and 1-2-3?  I already know about
the Lattice dBC dBase II and III product.

Thank you for your help.

					-Bill Catchings
					 Foundation Computer Systems


Date: Fri, 8 Nov 85 13:59:13 pst
From: Ken Whaley <whaley@lbl-ux4>
Subject: Japanese Wordprocessing Query

Does anybody know anything about software/hardware for word
processing / text editing in Japanese on the IBM PC, or where to
look?  Any information would be appreciated.  

Please reply via e-mail.

					Ken Whaley
					Computer Services, UNIX Project
					Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory


Subject: Graphics.
Date: 08 Nov 85 17:58:11 EST (Fri)
From: cayz@louie.udel.EDU

Hello All,

	What I am asking for is probably easy for most of you, but since I
haven't been able to work this one out with my limited resources, I ask...

	I wish to modify the character set on PC ( XT / AT are ok
also ), most likely the upper 128.  Now, the catch - I am using a
monochrome adapter.  I would know if it is possible to do, and if so,
how to do it, or what software to get that does it.  Note: I don't
want to use the extended ASCII, I wish to create my own characters.  

	Also, what does the DOS command GRAFTABL have to do with
this, and why does it only work with the color-graphics adapter (other
than the cga has more RAM than the mono board )?

	Please respond directly to me - If there is enough interest I'll
summarize whatever I find to the net.

					Thanx in advance,
					James Cayz

ARPA  : cayz@louie.udel.edu
CSNET : cayz%louie.udel.edu@csnet-relay
UUCP  : ...!harvard!cayz@louie.udel.edu
USPS  : James Cayz, Ed Tech Lab, 125 Evans Hall, 
	   University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716
AT&T  : +1 302 451-6718


Date:     Fri, 8 Nov 85 23:48 EST
From:     Larry Afrin <lbafrin%clemson.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
Subject:  Problem with dBASE-II

I wrote a small sales management "package" for a friend on his IBM PC
running PC-DOS 3.10 and dBASE-II 2.4 (7/1/83).  My dBASE code makes
use of both PRIMARY and SECONDARY databases.  The problem arises when
I append records to the SECONDARY database in the special case in
which dBASE needs to grab another block from DOS, i.e., all the space
in the last cluster of the SECONDARY database has been used up, so to
append another record, dBASE has to ask DOS to find a free cluster
and append it to the cluster chain for the file, effectively
extending the file's space and giving dBASE room to add in the new
record.  All of that works fine; no problem so far.  However, no
matter how I terminate use of the SECONDARY database (SELECT
SECONDARY followed by a USE some-other-database or just a simple USE;
or even just CLEAR), dBASE apparently doesn't issue a "close file"
function call to DOS.  You guessed it!  The directory entry for the
secondary database now has an incorrect file size.  This becomes
apparent in two ways.  If I USE the secondary database, GOTO BOTTOM,
and BROWSE around, what I find is that dBASE manages to find the last
record in what is now the next-to-last cluster (originally the last
cluster) and then *loops back* to the beginning of the database as if
the very first record were actually positioned *after* the last
record of the next-to-last cluster.  All the records in the new last
cluster are unretrievable; dBASE can't find them no matter what
tricks I try in dBASE.  The second way in which the error becomes
apparent is when I run CHKDSK/F, which "solves" the problem by noting
"Allocation error for file, size adjusted" on the secondary database
file and promptly updating the file size to the correct value, which
would have been originally put there by DOS if dBASE had properly
closed the file.

dBASE apparently handles extension and closing of the PRIMARY
database just fine.  If it matters (and I don't think it does), the
system has 320K and a Percom 10MB drive (controlled by an installable
device driver) installed as drive C.  The database files are kept on
the Percom.  I have never had any other file space allocation
problems on the Percom.  My gut feeling is that the same problem
would occur if the files in question were on diskette.  As I've said,
it seems like dBASE is failing to properly close the SECONDARY file.

If you have noticed this problem (or better yet, have a fix for it),
I would appreciate your sending me a message detailing what you know
about it.  If you need more information, please let me know.  Thanks
in advance...

					-- Larry Afrin
					   Dept. of Computer Science
					   Clemson University

Please send replies, if any, to:
lbafrin@clemson                         if you're on CSNet
lbafrin.clemson@csnet-Relay             if you're on ARPANet
any reasonable-looking string with      if you're on any other net
   "lbafrin" and "clemson" in it


Date: 30 Oct 85 08:38:12 GMT
From: John Nagle <hao!hplabs!fortune!wdl1!jbn@seismo.CSS.GOV>
Subject: TCP/IP and FTP for MS-DOS?

Network Research Corporation's Fusion package supports IP, TCP, FTP,
and TELNET on a PC using a 3COM Ethernet board.  Only user side
support is provided; there is no server support, so one normally uses
this package to talk to a larger machine, not between PCs.  TCP is
supported at about the same quality level as 4.2BSD (not 4.3), FTP
seems OK, TELNET doesn't do local echo right.  Performance is about
10K bytes/sec on good days for FTP.  The latest release has improved
documentation and installation tools; it doesn't take a guru to
install, unlike the previous release.  Price about $795, 3COM card

					John Nagle

[We have Fusion here at ISI as well and are using the new 3Comm board
witn onboard processor and memory. I encourage comments and discussion
of technical details of this IP/TCP on this mailing list. Many people have
criticized this package because it doesn't solve all their problems "out
of the box". I can confirm the FTP is fine and the Telnet sucks, but we
bought the package because it is far more flexible than the MIT Package.
The Fusion package provides BSD 4.2 compatible calls to network routines
all the way from raw ethernet I/O to full IP/TCP connections. These calls
are accessible as an object library for Lattice C. The package is really
intended for people (like myself) who are doing applications on top of
IP/TCP. There is a great deal of room for improvement in the package, but
I hate to see them get bad wrapped because it doesn't run a great telnet.

I'll admit it is real stupid from a marketing point of view that Network
Research can't manage to ship a decent telnet along with with their product,
but there are lots more technical details to discuss and code to share.

Network research is the only company I know of which supports 3Comm's new
"505" card with on board processor and memory. This really picks up the
speed of a local ethernet FTP. I will have to try a benchmark with our 8600
as the FTP is completely vax limited.  -wab]


Date: 7 Nov 85 06:14:27 GMT
From: John Nagle <hao!hplabs!fortune!wdl1!jbn@seismo.CSS.GOV>
Subject: How and Why to Build an Echo Host

      		How to Build an Echo Host, and Why

     One useful device for the network software implementor working
without access to a big network is an echo host.  An echo host (in the
IP world) receives datagrams, interchanges the source and destination
IP addresses, recomputes the IP checksum, and sends them out again.

     This is a useful device to have around.  It's a mirror.  If you
try to make a connection to it, you end up with a connection to
yourself.  You can exercise protocols with only one copy of your
development system yet actually generate traffic over the network
hardware.  Especially useful are echo hosts that introduce errors and
delays.  With these, one can find out if your transport protocol
really works.

     There are several echo hosts on the ARPANET; they all have names
with "ECHO" in them.  You can TELNET or FTP to them, but you end up
connected back to yourself.  Some of them are far away, and allow
testing over satellite links.  Some fragment IP datagrams.  Some have
limited bandwidth.  These are good for exercising an implementation.

     It is left as an exercise to the reader to implement echo host
software for the IBM PC, starting from the MIT package.  Such a device
would be excellent for testing out TCP implementations to make sure
that the hard cases really work, especially if error insertion (change
one bit in every Nth packet), delay (hold all packets N seconds before
returning), and congestion (if more than N packets are in the delay
queue, send back a Source Quench and/or drop one) are provided.

				John Nagle

[Lets see lots more IP/TCP stuff for the PC! -wab]


Date: 9 Nov 1985 1648-EST
Subject: V20 Test Results

	I have repeated the benchmark submitted by Dave Smereski on an
IBM-PC with and without a V20.  Here are my results using Turbo 3.01A
along with Dave's original results for comparison:

                          IBM-PC    IBM-PC    Xerox 6065  Xerox 6065
                           8088      V20        8086        V30

String Test:              50.9890  28.6813     32.3077    17.2527 seconds. 

Integer Test:             60.7143  47.0879     31.8132    20.7692 seconds.

Reals Test with 8087:     12.9121  12.6923      -----      -----

Reals Test w/o 8087:      48.7912  46.5275     22.9121    21.9231 seconds.

Sieve Test:               30.1648  29.3956     15.6593    13.7912 seconds.

	The IBM-PC with the V20 is the older model with 64 K on the
motherboard, but I don't think that matters.

	The V20 is an 8mhz ceramic part.  I first tried a 5 MHz V20
but some programs did not run (Night Mission Pinball, some BASICA
programs).  Perhaps that 5MHZ part was defective as there are 5 MHz
V20s working in PCs at work.  So far the V20 works on everything and
I am no longer getting parity check errors on my JRAM2 card that I
occassionally got with the 8088.



From: jabusch@uiucdcsb.cs.uiuc.edu
Date: 6 Nov 85 19:53:00 GMT

	Wordperfect files have soft returns at the end of each line.
I don't believe that Wordstar uses carriage returns in its paragraphs.
The soft returns that Wordperfect uses are codes it knows, but are 
unimportant.  All you need to do is to ensure that no carriage returns
or linefeeds are in the paragraphs, so that they would look like long 
text lines.  Wordperfect should then do its automatic hyphenation and
margin setting when you load the file.  Also, Wordperfect does not use
the high bits of characters, as Wordstar does, so that stripping is


From: Erik Bailey <ejb@THINK.ARPA>
Subject: COMPAQ DeskPro Speed Switch (solution!)
Date: 9 Nov 85 17:16:30 GMT

Well, response from my (ancient) plea for DeskPro software speed switching
has finally picked up (2 whole msgs!). Anyway, a couple days ago this
appeared in my mailbox. I immediately tried it, and found that it worked.
I wanted to find out HOW it worked, so I fired up PFIXPLUS (symbolic
debugger), and traced the code through. But, not knowing a thing about
8086 ASM, I was unable to extract the relavent part of MODE.COM to do
the switch. Can anyone do this? Unfortunately I cannot post ASM to MODE,
as (I assume) it is copyrighted by Compaq. Well, here is the msg, and
THANKS to Fred McClimans (?) for this bit of undocumented info. --Erik

Date: 7 Nov 85 10:52 EST
From: McClimans@DDN2.ARPA
Subject: Compaq MODE command
To: ejb@think.com

After putting in some time last night on the Compaq dilemma, I came up with 
                  MODE SPEED=<FAST/COMMON>

I don't know if you already hit on this (it isn't in the Compaq doc's), but
it is interesting none the less.  The next step is to break it down.
- Fred

Erik Bailey        -- 7 Oak Knoll                 (USENET courtesy of
ihnp4!godot!ejb       Arlington, MA  02174        Thinking Machines Corp.
ejb@think.com.arpa    (617) 643-0732              Cambridge, MA)


From: faisal@smu
Subject: How Does SideKick Work?
Date: 29 Oct 85 17:49:00 GMT

SideKick installs in the timer interrupt.  Here is the basic algorithm:

at every timer tick do
  execute the orignal timer tick interrupt;
  if (the keybaord status word indicates that Ctl and Alt are held down)
   if ((the system is stable)&&(sk is not currently active))
    enter sidekick
    else beep;

Once sidekick has been entered, I believe the standard keyboard interrupts 
are used.

Off the track but indirectly related:
One of the things you have to watch out for when running a resident prog., 
which alters the display, and SK is this sequence:
 1) bring up SK
 2) bring up second program which rewrites screen
 3) close SK
 4) close 2nd prog.
 5) bring up SK.
 Surprise!!!  When SK was closed at step 3, it saved the display contents
 (which were generated at step 2), and now it redisplays this stuff because
 it thinks it is the SK window.

Faisal @ SMU


Date: 11 Nov 85 13:08:28 PST (Monday)
From: Eldridge.ES@Xerox.ARPA
Subject: Sidekick Version 1.5

I just upgraded to Sidekick version 1.5 and I highly recommend that
everyone does.  There are several new features that make it worth the
$25-$30.  The new Sidekick almost always pops up when summoned.  The old
version was somewhat reluctant and would often give the sad
"wheeeeoooop" indicating it could not pop-up; the new version seldom

The notepad has been improved.  Word-wrap is now available.  The biggest
feature added to the notepad is the ability to export data as well as
import it.  This feature alone makes it worth the upgrade.

The new version does the right thing when you call it while the screen
is in high-res graphics mode.  It switches the screen to character mode
and then restores the screen mode when you exit Sidekick.

If you did not like the "hot keys" defined by Sidekick, you can change
them now.  The expanded installation program lets you customize Sidekick
to your individual taste.

One of the "key" features of version 1.5 is that it works with SuperKey,
the Borland keyboard enhancer.  Using keyboard macros quickly becomes
habit-forming; and being able to call Sidekick from a macro is
positively addicting.

I picked up the copy-protected version of SideKick at Egghead Software
for $30.  You may be able to get it a little cheaper from a mail-order
house.  (I recommend PC Connection).  If you have SideKick version 1.1
then you can upgrade to version 1.5 by returning the original disk to
Borland along with $19.95 plus $5 for shipping and handling.  A version
that is not copy-protected is available at a higher cost.  This is
recommended for convenience when booting from a hard disk.

George (Eldridge.es@Xerox.ARPA)


Date: 11 Nov 1985 05:45-EST
Subject: ASMGEN

(2d query, but no one answered the first).
ASMGEN is an 8086 disassembler, Public Domain by Jack Gersbach, for the PC.
It's supposed to be able to use an external .SEQ sequential instructional
file for guidance on just how to disassemble parts of the target file.

ASMGEN works fine, but it will NOT accept any form of SEQ file I can

Has ANYONE made ASMGEN work using a .SEQ file, and could you please tell
me how?

Thanks in advance,
David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall


Date: 11 Nov 1985 05:50-EST
Subject: External files in Turbo Pascal

Can anyone point me at some sample code that will illustrate how Turbo
Pascal (MSDOS or PC Version, 2.0 or above) uses an external binary file?

NOTE:  NOT a regular Turbo .INC ({$I foobar.inc}) file, NOT inline

The manual says that external file MUST be "relocatable" .. what does that
mean to me when I write and assemble/link/EXE2BIN/whatever that external
function or procedure?

Sorry to ask maybe a dumb question .. but I'm not experienced in linking
dissimilar languages like this.

Thanks in advance,
David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall


Date: Fri, 08 Nov 85 12:10 PST
From: Jim Anderson <Jim-Anderson%LADC@CISL-SERVICE-MULTICS.ARPA>
Subject: AT Real Time Clock Query

I notice there is a bit in status register B of the AT's real time clock
called "Daylight Savings Enabled".  Changing the bit seems to have no
effect on the time readout from the clock.  Does anybody know what the
purpose of this bit is?


Date: Mon, 4 Nov 85 22:08:15 est
From: morrell@mitre (James Morrell)
Subject: DOS 3.1 Clock

I am well aware of the DOS 2.1 problem regarding no roll over of date
but I thought this bug had been cured in DOS 3.1.  Pete Carah and Don
Reynolds discussed this topic early last month but there did not seem
to be any firm resolution of whether the problem exists or not in DOS
3.1, and on the AT in particular.  Has anyone any additional
observations on this topic?  Are two calls to INT 21 a day really
required as Pete suggests?  Our special application AT can sit without
any keyboard activity for several days waiting for input from a comm
line.  When it gets the input, the date must be right.  The system has
only been on line for a short period of time yet we seem to be having
the date roll-over problem, and it is obviously very difficult to
track down.  By the way, the AT treats its internal battery operated
clock the same way the PC treats its "third party" battery clock -- it
is only read at boot time.  Any answers would be much appreciated.


End of Info-IBMPC Digest
