[mod.computers.ibm-pc] Info-IBMPC Digest V4 #137

Info-IBMPC@USC-ISIB.ARPA (Info-IBMPC Digest) (12/09/85)

Info-IBMPC Digest       Sunday, 8 December 1985      Volume 4 : Issue 137

This Week's Editor: Billy Brackenridge

Today's Topics:

	       ARCSRC (source files) for ARC450 needed
		    How do set Drive Size > 10mb?
	       Test (Loopback) Connector for COM Ports?
			  FFT Assist Wanted
		    EPSON Graphics Code Conversion
			 "Standard" PC Clone
		  IBM PC -> Appletalk + LaserWriter
		    43-Line Mode on EGA - SOLUTION
		      Serial Printer User on PC
			  Xenix Tape Backup
		     PRINT.COM Character Handling
		   Write Protecting a File in DOS?
		     Digital Research FORTRAN-77
			     Printer Help
			       Wang PCs
			WORDSTAR 2000 Speedup


Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1985  07:28 MST
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: ARCSRC (source files) for ARC450 needed

In an earlier message I announced the availability of ARC450, the 
latest version of ARC, the MS/PCDOS program that combines groups
of files into one archive file.

The previous version, ARC430, was also available from DEC-MARLBORO in
source as ARCSRC.ARC.  Does anyone have the source for ARC450?



From: Jim Moseman <jjm@pecnos.uucp>
Subject: How do set Drive Size > 10mb?
Date: 5 Dec 85 15:30:16 GMT

Actually, it is possible to format a 15MB disk under DOS 2.0 or 2.1.
The size is determined by the table selected in the BIOS extension ROM.  
In my case, I was using a Western Digital Controller which defaulted to
table 3.  For the ROM, I was using this was for a 10MB drive (4 heads).  I
put in a jumper on position 3 of SW1 to select table 2 which (again, on the
ROM I am using) is for a 15MB drive (6 heads).  After reformatting, and
running FDISK again, the partition had increased from 10 to 15 MB.  All
this was done under DOS 2.0.  Note: you must make sure that the ROM you are
using has a table which matches the characteristics of your drive or allows
you to build your own table.  

By the way, I am using the default interleave factor of 3.  Does anyone
have any experience with other factors?

Jim Moseman @ CONCURRENT Computer Corporation, Tinton Falls, N.J.


Date: Fri 6 Dec 85 10:06:25-PST
From: Doug <faunt@hplabs.ARPA>
Subject: Test (Loopback) Connector for COM Ports?

Does anyone have the wire-list for the COM port loopback test, for use
with the IBM Advanced Diagnostics?  I can't find it anywhere.


Date: Fri 6 Dec 85 14:15:59-PST
Subject: FFT Assist Wanted

What hardware is available to speed up FFT on the IBM-PC?

[There are as many products available as there are types of FFT. For
large 1024 x 1024 image processing applications a board with lots of
memory and 32032 with floating point would work. Microway sells FFT
algorithms along with their various 8086/7 based hardware PC upgrade
kits. If 24 bit floating point is enough precision, Helionetcs owns a
company in Irvine CA (whose marketing name I forget) that makes an AMD
bit slice based array processor board. There are several boards based
on the Weitek chip set from other sources. If you can live with 16 bit
integers there are FFT algorithms that run on the various TMS320 based
boards for the PC. Please be a bit more specific as to what sorts of
FFTs you are doing, and someone might be able to reccommend an appropriate
system. -wab]


Date:    Fri, 6 Dec 85 14:49:33 PST
From:     lsr%Xhmeia@CIT-Hamlet.ARPA
Subject: EPSON Graphics Code Conversion

I just purchased microTEX to run on my PC/AT.  It works fine.  The
problem comes in at the level of viewing the generated code.
Everything is in EPSON graphics code & requires the use of an Epson
graphics printer to view the output.  Does anyone know of a RAM
resident program which will convert Epson code to IBM screen graphics

Thanks in advance.

Lorne Reid - Caltech Chemistry department


Date: Fri 6 Dec 85 21:28:36-CST
From: Larry Smith <CMP.LSMITH@R20.UTEXAS.EDU>
Subject: "Standard" PC Clone

Has anyone ever used a "standard" brand PC clone? 
Compu-add is offering one with two floppies, monitor, and Epson lx80
for $1300. For that price I may not be able to resist.


Date:  Fri, 6 Dec 85 22:57 EST
Subject:  IBM PC -> Appletalk + LaserWriter

I have talked to an R&D person at the only game in town:  Tangent
Technologies, with their PC/MacBridge product.  We tested FinalWord II
with a MacBridge network card and it worked out just fine.  They didn't
have to do any conversion of our output for the LaserWriter.  They seem
to have sent nice letters to all the W.P.  manufacturers, and were
working on conversion programs for other W.P.  programs to drive the
LaserWriter in PostScript mode on the Appletalk network.  The R&D person
was knowledgeable and friendly; who knows how their dealers will be.  Of
course, FinalWord II and Microsoft Word both use multiple fonts on the
LaserWriter, and not much of anybody else does.  Both FinalWord II and
MS-Word load driver programs into the LaserWriter when they are talking
to it on the RS-232 interface, and both required minor modifications by
Tangent to prevent problems.  (In either case, the modification could
easily be done by a knowledgeable installer of the software or with a
call to the respective technical support people.)

I take exception to their pricing, $595 each.  But they have the product
out and nobody else does, to my knowledge.  They offer electronic mail
software as well as a printer spooler, and the fellow I talked to said
they had a standard device driver for the network which ran under DOS
3.1 only, but I got the impression that they weren't distributing it
because it wasn't universal.  I have not seen all this software, so I
can't comment on user interfaces or how properly it performs on the

Hope this is more helpful than lengthy,


From: lichtenberg.pa@Xerox.ARPA
Date: 7 Dec 85 0:41:16 EST
Subject: 43-Line Mode on EGA - SOLUTION

I finally got hold of a copy of the IBM Personal Computer Seminar Proceedings
that deal with the EGA, and here's a couple of code fragments that
will swith the EGA to/from 43 line mode.  (Note: I have a monochrome
display.  the mode number may be different for color)

; 43.com - switch to 43 line mode.

	mov	ax,0002h		; mode # : try 3 for color
	int	10h
	mov	ax,1112h		; load alt charset
	mov	bl,0
	int	10h
	int	20h

; 25.com - switch back to 25 lines

	mov	ax,0002h			; or 3 for color
	int	10h
	int	20h

Unfortunately, it doesn't work very well if you
run ANSI.SYS, since it seems to know how
big the display is.  The following patches will fix
ANSI.SYS to let 43 line mode work, but it doesn't work for
25 line mode -- a "smart" patch is in order.

This has the bad side effect that you have to change ANSI.SYS in your
config.sys file to switch display modes.

debug ansi.sys, and change

Addr :       Change from                Change To
CS:278 : cmp byte ptr [102],19  -->  cmp byte ptr [102],2b
CS:27F : mov byte ptr [102],18   -->   mov byte ptr [102],2A
CS:50A : cmp cl,19  -->  cmp cl,2B
CS:58e : mov dh,19  -->  mov dh,2B

I haven't used it alot, but it seems to work for most programs (like
finalWord, etc.)

Hope this helps...

		/Mitch Lichtenberg.
		Arpa:  Lichtenberg.pa@Xerox

[43 lines should work with newest version of Epsilon as well, which we have
running here on our 66 line "genius" displays. -wab]


From: keifer@uiucdcs.cs.uiuc.edu
Subject: Serial Printer User on PC
Date: 5 Dec 85 21:33:00 GMT

DOS 3.1 PRINT Command:

	PRINT filenames ...  /D:COM1

should do the trick if your printer handshaking is set up correctly.
Or, if you don't like that one, try

	MODE lpt1=com1

for the same effect.  (Assuming you're using COM1.)

	G. P. Seaburg
	Engineering Psychology Research Lab
	c/o K. Keifer
	Univ. of Illinois

[I doubt that " handshaking is set up correctly" includes XON/XOFF flow
control. You will need a print spool package for that such as AST Superspool
or Tall Tree's Jprint. -wab]


From: Herm Fischer <hermix!fischer@rand-unix.ARPA>
Reply-To: HFischer@usc-isif.arpa
Subject: Xenix Tape Backup
Date: Fri Dec  6 21:46:23 1985

I purchased one of Bell Technology's Xenix PC/AT Tape Backup Units.

It comes with a Wangtek drive, which fits in the half-high AT slots, a very
full circuit board, Xenix software, and a very good installation and
usage manual.  The price (for a 60MB backup) was competitive.

I had installation problems (turned out to be other hardware conflicts,
my problem, not theirs) and was pleasantly surprised at the level of their
support and Xenix expertise (at Bell Technologies).

   Herm Fischer


Date: Sat, 7 Dec 85 14:03:36 est
From: jcm@ORNL-MSR.ARPA (James A. Mullens)
To: info-ibmpc@isib
Subject: PRINT.COM Character Handling

  In response to a couple of recent requests, here is some information
  on PRINT.COM's handling of special characters, and how to defeat the
  handling.  These patches are useful only to people who want to use
  PRINT.COM to output non-standard files such as printer graphics bit

  How PRINT.COM (PCDOS version 3.1) handles special characters
  found in the input file stream.  (To the best of my knowledge!)

     ^Z (1AH, SUB):  End of input file -- closes input file.
     ^I (09H, TAB):  Expands to spaces before sending to output.
                     (Tabs are every 8 columns?)

  PRINT.COM sends all other control characters (ASCII values less than
  20H, characters below ASCII SP).  It also assumes that these control
  characters do not move the print head (change printer column),
  except for:

     ^H (08H, BS ):  Sends, and assumes printer column decrements.
                     Tab expansion is adjusted for previous BS

  PRINT.COM sends all characters with ASCII values greater than 127
  (7FH, DEL).

  All special characters are still subject to the actions of the DOS
  handler for the output device.

  The input file is read with DOS func 3FH calls.  The output is
  written by calls to the DOS device handler.

  Modifying PRINT.COM to defeat ^Z (EOF) and ^I (TAB) handling:

  It was not convenient for me to test these patches, so I must ask
  anyone who tries them to report back to me (whether the patch was
  successful or not).

  There are 2 patches shown below.  You may do either or both.  The
  procedure suggests naming the new PRINT program ALLPRINT.COM, but
  this is entirely up to you.  You can run ALLPRINT.COM just as the
  old version, which will make these patches memory-resident.
  Additional files can be submitted by either version, but special
  character handling is done by the memory resident version (the first
  version you ran).


     >copy print.com allprint.com
     >debug allprint.com

        the following patch removes end-of-file at ^Z
     -u 820
        (should see  xxxx:0820 3C1A cmp al,1A
                     xxxx:0822 74B9 jz  07DD
                     etc., etc.                 )
     -a 820
        xxxx:0820 nop
        xxxx:0821 nop
        xxxx:0822 nop
        xxxx:0823 nop
        xxxx:0824       (just type return)

        the following patch removes tab expansion
     -u 82D
        (should see  xxxx:082D 3C09 cmp al,09
                     xxxx:082F 751D jne 084E
                     etc., etc.                 )

     -a 82D
        xxxx:082D nop
        xxxx:082E nop
        xxxx:082F jmp 84E
        xxxx:0831       (just type return)

        save the patches and exit by:

  ALLPRINT is now ready for your testing.

  jim mullens / jcm@ornl-msr.arpa / oak ridge national laboratory
  615/574-5564 work / 615/691-7957 home


Date: Sat, 7 Dec 1985  17:54 EST
To:   keifer@iucdcs.cs.uiuc.edu
Subject: Write Protecting a File in DOS?

>Field 3 (byte offset 11) of the file directory entry, bit 0 controls
>write protection.  Turn this bit on for write-protect (read-only).

PLEASE don't resort to directly modifying the directory!  Use the ATTRIB
command (available on MS-DOS versions 3.0 and higher):
ATTRIB {+R,-R} filename
+R sets file read-only (write-protected);  -R removes read-only attribute

From within a program, use the CHMOD call (43H):
	MOV	DX,ptr to filename
	MOV	AX,4300H	; read file attributes
	INT	21H
	OR	CL,1		; set read-only bit
	MOV	AX,4301H	; write new attributes
	INT	21H


Date: Sun, 8 Dec 85 05:20:37 -0100
From: Tom Ivar Helbekkmo <helbekkmo%vax.runit.unit.uninett@nta-vax.arpa>
To: <dumas@sumex-aim.ARPA>, <info-ibmpc@usc-isib.ARPA>
Subject: Digital Research FORTRAN-77

In Info-IBMPC Digest Volume 4, Issue 136, Jean-Pierre Dumas reports on a
bug in the DRC F77 compiler.  I've never come across that particular
bug before, but it was no surprise:  The thing is crawling with bugs!
There are errors in the real arithmetic (don't remember the exact symp-
toms now, it's been a while), and reading from the console isn't easy.
Also, it's not FORTRAN-77.  It uses *reserved words*, falls apart if you
try to initialize integers with Hollerith data (contrary to what the manual
claims), and has a bad tendency to start pouring out meaningless error
messages if you try to compile a large program, or one that uses a large
amount of data.  (By large, I'm talking about sizes that the small memory
model should have no problems handling...  It still goes bananas, even with
the large model.)  I've had internal compiler errors N times - but the com-
piler has never realized it.  Blah!

Tom Ivar Helbekkmo.

[Disclaimer:  The above opinions are my own.  I do not represent any of
              DRI's competitors...]


Date: Sat, 7 Dec 85 15:05:53 est
From: Robert Morris <ram%umass-boston.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
To: info-ibmpc%usc-isib.arpa@csnet-relay.arpa
Subject: Printer Help

A friend in Europe, absent network access, asks where can he find examples
of msdos printer driver sources he can use as a model for driving a
newly acquired printer (brand unknown to me) to its full capabilities.

Being largely ignorant of how msdos deals with devices, I am not even sure
what the question means, but I will forward to him any answers people give

Replies to me, please, not the list. I will summarize if there
are any interesting answers and three people directly ask me to do so,
otherwise, I'll just send it on to Switzerland.

bob morris
umass boston
or ram%umb@csnet-relay.arpa

p.s. oh yes, he has Rainbows. Is there an info-rainbow somewhere?


Date: 8 Dec 1985 06:02-EST
Subject: Wang PCs

I'd appreciate any pointers re Wang PCs (magazine articles, books,
sample source code, ... even  (dare I dream?) Wang publications:
1> Differences between Wang PCs and IBM PCs
2> Uniqueness in MS-DOS on a Wang
3> Interrupts, Services, Functions that differ from IBM PCs
4> ANY public domain source code that'll run on those turkeys.

A local Army command has gotten themselves stuck with dozens of these
systems, and hardly ANYTHING will run on them.  So I need to find out
the differences.

(Please mail directly to me so we don't barrage the nets .. I'll summarize
if appropriate.)
Thanks in advance,
David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall


Date: Sun 8 Dec 85 12:05:03-MST
From: Opns & Readiness Div <AS-OPS-O@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: WORDSTAR 2000 Speedup

In response to the unknown individual who asked about using WS 2000 vs
WS 3.3, I use both for different reasons.

A response on this BB mentioned that WS 2000 is slow even on a hard
disk, and yes it is. But if you contact MicroPro they will send you
instructions to load the overlays in RanDisk which causes the program
to run very well even on an XT at 4.77 Mhz (I have a Zenith Z-150
at 4.77 Mhz with a 576 KB RamDisk above the regular 640 Kb RAM). I've
also run WS 2000 completely from RamDisk for a slight increase in
performance. I prefer WS 2000 over WS 3.3 in all but one regard.
WS 3.3 (which is also slow until you remove the delays) allows you
to create ASCII text files directly whereas WS 2000 forces you to
filter a document file into a text file before it can be used.
Embedded control characters don't show up when working with WS 2000
so you don't know exactly what you have.  I'd keep a copy of WS 3.3
around if for no other reason than its Non-document mode. We're
restricted to MultiMate at work which has the same filter requirement
that WS 2000 has.

Hope this helps,  Varon Mullis


End of Info-IBMPC Digest
