[mod.computers.ibm-pc] Info-IBMPC Digest V5 #16

Info-IBMPC@USC-ISIB.ARPA (Info-IBMPC Digest) (01/30/86)

Info-IBMPC Digest     Thursday, 30 January 1986    Volume 5 : Issue 16

This Week's Editor: Richard Gillmann

Today's Topics:

                            PC RT (3 msgs)
                         AT Speedup (3 msgs)
                              PC Speedup
                    TallTree JLASER Board (2 msgs)
                   Tektronix 4010 Emulator (2 msgs)
                    Anchor Modem Problems (2 msgs)
                DOS vs. Direct Screen Writes (2 msgs)
                            7 cents per Kb
            B for the IBM PC and compatibles under MS-DOS.
                    Dos 3.1 Environment size patch
                       Clarification on GREP.C
                             LOTUS Specs
                      Different versions of ARC
                           PC Ltd. AT Query
                       Battery backed up memory
            MS Compatible Driver Wanted for Logitech Mouse
                              Bad Reset
                   Disk Optimizers....not too good
                   File I/O from resident programs
                          More MIX "C" notes
                          INT09 Side Effect


Date: Tue, 28 Jan 86 20:31:12 EST
From: kevin@harvard.HARVARD.EDU (Kevin Crowston)
To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa
Subject: RT and XNS

Does anyone know if the RT's version of BSD 4.2 includes support
for the XNS protocols?  Can anyone describe its networking capabilities
in more detail?

Kevin Crowston				UUCP: {seismo,ut-sally}!harvard!kevin
MIT Sloan School of Management		ARPA: kevin@xv.mit.edu or


Date: Mon, 27 Jan 86 15:55:19 pst
From: amd!ubvax!skip@SUN.ARPA (Skip Addison Jr)
To: amd!sun!ucbvax!info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa
Subject: RT networking and my mistake

Hopefully this will get out before too much damage is done.

Apparently there were two operating system released for the RT PC.  One
that I was referring to in my submission is the Academic Information 
Systems.  It is a 4.2 bsd derivative and is sold to academic units only.
Someone mentioned CMU's Andrew software.  This may be that.  ACIS does
support Ethernet and Token Ring networks.  It does not support the PC
Network Adapter from IBM.

The other operating system I don't have information on, but apparently
it was developed by those folks that brought us PC/IX.  It is originally
a Sys V derivative with enhancements.  (I love Unix, I really do!  I just
can't figure what it is. :-)  It does support the PC Network Adapter and
apparently not the others.  

My incorrect statement was that the RT PC does not support the PC Network 
Adapter.  It depends on which flavor of Unix you're running.  Sorry for the

-- Skip Addison
   {lll-crg, decwrl}!amdcad!cae780!ubvax!skip


Date: 29-Jan-1986 1340
From: mitton%olorin.DEC@decwrl.DEC.COM  (Dave Mitton)
To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.ARPA
Subject: IBM PC Network support on PC-RT

RE: Skip Addison's comments on no support of the PC Network adapter.

	I beg to differ with him, but the information given in issue #9
is straight from the IBM announcement, section 186-006, page 6.

	Dave Mitton.


Date: 28 Jan 86 13:05:35 PST (Tuesday)
Subject: Heat Sink for PC AT running at 9 MHz 
From: Burton.osbunorth@Xerox.COM
To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.Arpa
cc: ibmpc^.ES@Xerox.COM

I recently sped up my PC AT to 9.7 MHz, and I installed a heat 
sink, using heat sink compound to attach the heat sink to the 

I use my AT "tower" fashion, so that in theory the heat sink 
could slide off the CPU into the disk controller.  Is the heat 
sink compound also an effective adhesive?  If not, can you 
recommend an adhesive that can be removed without traces, in case 
I have to take the CPU back to the dealer for service?

Phil Burton
Xerox Corporation


Date: 28 Jan 86 13:06:07 PST (Tuesday)
Subject: Ronsco 5 Speed Clock Switch for AT
From: Burton.osbunorth@Xerox.COM
To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.Arpa

I just received and installed the Ronsco "Five Speed" clock 
switch in my AT.

The unit has a jack that plugs into the AT's crystal socket, 
which leads to a five position rotary switch that select the 
various crystals.  The crystals and rotary switch mounted are on 
a flat plate that mounts in the AT's "maintenance panel" on the 
rear of the CPU, to the left, as viewed from the front.  The 
crystals and switch are enclosed in a rubber jacket, which I have
not removed.

Installation was quick, less than fifteen minutes, not counting 
uncabling and recabling my system, with clear instructions.

The actual speeds vary somewhat from the nominal speeds:

Nominal        Actual*
    10          10.6
     9           9.7
     8           8.1
     6           6.0  
     4           3.9

All speeds determined by the Norton Utility "si", with the 
standard 6 MHz showing a 5.7x rating relative to the PC.

[The Norton "si" benchmark is notoriously deceptive! --Ed.]

The rotary switch is not firm enough in its settings.  It is 
apparently possible to get an intermediate speed setting if the 
switch contacts two crystals at the same time.

At 10.7 MHz, the system would boot up only when it was cold.  
Otherwise, it failed the Power On Self Test before the keyboard 
test was complete.  The memory tests were apparantly completed, 
but the keyboard LED's never lit.  Once warm, the system would 
not accept keyboard input at 10.6 MHz.

At 9.7 MHz, I was able to use all my input/output devices without
any changes in operations.

At 3.9 MHz, games are decently slow.  However, the system bleeps 
several times during POST, and the "Press F1 to continue" message
appears.  Also, my EGA is apparently not initialized properly, 
and initially displays output in 40 column mode.  (I use mode to 
restore co80.)

Ronsco recommends against switching speeds while the system is 
running.  My limited experience suggests it works between 6 and 8
MHz, otherwise not.  I usually power down the system to change 
speeds.  (Can anyone recommend a hardware reset switch that would
be as effective?)

My configuration consists of a model 068, my own third party hard
disk and half-high 360 KB floppy disk, AST card with 1.128 MB, 
parallel port, two serial ports, and a game port.  Also, an EGA 
with the EG Display.  I have a Hayes modem, a serial Diablo 
printer running at 9600 baud (which share COM1 with a Y cable), a
parallel Epson printer, and COM2 reserved for a serial mouse.

Overall, I'd give this product a good minus, because of the 
mediocre quality of the rotary switch.

If readers are interested in getting this product, they better 
hurry.  Ronsco's real business is vertical market software, and 
they produced this device initially as an accommodation for the 
AT customers, then decided to market the product, then finally 
decided NOT to continue marketing it.   Telephone support was 
very good.

Ronsco is in Monee, IL, at 312 534 1303.

I bought this switch, instead of simply installing a faster 
crystal, so that my kids could play games.  At 6 MHz, the AT is 
too fast for any time-sensitive game written for the PC.

Philip Burton
Xerox Corporation


Date: 28 Jan 86 13:08:12 PST (Tuesday)
Subject: Switching speeds on PC AT
From: Burton.osbunorth@Xerox.COM
To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.Arpa
cc: ibmpc^.ES@Xerox.COM

I recently got a speed switch for my PC AT, and proper procedure 
for switching speeds is to power down the system.  Would a 
hardware reset switch be as effective?  Which one is recommended,
and at what price?  I don't need any extra features.

Phil Burton
Xerox Corporation


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 86 22:12:05 PST
From: iverson%cory@BERKELEY.EDU (Tim Iverson)
To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa
Subject: Overthruster PC Speedup Query

In the Feb. 1986 issue of PC Tech Journal, tucked way in the back, I
found an add for a kit to increase the PC clock speed to 7.38Mhz.  The
product is called The Overthruster and is produced by Data Management
Systems.  Now, the question: How is this done?  General answers and
gueses are apreciated, but I would kill for a detailed explanation
(with lots of big words and chip numbers).  After all, I would like to
do this myself without spending $300.

Tim Iverson.


From: <bang!root@nosc.ARPA>
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 86 02:33:48 PST
To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib
Subject: Talltree JLASER board

An add on board for the Talltree JRAM3 and JRAM-3AT 2mb RAM board, is
their JLASER add on.  This allows a PC or AT to send full page 300 dpi
graphics at high speed to ANY Canon laser engine (Apple Laser Writer,
HP LaserJet et al.)

However, I'm looking for software to support it.  

Nothing actually seems available now.  Rumors that a version of
Fontrix and Printrix will work do not seem to be confirmed by local
software dealers.

Another rumor is that a company called Le Beau has a program that will
take any DOS or WordStar text file and return a printed document in
any of 32 fonts and any point size up to and including a single
character per page at 300 dpi is encouraging, but I can't find the
company.  Sigh.

The JLASER board concept is great, it entirely bypasses the
intelligence (and limitations) of the various Canon engine laser
printers allowing the PC (you) to create full page hi res pictures and
text and then sending them directly to the engine at high speed.  I
don't know what the memory limitations of the Apple LaserWriter are,
but the HP is capable of only 1/4 page of 300 dpi graphics (the
laserJet+ can do 1/2 page) and it takes a while to print.  The JLASER
uses 1mb of the 2mb RAM board and includes a hi-speed parallel
interface for the printer.  The board and interface are co-resident
with the original interface and do not interfere with normal use.

A good start I hope.  Now if I could only find software..

Bret Marquis
(sdcsvax, ihnp4) bang!bam


Date: 29 Jan 1986 12:38:18 PST
Subject: Re: Talltree JLASER board
From: Billy Brackenridge <BRACKENRIDGE@USC-ISIB.ARPA>
To: <bang!root@NOSC.ARPA>

I spoke with Ed Thompson of Tall Tree. He informs me that Jlaser is selling
well and many have joined the band wagon.

He claims Jlaser memory isn't limited to 1MB as your article implies I think
the limit is 8MB as you can run it from several JRAM boards.

Here is the list they gave me of software companies with announced
Le Beau makes Le Print				800-532-2844

Data Transforms	makes Fontrix and Printrix The dragons in the Tall Tree
ads seeen in PC week were made with this. (303)832-1501

Softcraft has a version of their popular Fancifont (619)944-0151

Financial decisions makes large scale (mainframe) corporate accounting
systems. They are using Jlaser to print state and local corporate tax
forms. They really don't make PC products per se (Their software costs
around 10K). They digitise the forms rather than generate them from
software. (818)706-2000

Personal Tex has a tex implementation (415) 388-8853

Jlaser only works with the JRAM-3 and JRAM-3-AT boards. These boards
conform to the Intel expanded memory spec as well as Tall Tree's own
memory scheme. While not printing the memory can be used for any of
the normal purposes. I understand that the switches and jumpers are a 
real rats nest and Tall Tree's documentation has never been up to the
standards of AST or IBM, but their technical help line have always
been extremely competent.


Date: Wed, 29-JAN-1986 17:44 EST
Subject: Tektronix 4010 Emulation

We've got a public domain Tektronix 4010 emulator here at Virginia Tech
that was written in-house.  It supports the full 4010 protocol including
GIN mode.  It features picture file capture, on-line help and keyboard
maps, hardware break key, snoop mode, and many other things.  It takes
up 13KB disk space (that's 13KB) including the picture file manager.
We have used it running all PLOT-10 software, SAS/Graph, etc. on our
VM/CMS and VAX/VMS systems.

A version that includes VT100 (ANSI) emulation and other features is
available with documentation by mail for $39.95.

If you are interested in either version of TekTERM, let me know.

Greg Sherman


Date:  Wed, 29-JAN-1986 23:20 EST
Subject: Re: Tektronix 4010 Emulation

I'd like to release the source but the communication modules and 4010
parser are the basis for the commercial version (which includes VT100
emulation).  Also, it's about 100KB of 8086/88 assembler.

But because I know this type of program is highly useful in a university
environment, I am making the 4010 package available for distribution with
NO strings whatsoever.. no donations, etc.

Our computing center here at VA Tech supports the program and provides
documentation (which is also available on disk).  Anyone who is interested
can let me know and I'm happy to make arrangements.  And in case anyone
needs to know, the program requires a PC with 64KB, color/graphics monitor
and adapter, an asynch card and modem, and at one disk drive.  The AT is
supported, but the PCJr is not.  Most BIOS compatible machines (Compaq,
Leading Edge) have been reported to do fine, as well as some compatible
graphics cards (Paradise, Everex).

I admit my motivation in giving away TekTERM 4010 is to sell the VT100
version, but in no way is TekTERM 4010 an incomplete or poorly featured
program.  Let me know if you want any more information.

Greg Sherman


Date: 30 Jan 86 10:39 GMT
From: ghicks @ KOREA-EMH
Subject: Anchor modem problems
To: info-ibmpc @ usc-isib

I am the proud owner (not so proud??) of an Anchor Communications
Mark VI (it might be a 300B ) internal modem.  I really don't
know since it was given to me.  Supposedly, the modem is capable
of the following protocols:  Bell 103 and 202, CCITT V21 and V23.
One BASIC program was included.  This program has the following

    a.  I can't filter characters (ie. nulls) nor can I program
function keys.
    b.  If I want to use a capture buffer, it must be initialized
prior to making a connection.  If the number I want to dial is
busy (and here in Korea, the IMP/TAC numbers are usually quite
busy during the daytime) I must re-initialize the buffer before
each attempt to dial the number.

    c.  The program uses timing loops in INTERPRETED basic to
determine pulse or tone spacing/duration.  This means that I had
best not compile the program or the timing loops are messed up.
I know the following things about the modem:

    a.  Ports are at 03F8H - 03FFH (IRQ 4) for COM1: and 02F8H -
02FFH for COM2: (normal, I believe);

    b.  Since the program is poorly documented, I think the
registers are named as follows:

          TXB (Transmit buffer) - 03FBh
          MCR (Modem Control Register) - 03FCh,
          LSR (????? status register) - 03FDh,
          MSR (Modem Status Register) - 03FEh,
          TDR (Transmit Data Register??) - 03FFh

    c.  I believe the MODEM chip is a WD8250PL-00 (a 40 pin DIP).
It might be an 8519 (a 28 pin DIP).

    d.  The COMx: port is opened as
"COM2:BAUD,PARITY,BITS,STOP,CD" (a normal DOS port request.)
Modem input/output is via this handle.

My request:  Does anyone know of a better program that will work
with this modem??  Or does anyone know where I can get more
documentation for the modem?

Thanks in advance.
Gregory Hicks

PS.  I can't seem to get the 202 mode working.  Any ideas?
    Or is the problem that interpreted Basic isn't fast enough?


Date: 30 Jan 1986 10:21:27 PST
Subject: Re: Anchor modem problems
From: Richard Gillmann <GILLMANN@USC-ISIB.ARPA>
cc: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA

Sounds to me like a standard PC internal modem, in terms of the
registers, etc.  I've got an Anchor Automation (is this the same?)
Volksmodem 1200 which works fine with VDTE.  I would imagine it would
work also with most other terminal emulation or comm programs.  You
might try some of the free comm programs in the Info-IBMPC library.

As to the 202 modem, do you have a host computer to talk to which
does 202?  Bell 202 is very rare these days (212 is the standard)
and the only use I've seen of it recently is in amateur packet radio.

Dick Gillmann


Date: Tue, 28 Jan 86 22:32:12 pst
From: minshall%ucbopal@BERKELEY.EDU (Greg Minshall)
To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa
Subject: DOS vs. direct screen writes
Cc: gts%ucbopal@BERKELEY.EDU

Hi.  I'm a novice in the PC arena, but I am sorely tempted to complain
about the so-called "write_string" sub-code of the INT 10H BIOS entry
point (I don't even know how to call things, sigh).

This routine generates at least one, if not two, INT 10H's per character
being moved into the video ram.  I haven't measured how fast this is
really running on my AT, but I doubt it goes more than about 19K bits
per second.  If I just do a REPZ MOVSW, the update is essentially

(So, I just measured the rates.  INT 10H runs at about 59 Kilobits/second;
REPZ MOVSW runs at about 5.12 Megabits/second.)

Am I right?  Given that I need instantaneous updates (not 19K bits),
what do I do?  Can I just copy some of the BIOS code (for locking out
things - as in the scroll_up function, which seems to do things right),
and run that, and assume that it will run everywhere?


Greg Minshall


Date: 29 Jan 1986 14:46:45 PST
To: minshall%ucbopal@BERKELEY.EDU (Greg Minshall)
Subject: DOS vs. direct screen writes
From: Richard Gillmann <GILLMANN@USC-ISIB.ARPA>

Yes, your analysis of the video display choices is valid.  If you go
thru DOS, it will be compatible with all MS-DOS computers, but
relatively slow, especially if you're doing full screen updates.  If
you go direct to the regen buffers, it will be fast but compatible
only with IBM PC clones.  Don't forget to do the vertical retrace
boogie with the color/graphics adaptor or you'll wind up in "snowy

Dick Gillmann


Date:     Tue, 28 Jan 86 16:38:06 PST
From:     walton%Deimos@Hamlet.Caltech.Edu
Subject:  7 cents per Kb
To:       info-ibmpc%Deimos@Hamlet.Caltech.Edu
cc:       caltech%Deimos@Hamlet.Caltech.Edu

From the February 1986 issue of PC Tech Journal:

"The shocker of the show [COMDEX] was the announcement from TheSys of
an add-in memory board holding 8 Mb of RAM.  Actually, the board has
12 Mb on it; 4 Mb are used for ECC [error correction--NOT just
detection].  Fully populated, this board costs $800.  And it is
EMS-compatible.  Want more?  It is CMOS.  Not content?  TheSys also
introduced a 16MB solid-state hard disk--a box full of RAM with your
choice of disk interface.  Buy the unit, plug it into your hard- disk
controller, and away you go with a hard disk that boasts an average
access time of 10 microseconds (about 8,000 times faster than the XT
hard disk).  Again, it is CMOS and can be backed up with batteries."

As a side note, it would cost us a minimum of $16,000 to upgrade our
5-year-old VAX 780 from 4 to 8 Mb of memory--40 times more per

				Steve Walton
				Caltech Solar Astronomy


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 86 02:36:13 EST
To:  info-ibmpc@usc-isib.ARPA
Subject: Procomm

Inno Frencken asks about Procomm.  I don't use it but I do have the
latest version.  Let me know if you want it for the INFO-IBMPC library.

[Yes!  Please send the source code.  --Ed.]


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1986 11:39:37 -0100
From: mcvax!steven@seismo.CSS.GOV (Steven Pemberton)
To: info-ibmpc-request@usc-isib.arpa
Subject: B for the IBM PC and compatibles under MS-DOS.


(This B is unrelated to the predecessor of C: B is a working title.
The language will get its final name, ABC, when the language is frozen.)

There is now a first implementation of B available for the IBM PC and
compatibles under MS-DOS, alongside the existing implementation for Unix. It
is available for the cost of the media: $35 US, or Dfl. 100. Details of the
implementation and an order form are at the end of this article.

What is B? 
B is a new interactive programming language and environment that is as
simple as Basic to learn, offers the structure of C and Pascal, but thanks
to its high-level data-types is very powerful and convenient to use.

It has 2 basic data-types: numbers and texts (=strings), and 3 composite
data-types: compounds, lists and tables.
o Numbers are unbounded, like all data-types in B, and are kept exact if
  possible (even with division);
o Texts can be joined, repeated, trimmed;
o Compounds are like records, or structures, but without field-names;
o Lists are sorted sequences of values of any one type (numbers, texts,
o Tables are generalised arrays: both indexes and elements may be of any type.

The usual structured commands are available: IF, WHILE, etc. You can define
your own commands and functions. Functions can return values of any type.

B is both a language and an environment. There is a structured editor that
knows about B which you use the whole time that you are using B. It suggests
possible command completions, so for instance, if you type a W, it suggests
the command WRITE, which you can accept by typing a tab. It also supplies
such things as closing brackets automatically.

The best way to appreciate the power and simplicity of B is to see some
examples, and 2 are given below. For more details see "An Overview of the B
programming Language" by Leo Geurts, in SIGPLAN December 1982, and
"Description of B" by Lambert Meertens and Steven Pemberton, SIGPLAN
February 1985.)

Imagine you want to maintain a list of phone numbers. You start off with an
empty list (>>> is the prompt from B):
	>>> PUT {} IN tel
and add a few numbers
	>>> PUT 4138 IN tel["Frank"]
	>>> PUT 4071 IN tel["Leo"]
	>>> PUT 4141 IN tel["Lambert"]
Now you can look up individual numbers:
	>>> WRITE tel["Leo"]
or even write the whole table:
	>>> WRITE tel
	{["Frank"]: 4138; ["Lambert"]: 4141; ["Leo"]: 4071}
(note they're sorted on the names). You can access the list of 'keys' (the
	>>> WRITE keys tel
	{"Frank"; "Lambert"; "Leo"}
and so you can write the table neatly:
	>>> FOR name IN keys tel:
	        WRITE name, ":", tel[name] /
	Frank: 4138
	Lambert: 4141
	Leo: 4071
It is easy to discover who has a particular number:
	>>> IF SOME name IN keys tel HAS tel[name]=4141: WRITE name
But if you do this often it is easier to create the inverse table:
	>>> PUT {} IN let
	>>> FOR name IN keys tel:
		PUT name IN let[tel[name]]
	>>> WRITE let[4141]
	>>> WRITE let
	{[4071]: "Leo"; [4138]: "Frank"; [4141]: "Lambert}

Example 2: a cross reference generator.
(This example would need more than 100 lines of Pascal or C.)

    PUT {} IN xtab
    FOR line'no IN keys text:
    PUT text[line'no] IN line
    WHILE line>"": TREAT'WORD
    IF word>"": SAVE'WORD
    PUT "" IN word
    WHILE line>"" AND NOT alpha:
        PUT line@2 IN line
    WHILE line>"" AND alpha:
        PUT word^line|1, line@2 IN word, line
    REPORT line|1 in {"a".."z"} OR line|1 in {"A".."Z"}
    IF word not'in keys xtab:
        PUT {} IN xtab[word]
    INSERT line'no IN xtab[word]
    FOR word IN keys xtab:
        WRITE word<<10
        FOR line IN xtab[word]:
            WRITE line>>4, " "
        WRITE /

o Requires at least 384K bytes to run, though there is a restricted version
  without the built-in editor that runs in 256K.
o Runs under MS-DOS 2.0 or higher.
o Configurable for different size screens, or to use the ANSI screen driver,
  for compatibles with incompatible BIOS.
o Editing operations can be bound to the keys of your choice.
o Comes on a single 5.25" or 3.5" diskette. Apricot format also available.
o It is not copy protected.
o It is not a production version: it is not fast, but it is fun!

Apart from the floppy, you get a book introducing B, how to use the system,
and giving a complete description of the language, and a quick reference

Fill in the details below, and send them with a cheque or money order for
$35 US or Dfl. 100 (to cover cost of media, postage, etc.) payable to
Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam to:
	B Group, PC Distribution
	POB 4079
	1009 AB Amsterdam
	The Netherlands

Network address:

Type of machine(s):

Required media
[ ] 5.25" double-sided, double density floppy
[ ] 3.5" double-sided floppy

Required version
[ ] Full implementation (at least 384K bytes)
[ ] Small version (256K bytes)

Signature and date:


Date: Wed 29 Jan 86 09:01:41-CST
From: Pete Galvin <CC.GALVIN@R20.UTEXAS.EDU>
Subject: Dos 3.1 Environment size patch
To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA

Here it is, snarfed from a  recent issue of the Boston Computer Society's

Debug Command.Com:
xxxx:0D11 0A
change the 0A to 1E for a 544 byte environment or 3C for a 1K size.
Then of course do a 'W' command to save the new version.



Date: Wednesday, 29 January 1986 11:32:56 EST
From: Joe.Newcomer@a.sei.cmu.edu
To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa
Subject: Clarification on GREP.C

The version of GREP.C I submitted contains, as I indicated, calls on
the Blaise Computing CTOOLS library.  This includes the use of the
<direct.h> file which is part of their library.  Anyone who wants to
expand the code to "run native" using some DOS gate may do so; the
problem is that most DOS gate code is not portable across C compilers.
Since I felt no loss in generality by using the Blaise package, and
most of the necessary logic changes I made in this area are necessary,
I felt this to be an improvement over the no-wildcards version that
was there.  The dsrfirst and dsrnext calls are translations of the DOS
calls, and the struct used is based on the DOS documentation.
Ideally, someone will now build on my contribution and produce a
fully-native version, or produce a <direct.h> and dsrfirst/dsrnext
package.  I cannot, because I have already read the Blaise copyrighted
code and any such effort could be construed as releasing proprietary


Date: 29 Jan 86 09:46:00 PST
From: ALEX WOO <wu@ames-aero>
Subject: LOTUS Specs
To: info-ibmpc-request <info-ibmpc-request@isib>

Dennis Korbel here at NASA Ames called LOTUS and checked on those
LOTUS internal specs that I sent you.  They are released to the
public domain, but they are copyrighted so that you don't modify them.
Basically if the documents are released without modification then
LOTUS OK's it.


[OK, this is now available in the file [ISIB]<INFO-IBMPC>LOTUS123.FILE-FORMAT
-- ed.]


Date: 29 Jan 1986 11:55:24 PST
Subject: Different versions of ARC
From: Koji Okazaki <swg.Koji@USC-ISIB.ARPA>

Hello.  It has recently come to my attention that there may be some
incompatibilities between some versions of the public domain archiver
program called ARC.

The specific versions in question are ARC430.COM, ARC450.COM, and ARC500.COM.
As we are starting to get more program submissions in ARC format, it is
important that we know what the differences are between the three
aforementioned versions, and the degrees of compatibility between them.
Some users have already said that they couldn't successfully de-archive the
programs they ftp'ed from us, perhaps due to the possibility that they were
archived in one version and de-archived in another.

Help will be appreciated!


Date: Wed 29 Jan 86 15:48:35-PST
From: Steve Dennett <DENNETT@SRI-NIC.ARPA>
Subject: PC Ltd. AT Query

There have been several messages over the last few months requesting info
on the PC's Limited AT clone.  I'd like to know if anyone has at this point
actually bought and used one, and what their experience with it has been.
Thanks mucho!

Steve Dennett


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 86 15:48:14 PST
From: Matthew J Weinstein <matt@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU>
To: info-ibmpc-request@isib
Subject: Battery backed up memory

A company called ``SEMIDISK'' makes battery backed up memory.
$595/512k.  It's in some of the mags.

- Matt


Date: Wed, 29 Jan 86 19:09:55 PST
From: mccluskey@Jpl-VLSI.ARPA
Subject: Microsoft Compatible Driver Wanted for Logitech Mouse
To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa

I'm using a couple of AT's equipped with Logitech mice that came with
the $6000 Futurenet Schematic capture system, and I'd like to use these
same mice with Microsoft software such as PC-Paintbrush, etc... 
Could someone post me the phone number of Logitech so I can call them up
and beg them for a driver?  Futurenet is no help at all, and I seriously
doubt we will ever buy anything from them again.  I've ordered a schematic
drawing package from Omation, in Texas, and it looks like a very nice
system for a reasonable (relative to Futurenet) $495.  A review will
follow when it arrives.

P.S.  I went to the L.A. computer swap meet and what they say is true!
      An 8 slot motherboard with a V-20, boot rom, and 640K capable 
      (0K installed) for a mere $115 !!!  Still, the supply of EGA
      compatible graphics boards is not yet comparable to the plethora
      of color and hercules boards displayed.

John McCluskey @ JPL-VLSI.ARPA  ( or is it JPLLSI ??? )


Date: 30 Jan 1986 10:47:05-EST
From: mlsmith@NADC
To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib
Subject: Bad Reset

Recently I have been unable to reset the IBM-PC/AT I have with a
<ctrl> <alt> <del>. I have to power down to get it running again. The
symptoms I get are "Invalid drive specification" when it seeks the
autoexec file and ANSI.SYS on the hard disk. I also used to load the
mouse driver, but have removed it from the config.sys file. I load
from A: the following files:


break = on
device = c:\dos\ansi.sys
buffers = 50
files = 15

[The contents of this are saved in [ISIB]<INFO-IBMPC>AUTOEXEC.BIG --
by the way, this is by far the longest autoexec file I have ever seen,
over 200 lines! --Ed.]

Does anyone have a clue of what is going on? {DOS is 3.1}


Date: Thu, 30 Jan 86 08:34:48 est
From: allegra!phri!greenber@seismo.CSS.GOV (Ross Greenberg)
Subject: Disk Optimizers....not too good
To: allegra!seismo!usc-isib.arpa!info-ibmpc

In respose to a request regarding information regarding Disk Optimizers:

I'm not too impressed.  They perform exactly as advertised, but with
the following (important) caveat:

They all seem to throw the empty disk space in one large chunk at the end
of the (physical) disk.  Soft Logic's program also alphabetizes the
directory, and throws all of a directory's clusters together.

So, when I do a "COPY /c/myprog.c /c/myprog.old, the poor disk has a
lot of work to do, going from the directory and FAT, to the the actual
data area, to the empty space at the *other* end of the disk, and back.
Lots of seek time. Reads are pretty quick, but writes actually become

Fix-by:   create a huge file in your most commonly used directory,
	  run the optimizer, then delete the huge file, leaving a
	  gorgeous chunk of contigious space right where you need it.

I think the disk optimizer companies should re-release their products
when it puts all the empty space in the center of the disk.


Date: Thu, 30 Jan 86 08:47:51 est
From: allegra!phri!greenber@seismo.CSS.GOV (Ross Greenberg)
Subject: File I/O from resident programs
To: allegra!seismo!usc-isib.arpa!info-ibmpc

Regarding opening up a file when you are terminate-and-stay-resident:


Be very careful when you attempt this.  Many an FAT has been eaten for
lunch when I first tried doing it.  Two ways that work like a charm:

1)	Take over interrupt 0x28.  This interrupt gets called by DOS
	while its waiting for a key to be hit. Whenever it does get
	called (your program should not be time critical, btw, as
	this routine is never called from CPU intensive tasks), it
	is safe to do with DOS what you will. (Except for certain
	interruptions, such as Search First and Search Next, which
	either you'll screw-up for the foreground task, or they'll
	screw-up for you.)

2)	Get the Critical Section Flag by issuing an int 21, with ah=0x34.
	This returns a pointer to a flag in ES:BX. When this flag is
	NULL, *and interrupts on on!*, it is safe to play DOS games.
	Unless you are the last program to take over the interrupt,
	don't trust the flag word: many "fine" programs like SideKick
	do not give you a true copy of the flag word on the stack, but
	rather give a simple "pushf" *after* interrupts are turned off.

Happy Hackin'


Date: Thu 30 Jan 86 09:35:52-PST
From: Jackie <Burhans%ECLD@USC-ECL.ARPA>
Subject: More MIX "C" notes
To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA
cc: howald%ECLD@USC-ECL.ARPA

Two more notes on the MIX C compiler:

There  is  indeed  a #define MACRO feature and  a  /*$LISTMACRO*/ 
compiler option to expand macros during compilation.  

The  linker creates very small .COM files,  but they must be used 
with  a  runtime support file called RUNTIME.OVY,  which  has  to 
reside  on  the same disk or in the same directory  as  the  .COM 
file.  You can, however, patch the linker to look for the overlay 
file  on  another drive or directory,  in which case  all  linked 
files will share the path direction to RUNTIME.OVY.  You can also 
use  the  linker to "build" an executable file with  the  runtime 
support in it.


Date: Thu, 30 Jan 86 10:07:57 PST
From: prandt!reynolds@AMES-NAS.ARPA (Don Reynolds)
Subject: Re: LS.LBR
Cc: amelia!info-ibmpc-request@usc-isib.ARPA

I will put a copy of it in our public directory on our ARPA node,
ames-nas.arpa.  It is a 4.2 bsd VAX which supports ftp login anonymous
with any (non-null) password.  I will put it in two subdirectories
with Kermit, using image mode (kermit -is) for the executable in
subdirectory /bin; and ascii mode for the documentation and source
listings (for the folks at Info-IBMPC).  Happy snarfing!



Date:  Thu, 30 Jan 86 14:10 EST
Subject:  INT09 Side Effect
To:  info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA

Anybody know if the keyboard interrupt routine (INT09) leaves the
byte value sent to the I/O port in tact after using it, i.e., can it
be read again by subsequent code if another kb interrupt hasn't
arrived to clobber it?


End of Info-IBMPC Digest