[mod.computers.ibm-pc] Info-IBMPC Digest V5 #27

Info-IBMPC@USC-ISIB.ARPA (Info-IBMPC Digest) (02/23/86)

Info-IBMPC Digest      Sunday, 23 February 1986    Volume 5 : Issue 27

This Week's Editor: Richard Gillmann

Today's Topics:

                    Updated Xenix PC/AT C Compiler
                          Leading Edge Setup
                    NANSI is a Snowy Mode Program
                   CMR-ATTRIB.ASM added to Library
                    SAVSCR11.ASM added to Library
                      CRC2.PAS added to Library
                        IBM Mono vertical hold
                          Source for SPF/PC
                  How to Print the Screen from Basic
                    Undocumented switches in LINK
                Query: Date and Time from Turbo Pascal
            Problems locking bad sectors on AT hard drives
                 Interface to Videodisk Player Wanted
                      Wordstar Locations Wanted
                  Extended vs. Expanded Memory Query
                            Three Queries


From: Herm Fischer <hermix!fischer@rand-unix.ARPA>
Reply-To: HFischer@ada20
To: info-ibmpc@isib.arpa
Subject: Updated Xenix PC/AT C Compiler
Date: Sat Feb 22 21:10:17 1986

The latest Microsoft update to the Xenix C compiler just about fixes up
the Large Model.  Gasp!  Finally!  It sure is nice to be able to rely
on large model programs without hunting for compiler bugs...

(I found one problem with the optimizer generating bad code, but that was 
obscure, avoided by dropping the -O flag, and so far hasn't recurred in 
other programs.  Register variables seem to finally work.  A far cry from 
having to hack middle model to allocate large data segments last 

Look for the set of Microsoft update disks dated 12/31/85.  I understand 
they were sent out to the OEMs and DIAL customers.  Your Xenix source 
should be able to provide them.  

(Other things fixed:  shared memory; large malloc (32K-64K) seems to work
now; a huge model seems to generate code but some link modules are missing
(compiler flag -Mh); the way the kernel allocates internal memory is 
different now (may affect custom driver code), and a few others.)


Date: 21 Feb 86 13:34:00 EST
From: <doug@ari-hq1>
Subject: Leading Edge Setup
To: info-ibmpc <info-ibmpc@usc-isid>

I ordered a Leading Edge "M" through the mail.  When it arrived I set
it according to the instructions, except the instructions didn't tell
how to install the monitor card.  No problem, except that once
installed I couldn't get anything on the screen.  I reseated the card,
tried it in several different slots, even read the instructions.  No
joy.  Finally, about midnight, an image of a dip switch bubbled up
from some deep recess of my mind.  Certainly not from the installation
documation - I finally found them mentioned in the Technical Specs,
about page 178.  Those switches were set, quite logically, to null,
since the monitor card was not installed at the factory.

MORAL:  It's not the device that's faulty  -  
	more likely it's the documentation.


From: chapman%miro@BERKELEY.EDU (Brent Chapman)
To: kegel@juliet.caltech.edu
Cc: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa
Subject: NANSI is a Snowy Mode Program
Date: 21 Feb 86 16:17:33 PST (Fri)

I snagged your NANSI driver from the INFO-IBMPC library.  I like it so far,
but I have one problem with it:  It thoroughly snows my screen.  Any ideas
for a fix?

I have an AT with a CGA.


Brent Chapman


Date: 21 Feb 1986 20:47:21 PST
Subject: CMR-ATTRIB.ASM added to Library
From: Eliot Moore <SWG.ELMO@USC-ISIB.ARPA>
To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA

CMR-ATTRIB.ASM	Modified attrib.asm to twiddle archive bit. I also made a
		couple of other minor changes.  I changed the command parser to
		make '.*' the default when the file name extension is not
		specified.  I changed the command parser to accept ";" as a
		delimiter.  I changed the command parser to accept multiple
		attributes.  In the case of incompatible attributes the last
		one wins.

		The user should be aware that there are some other differences
		between this program and the dos 3.10 attrib command.  The dos
		attrib command lists the entire drive and path when listing
		files, while this program lists only as much of the path as
		the user specified.

		Original program was written by Bob Eager, Herne Bay, England.
		Craig Milo <Rogers@Isi> 3-Feb-86


Date: 21 Feb 1986 21:26:10 PST
Subject: SAVSCR11.ASM added to Library
From: Eliot Moore <SWG.ELMO@USC-ISIB.ARPA>

SAVSCR.ASM	Is a resident program to write text displayed on a
		screen to disk.  Version 1.1 adds support for the EGA board.
		Ted Shapin <Bec.Shapin@ECL> 11 Feb 86


Date: 21 Feb 1986 22:15:59 PST
Subject: CRC2.PAS added to Library
From: Eliot Moore <SWG.ELMO@USC-ISIB.ARPA>

CRC2.PAS	A collection of documented routines to calculate CRC's
		written for Turbo pascal, inspired by CRC.PAS
		David Dantowitz <dantowitz%eagle1@decwrl.dec.com> Feb 86


Date: 22 Feb 1986 02:39:07 EST
Subject: IBM Mono vertical hold
From: Franklin Antonio <QUALCOMM@USC-ISID.ARPA>
To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA

Someone asked recently if IBM Mono displays had a vertical hold
adjustment. Yes.  Several pots inside.

	VR401 -- Vertical Hold
	VR402 -- Vertical Size
	VR403 -- Vertical Linearity

Pretty simple circuitry.  Schematic is in the IBMPC technical
reference manual.


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 86 20:28 EST
Subject: Source for SPF/PC

To the individual who was looking for the source of SPF/PC:

Command Technology Corporation
1900 Mountain Boulevard
Oakland, California 94611
telex: 509330


From: todd%trsvax.UUCP@BRL.ARPA
Subject: How to Print the Screen from Basic
Date: Tue, 11-Feb-86 15:12:00 PST

To print the screen from BASIC, a short assembly language
program will do the trick. The assembly language routine is
embedded in a string, and should work with any MS-DOS BASIC.
To use it, just say GOSUB 900.

900 ' Dump screen using INT 5
910 A$ = CHR$(&HCD) + CHR$(&H5)		' int 5 instruction
920 A$ = A$ + CHR$(&HCB)		' far return instruction

This information has been provided by an individual.
... canonical disclaimer ...

Todd Milburn
Tandy Corp.


From: rde@ukc.ac.uk
Subject: Undocumented switches in LINK
Date: Wed, 12-Feb-86 16:54:17 PST

Some people may have seen the article about the /E switch in LINK
although it may not have come to this newsgroup. Not quite sure where
it came from, but basically it said that there was an undocumented
switch in LINK, the /E switch (actually, that's the minimum
abbreviation; its full name is EXEPACK). Apparently it does much the
same job as the EXEPACK utility that comes with version 4 of the
assembler; it compresses uninitialised data areas and grafts in a bit
of code to expand them again at run time. Sure makes a difference on
some files! For example, version 2.27 of MS-Kermit shrinks (the .EXE
file that is) from 84K to 35K approx (but then there are some enormous
data areas for screen saving). Version 2.28 of MS-Kermit claims space
dynamically so the saving won't be as dramatic. The time taken to do
the expansion at the start of execution is a *lot* less than the time
taken to load 50K of zeros off a floppy.

This switch is not present in version 3.00 of the linker (came with
the 3.00 assembler) but it is in version 3.02 of the linker (came with
version 1.0 of QuickBasic).

Incidentally, both 3.00 and 3.02 have a handy switch called /HELP
(abbreviation at least /HE) which just summarises switches and exits.
There is also a /WINDOWS switch; no idea what it does though.

Bob Eager


Phone: +44 227 66822 ext 7589


Date: 18 Feb 1986 05:57-PST
Subject: Query: Date and Time from Turbo Pascal
To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA

How do I get the date and time from within a Turbo Pascal program?  Is
there a function call, or do I have to use some embedded assembly
code?  Please provide me some code, or a pointer to a PC Digest
(volume and issue) where I can find it.  Thanks.

Brian Schaar


From: chapman%miro@BERKELEY.EDU (Brent Chapman)
To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa
Subject: Problems locking bad sectors on AT hard drives
Date: 21 Feb 86 16:20:33 PST (Fri)

I use an AT, with a 20M disk, running DOS 3.10.  I have been
experiencing problems with DOS's handling of bad clusters on the disk.
PC-TOOLS showed two bad clusters on the disk when it was formatted,
before any files were copied onto it.  Now, however, it appears that
DOS has allocated right over the top of one of those two bad clusters.

Has anyone had any experience with this type of problem?  Can anyone
suggest any solutions?  I'd like to be able to mark these clusters in
some way and prevent DOS from allocating them.  I could simply create
a file that is made up of these two bad clusters, then hide the file,
but when I did a backup/restore, that would because the file would be
restored to an arbitrary position on the disk, and something else
would be written over those bad clusters.  Any other ideas?


Brent Chapman


Date: 21 February 86 19:30-PST
Subject: Interface to Videodisk Player Wanted

Does anyone know about ways to use a PC to control a videodisk player?
A friend in the drama department here at Stanford is trying to put
together a catalog for his collection of slides in the form of a
database on a PC (probably an IBM AT), and it would be nice to be able
to display the pictures on a videodisk machine under control of the
program on the computer.  I assume that this will require a physical
link of some sort and software on the computer, but my knowledge of
videodisk players is limited to that required to get one to play
Empire Strikes Back.  If you send information to me directly, I will
be happy to summarize for the net.

Thanks in advance.
   Pat McAllister


Date: 22 Feb 86 03:20 GMT
From: oli2146 @ KOREA-EMH
Subject: Wordstar Locations Wanted

Looking for the source code locations for the delay defaults used by
WordStar Ver 3.3.  Thanks in advance

Mark H. Meaders
"From the Land of the Morning Calm"     and the mid-afternoon madness...


Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1986 22:29:45 EST
From: Mark Harris Perlman  <6108070%PUCC.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa
Subject: Extended vs. Expanded Memory Query

Can anyone out there relate experiences using extended and expanded
memory on the AT in both a dos and XENIX environment?  I know that
XENIX requires extended memory, but what about DesQview and Windows?
Also, will the Intel Above Board AT support both extended and expanded
memory?  Thanks in advance.

--Mark Perlman

(Many of the above words are trademarks of many companies).


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 86 14:04:48 PST
From: Doug Lind <entropy!lind@uw-beaver.arpa>
To: INFO-IBMPC@usc-isib.arpa
Subject: Three Queries

1. Does anyone know of a package of Turbo Pascal scientific programs,
like the NAG library? It should handle standard problems (differential
equations, numerical integration, matrix operations, etc.), use
complex numbers, be available in source code, and it would be nice to
support Hercules card graphics, like the Turbo Graphix Toolbox.

2. The Norton NU program bombs out on my Zenith 158 with a message
about the program being out of memory (used on a hard disk with about
6 MB of files; works fine on the second hard disk). Is there a public
domain Unerase program to recover erased files similar to Norton's?

3. DoubleDos crashes on my Z158; the problem seems to be with the
keyboard buffer. Has anyone successfully run DoubleDos on a Zenith,
either at 4.77Mhz or 8Mhz? It crashes on mine at either speed.
DoubleDos is working on the problem, and seems to think the problem is
in the keyboard hardware of the Zenith.

Any information on these would be much appreciated.

Doug Lind, Univ. of Wash. Math. Dept.


End of Info-IBMPC Digest