Info-IBMPC Digest Friday, June 6, 1986 Volume 5 : Issue 58 This Week's Editor: Eliot Moore <Elmo@USC-ISIB> Today's Topics: Accessing the Info-IBMPC program library via BITNET Adaptek turns 20 megs into 30 RE: Microsoft C and Environment Space Lattice Service Toshiba Drivers for Lotus 1A Quick reference list to SIMTEL20's MSDOS directories Davong WordStar Query Query: who makes SCSI interface boards for PC WORM drives Looking for Library Software Help needed with Digital Research MT Pascal Protected-mode DOS problem Terminal Emulator Wanted for XENIX Fonts for the Corona LBP-CX Laser Printer MS-DOS SHELL IBM-PC screen size PIBTERM eats FF X.25/X.PC Public Domain Code Hard Disk Problems nroff and typesetting on MSDOS Textsystem for 132 column mode Cross-Development System EGA + Sperry PC NEC and SONY Multisynch Monitors ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 04 Jun 86 18:2 EGA + Sperry PC6:07 CDT From: CCRJW%UMCVMB.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU (Richard Winkel UMC) To: GILLMANN@USC-ISIB.ARPA Subject: Accessing the Info-IBMPC program library via BITNET ReSent-Date: 5 Jun 1986 09:41:49 PDT ReSent-From: Richard Gillmann <GILLMANN@USC-ISIB.ARPA> ReSent-To: info-IBMPC@USC-ISIB.ARPA A separate copy of the program library is being maintained on CCUC@UMCVMB.BITNET. This is a mail-based server machine; no interactive messages are accepted. CCUC comes up once a day, at 6am local time, to process library requests. Any requested files will be sent to you at that time. Please don't re-send requests! This will only tie up the net. To request a program or a set of programs, send CCUC a file named PC-LIB REQ containing the filespecs of each file you want, one per line. No wildchars are allowed. Both IBM-CMS and IBM-PC type filespecs are allowed. (i.e. both 'COM_PKG1.ASM' and 'COM_PKG1 ASM' are recognized) Each line is assumed to contain a filespec, so please don't send mail or NOTE type files! A CMS example: To request ABOMB.BAS and COM_PKG1.ASM, do the following: In CMS ready mode, type: XEDIT PC-LIB REQ Input the following two lines: ABOMB.BAS COM_PKG1.ASM Save the file, and in CMS ready mode, type: SENDFILE PC-LIB REQ TO CCUC AT UMCVMB An up to date, commented list of the Info-IBMPC library files is contained in the file PROGRAM- LIS. A CMS style file list, which includes other available files and time/date stamps, is in CCUC FILELIST. Like other functions of the Info-IBMPC interest group, this is a volunteer effort. Please don't abuse it! Questions, complaints and suggestions regarding CCUC can be sent to CCUC (use a filename other than PC-LIB REQ), which will forward them to the CCUC operator. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 1 Jun 86 13:08:56 PDT From: Ya'akov_Miles%UBC.MAILNET@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA Subject: Adaptek turns 20 megs into 30 Having heard rumours of a miracle hard disk controller that changed 20 megabyte winchesters into 30 megabyte winchesters, I finally tracked down and bought an Adaptek ACB-2070A controller. This controller uses RLL (Run-length-limited) encoding, as opposed to MFM encoding which was employed by my old CMS controller My observations on the Adaptek ACB-2070A are as follows (1) My Seagate ST-225 now has 32 megabytes of formatted capacity instead of 20 megabytes with the CMS controller. (2) My Seagate ST-225 now seems to load programs 1.5 times as fast Maybe it is bceause there are now 25 sectors/cylinder with RLL as opposed to 17 sectors/cylinder with MFM. (3) The Adaptek ACB-2070A controller handles up to two hard disks of different sizes. It allows the creation of multiple logical disks out of one physical disk (but only if you want to do it) (4) No special diskettes were necessary. The format program is resident in EPROM, and is conversational. Very thorough error checking (retries inhibited) is performed. My year-old Seagate had no errors, even though it had been operated sideways, etc. (5) The manual supplied with the Adaptek controller was excellent It was a big improvement over the inaccurate, incomplete, misleading document that CMS supplied on cheap newsprint... ------------------------------ Subject: RE: Microsoft C and Environment Space Date: Mon, 02 Jun 86 14:55:34 -0700 From: Randy <> A week ago I posted a query about Microsoft C and the environment space. After some experimentation, talking with Microsoft technical support, and getting some replies from PC experts, I can offer a little bit of insight. The problem is the compiler's "argument list for p0.exe too big" error message. The manual states that the command line may not exceed 128 bytes. What the manual fails to make clear is that the argument list passed off to p0.exe is not just the command line you give it, but an expanded command line that incorporates data from your INCLUDE and LIB environment variables (and perhaps from a few others). For example, each separate path in your INCLUDE variable gets passed to p0.exe as "-I <path>". So it's this expanded command line that is limited to 128 bytes. Say goodbye to lots of different include directories... The technical staff at Microsoft were clearly familiar with this problem, so we'll hope it's fixed in the next release. Thanks to those who replied. Randy Day. UUCP: {decvax|ihnp4}!uw-beaver!uw-june!randy ARPA: randy@washington CSNET: randy%washington@csnet-relay ------------------------------ Date: Tuesday, 3 June 1986 12:04:34 EDT From: To: Subject: Lattice Service Well, I just had a pleasant experience with Lattice. I received a new Lattice C 3.0 compiler, along with several Lattice libraries. Due to being away for over a month, I didn't complete the installation; I installed the various libraries but the the compiler itself. When I got back, I went to install the compiler, and the second disk was unreadable. I had carefully backed up my C area, so I simply restored the old 2.14 compiler. Alas, I'd forgotten about the libraries. They weren't compatible. I was stuck with having to restore the really old area, then have to reinstall all the libraries, or get a new compiler in a hurry. I called Lattice, arranged to Federal Express the old compiler out, arranged to have them send back a new compiler via FedEx (I paid both ways). The damaged compiler went out 6pm Tuesday and the new compiler arrived 10am Thursday. No dawdling there! I am pleased and impressed. joe ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Jun 86 00:58 EST To: From: GKN3M2%IRISHMVS.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU Subject: Toshiba Drivers for Lotus 1A CC: A driver for the Toshiba 1340 is available in an expanded Lotus 1A driver library. You may find this file on my favorite BBS, Radtel, in South Bend, Indiana. The phone # is 219-277-9103. Download the file LOTUSDLB.ARC and extract the files using ARC512.EXE. You will find a driver for the Toshiba 1350 which I know definitely works on a 1340. Evan Bauman University of Notre Dame GKN3M2%IRISHMVS.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1986 22:20 MDT Sender: KPETERSEN@SIMTEL20.ARPA From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA> To: INFO-HZ100@RADC-TOPS20.ARPA, INFO-IBMPC@USC-ISIB.ARPA Subject: Quick reference list to SIMTEL20's MSDOS directories Quick reference list to SIMTEL20's PD:<MSDOS.x> directories as of June 3, 1986 (where 'x' is one of the names below): ARC-LBR DIR-UTIL KEYBOARD PRINTER-UTIL TEXT-EDITOR ASM-UTIL DISK-UTIL LISP-LANGUAGE SCREEN TVX-EDITOR C-LANGUAGE FILE-UTIL MICRO-EMACS SQ-USQ TXT-UTIL DESK-ACCESSORY HAM-RADIO MODEM-UTIL SYSTEM-UTIL VOICE-SYNTH For a complete list of all files, get PD:<MSDOS>MSDOS.CRCLST --Keith ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 86 17:52:03 edt From: m15126%mwvm@mitre.ARPA To: Subject: Davong To: DAVISON@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA From: m15126%mwvm@mitre.ARPA <Burgess Allison> Subject: Re: Where is Davong? Chapter 11, I think. Maybe it was Chapter 7. Whatever Chapter they used, the last place I heard they were was Federal Bankruptcy Court. "Where have all the hard disks gone?" --Peter, Paul and Mary, 1986 Cc: INFO-IBMPC@USC-ISIB.ARPA ------------------------------ Date: Mon 2 Jun 86 12:27:12-PDT From: Jackie <Burhans%ECLD@USC-ECLC.ARPA> Subject: WordStar Query To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA Years ago, there was a commercial program for CP/M computers that checked a WordStar file for the correct number of toggle commands, such as underline or boldface. Does anyone know of a public domain program under MS-DOS/PC-DOS that does this? Thanks in advance. ------- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Jun 86 10:35:16 edt From: "Michael W. Herman" <> To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA Subject: Query: who makes SCSI interface boards for PC WORM drives Specifically, I want to hook up an optical disk to a PC. I'm not that interested in MS-DOS file system emulation but more or less interested in a vanilla driver and interface card. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Jun 86 14:35:48 EDT From: SAROFF%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU Subject: Looking for Library Software To: INFO-IBMPC@USC-ISIB.ARPA Hi, The University of Massachusetts Science Fiction Society has a library with over 3000 books in it. We are currently using a paper-and-3x5-card system to handle the books. A number of people, myself included, have decided to investigate the possibility of computerizing the library, card catalogue, and membership roster. What sort of software is available to do this. The requirements for the software follow: 1) It must be able to interface with a bar-code reader or some other similar system (Minimizes Human Error In check-ins/check-outs). 2) It must prevent a person with books or fines outstanding from checking out books. 3) It must be able to maintain an up to date membership roster. 4) It must be able to function as a card catalogue. 5) It must distinguish between hard and soft bound books. 6) It must be able to handle "doubles". (Books that have two novels, generally by two different authors, that are bound together.) 7) Must be reasonably "idiot proof" to use. 8) The budgetary constraints limit us to: A micro-computer, a bar code reader, and a hard disc. U.M.S.F.S. does not currently have a micro, so any software wource is fine we will select the system based on the library software. Matthew Saroff BITNET:SAROFF@UMASS ARPANET:SAROFF%UMASS.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 86 02:40 EDT From: Paul Schauble <Schauble@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA> Subject: Help needed with Digital Research MT Pascal To: Info-Pascal@BRL.ARPA, Info-IBMPC@USC-ISIB.ARPA I've been handed a program written in Digital Research MT Pascal and need to get it working. It uses overlays, Access Manager, and Display Manager. DR has effectively disowned the product and is no longer providing support. My immediate problem is this: The instructions I have for compilation say that one must strip symbols from the overlays before execution. The distribution disks contain a program STRIP. Unfortunatly, the only mention of this in the documentation is in the catalog of files on the diskettes. Can someone tell me how to run this?? Longer term, because of DR's non-support, this program will have to be moved to a different compiler. What would you suggest and why? I have used Microsoft Pascal, but I don't think it implements exactly the same language. I would greatly appreciate hearing from anyone who has done this type of conversion. Are reasonable equivalents for Access Manager and Display Manager available? Please mail directly to me. I doubt that there are very many others out there with this problem... Thanks in advance, Paul Schauble at MIT-Multics.ARPA ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 1 Jun 86 17:11:26 PDT From: kegel@Romeo.Caltech.Edu (Dan R. Kegel) Subject: Protected-mode DOS problem To: Protected-mode DOS device driver query: Microsoft is promising a protected-mode MS-DOS for sometime next year. This should give system programmers reason to pause, because: 0. Any program that does segment arithmetic will not work. (However, the memory allocation calls have been around since DOS 2.0, and people ought to be using them by now.) 1. .COM programs are out; only .EXE programs will be allowed. 2. ROM BIOS is not written to function in protected mode; the new DOS will perforce contain some sort of replacement for ALL of BIOS. Any programs which rely on anything but strictly kosher use of BIOS will probably not work. 3. The I/O space may be protected; thus, programs which use IN or OUT instructions may not work. 4. Code segments will be read-only; thus programs which store information in the code segment will not work. 5. Access to memory outside of each program's allocation block is disallowed by the protection mechanism. Areas which are commonly accessed include i. the interrupt table (0:0000 to 0:0100) ii. BIOS variables (40:0 to 40:?) iii. the screen (a000:0, a800:0, b000:0, b800:0) iv. BIOS code (e.g. the 5x7 font table) (F000:0...) v. memory-mapped peripherals (sector buffers, etc) The interrupt table can be accessed thru DOS calls, and BIOS code itself should never be accessed directly; so i. and iv. are not real concerns. However, it looks like programs which try to access BIOS variables or screen memory will not work! 6. Device drivers almost always use I/O instructions, store data in their code segment, and access memory outside their allocation block. Thus device drivers written for DOS 2 & 3 might not work at all under the new DOS! New programs can avoid these problems by relying upon DOS for all their needs- unless they require graphics, in which case only MS-Windows programs are safe. Your favorite device driver, however, is in deep trouble, with no escape route seen. Will knowledgable people please comment on the future of device drivers and the validity of the above restrictions? If replies are sent to me, I will post a summary to the net before 6/25. Daniel Kegel USMAIL: 1-60 Caltech, Pasadena, California 91126, USA (to June '86) ARPA: (or UUCP: {seismo!}! {} BITNET: kegel%juliet@caltech.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Jun 86 10:58:06 PDT From: jwf@CitHex.Caltech.Edu (John Flower) Subject: Terminal Emulator Wanted for XENIX To: I'm looking for terminal emulators to run under XENIX. In particular I'd like to find graphical stuff (Tektronix 4105 or 4107 would be ideal). If anyone can help me I'd appreciate a reply at Thanks, Jon Flower (818)-356-6695 ------------------------------ Date: Tue Jun 3 17:27:57 GMT+1:00 1986 From: mcvax!lasso!ralph@seismo.CSS.GOV (Ralph Sobek) To: mcvax!laser-lovers@seismo.CSS.GOV, Info-IBMPC@usc-isib.ARPA Subject: Fonts for the Corona LBP-CX Laser Printer We are looking for fonts (public-domain and/or commercial) for the Corona version of the Canon LBP-CX print engine. It is connected to our IBM-PC through its own card interface. What would also be of interest would be programs for the IBM-PC to convert other font formats to the Corona format; we have a VAX under Ultrix 1.1 (4.2 BSD) which contains a number of fonts. Please reply to me directly. Thank you. Ralph P. Sobek UUCP: mcvax!inria!lasso!ralph ARPA: sobek@ucbernie.Berkeley.EDU (automatic forwarding) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 86 16:52 EST From: <ERIC%UOFT02.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU> Subject: MS-DOS SHELL To: X-Original-To:, ERIC - Improved MSDOS - Has anyone out there typed in the MSDOS shell that appeared in the January 1986 issue of Dr. Dobbs Journal? The program appears to have a lot of useful additions to MSDOS but the listing is quite long, I will eventually get around to typing it in but if someone already has. Alan {cscon102@uoft02} ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1986 01:11 EST From: Brian Blau <BLAU%UCF1VM.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU> Subject: IBM-PC screen size To: <INFO-IBMPC@USC-ISIB.ARPA> Is is possible to reset the screen so that only a small window is accessable to DOS? If so do we do this by setting something inside DOS or do we have to program the video controller? ( we do not want scrunched characters , just to restrain the number of vertical and horizontal lines in on the screen ) We do not want to use TURBO Pascal's Window function, this information will be used for C functions. Also any information concerning programming the video controller would be helpful. Thanks for the help, Brian Blau and Earl Baugh <BLAU%UCF1VM.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU> and <BAUGH%UCF1VM.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU> Acknowledge-To: <BLAU@UCF1VM> ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Jun 86 09:28 N From: <INNO%HWALHW5.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU> Subject: PIBTERM eats FF To: INFO-IBMPC@USC-ISIB.ARPA X-Original-To: INFO-IBMPC@USC-ISIB.ARPA, INNO Hi folks, I have a very urgent question ! I'm using PIBTERM and via a second serial interface on my PC I am trying to get things right from our VAX to a serial interface letter-quality printer. So far so good; with MODE to set the second serial interface my VAX text is printed. But PIBTERM seems to eat the formfeeds. Other packages (that have other more serious problems) did not eat them. I hope someone can help me as soon as possible, because our secretary is desperate. Inno Frencken Computing Centre Agricultural University Hollandseweg 1 6706 KN Wageningen The Netherlands phone: 08370-83875 EARN-id: INNO EARN-node: HWALHW5 ------------------------------ Date: 4 Jun 1986 03:48-EDT Subject: X.25/X.PC Public Domain Code From: ABN.ISCAMS@USC-ISID.ARPA To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA Has anyone produced any public domain code (assembler or Pascal) to implement either of these comm protocols? If so, could you point me to an accessible source (e.g., anonymous FTP or someone to call/US Snail)? I have an implementation in Z80 code, but haven't the heart to recode plus figure the hardware conversions (Z80IO, Big Board, etc.). Thanks in advance, David Kirschbaum Toad Hall ABN.ISCAMS@USC-ISID.ARPA ------------------------------ Date: Thursday, 5 Jun 1986 20:40:28-PDT From: shapiro%newvax.DEC@decwrl.DEC.COM To: Info-IBMPC@USC-ISIB.ARPA, shapiro%newvax.DEC@decwrl.DEC.COM Subject: Hard Disk Problems I have a Seagate 20Mb hard disk, and Western Digital controller on my PC-2. I bought it 9 months ago from PC Limited in Austin TX. I've been very pleased with it until a couple of days ago, when I tried to boot and repeatedly got error 1701, hard disk failure. The red light kept blinking continously but the drive refused to respond. I called PC limited, and they claim that there's a problem with drives over a certain size (16 mb, I think) when using DOS 2.0 or 2.1 (I'm running 2.0). They claim that the FAT or something else eventually gets clobbered, and the only thing to do is a low level reformat with debug, and then use FDISK and FORMAT to reformat. (They also say it's possible this won't do the trick, in which case further investigation, and more likely a hardware repair will be needed. Luckily it's still under warranty). Anyone else experience or hear of this? Are they pulling my leg or what? I'm slightly desperate because I did not back up. There was no critical data, but lots of neat PD stuff that I never copied to floppies. If there's any way I can fix this without clobbering my data, I'd love to hear about it before I do the reformat. Incidentally, I have (or had) a single 10 MB DOS partition, of which about 7 MB was used up. Thanks for the help ------------------------------ Reply-To: HFischer@ada20 Date: Tue May 20 17:55:11 1986 From: Herm Fischer <hermix!fischer@rand-unix.ARPA> To: Subject: nroff and typesetting on MSDOS Date: Tue May 20 11:52:23 1986 I am searching for nroff and associated utilities for msdos. I got one flyer from the ELAN computer group, (415) 948-8193, which advertises for $295 DOS (yes, DOS, not Xenix) versions of nroff (for laserjet), ditroff, pic, eqn, neqn, tbl, checkmm, mm, mv, man mptx... For xenix the price is $395. I have never used their products and do not know anybody who has. Herm Fischer arpa HFischer@ada20 uucp ihnp4!hermix!fischer ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Jun 86 19:58:19 +0200 (Central European Summertime) From: XBR1YD2F%DDATHD21.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU (Ralf Eberhardt) Subject: Textsystem for 132 column mode To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA X-VMS-To: X%"info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA",YD2F Hello, we use the Graphics Solution Card from ATI Technologies in an IBM PC AT. This card enables us to change from 80 columns to 132 column mode. Now we'd like to know if there exists a text processing system that supports this feature. ATI provided a patch for WordStar so that it runs in this mode, but the result is not so satisfying. The Professional-Editor from IBM does not work, because it relies on 80 column screen an gets mixed up with 132 columns. If anybody knows about text-software that gives full support to 132 columns, please reply to this list or directly to XBR1YD2F@DDATHD21 (Bitnet). Any hints would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ralf Eberhardt Technische Hochschule Darmstadt West Germany XBR1YD2F@DDATHD21 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Jun 86 21:16:19 EST From: munnari!cidam.oz!mg@seismo.CSS.GOV (Mike A. Gigante) To: munnari! Subject: Cross-Development System Cc: mg@seismo.CSS.GOV Hi, I heard (or read) somewhere that there is a cross-development system for the 808[68] which runs under Unix (tm). (from MIT?) Is there such a beast? How is it distributed? thanks in advance for any help, Mike ----------- Michael Gigante [Research Engineer] UUCP :...!seismo!munnari!cidam.oz!mg Dept Mechanical & Production Eng. ARPA Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology CSNET:mg%cidam@munnari.oz GPO Box 2476V Phone: +61 3 660-2161 Melbourne Vic., Australia 3001 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 86 18:11:26 PDT From: crash!pnet01! (Jerry Moseley) To: Subject: EGA + Sperry PC Has anyone had any luck overcoming the BIOS handicap and getting an EGA board to work with the Sperry PC (or the Leading Edge Model M)? If so, I'm sure there are quite a few people who would like to hear about it! Including myself. -jerry ------------------------------ Full-Name: James Morrell To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.ARPA Subject: NEC and SONY Multisynch Monitors Date: Tue, 03 Jun 86 23:39:52 -0500 From: Jim Morrell <morrell@mitre.ARPA> Has anyone seen the new Sony multisynch monitor and compared it to the NEC multisynch? The Sony was shown at COMDEX in Atlanta and is to be "released" in JUly. ------------------------------ End of Info-IBMPC Digest ************************ -------