[mod.computers.ibm-pc] Info-IBMPC Digest V5 #77

Info-IBMPC@B.ISI.EDU (Info-IBMPC Digest) (08/19/86)

Info-IBMPC Digest      Monday, August 18, 1986     Volume 5 : Issue 77

This Week's Editor:  Richard Gillmann

Today's Topics:

                   Re: Superkey/newer PC-AT problem
                   Follow Up on Trackball Follow Up
                       Dos Trapping Interrupts
                    Keyboards and spring pressure
             Additional volumes of PC Seminar proceedings
                       IBM Professional FORTRAN
                      ATPERF.C Bug: Video Memory
                          Networking summary
                       Summary on SIMULA for PC
                 How EXEPACK works, sample .ASM file

Today's Queries:

               Wendin Personal Operating Systems Query
                        Data Line Noise Query
                              PL/I Query
          Parallel Port Swap After Print Installation Query
                     NEC V20 Problem with Old PC
                           IRMA Card Query
          PSP hackers guide and Microsoft mouse info needed
                         Programming Inquiry
              Statistical and Graphical Libraries Query
                      Lotus 1A EGA Driver Wanted
                             XLISP Query
                          Yterm + AT&T 6300
                       Tandon Hard Disk Problem
                 3278/79 Cards and Structured Fields
                          Query: PC Ltd. ATs
                          1meg Memory Query


To: crash!pnet01!adamsd@nosc.arpa
Cc: info-ibmpc@usc-isib
Subject: Re: Superkey/newer PC-AT problem
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 86 14:23:02 -0500
From: Mark Colan <mtc@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>

>	Borland's Superkey is incompatible with the new ROM set on recent
>	AT's. Specifically, the internal keyboard codes--which apparently
>	only Superkey reads directly--have been changed around for some
>	random reason. Borland is apparently working on a fix, but in the
>	meantime, they told us that Superkey WILL work on newer AT's if
>	they are ordered with the Enhanced Keyboard, which apparently
>	costs the same as the standard keyboard. You do, however, have to
>	explicitly request it to recieve it with your machine.
>	If you just got your new AT and wonder what's wrong with
>	Superkey, see if your dealer will swap keyboards. If you're about
>	to purchase an AT, you should request the enhanced keyboard--
>	especially since there may be other incompatibilities no one's
>	discovered yet.
>	P.S. I haven't tried it, but I suspect ProKey would also fail on
>	newer AT's for the same reason.

I think this is incorrect information.

I just phoned Borland to confirm that Superkey will not work on ANY
of the new PC/AT's (ie, model 339), regardless of the keyboard type, because
of the ROM BIOS change.  At least, that's what they told ME.

RoseSoft, has their act a little more together: the current version (4.0) 
of ProKey supports this new machine.  On the other hand, the copy of ProKey 
I received last Friday came with an unformatted diskette rather than the 
expected interesting bits.

Most of the dealers I have dealt with prefer to sell the new AT's with the 
Enhanced keyboard; they don't bother stocking the old one.  There is also
a different model number that distinguishes the two types of keyboard
for the 339 (sorry, I don't have specifics here).  In my case, I would 
have had to ask specifically for the OLD keyboard and then had to wait
while they order it.  I would recommend in any case that you double
check with the dealer to ensure you get the one you want.

BTW, I generally like the Enhanced keyboard, especially in terms of its
"feel".  It is quieter and requires less effort to get an action, so I
find I can type a little faster.  However, I DO NOT like the placement 
of many of the keys:  ESCAPE, CAPS-LOCK/CONTROL, and the function keys.  
I bought ProKey so that I could put the keys back where they "belong".  
Incidentally, the AT keycaps are swappable, so when you rearrange the keys 
in software, you can echo the changes on your keyboard.

Mark Colan
MIT Project Athena


To: t7y%cornellc.bitnet@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
Cc: info-ibmpc@usc-isib
Subject: Follow Up on Trackball Follow Up
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 86 14:31:16 -0500
From: Mark Colan <mtc@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>

I just phoned Honeywell/Disc because I'm very interested in this product
as a replacement for a mouse (I hates MIECES to PIECES).  

They gave me some information which is slightly more recent to your:

1. The XT keyboard version has gone up by $20
2. An AT keyboard version will be available around October
3. There is an RS232 version now, which presumably would work on the
   AT, but  you would definitely need the RS232-to-AT async adaptor.

Mark Colan
MIT Project Athena


To: edj@andrew.cmu.edu
Cc: info-ibmpc@usc-isib
Subject: Re: Dos Trapping Interrupts
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 86 14:38:08 -0500
From: Mark Colan <mtc@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>

It IS an annoyance that ^C does not work in all cases, but Ctrl-Break does.
I'm gonna try to get ProKey to convince my computer that when I pressed ^C,
I actually meant Ctrl-Break.  Anybody tried that?

Mark Colan
MIT Project Athena


Date: Thu 14 Aug 86 22:22:44-EDT
From: Joseph M. Newcomer <Joe.Newcomer@C.CS.CMU.EDU>
Subject: keyboards and spring pressure
To: info-ibmpc@B.ISI.EDU

I see a number of AT keyboard clones advertised in the back of Byte;
you might want to investigate them.  If you have a keyboard from one
of several companies that place the springs under the keytops instead
of between the PC board and the plunger, you can buy different springs
from them.  Keytronics is one such; they have actually ten weights of
springs (at least they did a few years ago) and we all had very heavy
springs installed in that relatively useless shift-lock key so it
could not be hit accidently.  (It was near the control key and easy to
hit incorrectly).  Since Keytronics makes one of the AT-compatible
keyboards, if it is of the spring-under-the-keytop flavor you might
want to order heavier springs (I think we bought a package of 100
springs for a few dollars).  Also, two springs can be installed under
some keys to "stiffen" them to values outside the normal range (e.g.,
a 5-weight spring and a 10-weight spring can give a 15-weight spring
even though there is no single spring this heavy; this is actually what
we did to the shift-lock key).


Date:         Mon, 11 Aug 1986 18:27 EDT
From:           Ben Yalow  <YBMCU%CUNYVM.BITNET@WISCVM.ARPA>
Subject:      Additional volumes of PC Seminar proceedings
To:  <info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa>

The listing of IBM PC Seminar proceedings in #75 stopped with
V3.3.  There have been 5 issues since then.  They are:

(G320-9323) V3.4  IBM Asynchronous Communications Server Protocol

(G320-9294) V3.5  IBM Personal Computer Voice Communications Option

(G320-9295) V4.1  IBM Personal Computer XENIX, Version 2.00

(G320-9296) V4.2  IBM Personal Computer System Extensions
                  IBM Personal Computer Enhanced Keyboard

(G320-9297) V4.3  IBM PC Convertible

As with the others, they should be available from the local IBM rep.

Ben Yalow


Date: 14 August 1986
To: munnari!info-ibmpc-request@usc-isib.arpa
From: kid%swanee.oz@seismo.css.gov (Mark Callaghan, Uni. of Western Australia)
Subject: IBM Professional FORTRAN

Less than a year ago, we bought IBM Professional FORTRAN from a dealer here
in Perth for over $A1000. I have since learnt the hard way that it has many
bugs, and the dealer tells me that IBM does not support its PC software. If
we had bought the compiler from Ryan-McFarland, who actually wrote it, we
would be entitled to incremental upgrades for minimal fees. Any upgrade for
our V1.00 IBM compiler will cost us the full original purchase price! Is this
IBM policy worldwide?
Sorry if you've heard this story before, but I feel like I've been deserted
and left holding the baby. If anyone can get me out of this hole at minimal
cost I will be grateful.
I will certainly avoid "IBM" labelled software in the future.

Mark Callaghan.

   ARPA :    kid%swanee.oz@seismo.css.gov
   UUCP :    ...!{seismo,mcvax,ucb-vision,uks}!munnari!swanee.oz!kid

[You might consider the Lahey F77 and Microsoft compilers as well as RM. -rag]


Date: 14 Aug 1986 17:02:28 PDT
Subject: ATPERF.C Bug:  Video Memory
From: Craig Milo Rogers  <ROGERS@B.ISI.EDU>
To: Info-IBMPC-Request@B.ISI.EDU

The ATPERF.C file in the Info-IBMPC library has a bug in the routines
which time video memory access.  One routine uses segment B4000H,
while the other uses segment B8000H.  I edited the routines to use an
assembly-time parameter for the address, and set it to B8000H, which
is correct for my system.  Users of this program are advised to review
this parameter before compiling/assembling and running this program.

The .C extension is a little deceptive -- the ATPERF file is actually
the concatenation of two .C programs and two .ASM subroutine

Users of the ATPERF and ATDISK programs should compile the C routines
using a SMALL programming model, or the C code and the ASM code may
not get along well together.

					Craig Milo Rogers

[The library file has been updated. -rag]


Date: Thu 14 Aug 86 22:31:39-EDT
From: Joseph M. Newcomer <Joe.Newcomer@C.CS.CMU.EDU>
Subject: direct.h
To: info-ibmpc@B.ISI.EDU

As I stated in the release notes for grep.c, I used the Blaise Pascal
Ctools functions to get first and next directory items; this is where
direct.h was defined.  Since it is proprietary, I cannot send it out
to anyone.  However, both Microsoft C and Lattice C 3.0 have
directory-first and directory-next functions (with slightly different
names and structures) so there are several options:
	Use your C interface functions, putting my code in
		#ifdef BLAISE
        and yours in an appropriate conditional for your C, so
	the value of the code is enhanced; if Lattice, MicroSoft,
	MW and DeSmet users all do this the package will eventually
	be more useful

	Write a DOS gate call under the same rules as above

	Write a direct.h file that has conditionals for your C
	so that eventually the IBMPC library gets a public domain
	and universally applicable such library.  I'm disqualified
	because I've seen the Blaise C source code.

	Buy the Blaise CTOOLS package.  Note that the basic package now
	overlaps significantly with functionality of Lattice and
	Microsoft C, but they've enhanced it with window and communication

I can answer questions about doing various conversions, but I just didn't
have the time to write all the low-level DOS calls, especially when I've
already paid for a nice subroutine package to save me doing exactly that.


From: lotto%lhasa.UUCP@harvard.HARVARD.EDU
Date: 	15 Aug 86 09:05 EDT
To: endor!info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa
Subject:  Networking summary

>From: Me

>We have set up a number of IBM machines (PC's, XT;s and AT's) on an
>ethernet using the 3-COM boards (new short boards w/o 80x86 processer
>or xs. memory).  Our "usual" application of the network is to
>interconnect the PC's w/ local VAXen and SUNs using TCP/IP or DECnet.
>One group that owns a few of these machines would like to implement
>local disk sharing. We rejected the (particular) 3-COM software that
	this is EtherShare 2.4       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>came with the boards offhand because it requires specially formatted
>sections of the disk.  Instead, we want a network that uses the MSDOS
>filesystem under DOS 3.1 or 3.2. NFS looks like it could do the trick,
>or perhaps some 3-COM hardware adaptation of the IBM Token-Ring net,
>but we have not seen either of these working firsthand.

From: harvard!SUN.COM!nowicki (Bill Nowicki)

You could call your local Sun sales office for a demo of PC NFS.
It was developed by our East Coast Division, in the Boston area.
Call Sun New England, 617-863-8870 or 800-821-4643 for specifics.

From: harvard!ut-sally!oakhill!tomc (Tom Cunningham)

I saw your note on the net about a group wanting to implement local disk
sharing.  I'm not sure this is what you are looking for, but Sun sells
a package called PC-NFS that makes a server disk/directory look like a
PC disk (e.g. the E: "drive" on my AT maps to a Sun server filesystem).
Since the PC is a client on the net there is no sharing of the PC's
physical drives, but files can be shared via the server.  The system does
implement true file access capability, in that applications are unaware
they are accessing a server disk (operates like a RAM disk).

Sun sells just the software ($395/PC I believe) and a software/hardware
combination, which is just the software with an off-the-shelf 3COM Ethernet
board; since you already have the boards, you're halfway there.  The
package also provides other services, such as network print spooling,
file conversion utilities, net status commands, installation procedures,
etc. etc.  You should probably contact Sun for more information; just ask
about PC-NFS.  And, of course, I am in no way connected with Sun; just a
satisfied customer.

From: harvard!ima!johnl

The software that comes with your 3com boards is probably their old
EtherShare stuff that gives you remote disk volumes.  Their new 3-plus
software is an implementation of MS-net which is functionally about the
same as the IBM token ring stuff, but for Ethernet and considerably
smaller.  I have fiddled with 3-plus and it seems to work pretty well.
It's a lot faster than EtherShare, and has some spiffy extra features,
like the ability to dial in from home and use a dialin line as a very
slow ethernet.

From: harvard!cca!mirror!rs (Rich Salz)

We do development for PC products on our Unix machines, a Pyramid
and a 750.  There seem to us to be the following major contenders:
	- PC NFS.  True NFS client for the PC.  Just announced
	a week or two ago; don't yet know about availability.
	(We were going to be a Pyramid beta site for it.)
	- Locus.  We tried to get something real from these guys for
	a very long time and gave up.  May now be real since ATT
	pumped lots of money into them.  Not cheap -- they sell a
	fairly complex distributed OS.
	- PC/IP RVD.  MIT guys gone commercial.  You stick a huge
	file on your Unix machine, and a driver in your PC; voila
	a hard disk everyone can access on the ethernet.
	Their name is FTP Software, in Kendall Square.
	- 3COM.  Ugh; XNS?  No thanks.
	- Freedom Net, from Butler & Corliss in Research Triangle.
	Commercialization of Newcastle Connection.  Nice, but cost
	was something like $500 per PC!

From: Dale Smith <harvard!seismo!tektronix!uoregon!oregon2!120>

Novel has some of the best networking software around for IBM-PCs and
compatibles.  This software will work on about any physical media,
including ethernet (and 3COM boards).  This stuff is called NETWARE
and does sharing at the MSDOS file level.  It really needs to have a
disk server, but you can have each workstation be a server and
still use the workstation to do useful work.  It might do the trick for
you.  Hope this helps.

Oh, you can get ahold of Novel at:
	1170 N. Industrial Park Dr.
	Orem, Utah  84057
	(801) 226-8202 or (800) 453-1267

From topaz!pyramid!hplabs!oliveb!3comvax!marcl

I'm not sure what specially formatted sections of the disk you are referring
to.  Which version of the software did you reject (EtherSeries 2.4)?  That
may have required special formatting (I'm not that familiar with its
internals).  Our new networking software, called 3+ uses an MS-DOS file system
and is a file based server implementation instead of a disk based server
implementation (as EtherSeries is).  It is faster than EtherSeries, and offers
more sophisticated features, such as DOS 3.1 file sharing and record locking.
I suggest you ask your dealer about 3+.  It's quite nice.  I use it every day.

From: harvard!ihnp4!hplabs!hpcnof!jrc

I work in the project that developed our implementation of Microsoft Networks
for the 3-Com cards.  Our product was marketed under the name OfficeShare and
is available from HP sales offices (there are offices in Andover (617) 682-1500
and Lexington (617) 861-8960).  We are running Microsoft Networks Remote File
Access (RFA) over TCP/IP over IEEE 802.3 (blah blah blah networking standards
that you probably don't care about, but mean that the file system is nearly
transparent).  Be sure to get the so called "performance" release which has
well over twice the throughput of our original release (the marketing cats are
shipping the performance stuff to all the original customers free of charge so
it might be difficult for the field folks to tell the difference).

From: harvard!cmcl2!philabs!linus!sunne!suneast!billp (William F. Pittore @ 617-863-8870x138)

You might want to talk to Joe Schwartz at the Smithsonian
Astrophysical Observatory who was a Beta tester of the PC-NFS product
from Sun Microsystems.  PC-NFS will allow PC users to transparently
share files on a Sun or other NFS server.  Local files on each PC
cannot be shared since the NFS implementation on the PC is a client
only implementation.  PC-NFS also comes with software to allow you to
use a printer that is connected to one of the servers and a version of
Telnet to allow you to log onto the servers with a VT-100 front end.
PC-NFS was developed here in Lexington,MA at Sun's East Coast
Division. If you call the sales office here (863-8870) I'm sure they
will be glad to send you literature and arrange a demo.  Hope this is
of some help.

From: harvard!cmcl2!philabs!linus!sunne!suneast!geoff (Geoff Arnold)

I posted info on PC-NFS to mod.newprod recently. I guess Sun's Lexington, MA
office is the nearest sales office to you, and coincidentally PC-NFS was
developed in the same building. Harvard SAO was one of our Beta sites.

If you already have the 3C500/3C501 cards, the software and doc start at $395
qty. 1. We also sell the hardware and software as a package starting at
around $1090 (we don't cut any great deals on 3Com boards.....).

If you call your Sun rep s/he can set up a demo, and if you have any really
detailed technical questions our support group can handle them. And
I'm always happy to discuss stuff over the net.

From: Me again

Thanks one and all for the information. We have decided on 3-COM 3+,
despite testimonials for the Novell stuff simply because it uses the
vanilla Network calls and disk formats. We figured that this will give
us an edge in upward compat. issues and copy protection conflicts.
Interesting point, most manufacturers of software that we contacted with
copy-protected products (like PC-SAS and SPSS) are installing Novell
netware themselves...

Gerald Lotto - Harvard Chemistry Dept.

UUCP:  {seismo,harpo,ihnp4,linus,allegra,ut-sally}!harvard!endor!lhasa!lotto
ARPA:  lotto@harvard.ARPA
CSNET: lotto%harvard@csnet-relay


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 86 17:08:21 -0100
From: unido!gmdzi!achim@seismo.CSS.GOV (Achim Klabunde)
Subject: summary on SIMULA for PC

Some time ago I posted a query on SIMULA(*) and TeX for PC.

This is the summary on SIMULA.
The summary on TeX will be posted in about two weeks.

Thanks to everybody who sent me information.

SIMULA will be available for PC/AT and XT from

  simula a/s
  Dag Hammarskjoeldsvej 35
  0585 Oslo 5

It will be released October 1, 1986.  It will run under MS/DOS 2.0 and
upward and requires an arithmetic coprocessor (8087 or 80287).  It is
planned to make the system available under XENIX, too.  The price for
the system is Nkr 10.000 (educational Nkr 5.000).  (Nkr is Norwegian

Information about the system can be found in SIMULA newsletter, Vol
14,No 2 & 3.  The newsletter is also available from simula a/s.

(*)SIMULA is a trademark of simula a/s,Norway.

 Achim Klabunde
 Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung
 P.O. 1240
 D-5205 St. Augustin 1
 West Germany
 UUCP:  ...mcvax!unido!gmdzi!achim


Date: Mon, 11 Aug 86 15:53:12 PDT
To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA
Subject: How EXEPACK works, sample .ASM file

Title   EXEPACK 11-08-86
Page    80,132
;EXEPACK - Shows how the Microsoft EXEPACK spacemaker works...

DB      0CBH
.RADIX  16
NUL     EQU     00h
LF      EQU     0Ah
CR      EQU     0Dh
myprog  SEGMENT
        ASSUME cs:myprog,ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING
BEGIN:  MOV     AX,0002h                        ;0000 B8 02 00 (SEG for data)
        MOV     DS,AX                           ;0003 8E D8     (goes in DS)
        MOV     DX,0000h                        ;0005 BA 00 00 (OFFSET String)
        MOV     AH,09h                          ;0008 B4 09    (Print string)
        INT     21h                             ;000A CD 21
        MOV     AH,4Ch                          ;000C B4 4C    (Exit_program)
        INT     21h                             ;000E CD 21
        HLT                                     ;0010 F4
;*** PACK_1 paragraph aligns data segment (next) by adding 15 nulls
PACK_1: DB      NUL,0Fh,00h,0B1h                ;0011 00 0F 00 B1
;*** Data segment begins here at SEG 02h
STRING: DB      'This is a'                     ;0015 54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 61
        DB      ' test',CR,LF,'$'               ;001E 20 74 65 73 74 0D 0A 24
;*** PACK_2 moves the 17 bytes of data segment up into position
PACK_2: DB      11h,00h,0B2h                    ;0026 11 00 B2
;*** PACK_3 paragraph aligns stack segment (next) by adding 15 nulls
PACK_3: DB      NUL,0Fh,00h,0B0h                ;0029 00 0F 00 B0
;*** Stack segment begins here at SEG 04h
        DB      0Ah DUP("Stack",CR,LF)          ;002D 53 74 61 63 6B 0D 0A
                                                ;0034 53 74 61 63 6B 0D 0A
                                                ;003B 53 74 61 63 6B 0D 0A
                                                ;0042 53 74 61 63 6B 0D 0A
                                                ;0049 53 74 61 63 6B 0D 0A
                                                ;0050 53 74 61 63 6B 0D 0A
                                                ;0057 53 74 61 63 6B 0D 0A
                                                ;005E 53 74 61 63 6B 0D 0A
                                                ;0065 53 74 61 63 6B 0D 0A
                                                ;006C 53 74 61 63 6B 0D 0A
;*** PACK_4 moves 70 bytes of stack up into position
PACK_4: DB      46h,00h,0B2h                    ;0073 46 00 B2
;*** PACK_5 paragraph aligns garbage segment (next) by adding 10 nulls
PACK_5: DB      NUL,0Ah,00h,0B0h                ;0076 00 0A 00 B0
;*** PACK_6 fills the garbage segment with 4096 ascii "?" characters
PACK_6: DB      "?",00h,10h,0B0h                ;007A 3F 00 10 B0
;*** PAD paragraph aligns EXEPAK segment (next), CS: --> segment EXEPAK
PAD:    DB      0FFh,0FFh                       ;007E FF FF
myprog  ENDS
exepak  SEGMENT
        ASSUME cs:exepak,ds:exepak,es:exepak,ss:work
BOT:                                            ; CS: --> BOT at unpack

I_PC    DW      0000h,0000h                     ;0000 00 00,00 00 (IP,CS:)
FIXSEG  DW      0000h                           ;0004 00 00 (Fixup == Load seg)
RELOC   DW      TOP-BOT                         ;0006 34 01 (Bytes to relocate)
I_SP    DW      0046h,0004h                     ;0008 46 00,04 00 (SP,SS:)
PACKED  DW      0109h                           ;000C 09 01 (Segments to expan)
        DW      4252h                           ;000E 52 42

START:  MOV     AX,ES                           ;0010 8C C0 (Relocate this seg)
        ADD     AX,0010h                        ;0012 05 10 00
        PUSH    CS                              ;0015 0E
        POP     DS                              ;0016 1F
        MOV     DS:FIXSEG,AX                    ;0017 A3 04 00
        ADD     AX,DS:PACKED                    ;001A 03 06 0C 00
        MOV     ES,AX                           ;001E 8E C0
        MOV     CX,DS:RELOC                     ;0020 8B 0E 06 00
        MOV     DI,CX                           ;0024 8B F9
        DEC     DI                              ;0026 4F
        MOV     SI,DI                           ;0027 8B F7
        STD                                     ;0029 FD
        REPZ    MOVSB                           ;002A F3 A4
        PUSH    AX                              ;002C 50
        MOV     AX,UNPACK-BOT                   ;002D B8 32 00
        PUSH    AX                              ;0030 50
        RET_FAR                                 ;0031 CB (JMP to relocated seg)

UNPACK: MOV     BX,ES                           ;0032 8C C3
        MOV     AX,DS                           ;0034 8C D8
        DEC     AX                              ;0036 48
        MOV     DS,AX                           ;0037 8E D8
        MOV     ES,AX                           ;0039 8E C0
        MOV     DI,000Fh                        ;003B BF 0F 00
        MOV     CX,0010h                        ;003E B9 10 00
        MOV     AL,0FFh                         ;0041 B0 FF (Pad char FFh)
        REPZ    SCASB                           ;0043 F3 AE (Find pad bot)
        INC     DI                              ;0045 47    (DI --> Code )

        MOV     SI,DI                           ;0046 8B F7
        MOV     AX,BX                           ;0048 8B C3
        DEC     AX                              ;004A 48
        MOV     ES,AX                           ;004B 8E C0
        MOV     DI,000Fh                        ;004D BF 0F 00

NEXT:   MOV     CL,04h                          ;0050 B1 04
        MOV     AX,SI                           ;0052 8B C6
        NOT     AX                              ;0054 F7 D0
        SHR     AX,CL                           ;0056 D3 E8
        JZ      L00E4                           ;0058 74 0A

        MOV     DX,DS                           ;005A 8C DA
        SUB     DX,AX                           ;005C 2B D0
        MOV     DS,DX                           ;005E 8E DA
        OR      SI,0FFF0h                       ;0060 81 CE F0 FF

L00E4:  MOV     AX,DI                           ;0064 8B C7
        NOT     AX                              ;0066 F7 D0
        SHR     AX,CL                           ;0068 D3 E8
        JZ      CODE                            ;006A 74 0A
        MOV     DX,ES                           ;006C 8C C2
        SUB     DX,AX                           ;006E 2B D0
        MOV     ES,DX                           ;0070 8E C2
        OR      DI,0FFF0h                       ;0072 81 CF F0 FF

CODE:   LODSB                                   ;0076 AC    (Get command code)
        MOV     DL,AL                           ;0077 8A D0
        DEC     SI                              ;0079 4E
        LODSW                                   ;007A AD    (Get byte count)
        MOV     CX,AX                           ;007B 8B C8
        INC     SI                              ;007D 46
        MOV     AL,DL                           ;007E 8A C2
        AND     AL,0FEh                         ;0080 24 FE (Force code even)
        CMP     AL,0B0h                         ;0082 3C B0
        JNZ     MOVE                            ;0084 75 06

        LODSB                                   ;0086 AC (Code B0 ==> expand)
        REPZ    STOSB                           ;0087 F3 AA
        JMP     SHORT   CHECK                   ;0089 EB 07

        NOP                                     ;008B 90
MOVE:   CMP     AL,0B2h                         ;008C 3C B2 (Code B2 ==> move)
        JNZ     ERROR                           ;008E 75 56
        REPZ    MOVSB                           ;0090 F3 A4

CHECK:  MOV     AL,DL                           ;0092 8A C2
        TEST    AL,01h                          ;0094 A8 01 (Odd code ==> done)
        JZ      NEXT                            ;0096 74 B8

FIXUP:  MOV     SI,OFFSET FIXUPS                ;0098 BE 12 01
        PUSH    CS                              ;009B 0E
        POP     DS                              ;009C 1F
        MOV     BX,DS:FIXSEG                    ;009D 8B 1E 04 00 (BX=fix_seg)
        CLD                                     ;00A1 FC
        XOR     DX,DX                           ;00A2 33 D2     (Do first 64K)

DO_64K: LODSW                                   ;00A4 AD
        MOV     CX,AX                           ;00A5 8B C8
        JCXZ    NU_64K                          ;00A7 E3 0E
        MOV     AX,DX                           ;00A9 8B C2
        ADD     AX,BX                           ;00AB 03 C3
        MOV     ES,AX                           ;00AD 8E C0

DO_OFF: LODSW                                   ;00AF AD
        MOV     DI,AX                           ;00B0 8B F8
        ADD     ES:[DI],BX                      ;00B2 26 01 1D (do the fixup)
        LOOP    DO_OFF                          ;00B5 E2 F8

NU_64K: CMP     DX,0F000h                       ;00B7 81 FA 00 F0
        JZ      IPL                             ;00BB 74 06
        ADD     DX,01000h                       ;00BD 81 C2 00 10 (add 64K)
        JMP     SHORT   DO_64K                  ;00C1 EB E1

IPL:    MOV     AX,BX                           ;00C3 8B C3 (AX=fix_seg)
        MOV     DI,DS:I_SP                      ;00C5 8B 3E 08 00
        MOV     SI,DS:I_SP+2                    ;00C9 8B 36 0A 00
        ADD     SI,AX                           ;00CD 03 F0 (fix up SS:)
        ADD     DS:I_PC+2,AX                    ;00CF 01 06 02 00  (CS:)
        SUB     AX,0010h                        ;00D3 2D 10 00
        MOV     DS,AX                           ;00D6 8E D8 (DS --> PSP)
        MOV     ES,AX                           ;00D8 8E C0 (ES --> PSP)
        MOV     BX,I_PC-BOT                     ;00DA BB 00 00
        CLI                                     ;00DD FA   (BX --> CS:IP)
        MOV     SS,SI                           ;00DE 8E D6
        MOV     SP,DI                           ;00E0 8B E7
        STI                                     ;00E2 FB
        JMP     DWORD PTR       CS:[BX]         ;00E3 2E FF 2F (New CS:IP)

ERROR:  MOV     AH,40h                          ;00E6 B4 40    (Write message)
        MOV     BX,0002h                        ;00E8 BB 02 00   (Handle #2)
        MOV     CX,0016h                        ;00EB B9 16 00 (Write 22 bytes)
        MOV     DX,CS                           ;00EE 8C CA
        MOV     DS,DX                           ;00F0 BA FC 00   (Make DS=CS)
        MOV     DX,OFFSET MSG                   ;00F2 BA FC 00  (Begin at MSG)
        INT     21h                             ;00F5 CD 01
        MOV     AX,4CFFh                        ;00F7 B8 FF 4C (Exit_bad_error)
        INT     21h                             ;00FA CD 21
MSG:    DB      "Packed "                       ;00FC 50 61 63 6B 65 64 20
        DB      "file is "                      ;0103 66 69 6C 65 20 69 73 20
        DB      "corrupt"                       ;010B 63 6F 72 72 75 70 74

FIXUPS: DB      01h,00h,01h,00h                 ;0112 01 00 01 00
        DB      1E DUP(0)                       ;0115 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
exepak  ENDS
work    ENDS


Date:         Tue, 12 Aug 86 14:36 EDT
From:           Bruce H. McIntosh  <Z8BHM%SCFVM.BITNET@WISCVM.ARPA>
Subject:      Wendin Personal Operating Systems Query

      Has anyone out there had any experience with Wendin products?  I
have been interested in their PCUNIX and PCVMS systems as a way of
learning my way around an operating system, as they're advertised as
coming with source code.  Will they run on any machine capable of running
DOS, or must they be run on a PC or clone?  Any info or experiences
anyone could share?  Thank you very much!


Date: 12 Aug 1986 16:55:29 PDT
Subject: Data Line Noise Query
From: Richard Gillmann <GILLMANN@B.ISI.EDU>
To: info-ibmpc@B.ISI.EDU

Saw this ad from Computer Parts Galore:


This is a unique board for cleaning up data line noise in
the clones.  This noise is caused by the 2 layer boards
that most clones use.  IBM uses a 4 layer board with
much better noise suppression.  Each data line is held
(at) 2.7 volts with an R-R network that stops all + or -
spikes from causing those crashes that often bother
the clones.  Especially helpful for use with TURBO
motherboards or TURBO plug in boards.    ($29.95 wired)

Not being a hardware type, I have to wonder: is this a real
cause for concern?  And if so, which clones use 4 layer boards?


Date:           Tue, 12 Aug 86 13:47:29 PDT
From:           Dan Berry <dberry@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU>
To:             info-ibmpc@isib
Subject:        PL/I Query

Has anyone used the PL/I compiler for the IBM PC that is offered by Digital
Research? How is it? Is it reliabble? How is the code it produces?

I have heard that it compiles only the Ansi G subset of PL/I. Is this true?
How does this subset compare with PL/1 for the IBM mainframes?

More generally what is the best way to port a PL/1 program to the IBM PC?

Daniel M. Berry         UCLA Computer Science Department

[Digital Research's compilers are not being sold anymore as far as
 I know.  Their PL/I compiler is the G-level subset and is the only
 PL/I compiler I've heard of for the PC.  -rag]


Date:  Wed, 13 Aug 86 21:56 EDT
From:  "Roger C. King" <RCKing@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA>
Subject:  Parallel Port Swap After Print Installation
To:  info-ibmpc@B.ISI.EDU

Using DOS 3.1 or 3.2, is there any way to redirect printer output to
LPT2 after the print command has gone resident to LPT1?  I find it hard
to imagine that there is no way to do this for people having two
parallel ports on two different printers.  I have found a way to do this
using BAsic, but there must be a way to do it from DOS.  The mode
command only redirects to com ports and cannot redirect one LPT to

Roger King


Date: Thu 14 Aug 86 09:24:48-PDT
Subject: NEC V20 Problem with Old PC

Someone here is trying to update their old PC  withl a NEC V20.  It 
doesn't work for him.  The chip is OK on another and multiple V20's
have been tried.  The PC is the 5160 model.  Any suggestions?


Date:         Thu, 14 Aug 86 17:06 IST
From:           Amir  <C44%TAUNIVM.BITNET@WISCVM.ARPA>
Subject:      Irma Card Query

I use irma file transfer to transfer files between pc and mainframe
and it allways gets stuck when passing big files.
any suggestions ?


From: lotto%lhasa.UUCP@harvard.HARVARD.EDU
Date: 	15 Aug 86 08:52 EDT
To: endor!info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa
Subject:  PSP hackers guide and Microsoft mouse info needed

I am interested in gathering together two sets of information.

1) If people would e-mail me any information they could get on the
"RESERVED" sections of the PSP (address of parent PSP, etc.) which
are undocumented, I will turn this into a map and post. Various
bits and pieces of this info have been req'd around here quite
frequently and we always have to do too mach digging to find it.

2) Microsoft mouse hardware interface. I understand how to use the
driver, but I want information on the hardware interface. Other than
what the jumpers on the interface board do, I cannot find a listing
of the "instruction set" anywhere. I already know that there is enough
interest in this to post a summary since the request has been put
through the Usenet - but NO informative replies to date. Is this

My summary of PC-networking follows, I inquired a while ago about nets
which use the DOS filesystem (w/o reformatting disks) and which
use TCP/IP. Hope that you all find this information as useful as I did.

Gerald Lotto - Harvard Chem. Dept.
lotto@harvard.harvard.edu | lotto@harvunxw.bitnet | lotto@lhasa.uucp


Date:  Fri, 15 Aug 86 13:36 EDT
Subject:  Programming Inquiry
To:  info-ibmpc@B.ISI.EDU

I'm looking for 4 contiguous bytes of static RAM storage--only 4 mind
you--to be used as a communications area for a transient program that
will be invoked multiple times and will need to store intermediate
results for passage to later invocations.  I've been using 4 bytes
from the cassette data area (40:67-6b), but I doubt that's a good
idea over the long term.  I want the application to be thought of as
well behaved (and I'd like it to behave well to boot).  Any
suggestions?  (The DOS Environment seg will not do because the
communications data will sometimes contain zero bytes).  There are
probably hundreds of bytes available for this kind of thing, but I
just don't know where they are.  A public reply might be helpful to
others who will run into this kind of question in the future.  Thanks
in advance.

Don Elefante


Date: 15 Aug 86 16:38:00 EDT
From: "ANTHONY CATONE" <catone@wharton-10.ARPA>
Subject: Statistical and Graphical Libraries Query
To: "info-ibmpc-request" <info-ibmpc-request@b.isi.edu>

Does anyone have experience with the various statistical and graphics
libraries available for the PC?  Our language of choice is IBM C, 
although Turbo Pascal is a (less attractive) option.

Tony Catone
The Wharton School
University of Pennsylvania


Date: Sat 16 Aug 86 09:24:14-PDT
From: Michael Kahn <KAHN@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>
Subject: Lotus 1A EGA Driver Wanted
To: info-ibmpc@B.ISI.EDU

Does anybody know if drivers for Lotus 1A and the EGA are available on the
net or for purchase?  I believe somebody once mentioned such drivers
available from Compuserve?? but I have no access to files there.  I'd
appreciate any pointers - freeware, shareware, or payware.

Michael Kahn


Date: 17 AUG 86 22:54-Z
Subject: XLISP Query

I am using a modified version of Dave Betz's XLISP 1.4 on an IBM PC and on
a unix machine.  Can anybody direct me to sources of information about
this program e.g. bulleting boards, fora (?? forums), bug fixes etc.

Donal O'Mahony,
Trinity Colllege,

                                                  FORHEA OMAHONY@TCD.CSVAX1


Date: Sun, 17 Aug 86 00:45:51 CDT
  Computing Services)
Subject: Yterm + AT&T 6300 Query

Has anyone had any luck with the above combination?
A user here is having problems with it.  It freezes up the machine, requiring
a cold boot.  Any suggestions?


Date: 18 Aug 86 07:16 GMT
From: ghicks @ KOREA-EMH
Subject: Tandon Hard Disk Problem
To: info-ibmpc @ usc-isib

I have had a Tandon hard disk drive since October 1985.  Recently, this
drive has developed an annoying twitch (almost as though a PLL needs
adjustment.)  The drive periodically 'twitches' as though hunting the
last track it was sent to by the controller.

The drive referred to is the Tandon 20mbyte 1/2 height drive.  It has
an EVEREX Systems Inc Name plate on the top with a serial number of

My question is: Does anyone know what type of periodic maintenance
needs to be performed on these drives (ie adjustments, etc) to keep
them in peak operating condition?  I used to be a Navy computer repair
technician and am aware that periodic maintenance needs to be done,
but don't know what type to do nor how to do it.

Can anyone give me the name and address of the Tandon representative
in the US to whom I can write for information?  Can anyone tell me
where to go for more information?  It's extremely difficult to do
anything of this nature from this side of the pond (Korea...)

Your assistance will be appreciated.

Gragory Hicks

PS:  I have been extremely satisified with this drive.  It has not had a
     problems to date, and I would like to keep it that way.


Date:  Mon, 18 Aug 86 04:03 MST
From:  Andrew Donald <ADonald@HIS-PHOENIX-MULTICS.ARPA>
Subject:  3278/79 Cards and Structured Fields
To:  info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA

I am using an IBM-PC as a dedicated processor in a prototype message
switch I am developing.  I would like to transfer data to and from an
IBM mainframe using the IBM 3278/79 card and 'OEM data' structured

Unfortunately, neither of the available programming interfaces supports
this.  Doe anyone know how to program the card directly to send and
receive this types of structure fields?

Matthew Donald Aspect Computing


Date: Mon 18 Aug 86 09:00:08-PDT
Subject: Query: PC Ltd. ATs
To: info-ibmpc@B.ISI.EDU

I am currently looking into AT clones as a replacement for my old 64K
IBM PC and have run into conflicting reports over one particular machine,
the PC Ltd. AT (now the 286 - 8MHz).  All the magazine articles I have read
say these machines are wonderful.  Meanwhile, all the people I have talked to
who have dealt with PC Ltd. say their reliability is lousy.  Has anyone in
info-ibmpc-digest land had any experiences, good or bad, with PC Ltd. and/or
their ATs?


				- Andy Comly


Date: Mon 18 Aug 86 09:03:58-PDT
Subject: 1meg Memory Query

I have a IBM clone type called "PCII" it has 1meg. on the motherboard.
It's a switchable 4 to 8 mhz system. I have to run gwbasic since there
isn't a basic onboard. I have dos 3.2 which I was told acknowledges
ram memory pass 640k.  Is there a command or patch I have to make for
dos to see the total memory?


End of Info-IBMPC Digest