[mod.computers.ibm-pc] Info-IBMPC Digest V5 #87

Info-IBMPC@B.ISI.EDU (Info-IBMPC Digest) (09/26/86)

Info-IBMPC Digest   Thursday, September 25, 1986   Volume 5 : Issue 87

This Week's Editor: Richard Gillmann

Today's Topics:

                       Loadable Device Drivers
                          New Library Files
                       New Version of REFORMAT
                             Ratfor RF77
                  Re: Multi-Language Word Processing
                          Re: SCSI Interface
                     Setting the DOS Environment
                        Re: Displaywriter III
             DOS 3.2 and ugly Ctrl-U (and Esc) behaviour
                      MS Mouse 6.0 & MS Word 3.1

Today's Queries:

                      How many I/O Wait States?
                  MS-DOS Tech Ref Encyclopedia Query
                    Microsoft C V4.0 Upgrade Query
                    Paradise Autoswitch EGA Query
                    Video Recorder Interface Query
             Query: Head-settle time patch for DOS 3.10?
                 Xenix Graphics Screen driver wanted
                       Chemistry Program Wanted
                     Query: Mixing MS C & Fortran
                       PGA/EGA/CGA Card Wanted
                     WPSplus and DECNet-DOS Query
                      Graphics Screen Dump Query
                  Satellite tracking program wanted


Date: 16 Sep 86 10:12 EST
From: DIXON WALTER V <DIXON@ge-crd.arpa>
Subject: Loadable Device Drivers
To: info-ibmpc@b.isi.edu

    A while back a query and some responses were posted to the net
concerning device drivers which load after DOS is booted.
There was some speculation that there was a documented way to
do this because some RAM disks are installed after DOS is
booted.  I don't believe that these RAM disks are a good model.
All of the RAM disks that I have seen which load after DOS is
booted are not true device drivers. They rely on DOS creating the
necessary data structures and then plugg into INT 13.
     One of the replies suggested inserting the new driver code
in the device driver chain and provided a technique for determining
the listhead of this structure.  This technique will indeed work
for most character devices.  Installing block devices on the fly
is slightly more complicated,  but it is possible.

    I'll explain what needs to be done and provide a sample ram 
disk driver written in Microsoft C,  but first a word of caution.
I have hacked on DOS for a couple of hours and unraveled some of
the IO subsystem.  I did not spend a great deal of time on
this task and have made some educated guesses.  I want to stress
the word GUESSES.  I have deciphered enough of what DOS is doing
to implement a true self-loading device driver.  I believe that
the driver is fully functional,  but I make no guarantees.  I also
make no claims about the absolute accuracy of the information
which I gathered in the process.  If anyone notices any inaccuracies
in this description,  please let me know.  I'll summarize the
replies and post them to the net.  It is virtually certain that
this technique will break with future DOS releases.

     All drivers are linked together using the NUL device as a list-
head.  DOS creates some auxiliary data structures for block devices.
The current clock and console are treated slightly different than
other character devices.  The key to the IO system in DOS is the
so-called list of lists.  The address of this data structure is
returned in ES:BX by the undocumented bios interrupt (21H) with 
AH=52H.  The format of this table is summarized below.

          Offset    Use
               0    far pointer to list of block devices and their
                    characteristics (BLKINF)
               4    ???
               8    far pointer to prologue of current clock device
              12    far pointer to current console device
              16    ???
              18    far pointer to list of cached disk blocks(?)
              22    far pointer to array of volume context information.
                    The distinction between what goes here and what goes
                    in the list with listhead at offset 0 is unclear.
              26    ???
              30    ???
              32    current number of block devices
              33    maximum number of block devices
                    (lastdrive in config.sys)
              34    header for NUL device driver

              DOS list of lists

     The block device information is kept in a linked list.  The format
of this list is summarized below.

          Offset    Use
               0    Absolute drive number (A=0,B=1, etc.)
               1    Relative disk number.  A block device driver
                    can deal with more than one drive (In fact
                    there is one device driver for both floppy
                    and hard disks on the IBMPC).  This number
                    identifies the particular unit.
               2    Sector size (bytes)
               4    Cluster size (power of 2)
               5    ???
               6    Block number of first sector of FAT
               8    Number of FATs
               9    Root directory size (entries)
              11    Block number of first sector following root directory
              13    Number of blocks on disk + 1
              15    Fat size (clusters)
              16    Block number of first sector of root directory
              18    FAR pointer to driver prologue (header)
              22    Media code
              23    Media changed flag (=-1 if media has changed?)
              24    Far pointer to next block device information
              28    ???

              Block Device Information

     The volume information block is summarized below.  The volume
information for all drives is organized as an array of lastdrive
          Offset    Use
               0    Current drive and directory string
                    (eg E:\RAMDISK)
              64    ???
              67    flag
                    0x4000 seems to be a magic number which insures
                    that the information is valid.
              69    ???

              VOLUME context information

     These data structures are build as DOS boots up.  The space for
the Volume context information is preallocated (based on lastdrive),
and cannot expand dynamically.  The block device information is a
linked list and is dynamic.  It appears that when a device is loaded,
all unused memory is available to the driver.  The break address
passed back to DOS from the INIT request tells DOS how much memory
can be released.  DOS inserts the driver into the linked list
of devices (always immediately after the NUL device).  If the device
is either a console or clock driver,  its header is stored in the
list of lists.  If the device is a block device the number of
block devices is incremented and checked against the maximum number
of block devices.  A block device information block is allocated
and inserted at the end of the list of block devices.  The volume
context information is filled in and marked valid?.  Some initial
calculations are performed based on the information returned in
the table of bios parameter blocks.  DOS figures out where the
FAT,  root directory,  and mapped (by FAT) sections of the disk

    Block devices can be located by indexing into the array of
volume context information,  and character devices are located
by traversing the linked list of devices until the device name
is matched.

    Dynamically loading a character device involves locating the
NUL device (either by doing a FCB style open as perviously suggested,
or by using the list of lists).  The address of the driver prologue
is inserted after the null device.  If the driver is for a the
console or clock,  the list of lists must be updated.  If the device
is block device,  the drive count must be updated,  the volume
context information must be filled in and validated,   and the
block device information must be filled in and inserted at the
tail of the list of block devices.

     What follows is a RAM disk driver written in Microsoft C
with a short assembly language interface to DOS and a utility program
to locate device drivers and display device information.  This latter
program was thrown together very quickly (read poorly designed),  but
it does the job.  I have found it helpful in debugging device drivers.

[RAMDISK.C has been added to the Info-IBMPC library. -rag]


Date: 23 Sep 1986 11:48:42 PDT
Subject: New Library Files
From: Info-IBMPC Digest <Info-IBMPC@B.ISI.EDU>

Two new files have been added to the library.  ASCII.C is an Ascii
file dump routine submitted by Ya'akov_Miles.  ARC.FORMAT is a technical
description of the ARC file format submitted by Keith Petersen.


Date: Thu, 18 Sep 86 12:18:57 MET
Subject: New Version of REFORMAT

I am submitting a new version of the REFORMAT program
which is in the IBMPC library. The major change in the program
is that now the FATs for big disks (DOS 3.X) are handled properly.
A number of potentially dangerous spots have been corrected.
Large parts of the code have been rewritten, and
a number of routines to handle word size integers have been added.
Please replace the version in the library with tis new one..
This version has been tested during the last two months on a number of
PC's and disks, with DOS versions from 2.0 thru 3.1. The program
now checks the DOS version, and, since I did not have access to a copy
of DOS 3.2, it will not run under that DOS version. The source contains
directions for patching the test, as to include also DOS 3.2.

Jos Wennmacker                     <U001222@HNYKUN11>
Universitair Rekencentrum
Geert Grooteplein Zuid 41
NL-6525 GA Nijmegen
The Netherlands.

[REFORMAT.PAS and REFORMAT.DOC have been updated.  Note that REFORMAT.PAS
 is a collection of files.  -rag]


Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1986 23:12 PDT
Subject: Ratfor RF77

I recently received somw marketing propoganda about a product called
RF77 which proports to be a PC-based, enhanced implementation of the
RATFOR translator as described in Software Tools by Kernighan and
parameters) and #INCLUDE to preprocessor.  Supposedly generates either
Fortran-77 code that is compatible with PC versions (IBM, MS, RM) or
for old FORTRAN-IV that may be uploaded to minis and mainframes.

I have two questions with respect to this:

1.  Does anybody have any experience with this particular
    product (they claim to be releasing a new version)

2.  Is there any other implementations of the same,
    public domain or otherwise and what are their
    quality (and where might one get them) ?

The name of the manufacturer/distributor, if anyone
is interested (or braver than I am at this point) is:

   Logical Developments
   P.O. Box 55798
   Houston, Texas  77255
   Orders (24 hr): 1-800-835-2246, ext. 41
   Price: $65.00 + 3.98 tax for Texas residents


From: jack!man!wolf!rgale@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu
To: INFO-IBMPC@b.isi.edu, STANKULI%cs.umass.edu@RELAY.CS.NET
Subject: Re: Multi-Language Word Processing
Date: Sun Sep 21 19:35:35 1986

oliveb!tslu.uucp writes:
> The most popular CHINESE CHARACTER PACKAGE so far is the KCCDS 
> system.  You can mix English with Chinese characters, and it 
> supports lots popular software packages: LOTUS 1-2-3, DBASE III, 
> .....etc, 
We looked at KCCDS.  While a nice enough package, it has drawbacks.
What killed it for us was its size -- since it takes about 280K to 
run, there wasn't enough memory left over to run our application under 
it.  While it does indeed allow you to run Lotus 1-2-3 (for instance), 
don't plan on having a spreadsheet of any reasonable size.
So we bought DALT instead (the full name is "Digital Analytical
Language Translation System").  While KCCDS may be the 'most popular',
DALT is the most widely-used -- over 40,000 installations (in China,
Korea, Japan, and U.S. academic and government).  It requires a
Hercules graphics card, and at $965 it's not cheap, but...
To begin with, it handles 11 languages (Chinese, simplified Chinese, 
Japanese [both Kana and Katakana], Korean, Thai, Russian, Greek,
English, Arabic, Hebrew) -- and actually does translation (both
transliteration and grammatical processing), rather than merely 'word
processing'.  Additionally, it disambiguates input:  if you enter 
"He looked at the girl with a telescope", it will ask (in whichever
language was used for the input) who has the telescope -- the girl or 
the observer? 

DALT was originally designed for the intelligence community.  When a
field operative writes "I see a tank", is he looking at a storage
container or an armored vehicle?  If the latter, what size/shape?  Of
course, we didn't buy this front end :-)
Next, it's hardware-based (comes with a 1/2-card), so it's not only
faster but doesn't eat RAM.  In fact, it'll run on a 256K machine,
not that you'd want to do so.
Rather than using stored bit-maps, characters are generated 
algorithmically -- 50,000 Chinese characters {ccupy only 70K RAM, 
leaving *lots* more space to run your applications (dBase, 1-2-3, 
word processing, etc.).
Disclaimer:  I don't read any of the languages it supports, and so
can't personally vouch for any of this.  The folks here who are
using it, however, are impressed.
        DALT Systems
        9921 Carmel Mountain Road
        Suite 196
        San Diego, CA 92129

-- Ryan Gale
UUCP: {ihnp4,sdcsvax,gould9,hplabs!hp-sdd} !crash!pnet01!rgale
ARPA: {sdcsvax,noscvax} !crash!pnet01!rgale@nosc


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 86 17:18 PDT
Subject: Re: SCSI Interface

>I have a cheap SCSI disk sitting around and have been looking for a host
>interface for an XT for some time.  Does anyone know of a cheap source
>for such a beast? Or has the low cost of ST506 controllers driven them
>out of the market??

I can't swear as to 'cheap',  but Advanced Storage Concepts, Inc.
Houston, Tx, (800)423-9175 has run an ad for their SCSI-MANAGER, for the
PC, @ $149.00 in onesies, "includes board w/SCSIBIOS".  That compares
with the Emulex  IB02 at $445, Adaptec ACB4520 at $500 and NCR ADP-31A
for $300;  and probably some I haven't seen advertised.  Once a company
called Media Distributing (800)824-7386,  sold a Z-80 adapter to SCSI; I
don't know if they have ever offered a PC type.    Disclaimers apply;  I
have used the Z-80 adapter and found it handy but sensitive to noise;
I haven't got the others to run yet. 


Date: Tue, 16 Sep 86 16:35:44 PDT
From: Jim Carter <jimc@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU>
To: info-ibmpc@b.isi.edu
Subject: Setting the DOS Environment

   The enclosed program "setenv.c", when executed in a batch file, will read
standard input (the keyboard) and will set an environment variable to that
value.  Thus batch files can ask questions of the user.  The program was
developed and tested on PC-DOS v3.2 and compiled with IBM "C" v1.0 by
Microsoft.  There is a good chance that it will work with other PC-DOS
versions and with MS-DOS.
   DOS keeps a master copy of the environment, and makes a copy of it for
each program.  Thus if the program sets a variable in its copy, it vanishes
on exit.  (This is also true in batch files run by a forked command.com.)
"setenv.c" changes the master copy, not the local copy, using a rather nasty
   Warning:  Set the path BEFORE running the first stay-resident program
(presumably in autoexec.bat), or "setenv.c" will fail to recognize when the
environment overflows and could clobber something in that eventuality.
   Does anybody know where DOS keeps the pointer to and length of the
environment?  I searched exhaustively but couldn't find either one.

James F. Carter            (213) 206-1306
UCLA-SEASnet; 2567 Boelter Hall; 405 Hilgard Ave.; Los Angeles, CA 90024
UUCP:...!{ihnp4,ucbvax,{hao!cepu}}!ucla-cs!jimc  ARPA:jimc@locus.UCLA.EDU

[SETENV.C has been added to the Info-IBMPC Library. -rag]


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 86 22:59:47 EDT
From: wb8foz <@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA,@CASE.CSNET:wb8foz@ncoast.uucp>
Subject: Re: Displaywriter III

>From: Carl Bower  USAISMA AV277-5291 <cbower@apg-3.ARPA>
>The IBM Displaywriter III uses 8" floppy drives. How can I transfer
>files from the 8" floppies to a 5.25" floppy on an IBM-PCXT.  The
>Displaywriter doesn't appear to have a serial port or a way of loading
>a communications program to do a modem to modem transfer.  Any help
>would be appreciated.  cbower@apg-3

You need a "Displaywriter/Personal Computer Attachment Convenience Kit"
from Big Blue Brother. This consists of s/w for both a PC and the DW, 
some special cable, and documentation. You will need a serial port on 
the PC, and I suspect it will NOT work with a clone. The DW becomes 
a terminal to work the PC.  You can then move the files to the PC. 
BUT!!! they will be in DCA (ie Display Write II)format, which means 
EBCDIC. (ugh). Both Multimate and Wordstar offer utilities to make DCA
files into ASCII. The kit costs $500.00 and the # of the press release on it
is 184-055. Of course nowhere on it did IBEAM put the number of the *product*.

Good Luck.
David Lesher


Date: Wed, 24 Sep 86 10:34:50 PDT
To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA
Subject: DOS 3.2 and ugly Ctrl-U (and Esc) behaviour

Does anyone know of a way to patch PC-DOS ver 3.2 so that Ctrl-U works
the same way it did under PC-DOS 3.1 ?  (ie, delete the input buffer)
I have found that typing Ctrl-U just prints ^U under dos 3.2, instead
of accomplishing anything useful, and have been so annoyed by this
bad manners that I have refused to buy PC-DOS ver 3.2

It also would be nice if ESC also deleted the input buffer, the way
it does in BASIC.COM  It would also be nice if IBM provided a mechanism
(maybe Up-Arrow and Down-Arrow) so that the user could scroll up and
down among lines previously entered.  The PC-DOS recall feature F3 is
pathetic.  There is no way to edit the middle of a long command line
other than to delete all the characters after the one you want to edit


Date: Wed, 24 Sep 86 23:04:29 EDT
Subject: MS Mouse 6.0 & MS Word 3.1
To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA

MicroSoft has announced version 6.0 of their mouse.  There are a
number of software enhancements and apparently some hardware changes
as well.  They have not started shipping yet.  Mouse buyers will
probably want to wait for this new version.

MicroSoft is expected to new versions of Word.  One is for networks.
The other is an update of 3.0 and will probably include a thesaurus.
Potential Word buyers may want to wait a bit.  --Jim


Date: Thu 25 Sep 86 10:35:29-EDT
Subject: How many I/O Wait States?

I am looking for information as to how many I/O Wait States are PROVIDED
(if any) in an IBM-PC, IBM-AT (at 6 and 8MHz), and clones such as the Z-248.
I know that some machines provide wait states for memory (IBM-AT) and others
don't (Z-248), but I am interested in I/O (IN/OUT, INP/OUT instructions)
wait states during port read/writes.  I know that some I/O W.S. must be 
provided for the CRTC and other I/O in the IBM-PC, but is it provided for
individually (each I/O port provides its own) or is blanketed for all I/O?

Any help will be appreciated.



Date: Mon, 22 Sep 86 11:21:35 PDT
From: Jim Anderson <bilbo.jta@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU>
To: info-ibmpc@b.isi.edu
Subject: MS-DOS Tech Ref Encyclopedia Query

Would anyone who has spent some time with the $135 "MS-DOS Technical
Reference Encyclopedia" care to comment on it?  Does it reveal any
deep dark secrets of MS-DOS?  Would it be worth the price to someone
who was building a network redirector?

The person I spoke to at Op-Amp technical books said the book had been
recalled due to some serious errors.  Anyone spot any of these errors?


To: info-ibmpc@isib
Subject: Microsoft C V4.0 Upgrade Query
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 86 18:47:30 -0500
From: jcmorris@mitre.ARPA

I've seen several notes here and on other BBS on usoft's new version 4
C compiler, including comments that purchasers of the V3 product can
get a price break on the upgrade.  I haven't seen, however, anybody say
just how we can get this deal.  Users of other usoft products (e.g., WORD)
get an order form in the mail, but although I sent in my registration form
I've received no notice of the new release.  Did the mail get lost, or
did usoft take a cue from Borland and rely on word-of-mouth reports to
announce their upgrade policy?  (BTW: that really IS Borland's position.
I asked them and they said yes.)

Joe Morris (jcmorris@mitre)


Date: Tue, 23 Sep 86 11:33:54 MEZ
Subject: Paradise Autoswitch EGA Query

Has anyone out there had any experience with EGA-compatible cards that
can also emulate Hercules / CGA ? I have heard of a card called
"Paradise Autoswitch EGA", which can operate like CGA/EGA/Hercules.
The next question would be what monitor you need to operate such a card
in all its modes. I would appreciate if someone could help me with this
problem. (My hardware is a Zenith Z-158 PC clone).
      Thank you,
                Rainer Kleinrensing


Date: Tue, 23 Sep 86 09:15:56 PDT
Subject: Video Recorder Interface Query

I would appreciate information on how one can interface
a video recorder to a PC such that the PC can control
the recorder to go to certain sections of the tape.
Information on commercial products would also be valuable.


Date:  Tue, 23 Sep 86 23:30 EDT
Subject:  Query: Head-settle time patch for DOS 3.10?

Does anybody have a head-settle patch for IBMBIO.COM for DOS 3.10?  I've
found one for DOS 2.10, but it seems that 3.10 is just as slow as all of
them (except DOS 1.1).



From: nike!lll-crg!seismo!munnari!elecvax.oz!fredb@cad.Berkeley.EDU
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 86 14:38:59 EST
To: nike!B.ISI.EDU.UUCP!info-IBMPC
To: info-ibmpc@b.isi.edu
Subject: Xenix Graphics Screen driver wanted

	Driver(s) under Xenix Sys V.2 for the bit-mapped
screen of an IBM-PC/AT or a NEC APC-IV.
		(A poor-man's SUN ?)

(The standard Xenix distribution only supports character mode
for the IBM graphics devices).

Source code would be preferred, so that the NEC 1024x780 "Power"
graphics card could be supported in addition to the PC-compatible junk.

Such drivers are technically feasible, and I have heard the rumour
that SCO are developing a GKS driver (what device? when? where?)

		Any help would be appreciated
		- "Fred" (RJ) Bassett
		Dept of Textile Technology
		Uni of NSW Kensington 2033 Australia
ACSnet:	fredb@elecvax.oz	ARPA:	fredb%elecvax.oz@seismo
CSnet:	fredb@elecvax.oz@csnet-relay.csnet
UUCP:	{seismo,ubc-vision,ukc,mcvax,prlb2}!munnari!elecvax.oz!fredb


Date: Wed 24 Sep 86 05:21:35-PDT
Subject: Chemistry Program Wanted
To: info-ibmpc@B.ISI.EDU

	One of my colleagues is looking for an PC-compatible
program which will generate Russell-Saunders micro-state tables
for eletronic configurations. Anyone out there tried it?

Tony Brand
Trenton State College
Voice : (609)-771-3013
Data : (609)-771-2829


Date: Wed, 24 Sep 86 10:35:24 CDT
To:  info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa
Subject: Query: Mixing MS C & Fortran

Does anyone have any experience calling an MS C subroutine from within
an MS FORTRAN program?  Any advice would be appreciated.

Rich Winkel


Date:     Wed, 24 Sep 86 18:59:30 EDT
From:     Clif Sothoron <cbsoth@BRL>
To:       info-ibmpc@usc-isib.ARPA
Subject:  PGA/EGA/CGA Card Wanted

   Does a card exist that emulates the IBM color graphics adapter,
enhanced graphics adapter and the professional graphics adapter on an
IBM PC-AT? I have a NEC Multisync (800x560 resolution) monitor which
allows all these emulations. I am currently using a Quadram EGA+ card
which emulates the IBM CGA/EGA cards but no PGA. The NEC documentation
says the PGA card is an analog card. Does this prohibit the existance of
the CGA/EGA/PGA card I am looking for?

   Thanks in advance,

Clifton B. Sothoron
Ballistic Research Laboratory
Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md.


DATE: 092586 08.25.00
Subject: WPSplus and DECNet-DOS Query

Are there any users which have experience with the DEC-packages
WPSplus and/or DECNet-DOS for MSDOS-micro's?  Impressions and
conclusions about things like 'quality', 'performance',
'documentation', 'easiness of use', etc. are welcome.  Comparison with
other packages are also interesting.

Please reply me directly by electronic mail.

Thanks in advance!

 Jan van Kats
 ACCU (State University of Utrecht)
 EUNET: mcvax!accumv!acskatj


Date: Wed, 24 Sep 86 13:15:33 CDT
  Computing Services)
Subject: Graphics screen dump Query

Does anyone know of a program similar to GRAPHICS.COM which will work
for the EGA in hi-res mode?  Also, I'm looking for a GRAPHICS.COM which
will drive the Toshiba 1351.

Thanks for any help!


Date:         Thu, 25 Sep 86 14:36 CET
From: Ralf D. Kloth <ZRKL001%DTUZDV1.BitNet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject:      Satellite tracking program wanted
To: Info-IBMPC <INFO-IBMPC@b.isi.edu>

I am looking for a tracking program for orbiting satellites (like the
public amateur radio satellites OSCAR.., RS.., JAS1, as well as NOAA, etc)
to predict a satellite's orbit and overflying over a given location by
calculation from a given Keplerian element listing.
Has anyone such a program available (public domain) which I could adapt
to run on my IBM PC-XT ?
PASCAL or FORTRAN preferred, but C or BASIC also welcome.

Waiting for any source listings ...
73, Ralf D. Kloth (DL4TA), ZRKL001 at DTUZDV1.BITNET, West Germany


End of Info-IBMPC Digest