[mod.computers.ibm-pc] Info-IBMPC Digest V5 #91

Info-IBMPC@B.ISI.EDU (Info-IBMPC Digest) (10/08/86)

Info-IBMPC Digest      Tuesday, October 7, 1986      Volume 5 : Issue 91

This Week's Editor:  Phyllis O'Neil

Today's Topics:

                 Microsoft Windows Developers Seminar
                          Tandon 20Mb drives
                              CED Patch
                        Re: EROFF for Laserjet
                     Re: Hardware Debugger Query

Today's Queries:

               IBM-PC to Laserwriter+ Cable Info Needed
                Seattle Computer Memory Expansion Help
               Screen Generator for 132 Column Display
                    Query about Lattice C Compiler


Subject: Microsoft Windows Developers Seminar
From: Microsoft
Date: Tue Sep 30 21:33:49 1986

[Get this! - pmo]

Microsoft will be holding their third Windows Development Seminar on
October 23-24 1986 in Santa Clara.  The cost is $500 per attendee.
This includes a Windows Software Development Kit, retail copy of
Windows and a seminar notebook.

Microsoft Windows is dramatically changing the way today's computer
users interface with application software...blah blah blah...

...As an industry leader, it is our responsibility not only
to develop new technology, but also to provide you with the
information you need to take advantage of it...

This seminar is a unique forum that offers you the opportunity to
communicate directly with our Windows experts.  They each have
in-depth experience with Microsoft Windows.  Each will talk about his
area of expertise and share his insights on Windows.

... Please keep in mind that most of the sessions are
technically oriented.

...To register...or to learn more about the seminar simply call 
our representative, Sorenson & Company at 206-622-7405.


Date:  Sun, 5 Oct 86 22:41 EDT
Subject:  Ron Katreil: Tandon 20Mb drives

I've not used the PC's Limited version of the Tandon w/WD controller,
but have been using the same model Tandon from Qubie' with their BT
controller (don't remember whose chips actually are in the board).
The Tandon has performed reliably for the past year, and I have
purchased a total of 3 of them now.  Tandon problems are: after 6
months, the bearing starts to whine, where the little static-drainer
metal piece drags on the bearing post (same as most other whiners),
and in some instances, the Tandon will not complete power-on
self-test, shutting itself down because of power supply fluctuation,
presumably low voltage.  Turning the machine off, waiting a second,
and turning it back on again a second time starts up the drive without
fail.  They run kind of hot, but so do most half-height 20Mb drives; I
use two of them stacked side-by-side with no trouble, and have also
stacked a floppy on top of one with no trouble either.  They are
rumored to run with lower power than Seagate 225.  (N.B.  My latest
Tandon, 4 months old, neither whines nor ever fails power-up.  Luck,
or design change?  I dunno.)



Date: Sat, 4 Oct 86 01:26:19 edt
From: nike!caip!pyrnj!vu-vlsi!colin@cad.Berkeley.EDU (Colin Kelley)
To: pyrnj!B.ISI.EDU!Info-IBMPC@ucbvax
Subject:  CED Patch

I have a version of CED which I patched to accept ^U as a synonym for
ESC, if anyone's interested.  This seems to be the nicest of the
available options, and it's free!

			-Colin Kelley ..{cbmvax,pyrnj,psuvax1}!vu-vlsi!colin


Date: Mon, 6 Oct 86 09:21:15 EDT
From: silber@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu (Jeffrey Silber)
To: INFO-IBMPC@b.isi.edu
Subject: Re: EROFF for Laserjet

We have a package called EROFF which is currently running on our Vax
that supports TROFF-like processing for the HP laserjet.  The company
that produces it has it available for several CPUs and the AT may be
among them.  If not, for a fee they will do custom ports.

It is sold by:   Elan Computer Group
                 260 Alta Vista Avenue
                 Los Altos, CA  94022
                 (415) 948-8193.


A million here, a million there ... they all add up.

Jeffrey A. Silber              silber@devvax.tn.cornell.edu
Business Manager               JAS@CORNELLD
Center for Theory & Simulation {decvax,ihnp4,cmcl2,vax135}!cornell!devvax!silber
   in Science & Engineering    265 Olin Hall
Cornell University             Ithaca, NY  14853


To: lenoil@xx.lcs.mit.edu
Cc: info-ibmpc@usc-isib
Subject: Re: Hardware Debugger Query
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 86 12:57:41 -0500>
From: Mark Colan <mtc@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>

The only "hardware assistance" in the Prof Debug Facility is a small
card with nothing but a push-button switch on it.  It generates a
non-maskable interrupt.

While I am not familiar with the specific products such as ATRON or
PERISCOPE, I believe that hardware assistance generally means an
adaptor card for the debugger which monitors the CPU state directly
(one of them plugs into the math coproc slot for intimate contact
with the CPU).  These cards do not come cheap, which is why I am
not directly familiar with them.

The advantages of this approach include:

1. The debugger can reside on its own card, in its own memory, in a
   place where a runaway program cannot accidentally overwrite it.
   Thus, your system may be trashed, but the debugger still runs to
   do post-mortum debugging.

2. By monitoring the hardware directly, you can determine when a given
   location is being stored to.  For example, if the symptom of your bug
   is that part of your program, or DOS itself, is overwritten, you can
   have the debugger trap when that location is stored upon.  Thus you
   can find the error in your program, which is usually a bad pointer.
   Such problems are VERY difficult to find without such a card.

   Of course, if a protected-mode DOS ever comes out, it will be impossible
   to overwrite DOS with a runaway pointer; such attempts would presumably
   be trapped by the hardware.  It would still be a useful tool for finding 
   where the program overwrites itself.

The PC Tech Journal frequently runs ads on these types of products.

Mark Colan
MIT Project Athena


Date: Mon, 6 Oct 86 08:44:48 edt
From: "Paul H. Calamai" <phcalamai%water.waterloo.edu@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
Subject: IBM-PC to Laserwriter+ Cable Info Needed
To: info-ibmpc%usc-isib.arpa@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA

I need to establish a path from my IBM-PC to the Apple
Laserwriter Plus in order to use Textset's PostScript
Printer Driver for IBM-PCs....can anyone out there give me
the pin assignments and suggest sources for any (unusual)

Please email to my via one the the following paths:

CSNET: phcalamai%water%waterloo.csnet
UUCP:  ... decvax!watmath!phcalamai
ARPA:  calamai@anl-mcs  or  na.calamai@su-score



Date: Thu, 2 Oct 86 08:36:21 ndt
From: garfield!garfield!gerard1@seismo.CSS.GOV (Gerard Hynes)
Subject: Seattle Computer Memory Expansion Help
Apparently-To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa

 I just inherited a 64-256k memory expansion board that is totally bare
(i.e. not a chip on it....)and manufactured by Seattle Computer under
the name RAM+.

    (1.) Does anyone have or know where I can get the schematics to
         this board ?

    (2.) Is it worth restoring ? I can get an AST clone for $90 that
         seems to be quite reliable.

                                                Thanx in advance
                                                Gerard Hynes


Date: Mon, 6 Oct 86 08:31:54 PDT
From: koen@CS.UCLA.EDU (Koenraad Lecot)
Subject: Screen Generator for 132 Column Display

Would appreciate any pointers to Turbo Pascal screen generation
software that allows for 132 columns, i.e. could be used on monitors
such as the WYSE-700.  If such a thing does not exist, how can I get
132 column output in Turbo ?  Thanks,

 -- Koenraad Lecot


Date: Fri, 3 Oct 86 11:56:48 GMT
From: <mcvax!dutesta!erikjan@seismo.CSS.GOV>
To: info-ibmpc@b.isi.edu
Subject: Query about Lattice C Compiler


I'm planning to use the Lattice C Compiler for MS-DOS, version 2.12.
Is there anybody out there who knows any bugs in this compiler? I'm
anxious to know!

Please mail to me directly. When I receive enough response, I'll
summarize to Info-IBMPC.

                       Thanks in advance,

               | Erik J. Bos   (erikjan@dutesta.UUCP) |
               | Delft University of Technology (DUT) |
               | dept. of Electrical Engineering      |
               | The Netherlands                      |
               | UUCP: ..!mcvax!dutesta!erikjan       |

End of Info-IBMPC Digest