[mod.computers.ibm-pc] Info-IBMPC Digest V5 #99

Info-IBMPC@B.ISI.EDU (Info-IBMPC Digest) (11/10/86)

Info-IBMPC Digest      Sunday, November 9, 1986      Volume 5 : Issue 99

This Week's Editor:  Phyllis O'Neil

Today's Topics:

                    80Mb Hard Disk Under SCO Xenix
                      File Comparison Utilities
                         Hercules in a Compaq
                    Selective COPY, DEL, and TYPE
        Adaptec ACB-2070A, Seagate ST-225 disk, and PC-DOS 3.1
                      Hard Disk Booting Problem
                 QUBECALC, AnalytiCalc, ...  (2 msgs)
                             AT Dir Delay
                           Selective Delete
                     PCWATCH is NOT Public Domain
                      Microsoft Quick-Basic 2.0
        DOS Buffers, CONFIG.SYS, Debuggers, and Assembly Books
             COMMAND.COM Patch for Echo OFF Under DOS 3.1
                      Microsoft Quick-Basic 2.0

Today's Queries:

                       Compaq DIP Switch Query
                            MS-DOS Authors
                 LPTX Works with DOS 2.0 but Not 3.1
                           NOTE from UNI217
                     Patching DOS 3.1 for "COM3"
                             Tape Backup
        512K to 640K Memory Expansion for New 8 MHz IBM PC-AT
                             Micro Emacs
                  Software Revision Control Systems

Date: Thu 6 Nov 86 03:31:58-EST
From: John Romkey <ROMKEY@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU>
Subject: 80Mb Hard Disk Under SCO Xenix
To: info-ibmpc@B.ISI.EDU

Several people replied to my query about getting an 80Mb drive to
work under SCO Xenix (thanks!). They all pointed me at:
	Golden Bow Systems
	2870 Fifth Avenue
	Suite 201
	San Diego, CA 92103

Golden Bow sells a ROM that sits in the gaps around the BIOS ROMs and
patches in its own tables over the standard BIOS disk type tables.
It comes with a program that you run to select the drive parameters.
I ordered one over the phone, it showed up 3 days later, and I got
Xenix running that day. I've partitioned my disk into a 100 cylinder
DOS partition and a 9900 cylinder Xenix partition, and everything
works fine.

The ROM is called 'DUB14' and costs about $100. I obviously don't have
any association with Golden Bow or I wouldn't have had to ask about
this in the first place...

John Romkey			FTP Software, Inc.
(617) 868-4878			PO Box 150
UUCP: romkey@mit-vax.UUCP	Kendall Square Branch
ARPA: romkey@xx.lcs.mit.edu	Boston, MA, 02142


To: sher@j.bbn.com
Cc: info-ibmpc@isib
Subject: File Comparison Utilities
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 86 13:14:45 -0500
From: jcmorris@mitre.ARPA

The best file comparison I've used isn't free, but it's close to that
and (believe it or not) comes from IBM.  The "Personally Developed
Software" catalog lists the SUPERC program, which provides menu-based
comparison at the file, line, word, or byte level with numerous
variations (column limits, etc.).  I don't have the catalog handy, but
I think it's about $30 or so.  If you can't find a catalog, call
1-800-IBM-PCSW and order either the catalog (free) or the software

Joe Morris (jcmorris@mitre)


Date: 1986 Nov 6   01:40 EDT
Subject: Hercules in a Compaq

A while back I posted a few messages asking for help in getting a
Hercules monochrome graphics board or equivalent board to run in a
Compaq portable.  I did finally succeed, but it wasn't easy.

First, the Compaq disk controller board and the Hercules monochrome
board both have LPT1 ports, neither of which can be disabled or
switched to LPT2.  Hercules tech support suggested using their new
board which has a parallel port which can be disabled, or a rather
drastic hardware modification which would void the warranty.  We opted
to exchange the Hercules board for a clone from Classic which also
allowed disabling the port (or at least the second one did when we got
the correct board revision).

Next, we wanted to remove the Compaq video board entirely to free up
the slot.  Compaq tech support claimed that there should be no problem
with doing this with any BIOS version, as long as the motherboard
switch was set properly, but in fact we had to get a BIOS upgrade in
order to boot in this configuration.

Finally, we found that many pieces of software seemed to switch to the
(disconnected) internal monitor.  Typing MODE MONO would switch back,
but this didn't help in the middle of a program.  A little
experimentation with DEBUG showed that INT 10h calls for 80x25 color
or B&W mode setting both switched to the internal monitor, while INT
10h with AX=700h switched back to the Hercules clone.  Perhaps I'll
understand why when my Compaq tech reference manual finally shows up;
this seems to be an undefined function call in my IBM documentation.
So, I wrote a simple resident routine to intercept INT 10h and
translate AX=200 or 300h to AX=700, and finally everything seems to
work.  I could send the source code to the net, or is this to obscure
a problem to interest anyone else?


To: stevens@a.isi.edu
Subject: Selective COPY, DEL, and TYPE
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 86 16:52:51 -0500
From: Mark Colan <mtc@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>

The cleanest way to do this would be to write a simple "C" program
which would expand the file name list and execute the command for
each expanded file.  In Lattice C 3.10 you can easily expand files
with the dfind / dnext calls, and execute a command via system().

But there is a challenge here: to do it entirely in .BAT programming.
I've come up with one (admittedly dirty) solution using .BAT commands.
You need the following two .BAT files, and the ASK program from 
info-ibmpc (DOS does not provide any means of asking for a reply in .BAT
files, so the ASK program is unfortunately necessary).  Here are the two 
BAT files:


	echo off
	for %%f in (%2) do command /c select1 %1 %%f %3


		echo off
		ask "%1 %2 %3 ? " ny
		if errorlevel = 2 goto doit
		goto dont
		%1 %2 %3
		goto done
		echo %1 %2 %3 NOT done.

(If you don't have the ASK program yet, get ASK.ASM from usc-isib:<info-ibmpc>
and build it with the following commands, which are not listed in the ASK.DOC:


The BAT files are set up to allow the use of ANY command, DOS or otherwise,
that has one or two arguments.  It would be easy to make this work with 
commands up to 8 arguments by replacing all occurences of "%3" with 
"%3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9" in both files.  To use SELECT, just precede the 
command with your desired template with the word SELECT.  For examples:

To DELETE files:

	select del *.c

To COPY files:

	select copy foo??.* \bar

For each matching file (using any valid DOS template) it will type out the
full command it is going to do, followed by a "?".  You reply with "y" or
"Y" if you want the action to occur; anything else is the same as typing


1. Unless you have your COMMAND.COM patched to permanently turn off ECHO,
   you will see "ECHO OFF" twice before it asks the big question, for
   each file.  Any clever hackers out there know how to avoid it without
   the patch?

2. If you want to quit, you can't, until it has asked for each and every
   matching file.  You will have to hit "n" or "Enter" for each question
   it asks.  Even ^C or ^Break does not exit very well.

3. This still requires a program from INFO-IBMPC library, which this request
   asked to avoid.  


To play with these commands, use the "ECHO" command: SELECT ECHO *.*
This command has no effect except for writing a message on your screen,
so its less troublesome than playing with DEL.

Mark Colan
MIT Project Athena


Date: Thu, 6 Nov 86 14:04:16 PST
To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA,
Subject: Adaptec ACB-2070A, Seagate ST-225 disk, and PC-DOS 3.1
 80Mb Hard Disk Under SCO Xenix
 File Comparison Utilities

I have an Adaptec ACB-2070A controller, and am using it with PC-DOS 3.1
There has been no problem booting either a Seagate ST-225 system disk,
or a NEC D5126 system disk with this hardware/software configuration.
Note that I have not felt it necessary to spring for the more expensive
Seagate ST-238 disk, my Seagate ST-225 disk works just fine with the
Adaptec ACB-2070A controller...



Date: Thu, 06 Nov 86 12:44:42 CST
To:  info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa
Subject: Hard Disk Booting Problem

>    Until I figure this out and get it fixed I've been using the
>following approach: a boot disk in drive A containing the standard system
>software, a new CONFIG.SYS with a couple of device drivers, and an
>AUTOEXEC.BAT containing:
>                c:
>                autoexec.bat
>The trouble is that while booting fine, and reading the CONFIG.SYS file
>correctly, I get to the prompt without invoking the AUTOEXEC.BAT on the
>A drive. If I then type {autoexec} to the prompt then the C drive is
>correctly logged-in and the autoexec.bat there executes flawlessly. What
>have I done wrong ...

I assume you have put a SHELL= command in your config.sys file to get
dos to reload command.com from drive C:.  Did the shell command
include the /P option?  This is required if you want it to run
autoexec.bat automatically.  The full syntax would be:
SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\/P/E:nnn assuming your command.com is on the
root dir of drive c:.  The /E:nnn option is for setting the size of
the environment.  Just leave it off if you don't need it.


Date:     Thu, 6 Nov 86 15:23 EDT
To:       info-IBMPC%usc-isib.arpa@RELAY.CS.NET
Subject:  QUBECALC, AnalytiCalc, ... 

I've seen Qubecalc on the DEC Market system and ran a test a couple
days ago of a 20 by 20 heat transfer model (each cell the average of
itself and its 8 neighbors, with boundary conditions). The package ran
nicely and updates displays very quickly. For folks who want a
spreadsheet for truly 3 dimensional applications, this package gives a
usable engine. Online help is also quite well done.

	In comparison, AnalytiCalc, which is also available on the
Simtel20 system and on Market, is a 2D 18000 by 18000 sheet with links
to other sheets permitted. It offers a cruder help system but lots of
functions you won't see elsewhere like FFTs on screen, matrix math, 8
dimensional equation fitting, multiple equations per cell, etc....

	The 20 by 20 test took 58 seconds for QubeCalc to recalculate
once (on a 6MHz AT). It took AnalytiCalc 14 seconds to do the same
problem. AnalytiCalc uses DOS (!) or the BIOS for screen writing, so
appears slower. Evidently there's some penalty for having all the 3D
logic. Still, QubeCalc handles 3D problems much more smoothly than
conventional architectures. Cells are referred to as Rk;l;m or Ak;l;m
where k;l;m are the x, y, and z coordinates of cells. These are
numbered 0 to 63 and seem to have recursive boundary conditions (so 0
and 63 are neighbors) though I didn't play much with this, so I don't
know about in formulas.

	Either package appears to be considerably more powerful than
the other PD spreadsheet systems, and both have features that
commercial packages lack. I'd suggest that for most applications you
may want to look at AnalytiCalc. The DEC Market system (617 467 7437;
login LCG.KERMIT KERMIT) has AnalytiCalc in the MSDOS: area and
QUBECALC in the PCDOS: area, both archived.



Date: Fri 7 Nov 86 13:12:26-PST
From: Bruce Buzbee <BUZ@SRI-KL.ARPA>
Subject: 3D Spreadsheet
To: info-ibmpc@B.ISI.EDU

The archive file of QubeCalc on SIMTEL-20 is alright now.  Apparently
some people have been getting a bad header message when dearchiving it
(I got the same message when I dearchived it).  This message doesn't
appear to have any affect on the program or associated files, though.
I'm removing the copy from my directory on the KL so you'll have to
get it from SIMTEL from now on (I need my disk space).

                                   - Bruce


Date: Fri, 7 Nov 86 07:38:09 pst
From: nike!lll-crg!well!mo@cad.Berkeley.EDU (Maurice Weitman)
Subject: AT Dir Delay

  I have just read a few items in Volume 5, Issue 98 concerning 
"AT Dir Delay", and find them to be inconsistent with my experience.
All posters in that issue believe that the faster DIRs, or more 
accurately, the faster free space calls, are due to the BUFFERS=nn
statement in one's config.sys file being high enough to hold one's
entire FAT in RAM.  

  My theory, (stress on theory) is that DOS 3.1 improved the free
space call to read the entire FAT once, and on subsequent calls, 
rely upon the previous amount of free space found, modified whenever 
any space is released or attached.  

  The empirical evidence I'm using here comes from my experience
with a 32mb disk under PCDOS 3.0, which paused after each free space
call, regardless of the number of BUFFERS.  I subsequently patched
DIR to not make the call, since I didn't give a bleep whether I had
2 or 5 mb free.  I then installed 3.1, and noticed its current, 
civilized behavior.  And smile each time it happens. %-)

  Btw, CHKDSK does flush all buffers, and seems to also clear the
free space counter.  (Ask Billy Gates why.)

Quote:  "The police aren't here to create disorder, they're here
          to preserve disorder." Mayor Richard J. Daly, Chicago, 1968 

Disclaimer:  Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors.

Maurice Weitman     9600   ..!{dual,hplabs,lll-crg,ptsfa,glacier}!well!mo
       |           57600   (415)549-0280 voice   (415)549-0388 modem-2400
   this^is not       300   mcimail mweitman      
     a pipe          110   P. O. Box 10019       Berkeley, CA  94709


Date: Thu, 6 Nov 86 07:39:54 cst
From: moore@ncsc.ARPA (Moore)
To: gillmann@b.isi.edu
Subject: Selective Delete

Someone already answered your selective copy question; VDEL.COM, from
PC Mag many issues ago, prompts you if you really want to delete each
file.  If you want to try it I'll either UUENCODE and mail it to you
or let you FTP to here.



Date: Fri,  7 Nov 86 13:38:03 est
From: pgc#@andrew.cmu.edu (Paul G. Crumley)
To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa
Subject: PCWATCH is NOT Public Domain

PCWATCH is NOT a public domain program.  The program you can obtain
from the IBM BBS at 305/998-3227 is a DEMO of the program.  If you
would like to purchase this program contact IBM at 800/IBM-PCSW.
MC/Visa are OK.

I have used this program and it is often the "only" sane way to find
the subtle bugs that tend to creep into MS-DOS applications.  The
program is also a great tool for dissecting the operation of MS-DOS
and PC BIOS.  I would certainly recommend this program to any person
writing applications for the PC and compatibles that directly access
PC BIOS, MS-DOS, and installable utility services.
Best Regards,
Paul G. Crumley


Date: Fri, 7 Nov 86 15:34:14 PST
To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA
Subject: Microsoft Quick-Basic 2.0

I recently took delivery of Microsoft Quick_Basic 2.0  This product
does not seem as nice as Quick-Basic 1.02 for my applications.

 o I cannot get a dis-assembled listing of the object code, because
   the /A command no longer works.  (Is this to disguise bad code?)

 o RBBS-PC does not work properly with Quick-Basic 2.0, there seems
   to be a problem with the Page-Up and Page-Down key with RBBS.

 o I personally do not like windowing environments for program
   development.  Surely Microsoft could have implemented this as
   an overlay to the compiler, rather than integrating this as
   an integral part of the compiler, which is hard to circumvent.

 o It would be nice if the QB compiler spat out the line in error
   on STDERR, (like Quick-Basic 1.02 does), instead of simply printing
   ERROR xxx IN LINE yyy with no dump of LINE "yyy" on the console.


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 86 20:09:26 PST
From: osbook@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu (osbook)
Subject:  DOS Buffers, CONFIG.SYS, Debuggers, and Assembly Books
Apparently-To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa

Rich Winkel UMC Math Department says...
>The size of DOS's disk cache is set by the BUFFERS= command in CONFIG.SYS.
>If it is not specified, it defaults to 0.  So you should create a
>CONFIG.SYS file in the root directory of your clone and put the line
>in it.  While you're at it, you might as well include 'FILES=20', to increase
>the maximum number of open files to something reasonable.

Actually, the buffers command sets disk i/o buffers, not cache
buffers.  The default is not 0! (how could you do any I/O with no
buffers?) In fact, the default is 2 (3 for AT's).

The advice about creating a CONFIF.SYS file is well taken.  However,
buffers=20 is not absolutely the only good value.  Good values are
said to lie between 20 and 30.  I have yet to meet anyone who knew how
to pick a good value, though.

Yes, you should set FILES=20.  You should also set BREAK to ON and you
will probably want to install the ANSI.SYS driver.

By the way, the article quoted above remarks that the CONFIG file must
be in the root directory.  This is correct.  There is an interesting
question: What other files must appear only in the root directory?
Many people believe that all these must appear in the root directory:
	2 hidden files for DOS
Actually, COMMAND.COM does not! have to be in the root directory.
This is important if you a purist (as I am) who maintains that
the root directory should contain only other sub-directories
and as few files as possible.

I put all the DOS files (including COMMAND) into a DOS subdirectory,
which I reference with an appropriate PATH command in the AUTOEXEC.BAT
files.  To boot properly, you need only include a SHELL command in
CONFIG.SYS.  For example:
	SHELL=\dos\command.com /p
You can use this same command to expand your environment (a must
for proper organization of a fixed disk). See your particular DOS
manual for details.

In order for programs to find COMMAND.COM when they need to, you
also need to set CONSPEC in AUTOEXEC.BAT.  For example:
	SET COMSPEC=\dos\command.com


A reader asked about PC Watch,,,

PC Watch was written by James Gilliam Jr and Larry Raper of IBM.  PC
Watch is sold by IBM as part of their Personally Developed Software
series for $49.95.  Part# 6276603.  Call 800-IBM-PCSW.

No doubt that the copy that appears on that Florida BBS is stolen.
You can tell for sure by using a debugger to examine  the beginning
of the load module for an IBM copyright.

If you are a beginner and you really want to know about how things work,
I suggest you try the DOS enhanced debugger (also IBM Personally
Developed Software).  This is the best debugger I have found for learning.
Part#6276594. 800-IBM-PCSW.  This program was written by Manny Alvarez Jr.
and has to be the best bargin ($29.95) since peace with honor.

Also, try the snOOp (sic) program sold by Spite Software.
$49.95.  snOOp disassembles anything and provides comments to make
it easy to take things apart and see how they work. Call 503-245-8102.

(I have no connection, by the way, with either IBM or Spite.)

Last, if you are a beginner and you are learning assembly language
then you need  a copy of my new book:

The Complete Guide to IBM PC AT Assembly Language

(which will also help you understand PC's and XT's).
The book is published by Scott Foresman and Company and will be 
available near the end of Nevember.


Date: Fri, 7 Nov 86 19:54:45 pst
From: Robert Lenoil <lenoil%apple.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET>
To: info-ibmpc@B.ISI.EDU
Subject: COMMAND.COM Patch for Echo OFF Under DOS 3.1
	Info-IBMPC volume 4, issue 103, contains a compendium of DOS
3.1 patches, including the ECHO OFF modification.  To save you the
trouble, however, the ECHO OFF modification for 3.1 is to patch byte
1967 of COMMAND.COM with a zero.


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 86 17:35:50 PST
To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA,
Subject: Microsoft Quick-Basic 2.0

Quick-Basic 2.0 woes...

I have some other complaints, primarily: I recomiled and tested my
application with it, and IT DIDN'T WORK.  Fell over dead when it
sniffed the com port.  Foo.  That was about 4 months ago, and I
haven't even looked at it.  Our follow-on to the Quick Basic fiasco is
written in C, and it works.  'Nuf said.  At least 1.02 got us out of
that particular swap.  I'm not interested in visiting another.

Thanks for your comments, and I agree with them.  If you post them to
IBM-PC, Microsoft will see them (and you might even get some



Date: Thu, 6 Nov 86 14:21:07 GMT
From: Keith Dale <kdale@bbncc-eur.ARPA>
Subject:Compaq DIP Switch Query
To: info-ibmpc@b.isi.edu
Cc: kgordon@dca-eur.arpa, kdale@bbncc-eur.arpa

I'm posting this for a friend.  He has a Compaq Portable (not the
Compaq Plus) with two 5 1/4" drives, 256k RAM and an AST Six-Pack with
384k RAM.  The Compaq manual does not list the DIP switch settings
that will enable the RAM up to the 640k limit.  All he's been able to
get via trial and error is 512k.  Is there perhaps a jumper that needs
to be moved, or is it just in the switch settings?  Can some kind soul
provide us with the info to get him fully operational?  Thanks!!

Keith Dale (kdale@bbncc-eur.arpa) 


Date:    Fri, 07 Nov 86 08:32 EST
Subject: MS-DOS Authors

Does anyone know the name and address of the original
authors of MS-DOS before it was sold to MicroSoft, and
is now selling the current version directly?

[I doubt they are selling current versions of DOS. -wab]


Date: Tue, 04 Nov 86 17:55:53 MEZ
Subject: LPTX Works with DOS 2.0 but Not 3.1


Recently, I downloaded LPTX.ASM V3.0 from the INFO-IBMPC program
library and tried to use it under DOS 3.1 with my Zenith Z-158.
However, after writing 512 bytes to the file output was redirected to,
the system was crashed, I had to turn the power off. Next time I tried
it with DOS 2.0 and it worked. Can anybody tell me how to use this
program with DOS 3.1 ?

Thank you,
           Rainer Kleinrensing


Date: Tue, 04 Nov 86 18:07:13 MEZ
To:  info-ibmpc@usc-isib.ARPA
Subject: NOTE from UNI217


Recently I read some older INFO-IBMPC digests and noticed a message
about Zenith Data Systems BBS. Cathy FULTON at DECWRL in CSNET offered
to send several files containing information about Zenith and other
MS-DOS computers from that discussion forum.  However, those files are
no longer available from C.Fulton.  Did anybody out there receive
those files and could send them to me?  (Date of original notice was

  Thank you in advance,
     Rainer Kleinrensing


Date: Fri 7 Nov 86 16:05:15-PST
From: David John Buerger  <D.Buerger%SCU%PANDA@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>
Subject: Patching DOS 3.1 for "COM3"
To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA

Does anyone know how to patch DOS 3.1 such that a MODE LPT1:=COM2
command would send output *NOT* to the normal COM2 address, but
instead to 3E8-3EF ?  This latter address is the "COM3" address for
the JRAM-3 card which I have installed in my IBM PC/XT.

I'd also like to know how to patch WordPerfect 4.1 (IBM PC version)
such that its COM3 address in each serial printer installation would
also reflect the 3E8-3EF location.

Why all the fuss?  I want to run two modems respectively off COM1 and
COM2, and have all my printer output going to COM3.  My printer is a
QMS PS-800 laser printer.  I would like to send WordPerfect documents
directly to it's installed COM3 setting (right now I'm using COM2),
and LaTeX PostScript documents, print- screens, etc. directly to the
printer via DOS.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  I haven't
gotten COM3 to work at all.

David J. Buerger
Director, PC Center
Santa Clara University



Date:     Tue,  4 Nov 86  08:32:47 AST
From:  PAUL%Acadia.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU  (Paul Steele - Acadia
Subject:  Tape Backup
To:  info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa
cc:  info-mac@sumex.stanford.edu

I am trying to find a tape backup unit (20 Meg) that will work on both
a Macintosh and a IBM PC.  Because of the Macintosh, it will obviously
have to be a SCSI device, so what it basically comes down to is if there
is any SCSI tape controllers for IBM PC's that might work with one of the
MAC tape units.  If anyone has any suggestions as to how this might be
done, please let me know.  I can't justify a backup unit for both machines,
but sharing one unit seems a reasonable way to go.

==> Paul@Acadia.BITNET


Date:     Fri, 7 Nov 86 00:03 EST
Subject:  512K to 640K Memory Expansion for New 8 MHz IBM PC-AT
To:  info-ibmpc@b.isi.edu

I have a new 8 Mhz IBM AT with 512KB of memory on the motherboard.
What is the least expensive way to increase total memory to 640KB ?
I do not want more than 640KB of total memory.
I also do not want extra serial or parallel adapters.

The only solution I know of involves spending upwards of $300.

Thank you.

Sanjay Kapur



Date:  Wed, 5 Nov 86 13:38 CST
Subject:  Micro Emacs
To:  info-ibmpc@b.isi.edu

From time to time I hear mention of a new version of Micro Emacs for
the IBM-PC. Is there a version of this program for a Vax running VMS?
If so is there a way to obtain a copy of it via bitnet?

                                                Thank You,
                                                Alan Krantz


Date: Sat 8 Nov 86 10:25:15-PST
Subject: Software Revision Control Systems
To: info-ibmpc%b.isi.edu%sumex-aim@PANDA

I'm looking for a good Software Revision Control System for PC-MS/DOS.
I have found the names of four, and would like to know what
experiences anyone has had with any of these.  I will try to summarize
the responses that come directly to me and post them to the net.  The
four that I know of are:

TexSys	~$89	Manufacturer unknown

TLIB	$99.95	Burton Systems Software
		P.O. Box 4156
		Cary, N.C. 27511-4156
		(919) 469-3068

Software Revision Mgmt System (SRMS)	$99.95

		Quilt Computing
		7048 Stratford Rd
		Woodbury, Maine 55125
		(612) 739-4650

Polytron Version Control System (PVCS)	$395

		Polytron Corp.
		P.O. Box 787 DS-350
		Hillsboro, OR 97123
		(800) 547-4000, Dept 350

Please direct all replies to:

	Dan Lewis, Assoc. Prof. of CS
	Dept of EECS
	Santa Clara University
	Santa Clara, CA 95053

	Usenet:		ames!scuvax!lewis
	Phone:		(408) 554-4449/4482


End of Info-IBMPC Digest