[mod.computers.ibm-pc] Info-IBMPC Digest V5 #100

Info-IBMPC@B.ISI.EDU (Info-IBMPC Digest) (11/14/86)

Info-IBMPC Digest      Thursday, November 14, 1986      Volume 5 : Issue 100

This Week's Editor:  Phyllis O'Neil

Today's Topics:

              Patching Zenith's DOS 3.1 to Turn Echo Off
             COMMAND.COM Patch for Echo OFF Under DOS 3.1
                      ECHO OFF Patch for DOS 3.2
             Seattle Computer and MS-DOS Origins (2 msgs)
                            LPTX Versions
                    Selective COPY, DEL, and TYPE
                           26 Lines on EGA
                 PC-IX Problems on a 20 Mb Hard Disk
                  IBM Professional Fortran Version 2

Today's Queries:

                    Problems with F10-40 Printers
                            Cermetek Modem
                     Composite Color from an EGA
                       DRIVEPARM in CONFIG.SYS
                          TurboPower TDebug


To: elefante@radc-multics.arpa
Subject: Patching Zenith's DOS 3.1 to Turn Echo Off
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 86 10:22:20 -0500


Change location 1887 in COMMAND.COM from 01 to 00.  This
will change ECHO to be normally off in batch files other
than AUTOEXEC.BAT.  I don't know any other patches for

I figured this one out with a helpful hint from Mike Brown (a.k.a
Mr. Video) who is quite good at this stuff.  I suggest you ask him
any other questions you may have.

Tom Reingold


Date: Mon, 10 Nov 86 21:11:36 cst
From: jai@im4u.UTEXAS.EDU (S. Jayashankar)
Subject: COMMAND.COM Patch for Echo OFF Under DOS 3.1

Robert Lenoil <lenoil%apple.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET> writes:
>	Info-IBMPC volume 4, issue 103, contains a compendium of DOS
> 3.1 patches, including the ECHO OFF modification.  To save you the
> trouble, however, the ECHO OFF modification for 3.1 is to patch byte
> 1967 of COMMAND.COM with a zero.
>	Robert

	I tried this patch on DOS 3.1.  It works fine.  However,
the RENAME command is affected too: it doesn't accept a path name
anymore for the first argument (it accepts only a file name in the
current directory).  When I restored my unpatched COMMAND.COM, it
worked correctly.

	Has anyone else had the same problem?



Date: Mon, 10 Nov 86 22:27:03 PST
From: osbook@sdcsvax.ucsd.ed
Subject: ECHO OFF Patch for DOS 3.2 
Organization: U.C. San Diego

Robert Lenoil writes:
>	Info-IBMPC volume 4, issue 103, contains a compendium of DOS
>3.1 patches, including the ECHO OFF modification.  To save you the
>trouble, however, the ECHO OFF modification for 3.1 is to patch byte
>1967 of COMMAND.COM with a zero.
>	Robert

Here is how to do it for DOS 3.2:

In order to have DOS 3.2 automatically start all batch files with
ECHO OFF, you must change one byte in COMMAND.COM from 01 to 00.

Using debug, do it as follows:
     change to the directory that contains COMMAND.COM
        debug command.com
     when you see the debug prompt (-), enter:
        e 1b2c
     when you see something like xxxx:1B2C  01.
     (where xxxx are 4 hex digits), enter:   
     finally, to write the changed file to disk, enter:
     you will see a message similar to: writing 5CEF bytes
     then, to quit debug, enter:

The whole thing should look something like this:

     debug command.com
     -e 1b2c
     xxxx:1B2C  01.00
     writing 5CEF BYTES

Questions:  I have found the following.  Has everyone else found it also?

1) This fix starts all batch files with ECHO OFF except AUTOEXEC.BAT.
This means that you still need to put
at the beginning of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.  Alternatively  you can rename
AUTOEXEC.BAT to, say, AUTO2.BAT and then have the following simple
This works fine.

2) I have found that this fix (as well as ECHO OFF) eliminates output only to
standard output.  It does not eliminate output that is written to standard 
error, or that is written directly to the screen.

While we are on the subject of batch files, here is a handy way to pause a 
batch file.  The usual method is to use the PAUSE command.  However, this
displays the message:
     Strike any key when ready
which is not always what you want.  For example, you may want to display:
     Insert the proper diskette and then press a key
and then pause.

The solution is to take advantage of the fact that PAUSE sends its output
to standard output, not standard error.  Thus, you can pause and not display 
the usual message by sending the message to NUL:
     PAUSE > NUL:
For example, you can use:
     ECHO Insert the proper diskette and then press a key
     PAUSE > NUL:

(In passing, you can also use NUL, NUL: or \DEV\NUL)
(Of course, you can use upper or lower case.)

Harley Hahn


Date: Mon, 10 Nov 86 11:14:46 EST
From: Ted_Hanss@um.cc.umich.edu
Subject: Seattle Computer Markets DOS

PC Magazine recently reported that the original author of DOS,
Seattle Computer, has release Seattle-DOS Version 3.1.
Seattle-DOS is identical to MS-DOS Version 3.1, but includes
additional advanced utilities. In its agreement with Microsoft,
Seattle Computer received a royalty-free eternal license to
market DOS. The agreement also stated that Seattle Computer can
only sell DOS in a combined hardware and softwar package.
Therefore, purchasers of the $35 operating system must also make
a one-time purchase of either an 8086 or 8088 CPU module for
$20, which entitles them to all future updates. Seattle
Computer, 7649 S. 180th St., Kent, WA 98032. 
(206)251-9677 in Washington.
[I Called the above number they only sell DOS to dealers and distributers.
I can't see that their policy is any different from that of Microsoft. -wab]
Ted Hanss
Microcomputer Support Group
The University of Michigan
Our machine name will soon change from UMich-MTS.Mailnet to UM.CC.UMICH.EDU


Date: Mon, 10 Nov 86 21:30 pst
From: "lamont steve%a.sdscnet"@LLL-MFE.ARPA
Subject: MS-DOS Origins
To: info-ibmpc@b.isi.edu.arpa

>Does anyone know the name and address of the original
>authors of MS-DOS before it was sold to Microsoft, and
>is now selling the current version directly (sic).

Quoting from Ray Duncan's book, Advanced MSDOS (Microsoft Press), the
"progenator of MS-DOS was an operating system called 86-DOS, which was
written by Tim Paterson for Seattle Computer Products in mid-1980...

Because 86-DOS was marketed as a proprietary operating system for Seattle
Computer Products' line of S-100 bus, 8086-based microcomputers it made
very little impact on the microcomputer world in general."

The question that comes to mind immediately is what happened to Tim
Paterson in all of this.  One hopes he got extremely rich but one also
realizes that such is not necessarily the way of the world...


Date: Mon 10 Nov 86 09:40:15-PST
From: Jim Celoni S.J. <Celoni@Score.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: LPTX Versions

Mark DiVecchio wrote LPTX three ways; current versions are 3.01, 4.01,
and 5.01 unless he's released something else this summer.  Don't just
assume higher- numbered versions are better--they use different tricks
and may work better with your DOS version and applications.  I use


Cc: ss60f@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu
Subject: Selective COPY, DEL, and TYPE
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 86 11:56:35 PST
From: Jon Dart (Dept. of Anthropology, UCSD) <ss60f%sdcc18@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu>

     For those desiring improvements to COPY, DEL and TYPE: try
PC-SIG disk #564, which contains a number of public-domain programs
that I wrote, together with source code.  One of them is RM.EXE,
which includes an -i (for interactive) switch that will prompt
before deleting files.  There are also copy (CP) and move (MV)
programs that handle directories as well as files, and a program
called SHOW.EXE that is similar to MORE.

    This disk is available from: 

    1030D East Duane Avenue
    Sunnyvale, CA  94086

    Cost is $6 + 7% tax (CA) + $4 shipping/handling.

--  Jon Dart
    Dept. of Anthropology
    UCSD C-001
    La Jolla, CA  92093



Date: Mon, 10 Nov 86 16:39:25 EST
From: Dean Carpenter <ST701979%BROWNVM.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
Subject: 26 Lines on EGA

I downloaded the program STATLINE.ASM from the pc magazine bboard
the other night, made a few mods to it for my particular setup, and
it works fine.  I have a dual display setup (EGA -> mono, Plantronics
PC+ -> colour) and the only quirk I didn't get rid of is a bit of snow
on the colour display when the current display is mono and I change the
indicators.  The program waits for retrace on the current display, and
to watch for snow at all times was too much of a hassle ...  :-)

In order to utilize the 26th line for anything else, you would have to
modify or adapt the program to be a TSR that simply re-programs the
6845 every time a mode change is done to 80x25 to make it 80x26 and to
change the low memory byte that tells DOS how many rows there are on
the screen ...

Mind you, this only tells DOS about the extra line.  There isn't much
software out there that uses this low memory info, they just assume
25 rows.  WordPerfect can be told explicitly how many rows/columns
are on a particular screen (I use the EGA/mono in 38 line mode).

So, to cap it off, write a small TSR (or modify the PC program) that
watches int 10h for the mode change call (ah=0), does the call, then
reprograms the 6845 for the 26 lines.  And maybe insures that the
row indicator has 26 in too.

Hope this is helpfull ...



Date:  Sun, 9 Nov 86 10:25 SET
From:  Nico - Niccolo' Avico
Subject:  PC-IX Problems on a 20 Mb Hard Disk

We got a copy of PC-IX for the XT. It works well on the original disk
but, when we added a larger disk (20 MB Hard Card from Plus Tech.) the
Unix driver did refuse to recognize the new device. We weren't able to
find anything like "termcap" to define the proper settings. Is there
anyone which fighted yet with this problem? Obviously also suggestions
how to access/edit the PC-IX driver will be welcomed.



Date:  Sun, 9 Nov 86 16:35:27 +0100 (Central European Time)
From:  XBR1Y028%DDATHD21.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU  (W. Reichenbaecher,
Subject:  IBM Professional Fortran Version 2

We recently heard about a new version 2 of IBM Professional FORTRAN.
(Profort is actually from Ryan Mc Farland).  We are currently using
Version 1.1 .  Is this new version already available in the USA - and
outside USA ?  What are the differences to the older versions?  Any
hints are welcome !

Walter Reichenbaecher, Techn. University Darmstadt, Darmstadt, W.Germany
         -or-   <XBR1Y028@DDATHD21>                            BITNET/EARN


Date: 10 Nov 86 10:58:00 EST
From: "MAGBANUA, SYLVIA" <sylvia@ari-hq1.ARPA>
Subject: Problems with F10-40 Printers
To: "info-ibmpc-request " <info-ibmpc-request @b.ISI.EDU>

Is there anyone there who could help us or give us some enlightenment what
we are doing wrong here?  This is our situation:
 	we have Zenith (Z-248) PC
	we got Lotus 1-2-3, DBaseIII, ZStem, Wordperfect
	we have F10-40 printers: configured as follows:
	Printer Port: COM1
	Baud rate:    1200
	Data Bits:    8
     	Stop Bits:    1
	Parity:      none
	Protocol: Xon/Xoff 

The printer is now working with Wordperfect.  Is there a way to print
also from Lotus 1-2-3, DBaseIII, Zstem without changing the dip
switches?  We have tried some mode statements, but did not pursue far


Date: Mon, 10 Nov 86 10:52:22 cst
From: moore@ncsc.ARPA (Moore)
To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.ARPA
Subject: Cermetek Modem

Can someone send me a summary of the page from the Cermetek 212 PC
(internal) 1200 baud modem manual describing usage with Crosstalk,
especially the dialing prefix and suffix info?

Thanks for any help.



Subject: Composite Color from an EGA
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 86 14:24:04 -0500
From: edelheit@mitre-gateway.arpa

One of the guys I work with would like to pull a composite color
output from an EGA card.  Has anyone done this and if so, how.


Jeffrey A. Edelheit		(edelheit@mitre-gateway.arpa)
The MITRE Corporation, 1820 Dolley Madison Blvd.
McLean, VA   22102		(703) 883-7586


Date: Mon, 10 Nov 86 16:13:37 CST
From:  C318566%UMCVMB.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU  (Lee Schneider)

A scan of PC-DOS 3.2 IBMBIO.COM reveals an undocumented CONFIG.SYS
keyword, DRIVEPARM.  Has anyone figured out what this does?

Lee Schneider, University of Missouri-Columbia


Date: Mon, 10 Nov 86 16:20:45 CST
From:  C318566%UMCVMB.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU  (Lee Schneider)
Subject: Disassembler

The Nov. 86 issue PC Tech Journal has an ad on page 155 for a disassembler,
"DISnDATa," that interests me because it claims, among other things,
to be able to intelligently differentiate code from data.

Does anyone have any experience with this product?  One thing the ad does
not mention is processor support (are 8087 and/or 80x8x supported?).
I would also be interested in information on other disassemblers which
you feel do a good job regarding the data vs. code issue.

Lee Schneider, University of Missouri-Columbia


Date: 11 Nov 86 10:38:58 EST (Tuesday)
From: Crocca.WBST@Xerox.COM
Subject: TurboPower TDebug
To: Homecomputing^.x@Xerox.COM, ibmpc^.x@Xerox.COM,
 pascal/turbo^.x@Xerox.COM, XeroxInfoIBMPc^.x@Xerox.COM,


I have been using the public domain Turbo Pascal debugger called TDebug
on my 6064/5 with some reasonable success. Among the biggest
difficulties I've had is its refusal to run with MS-DOS. Recently, I've
been noticing advertizements by a company called TurboPower in the rags
for a SUPPORTED and allegedly much enhanced version of TDebug (which
supposedly is supplied WITH THE SOURCE CODE). I called them and the
individual who answered was unaware of the public domain version's
refusal to work with MS-DOS. He then stammered some jazz about that
being a bug which had been removed. Still, their ads specifically state
PC-DOS 2.0 and up is required to use this thing and PC-DOS is rarely
mentioned in ads for development tools...

Does anyone out there know whether TurboPower's supported version does
indeed work with MS-DOS or is still wed exclusively to PC-DOS?

Thanks in advance,



End of Info-IBMPC Digest