[mod.computers.ibm-pc] Info-IBMPC Digest V5 #103

Info-IBMPC@C.ISI.EDU.UUCP (11/28/86)

Info-IBMPC Digest      Thursday, November 27, 1986      Volume 5 : Issue 103

This Week's Editor:  Eliot Moore <Elmo@C.ISI.EDU>

Today's Topics:

                      TECO.CAT Added to Library
          PROCOMM 2.42 Patch -- fixes DOS 3.2 stack problem
                       Detecting Printer Status
                  Compaq 386 no Faster than 16Mhz AT
              MDA/Hercules/CGA/EGA Monitor (2 Messages)
                LPTX (Version 3.0) and the Zenith 248
                     Public Domain Library Merge
                   Upgrade 256K Motherboard to 640K
        PC-Alien for Reading/Writing/Formatting Foreign Disks
                              PC Network
                       New Version of Pc-Write
                           Labtech Notebook
                          PC Mouse & MS Word
                         Compaq DIP Switches
                  Canon LPB8A1 Review is Incomplete

Today's Queries:

                         8051 Crossassembler
                          NFS for IBM PC/RT
                     Seagate ST4051 Device Driver
                        Hard Disk Controllers
                        Dos Equivalent of Time
                               MASM 4.0
                          Wordstar 3.4 Patch
                       Tektronix 4014 Emulator
                         EGA Graphics Drivers
                     TRS-80 Model III Disk Format
                            Extending Path
                            Z-148 and V20
          COM3 on the Zenith Z-248 (from USAF Contract Buy)
                      VCR Output to RGB Monitor
                          NANSI.SYS and MS C
                    286 Cards/Boards for ITT Xtra
                         A/D Converters query
                  MS Fortran and IBM Color Graphics.
                    Ctrl-Alt-Del rebooting problem
                       Cluster Allocation Size
                    Programs for use in Classrooms
                    Binary Output from a Com Port


Date: 25 Nov 1986 14:09:52 PST
Subject: TECO.CAT Added to Library

TECO.CAT	The TECO (TExt COntext) editor is a non-visual, character
		oriented editor which was developed at the Massachussets
		Institute of Technology in the late 1960s as part of a
		project in artificial intelligence.  When fully
		implemented, TECO supports conditionals, branching, and
		forms its own unique programming language, in fact EMACs
		was originally written in TECO !!!  My version is
		considerably simplified from full-blown TECO, but it still
		is very powerful, allowing the user to edit BINARY (ie
		.EXE) as well as simple ASCII files, changing the
		value of arbitrary bytes anywhere in the file.
		"Ya`akov N. Miles" <bd%dac.triumf.cdn%ubc.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET>


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 86 12:05:45 EST
From: Gordon W. Ross <gwr%linus@mitre-bedford.ARPA>
Subject: PROCOMM 2.42 Patch -- fixes DOS 3.2 stack problem

	(I thought I should repost this since my original posting was
to B.ISI.EDU and might have been lost.)

	When running with DOS 3.2, CTRL-BREAK causes PROCOMM (from
Datastorm Technologies, Inc.) to hang the system, with last words
	"Stack Overflow."  (Followed by some garbage.)

	The following is a patch which will make PROCOMM 2.42  
behave with DOS 3.2.  There is no reason to apply this patch if you
use DOS 3.1 or below.
	rename procomm.exe procomm.bin
	debug procomm.bin
	e 8686 0
	rename procomm.bin procomm.exe

The techincal details:

	Upon entry to the keyboard break interrupt handler, the stack
is checked for overflow by comparing the the stack pointer with both
upper and lower limits.  The limits used assume that PROCOMM's stack
is the current stack, and fail because DOS has substituted a new stack
in response to the hardware interrupt from the  keyboard.  The DOS
stack has plenty of room, but fails the limit check because it is a
DOS sized stack and not PROCOMM's own stack.  The stack overflow error
handler then causes the system to hang. 
	The above patch disables the high limit test which was
falsely triggering the stack overflow error routine.  The low limit
does not cause any problems.  It might be better to remove the call to
the stack checking routine, but I didn't have the patience to
determine the correct call to remove.  The above works fine, and I
assume Datastorm Technologies will fix the problem in a subsequent
release.  I have informed them my findings.
    Gordon W. Ross              Phone: (617) 271-2199
    The MITRE Corporation       ARPA: linus!gwr@mitre-bedford
    Bedford, MA  01730          uucp: decvax!linus!gwr


Date: Fri, 21 Nov 86 10:07:07 PST
From: Brent Chapman <chapman%cory.Berkeley.EDU@BERKELEY.EDU>
Subject: Detecting Printer Status

"Get Printer Status" is BIOS interrupt 0x17, service 2.  To get the printer
status, place a 2 in register AH and a "printer number" in register DX
(use 0 for the default printer), then generate an interrupt 0x17.  In
register AH, you get back a byte reporting the printer status.  

The meaning of the bits:

bit	Meaning (when bit is 1)
---	-----------------------
 7	Printer _not_ busy (0=busy)
 6	Acknowledgement from printer
 5	Out-of-paper
 4	Printer selected
 3	I/O error
 2	Not used
 1	Not used
 0	Time-out

Just what all these bits _mean_ is not clear; you'll probably need to check
a Tech. Manual to find out for sure.

All the info in this message is from Norton's "Programmer's Guide to the 
IBM PC," pp 217-218.

Brent Chapman

chapman@cory.berkeley.edu	or	ucbvax!cory!chapman


Date: Wed, 19 Nov 86 12:03:38 EST
From: hplabs!hao!noao!hsi!tankus@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Ed Tankus)
Subject: Compaq 386 no Faster than 16Mhz AT

A recent closeup look in PC Mag found that the Compaq 386 performed no better
than the 16 Mhz PC Limited AT. 

[Please cite issue date & page when referencing publications.  Thanks --Elmo]


Date: Thu, 20 Nov 86 08:38:52 PST
From: Bruce_A._Cowan%SFU.Mailnet@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA
Subject: MDA/Hercules/CGA/EGA Monitor

ATI, a company in Toronto, Ontario or thereabouts, makes an EGA-superset
card which supports EGA/MDA/CGA/Herc (like all the rest), BUT it lets you
use the "wrong" monitors.  The other EGA+ clones force you to use a
monochrome monitor for Herc emulation, a color or enhanced color for CGA
emulation, etc.  This one lets you mix and match emulations no matter
what kind of display you have.  So you can have Herc emulation on your
enhanced color display.  This should do what you want.

On the other hand, it is quite easy to modify a Hercules board to drive
an Enhanced color display, should that be desirable.  Simply change the
16.257 MHz oscillator for an 18.432 MHz one and re-wire the 9-pin connector
appropriately.  Actually, I've only done this to an IBM monochrome adaptor
so I don't know for sure that it will work with a Hercules.  I did it to
the MDA because I have 2 Enhanced displays, one color and one green which
pretends to be color so I get multiple shades of green, still at 640x350
resolution.  I also have a monochrome card and occasionally want to drive
both displays simultaneously, such as when debugging programs with
CODEVIEW which supports using two screens.  You only get white and bright
white when you drive the true color display from the monochrome card of


Date: Mon, 24 Nov 86 07:40:45 EST
From: hplabs!hao!noao!hsi!tankus@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Ed Tankus)
Subject: MDA/Hercules/CGA/EGA Monitor


Thompson just came out with their own version of a Multisync called the
UltraScan. This monitor has a higher vertical AND horizontal resolution
then the Multisync.

A quick call to Thompson's Tech Support in CA via their 800 number should 
get you some answers.


-- Ed.


Date:     20 Nov 86 10:21:00 EST
Subject:  LPTX (version 3.0) and the Zenith 248

I was using a PC/XT clone and had no problem with LPTX, then I acquired
a ZENITH 248 (AT Clone) and LPTX would only 'hang' the system. With the
help of XRAY (shareware by John F. Ferguson II) I found that the
problem was the 'already loaded flag' ... the thing caused a hang in
to ROM.

Changing the '0F0F' value to '0F00' fixed the problem. I guess the
Zenith ROM didnt like 15 printers.


Rick Parson


Date: Fri 21 Nov 86 20:06:18-MST
From: Pete Galvin <PGALVIN@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: Public Domain Library Merge

In the past I have made several announcements concerning IBMPC
public domain programs I made available from

In order to save disk space, avoid duplicating effort, and provide better
service to "the public", I've now completed merging my library with
the library maintained on SIMTEL-20.  My library will be removed from
the network shortly.

I'll be working with the SIMTEL folk from now on to keep the best
public domain software available for those many PD fans out there.



Date: Mon, 24 Nov 86 16:01:39 mst
From: Brent J. Ostlund <ostlund@oodis01.ARPA>
Subject: Upgrade 256K Motherboard to 640K

For those of you who aren't afraid to do it yourself and provided you
have an IBM XT with a 256K mother board the upgrade is accomplished as

1.	Purchase a SN74LS158N chip from any of the component mail order
houses or local jobbers.

2. Open up the XT and replace the chips in banks 1 & 2 with 150
nanosecond 256K drams.

3. Solder a jumper wire across the jumper pads closest to the backplane
and the power supply as seen below.  Unplug power supply cords to have
more room.  Non-techies may have to pull power supply.  I don't use an
actual jumper but bridge the gap with solder.  (I know I am lazy don't
say anything.)  This is a very rough rendition.

|                         |                                |
|                         |                                |
|                         |                                |
|      power supply       |     right drive slot           |
|                         |                                |
|                         |                                |
|                         |                                |
|                         |                                |
|                         |                                |
|                         |                                |
|-------------------------|                                |
|         :::             |________________________________|
|         ^               |                                |
|       jumper here       |                                |
|                         |                                |
|                         |                                |
|                         |     left drive slot            |
|                         |                                |
|                         |                                |
|                         |                                |
|       C                 |                                |
|       A                 |                        ::::::::| place SN74LS158N
|       R                 |                        ::::::::| < empty socket
|       D                 |------------------------^-------|
|                                                  |       |
|       S                                          Pin     |
|       L                                          One     |
|       O                                                  |
|       T                                                  |
|       S                   RAM BANKS 0-3                  |
|                                                          |
|                                                          |
|                                                          |
|                                                          |
|                                                          |

NOTE: If you can't see the empty socket under the front left corner
of the left disk drive (roughly where it is placed on diagram) then
you aren't going to be compatible with this upgrade.  This one was set
up by the IBM design engineers or else it wouldn't be possible.  I don't
know why IBM doesn't support it (On second thought I really do. $$$)
Make sure that you have the mark on the chip lined up so that the notch
at the head end of the chip or the dot above pin one is facing the same
direction as the other chips.  I can put this in without removing the
drive.  Some of you may feel more comfortable removing the drive and
actually seeing what you are doing.  

4. Double check to make sure that no legs are hanging out of sockets.

5. Reassemble and test.  When the PC checks memory 0-256 will be bank
zero.  256-512 bank one; 512-576K bank two; and 576-640 on bank three.

6. If you don't get a display check your connections, your jumper, bank
zero chips and your phone book for the name of a service dealer!

I obviously can't be responsible for this hack.  It has worked on
thousands of units of which I have done about 20 myself.

Take care to avoid static by grounding yourself, the chips and the
computer ( a large piece of foil connected to the chasis will do).
Touch the foil before you pickup the chips.  I leave one hand in contact
with it at all times.  Radio Shack has a static bracelet for you
cautious ones.

GOOD LUCK!  Brent Ostlund


Date: Mon, 24 Nov 86 17:07:39 est
From: <munnari!RSBS0.anu.oz!STRASSER@seismo.CSS.GOV>
Subject: PC-Alien for Reading/Writing/Formatting Foreign Disks

Joshua Morris (jam@mitre-bedford.arpa) was wanting a program to read, 
write and format HP-150 disks with an IBM convertible.  I recommend
the program "PC-Alien" from:

	FBN Software
	16 Coles Place
	Australian Capital Territory, 2607
	ph: +61 62 86 1102

This program was written for handling CP/M disks on IBM etc. machines, and 
there is an MS-DOS version which is supplied on the same disk.  We have 
used it for reading/writing HP disks on a Toshiba T1100 with success.  The 
version we have (bought last year) will cope with 30 formats (MS-DOS), and 
so more are probably available now.  Both "aliens" will cope with 80-track 
formats if you have the drives, and of course 3.5 inch ones as well.

I think the program costs less than A$100, which of course will be cheap 
in US$.  Also the guys at FBN will accommodate new formats if requested.

Mike Strasser
Dept. of Environmental Biology
Research School of Biological Sciences
Australian National University
G.P.O. Box 475
Canberra City  A.C.T.  2601


Subject: PC Network

This is a warning to other mail-orderers.  Over the last year a
number of friends of mine and I had had some very negative
experiences with PC Network of Chicago. Avoid them.

Among some of the problems were	broken hard-disks which had to
sent to and fro, and were delivered without any useful
installation information at all.  To clear up any problems,
trying to talk to their technical support lines (not toll-free)
is like waiting for DEC to answer VM questions.  If you are not
a Chicago resident, count on a "technical-support-tax" of about
30 percent.  The good news?  At least their sales lines seem to
be available most of the time.

The tip of the iceberg was their selling me a Mouse Systems
Mouse at their warehouse sale. The item was marked as a serial
mouse. As it turns out, it is a bus-mouse without the board to
hook it up!!!! Now PC Network claims that the mouse was sold
"as is."  Let me add that the sales person told me that I
wouldn't have to worry about software compatibility, since I
could always return the item.  Does anyone need a Mouse Systems
Mouse, which can't be interfaced?

Furthermore, it is interesting to note that one of their sales
persons asked me why I would ever want to buy software, when I
can "rent" unprotected software for 20 % of its price. If that
isn't a hint, I don't know what is.  But then again, why should
they treat their software suppliers any better than their

Ivo Welch

[Complaints about PC Network are common.  Buyer Beware!  -Elmo]


Date: Fri 21 Nov 86 20:14:09-MST
From: Pete Galvin <PGALVIN@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: New Version of Pc-Write

The new version of Pc-Write (2.7) is now available to the network. New
features include a built-in spelling checker.
The files are in the SIMTEL-20 MSDOS library:



Date: Wed, 19 Nov 86 12:11:49 EST
From: hplabs!hao!noao!hsi!tankus@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Ed Tankus)
Subject: Labtech Notebook

You may also want to look into Labtech Notebook. This is a menu driven program
that can utilize Lotus and other graph routines. 

You can not program Labtech Notebook in the same manner as ASYST, however, you
can vary certain parameters within the program to accomplish some of the same

-- Ed.


Date:  Thu, 20 Nov 86 22:10 EST
Subject: PC Mouse & MS Word

A call to the helpful people at Mouse Systems reveals that more than one
person has reported such problems, and they have a new driver
(MSMOUSE.SYS) to help with it.

Note that this latest driver won't help with this (different) problem:
If you try to run either MS Windows or MS Word on an Orchid Turbo EGA
board with the Mouse Systems or Logitech mouse, the mouse leaves all
kinds of droppings on the screen.  This doesn't happen in 8088 mode,
only in 286 mode, but then, what's the point of running Windows in slow
mode...  Mouse Systems has no current plans to change their driver to
work with this board, so they say.  Seems to me that it's some bug in
the Orchid Turbo BIOS, but Mouse Systems seems to think that even if so,
they could write a driver to fix it.  Now if only they would...
Love/Hate the Orchid Turbo EGA!



Date: Sat, 22 Nov 86 11:24:48 PST
From: Bill_Krane%SFU.Mailnet@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA
Subject: Compaq DIP Switches

There have been some inquiries and comments about the DIP switch
settings on the COMPAQ portable. The following comes from the
Technical Reference Manual. Switches 1 to 4 on SW1 must be set as
0100 (1=on, 0=off), respectively; 5 and 6 indicate the video
board (10=Compaq video, 00=IBM monochrome); 7 and 8 give the
number of disk drives (11=1, 01=2, 10=3, 00=4). SW2 gives the
total memory installed: switches 5 to 8 are always off (0000);
for 640K set 1 to 4 to off (0000) also. Other settings are given

1011 - 128K
1101 - 192K
1001 - 256K
1110 - 320K
1010 - 384K
1100 - 448K
1000 - 512K
0000 - 544-640K

I hope this will be useful to some of you.

Bill Krane

UUCP: ...!seismo!ubc-vision!sfu.mailnet!Bill_Krane
PAPERMAIL: Dr. Bill Krane
           Department of Psychology
           Simon Fraser University
           Burnaby, B.C.
           Canada  V5A 1S6
VOICE: (604) 291-4180


Date:    Thu, 20 Nov 86 14:10 EST
Subject: Canon LPB8A1 Review is Incomplete

A review of the Canon LPB8A1 Laser printer that I submitted to
the last issue of Info-IBMPC (#102) had the first word of every
line chopped off.  I'm not sure how that happened.  In any case,
you can interpolate the actual missing word from the context of
the line, or send me a note and I'll e-mail a whole copy
of the review.
   Evan Bauman
   Dep't of Chemical Engineering
   University of Notre Dame
   gkn3m2@irishmvs (bitnet)
   gkn3m2%irishmvs.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu  (arpanet)

[The Editor was asleep at the switch here! -wab]


Date: Fri 21 Nov 86 09:26:34-CST
From: Pete Galvin <CC.GALVIN@R20.UTEXAS.EDU>
Subject: 8051 Crossassembler

Does anyone have one (in the public domain)?
Alternately, does anyone have a copy of the 8048 crossassembler
that was mentioned several months ago?  I tried to contact the
author, but no luck.



From: Andrew Findlay <mcvax!me.brunel.ac.uk!andrew@seismo.CSS.GOV>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 86 17:28:55 WET
Subject: NFS for IBM PC/RT

Has anyone done a port of SUN's Network File System for the PC/RT
(6150)? If so, is it client-only or a full implementation?

| From Andrew Findlay at Brunel University, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH, UK       |
| JANET: andrew@uk.ac.brunel.me    ARPA:  andrew%me.brunel.ac.uk@cs.ucl |
| UUCP:  ...ukc!me.brunel!andrew   PHONE: +44 895 74000 x2512           |


Date:     Fri, 21 Nov 86 23:51 EST
From:     LBAFRIN%clemson.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET
Subject: Seagate ST4051 Device Driver

Hello again, netland.  You were so helpful with my last query regarding
the Canon laser printer, I figured I'd try another one on you.  Yet another
colleague of mine has had a PC/AT for a while, and it's got a Seagate
ST4051 for a hard disk drive.  That's a 40MB drive.  Without any
special tricks, of course, DOS only recognizes the first 32MB as drive C:.
My friend is quite frustrated at not being able to use the remaining 8MB.
I presume that getting access to that 8MB involves merely defining another
partition in the partition table and then loading a device driver at
boot time (via CONFIG.SYS) that can talk to that 8MB space.  I don't have the
time to write the driver (since I seem to spend all my time sending out
net messages for my forlorn friends), and my friend is operating on a
budget of basically $0.00.

So the question is, does anybody know where I can get a non-proprietary
device driver (or whatever systems software is needed) to handle the
above-described task?

All replies will be greatly appreciated (of course) and personally
acknowledged.  Please send replies directly to me.  Thanks!!

                                        -- Larry Afrin
                                           Dept. of Computer Science
                                           Clemson University

P.S.  No, Colleague #1 with the $2500 laser printer budget is not willing
to give any part of that money to Colleague #2 so #2 can buy a driver for
his ST4051.  But it was a good idea, and #2 sure gave it the old college try...

Please send replies, if any, to:
CSNET:  lbafrin@clemson.csnet or lbafrin%eureka@clemson.csnet
ARPA:   lbafrin@tecnet-clemson.arpa
USENET: ihnp4!seismo!{clemson.csnet|tecnet-clemson.arpa}!lbafrin
I disclaim everything anybody ever said about anything.


Date:         Sun, 23 Nov 86 21:20:06 EST
From:           Dean Carpenter  <ST701979%BROWNVM.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
Subject: Hard Disk Controllers

Has anyone seen or tries the new PERSTOR hard disk controller board ?
It claims to double the capacity of ANY hard disk, not just the plated
media ones like the Adaptek 2070A board.  How reliable could this be ?
If it works, I may just get the Seagate 238 and the PERSTOR controller
instead of the Adaptek.

Any info would be most appreciated and I will summarize to the net
if enough shows up ...  After the holiday that is ...   :-)



Date: Wed, 26-Nov-86 14:56:28 est
From: David Farber <farber@pcpond.PC.UDEL.EDU>
Subject: Dos Equivalent of Time

Does anyone have a time command for dos?


Date: Tue, 25 Nov 86 11:34:09 est
From: snorthc@nswc-g.ARPA
Subject: MASM 4.0

I just rebuilt lptx using MASM 4.0, I linked with MASMS's linker, but
used DOS 3.2 EXE2BIN to create the .COM file.  I typed, lptx -1 junk.
I knew I was in trouble when the disk drive didn't go out, CTRL ALT
DELETE would not reboot the PC AT.  I turned the power off, seven seconds,
back on.  I was greeted with error 162, no setup.  LPTX killed my setup.
This is an IBM AT, DOS 3.2, no path or memory resident anything save
LPTX.  Any ideas?


Date:     Tue, 25 Nov 86 09:35 N
Subject:  Wordstar 3.4 Patch 

Hi folks,

Is there anybody who knows how and where to patch WORDSTAR V3.40
in order to transform the BS into a DEL ?

Inno Frencken
Computing Centre
Agricultural University
Hollandseweg 1
6706 KN  Wageningen
The Netherlands
phone: 08370-83875


Date: Mon 24 Nov 86 19:17:04-PST
From: David Roode <ROODE%BIONET@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Tektronix 4014 Emulator 

Can anyone give me a pointer to a Tektronix 4014 emulator making use
of the EGA to provide graphics resolution of at least 512 x 390, but
preferably 1024 x 390 or the full Tektronix 1024 x 780, or anywhere in


Date: Fri, 21 Nov 86 18:48:27 pst
From: ubc-vision!mprvaxa!crawford@beaver.cs.washington.edu (John Crawford)
Subject: EGA Graphics Drivers

I am looking for a set of graphics drivers for the IBM Enhanced Graphics
Adapter (EGA).  The following list describes the capabilities I am most
interested in:

	-  Full support of native EGA modes
	-  Hardware panning
	-  Reasonable set of graphics primitives
	-  RasterOps
	-  Double buffering
	-  Linkage to C
	-  Must be FAST!!

To the best of my knowledge, the standard device-independent graphics
packages (GSS, Halo) are not fast enough for my requirements, nor do
they support the special capabilities of the EGA to maximum advantage.
I believe a set of drivers custom-tailored to the EGA is probably
required here.

I would be interested in considering either a source or object code
licence.  Any pointers, hints, suggestions would be most welcome.

Rather than replying to the net, please send your responses directly to
me.  I will summarize for the net.

  John Crawford
  Microtel Pacific Research

  UUCP:  {ihnp4!alberta, sun, utcsri}!ubc-vision!mprvaxa!crawford
  MAIL:  8999 Nelson Way
         Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 4B5
  PHONE: (604) 294-1471


Date: Mon, 24 Nov 86 16:03:33 GMT
From: Keith Dale <kdale@bbncc-eur.ARPA>
Subject: TRS-80 Model III Disk Format

I have a friend who has an IBM clone and a TRS-80 Model III.  He has
document disks in the Model III format that he'd like to periodically
transfer to IBM disk format (he uses both computers regularly).  Does
anyone know if the latest version of Media Master by Intersecting
Concepts supports standard Model III format, TRSDOS 3.2?  We know it
works on various Model III C/PM's (like Montezuma) that he doesn't
have or want, but the main question is whether this software (or any
other, perhaps?) supports his need.

Oh yeah, please don't suggest doing file transfers via RS232 cable -
the computers are distantly located and he has no desire to buy
another modem, either.  Thanks for your attention, and we'd appreciate
any help!



Date: Sun, 23 Nov 86 22:02:23 MEZ
Subject: Extending Path

I enlarged my environment by adding SHELL= ... /E:20 to CONFIG.SYS.(DOS 3.1)
Now how do I get a long path into this environment? I can't manage to make it
longer than 127 bytes.

      Thomas Miller             0228 73 3158         UNM406   at DBNRHRZ1
      Math.Inst. Universitaet Bonn
      D - 5300 Bonn 1
        (internal use only:  Be3,13)


Date: 23 Nov 86 16:59 GMT
From: meaders@KOREA-EMH
Subject: Z-148 and V20

Anyone out there in Net Land have experience (good or bad) running the
NEC V20 on the Zenith 100PC series of computer?  How about
the V30 on the Z-248 (AT compatible)?




Date: 22 Nov 86 20:44 GMT
From: afcctech@KOREA-EMH
Subject: COM3 on the Zenith Z-248 (from USAF Contract Buy)

Having read the recent inquiries on COM3 for the AT, I find myself
thinking of ways to make the COM3 port on the Z-248 work.  This port was
apparently called out in the contract to provide synchronous data comm 
capability.  Are ther any users out there who have been able to get this
bugger to work?  As anything?  Sync/Async; COM1-3; with a mouse?  graphics
tablet?  Modem?  ...... 

Thanks in advance....

Mark Meaders


Date: Thu, 20 Nov 86 15:10:52 CST
From: tness1!hcsjgh%ots.UUCP@rice.edu (Greg Hackney)
Subject: VCR Output to RGB Monitor

On my IBM PC, I have a large semi-expensive high resolution RBG color
monitor driven by a hercules type card.

Anyone know how I can hook up my video cassette recorder to the
monitor to watch a movie when I get tired of hacking ?  The VCR has a
composite video out jack.

Greg Hackney   UUCP: ihnp4!tness1!hcsjgh
               ARPA: hcsjgh!tness1%ots.UUCP@rice.edu


Date: Thu 20 Nov 86 19:43:58-EST
From: Yuichi Shoda <G.SHODA@CS.COLUMBIA.EDU>
Subject: NANSI.SYS and MS C

This spring, Daniel Kegel (then at Caltech) posted his improved console
driver, nansi.sys, which speeds up the screen output massively when the
output is made in the raw mode. I've been using it quite successfully with
the supporting routines he provided for Lattice C compilar. 

I was quite happy with this until I began to write in Microsoft C (v 3.0).
Although I'm using the set_raw() function Daniel provided for MSC, I can't
seem to get more than a marginally noticeable improvement by using nansi.sys
and raw mode output. Has anyone used nansi.sys from MSC successfully? Do you
know whether calling set_raw() is enough to speed up the output to stdout
(e.g., printf)?  Or, do I need to do something else like the way I had to
with Lattice C?

I'd very much like to be able to use nansi.sys because the speedup is just

Thanks for your help!

Yuichi Shoda
       - or -


Date:         Mon, 24 Nov 86 17:12 EST
From:           Henry Nussbacher  <Hank%Bitnic.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
Subject:      286 Cards/Boards for ITT Xtra

I am looking to upgrade my ITT Xtra (640K, 20Meg hard disk, monochrome
display) to an 80286, but have a very poor idea as to what will work
best with the ITT.  Has anyone souped up their ITT without problems?
In general, which card would you recommend for a PC in general?



Date:         Wed, 26 Nov 86 17:15:36 CST
From:           Bob Parks  <C27901RP%WUVMD.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
Subject:      A/D Converters query

Does anyone know of or use A/D converters on the IBM?  We currently
have an application that runs on an Apple II+ which has a 12 channel
A/D converter (we only use four) but we need to switch to the PC
for many reasons and are looking for A/D converters for the IBM.

Any information would be appreciated - I have gone cover to cover
find one ad about an A/D chip, but no boards at all.

Bob Parks


Date:         Wed, 26 Nov 86 17:55:34 GMT
From:           Kevin Gaughan  <KGAUGE86%IRLEARN.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
Subject:      MS Fortran and IBM Color Graphics.

Does anyone know where we can get routines that will interface Microsoft
Fortran (3.3) with graphics.

We have routines for a hercules card but we're especially looking for
Olivetti graphics or IBM colour graphics . Any help would be appreciated.

Kevin Gaughan   (KGAUGE86@IRLEARN.BITNET )
Jerry O'Dwyer   (JODWYER@IRLEARN.BITNET   or   mcvax!euroies!jerry  on UUCP )

Electrical Engineering dept. ,
University College Dublin ,
Ireland .


Date:         Thu, 20 Nov 86 12:14:22 SET
From:           Alun Saunders  <ESC1319%DDAESA10.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
Subject:      Ctrl-Alt-Del rebooting problem

I have a problem with my IBM XT that manifests itself when I reboot
using Ctrl-Alt-Del.  When the machine has eventually re-booted, I have
terrible problems with the keyboard; keys don't register, sometimes
they give me double or treble responses, altogether unusable. I have a
little PD program called REBOOT which (if I can actually manage to
type the command) gets me back to normal again.  I don't know if
there's a connection but the problem usually strikes when I hit
Ctrl-Alt-Del in frustration at a program I can't exit from any other
way, or that appears to have died. In these cases the keyboard buffer
is usually full of garbage (lot's of Ctrl-C's and the like entered in
anger) and is beeping at me.

Anybody know a solution ?


Date: 20 Nov 86 10:22:00 EST
Subject: Cluster Allocation Size

The File Allocation Table for the XT is fixed size, and allocates 4K byte
clusters on a 10 meg disc. That is, even a 1-byte file is given a 4K byte
block (8 sectors), which nobody else can have. The directory will list the
file as being 1 byte long, but if you monitor the space available, and delete
the file, you will have reclaimed 4K bytes, rather than 1.

Things are even worse when the 10 meg disc is replaced with a 30 meg disc;
the cluster (block) size goes to 16 sectors = 8K bytes ! Thus a user with -
say - 1500 files each smaller than 8K is dedicating 12 megabytes to those 
files. If each file is about 0.5K, then the nominal space required is only
0.75 megabytes, so the overhead is extraordinary.

Does anyone know of a utility for the XT which can help with this problem?


Date: Thu, 20 Nov 86 22:37:08 EST
Subject: Programs for use in Classrooms
From: USER=K7YR@um.cc.umich.edu


Date: Wed, 19 Nov 86 13:51 EST
From: Scott Garren <garren@STONY-BROOK.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
Subject: Binary Output from a Com Port

I would like to output a Symphony spreadsheet to COM1 so that I can
process it further on another system.  I use the file save menu and
specify a file name "COM1".  All proceeds according to plan until it
reaches a cell that has a value of 26. which some part of DOS thinks is
an EOF and it stops prematurely.  The rest of the spreadsheet is not
output and Symphony reports a disk full error.  I don't have any control
over Symphony.  My question is what part of DOS is responsible for this
misconceived help and how can I get it to stop?  I would really like to
do this without saving the spreadsheet to disk and exiting Symphony to
do a copy.  Any ideas would be appreciated.


End of Info-IBMPC Digest