[mod.computers.ibm-pc] Info-IBMPC Digest V5 #107

Info-IBMPC@C.ISI.EDU (Info-IBMPC Digest) (12/17/86)

Info-IBMPC Digest       Tuesday, 16 December 1986      Volume 5 : Issue 107

This Week's Editor: Billy Brackenridge

Today's Topics:

			   Pathname Length
			Orchid Tiny Turbo Hint
			    fortran screen
			   Greek Math Fonts
		     Simulating CGA on a Hercules
			   Zenith Hard Disk
			C Program Development
		   Public Domain Lex Yacc (2 Msgs.)
Today's Queries:
		      Help Needed with MT Pascal
		       Turbo Pascal  HP Vectra
		   Latest Version of ARC Begged For
	    PHASER Doesn't Work with CGA Emulation on EGA
		      Shareware CAD for Hercules
	      Turbo Pascal: ParamCount ParamStr Problem
		   RF Design Public Domain Software
	       LPT3 Support Without a Mono Display Card
		     Turbo Pascal Snags Ctl Break
			Visual Commuter Users?
		  Enhanced XT BIOS Change? XT Also?
		   Hercules Monographics and Games


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 86 16:12:49 CST
To:  <info-ibmpc@c.isi.edu>
Subject: Pathname Length

   In the info-ibmpc that I received today you mentioned having
a problem with the length of pathnames in DOS.  This limit is
imposed by the size of the program's environment and by
nothing else.  I fixed the problem by adding the following
line to my config.sys
shell=c:\command.com /P/E:20
The E: parameter specifies the size of the environment.  Note that
it specifies the amount of environment space in 16 byte
paragraphs for MS-DOS 3.1 -- see earlier digests for info
on other DOS versions.

Hope this does it for you,


[In DOS 3.2 the /E: field is in bytes. Earlier versions of DOS required
patches -- documented in earlier digests. -wab]


Date:  Thu, 11 Dec 86 12:07 EST
Subject: Orchid Tiny Turbo Hint

The usual problem with the Orchid TinyTurbo installation, and the first
question that their tech reps ask you is:  Is there the same amount of
RAM in the second machine as there was in the first?  I moved the card
from a 640K machine to a 512K machine, and forgot to change the cacheing
switches on the board.  The only thing that would go wrong was that
initial boot gave an error message, and reboot failed completely in 286
mode.  Boy, was I embarrassed when they asked me that question...



Date: Thu, 11 Dec 86 14:53:02 EST
Subject:      fortran screen

The following routines are ansi (IBMPC)/vt100 screen controls
I give out to my students taking a Fortran course.  We use
both the Watfor77 compiler and The Unix one on a MicroVax
Don't know if this is what you want, but here it is anyway:
c     j law  OCT 3 1986
c     vt100/ansi screen control routines etc.
c     for Course 27-150 Fortran 77
c     These routines work with the MicroVax
c     fortran compiler and
c     the Watfor77 compiler under PCdos.
c     Place in your config.sys file:
c     device=ansi.sys
c     University of Guelph - Physics department
      subroutine cls
c     clear screen and home the cursor
c     use:
c	  call cls
      character esc
10    format(1x,a,'[2J')
      subroutine display(row,col,message)
c     place cursor at position row,col and display
c     message string
c     use:
c	  call display(row,col,'Hi there')
c	       row and col must be integers
c	  call display(row,col,message)
c	       message must be character*n
      integer row,col
      character*(*) message,esc*1
10    format(1x,a,'[',i2.2,';',i2.2,'H',(a),$)
      subroutine clear(row,col)
c     position cursor to row,col and delete to the end of line
c     use:
c	     call clear(3,5)
c		    this will clear line 3, from cursor column 5
c		    to end of line
      integer row,col
      character esc
10    format(1x,a,'[',i2.2,';',i2.2,'H',a,'[K',$)
c	display a message at row starting at col and waiting
c	simulates pause
      subroutine wait(row,col)
      integer row,col
      character ans
      call clear(row,1)
      call display(row,col,'Hit RETURN to continue....')
10    format(a)
      call clear(row,1)
c    error message subroutine with a return to a optional label
c     and line clear
c     a message is diplayed and a wait for return to be hit
c     is displayed on line 23, you may change to 24 for a PC.
c     line i is also cleared on return. Return is to the label
c     in the first arg position. EXAMPLE USE
c     call errorm(*299,13,'Clear line 13, use numbers')
c     will display the message 'Clear line 13, use numbers'
c     on line 22, and the message  'Hit RETURN to continue....'
c     on line 23.  On return, it will return to statement labelled
c     299, and also clear line 13.
      subroutine errorm(*,i,message)
      character message*(*)
      call display(22,17,message)
      call wait(23,17)
      call clear(22,1)
      call clear(23,1)
      call clear(i,1)
      return 1
      subroutine sort(x,n)
c     Bubble sort routine
c     will sort x(n) in ascending order
c     it is not the most efficient
c     on exit x(1)...x(n) will be
c     rearranged so that x(1) will have the smallest
c     and x(n) the largest values algebraically
      real x(n),temp
      do 10 j = 1,n-1
      do 10 i = j+1, n
	temp = x(i)
	x(i) = x(j)
	x(j) = temp
10    continue


Date: Thu, 11 Dec 86 14:57:51 EST
Subject: Greek Math Fonts

We have implemented Greek/maths/scientific characters on HP Laser &
laser+, using WordPerfect.  By changing the eprom on the
CGA or MONO card, the corresponding Characters may also be displayed.
The Characters are the ones usually called Qume/Greek Maths and
are on the HP J cartridge and also on downloadable form for the
laser +.   The Toshiba 351 has a similar downloadable font set.
We upgraded from WS3.3, which we modified to display the extended


Date:     Thu, 11 Dec 86 22:28 EST
Subject:  Simulating CGA on a Hercules

I got this software off a bulletin board.  I suggest you contact the author
for its whereabouts.
                                        B. Svetitsky

    SIMCGA - Simulate CGA with Hercules Monochrome Card

This memory-resident utility allows you to "fool" most software requiring
a Color Graphics Adapter into using your Hercules (or compatible) mono-
chrome adapter in the graphics mode.  Graphics images are reproduced
in normal aspect ratio, using as much of the available screen area as
is possible.

Quite a few programs have been tested, including Flight Simulator, PC-CAD,
BASICA and some games with no hitches.

        Written in September 1986 by
            Chuck Guzis
            153 North Murphy Ave.
            Sunnyvale, CA  94086

                        --excerpted from documentation


Date: 10 Dec 1986 13:26:46-EST
From: mlsmith@NADC.ARPA
Subject: Zenith Hard Disk

	HP sells two 3(or 3 1/4)" 20 Meg Hard drives for the Vectra.
I don't' know if they would sell them to you, but one or two of them
would fit in the space you described. However, the Seagate will 
probably be cheaper.


From: m radovancevich <uwvax!uwmacc!miker@seismo.CSS.GOV>
Date: 15 Dec 86 21:57:51 GMT
Subject: C Program Development
Organization: UWisconsin-Madison Academic Comp Center

I received a request for information concerning C program development systems
on the AT&T 6300.  Specific areas of interest are:

	- Microsoft C with Codeview
	- Datalight with a "lint" program
	- C Interpreters

I need information on what would be the fastest, most pleasant development
environment and which would not.

Any information would be appreciated.  Please reply by mail directly to

Thanx in advance,

Michael P. Radovancevich
UW-Madison Academic Computing Center

ARPA address:		miker@unix.macc.wisc.edu
Michael P. Radovancevich     Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison C.S. Dept.
Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison Academic Computing Center (MACC) Micro Consultant
UUCP :   ...{allegra,ihnp4,seismo}!uwvax!uwmacc!miker
ARPA :   miker@unix.macc.wisc.edu


Date:     Mon, 15 Dec 86 21:39:52 EST
From:     Thomson@micro.udel.EDU
Subject:  Public Domain Lex Yacc

I'm interested in a public domain version of lex/yacc (possibly a copy of
the 'bison' program put fourth by the free software groups?) for the IBM PC.
There is an application I'm working on that needs to use lex/yacc grammar
type facilities for making a small translator.  Does anyone know of such
programs existing in the public domain?  Thanks in advance.


Date: 16 Dec 1986 14:49:13 PST
Subject: Public Domain Lex Yacc

Check out LEX.C in the <INFO-IBMPC> lending library. It was submitted
by James H. Coombs  <JAZBO%BROWNVM.BITNET@WISCVM.ARPA> who mentions that
he has PD versions of YACC available as well. The library would welcome
conversions to other dialects of C as well as a YACC.


Date:  Tue, 16 Dec 86 03:30 EST
From:  Paul Schauble <Schauble@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA>
Subject:  Help Needed with MT Pascal

I have recently been handed a set of programs written in MT Pascal to do
maintenance on.  As usual, the supplied manuals range from miserable to
useless.  To make matters worse, Digital Research has dropped support on
the product and the people who have supposedly taken in over just mail
out a sheet showing fixed bugs.

Is there anyone out there who is using this language on MSDOS that would
be willing to answer a few questions?  I need to keep this thing running
until it can be taken into another language.

Also let me know if there is anyone who needs help.  Perhaps we can
start a mailing list for this product.

          Schauble <at MIT-Multics.ARPA>


Date: Sun, 14 Dec 86 13:03:52 cst
From: Esmail Bonakdarian <bonak%cs.uiowa.edu@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Turbo Pascal  HP Vectra

I am having problems with the 'stand out mode' in turbo pascal
when using my hp-vectra (AT compatible). I am barely able to 
see the 'low video' when I mark blocks when in the turbo editor,
no matter how much I manipulate the brightness and contrast controls.

I have an 35731 HP Monochrome Monitor which supports 16 gray levels.
I also have a Multi-mode video adapter card (HP 45891A) which connects
to the display. I have tried to fix the problem via the turbo
installation program without any luck. I am running ms-dos 3.1.

Anybody out there have any suggestions/fixes? It is very difficult
to use the Turbo Pascal editor without being able to clearly see
the marked blocks.

many thanks!!

Esmail Bonakdarian

PS: I am pretty sure the display type is correctly specified for the hp via
    its own set-up program.


From: <philabs!aecom!jeff@seismo.CSS.GOV>
Date: 15 Dec 86 18:04:25 GMT
Subject: Latest Version of ARC Begged For
Organization: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY

	Could someone send me a copy of the latest version of ARC the file
archiver for the IBM-PC.  If not, could someone direct me in how to get this
program.  If possible send via e-mail.  I am also willing to send a disk
with a self addressed stamped envelope.  Respond via e-mail.  Please respond.


				Jeff Cirillo

					Jeff Cirillo
					(The Sleeper)


Date: 16 December 1986, 15:41:18 MEZ
Subject: PHASER Doesn't Work with CGA Emulation on EGA

I am using PHASER with the book by KOCAK and I like the program very
much, but I cannot run in on my AT-clone with an EGA-clone.
It is the only program I have encountered with this problem so far.
All the other program which need a CGA do use the CGA emulation mode
and work without problems. From digging in PHASER I found it uses the
HALO graphics library. Does anybody know my problem from there?


Date: Tue, 16 Dec 86 03:55 EST
Subject: Shareware CAD for Hercules

Does anyone out there know of a good pd/shareware CAD program for the
PC equipped with a Hercules monochrome graphics card?  I have several
drafting programs for the color graphics adapter, but the Herc has
much higher resolution.  Failing this, has anyone used Generic CADD?
Ads and reviews seem to indicate that it would meet my needs, but I'd
prefer to find a suitable program in the public domain/shareware world
first.  Thanks for any assistance!


Date:     Tue, 16 Dec 86 12:21:49 GMT
From:     Nick Dunlavey <nickd%cs.qmc.ac.uk@Cs.Ucl.AC.UK>
Subject:  Turbo Pascal: ParamCount ParamStr Problem

I've been using Turbo Pascal for some time with few problems,
but have just a ParamStr / ParamCount funny, and am seeking

Up until now, I've never had any problem with them, but a
(fairly large) program I have now insists that ParamCount is 1
(one) and ParamStr(1) is "COM" regardless of what I actually
pass it on the command line.

This only happens when I compile to a .COM file - running from
memory (even using the Command Line Parameters option) is fine.

I can think of no specific recent actions that would have
caused this, but I have just carried out a serious redesign of
the code.

Any ideas?  Has anyone else ever met it?

Nick Dunlavey
UUCP:      nickd@qmc-cs.uucp   or    ...seismo!mcvax!ukc!qmc-cs!nickd
ARPA:      nickd%cs.qmc@cs.ucl.ac.uk    Post:  QMC Interactive Systems Ltd
JANET:     nickd@uk.ac.qmc.cs                  229, Mile End Road
Fax:       +44 1 981 7517                      LONDON E1 4AA
Easylink:  19019285                            ENGLAND
Telex:     893750 QMCUOL     Phone: +44 1 980 4811 x3931 or +44 1 790 0066


Date: Thu 11 Dec 86 14:02:13-PST
Subject: RF Design Public Domain Software

Help!! We are trying to get out some of the public domain RF Design software
to people. Most of it is in IBM-PC format and easy to work with. Some of it
is in two formats that we cannot work with, and we are looking for people that
can copy these disks to IBM-PC format and or download them to the network and
mail them to me to work with. Formats are:

		HP86/87 5.25" floppy
		HP9800/9845 8" floppy

Please send mail direct to me or call:
	Gerold Harrison
	36 Irene Lane East
	Plain View, NY   11803
	(516) 822-1697

I am at Bussard@edwards-2060


Date: 11 Dec 86 12:22:23 PST (Thursday)
Subject: LPT3 Support Without a Mono Display Card
From: Burton.osbunorth@Xerox.COM

I would like to configure a second parallel port in my PC AT as LPT3,
and use the LPT2 interrupt for another purpose.  DOS doesn't recognize
LPT3 without a mono card installed.  It seems silly to get a mono
display card, which I don't need, just to get LPT3 support from DOS.

Does anyone know of a patch to DOS, preferably 3.1, to support a normal
LPT1plus LPT3?  (Do I lose any significant functionality, driving either
an Epson or a Diablo 630 printer?)

Alternatively, does anyone know how to hack a cheapie AT
parallel/serial, or AT multifunction card to make the parallel port look
like the one in the mono display card?  Please be very specific.

Thanks in advance,

Phil Burton
Xerox Corp


Date: 12 December 86 11:15-CST
Subject: Turbo Pascal Snags Ctl Break

     I am developing several routines using Borland's Turbo Pascal
(V3.0).  One sticking point is my inability (to date) to catch &
process a Ctrl-Break from the user.  Ideally, I would like to
intercept the break & do my own processing, then either continue
or shut-down gracefully, depending on the context.

     I am familiar w/ the DOS Int 23h, but attempts to point this
interrupt to my own sub-routine seem to have no effect (e.g., the
Turbo run-time always, always takes over at ^Break.)  Under Debug,
the interrupt vector does not ever appear to be touched!

     What about it folks.  Am I missing the obvious?  Did I miss the
boat?  Should I switch careers?  Any insight into this will be greatly

     An example of the code used to install the new vector is shown
below.  Again, this code compiles & runs O.K., it just doesn't seem
to do anything.

P.S.  I want to trap the interrupt, not ignore it.  Therefore, dis-
      abling Ctrl-Breal checking will not suffice.  Thanx.

Bill Douglass

=========== Turbo Pascal program to set int 23h vector ===========

program int23;
         ax,bx,cx,dx,bp,di,si,ds,es,flags: integer;
    rg: reg;
    i,j,k: integer;

(** procedure to get control upon receipt of ^Break **)
procedure int23r;
inline($f0);   (** just do int-return **)

(** start of main routine **)

rg.ax := $2523;          (** DOS Set Vector Function - Set Vector 23h *)
rg.ds := cseg;
rg.dx := ofs(int23r) + 7; (** DS:DX -> new intr. handler. DX is offset *)
                          (** by 7 to bypass stack-setup code          *)

[I don't have my IBM Tech reference manual handy, but BIOS also has a
ctl-Break interrupt vector. If Turbo pascal is trapping this vector it
would never get to DOS. -wab]


Date: Fri 12 Dec 86 10:23:22-PST
From: Steve Dennett <DENNETT@SRI-NIC.ARPA>
Subject: Visual Commuter Users?

A co-worker is interested in the Visual Commuter IBM compatible
computer (currently offered cheaply from DAK).  This is a semi-laptop
(ac power only) that came out about two years ago.  If there's anyone
out there who owns or has owned one, my co-worker would like to hear
their opinions on it, experiences, etc.

Send replies to:  FRED@SRI-NIC.ARPA

Thanks for your help.

Steve Dennett


Date: Sun 14 Dec 86 20:54:01-PST
From: Daniel Davison  <DAVISON@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>
Subject: Enhanced XT BIOS Change? XT Also?

Does anyone on this list know whether the Enhanced XT has a new BIOS?  I am
a consultant for a small company whose software apparently does not work
on that particular machine.  The software was written in Lattice C, and
does things cleanly, i.e. calls the BIOS for all operations-no sneaking
around in the guts of the machine.  Because of the clean living
and the reports of PC XTs and Enhanced XTs failing to run the program
I suspect there was a BIOS change about 1 August.

Anyone else seen anything like this?  They are going to have a *real*
interesting time explaining why the program works with the Phoenix BIOS
but not IBM's...

dan davison


Date: Mon, 15 Dec 86 11:28:13 O
Subject: Hercules Monographics and Games

Can anyone send me a list of games for the PC that support the Hercules
monographics card?  Please no code: just a list.

Many thanks,


End of Info-IBMPC Digest