[mod.computers.ibm-pc] Info-IBMPC Digest V5 #108

Info-IBMPC@C.ISI.EDU.UUCP (12/20/86)

Info-IBMPC Digest       Friday, 19 December 1986      Volume 5 : Issue 108

This Week's Editor: Billy Brackenridge

Today's Topics:
		     Tiny Turbo Accelerator Board
		    Compaq Screen Blanking Problem
			PATH Length Limitation
			Doing Our Work for Us
	  ARC Word Processing C Code Development Environment
		  MS C 4.0 Dynamic Memory Allocation
			 Epsilon 2.01 w/color
		 A Christmas Program Written in Basic
Today's Queries:
		       Tecmar Music Synthesizer
			   Milestone Chart
		     Fast Half-Height Hard Drives
			 Z-171 internal modem
			IBM-PC Jr. Accessories
	       Cheap Relational Database Package Wanted
		      C Cross Compiler for 8048
			    SIMCGA Wanted
			   Xenix 2.0 and C
		 9600 Baud Modems and CD ROM Players


Date:     Wed, 17 Dec 1986 10:02 PST
Subject:  Tiny Turbo Accelerator Board

In answer to the person who asked about the 80286 boot-up problem with
the Orchid Tiny Turbo Accelerator Board....I have this board installed
in my IBM PC and when I first got the board approximately 6 mos ago I
had the same problem.  I could not boot the system up when the board
was set to the 80286 mode.  I had to start the boot process with the
switch on the 8088 mode and once the boot process (memory check) was
started I could switch over to th 80286 mode.  This was a major pain,
since the way my PC is situated, it was very awkward to reach around
back to the switch.  Anyway, I am pleased to say that a month or so
ago I called up Orchid and was informed that they had solved this
80286 boot-up problem.  They sent me a replacement chip for one on the
board, I installed it, and...presto!...I can now boot the system up
from the 80286 mode.  So far I have found no compatibility problems in
this mode and I just leave the machine always set to the 80286 mode.
It is nice though to know that I have the 8088 mode if I ever do run
into a compatibility problem or if I just want to see the speed
difference with a particular piece of software or process.

Glenn Zwinger (213/498-5403)
Academic Computing Coordinator
California State University, Long Beach


Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1986 13:44:13 ULG
Subject: Compaq Screen Blanking Problem
To: Marc Caminetsky <marc%uofm-uts.cdn%ubc.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET>

Pressing the CNTRL NUMLOCK keys cause the ROM BIOS keyboard
interrupt 9 to set a flag and loop until the same flag is
reset. Typing another key causes another interrupt 9 that
resets the above flag and releases the first looping interrupt

CNTRL NUMLOCK just *happens* to provide scroll lock. In fact,
it just stops anything not interrupt driven. Every software
should beware of its possible impact. But it is too often
overlooked.  Even the genuine IBM ROM BIOS gets caught. If one
holds the machine right during a scroll, the result is a messy
screen showing the video RAM in the middle of the move.

As to the screen blanking, I can't tell of Compaq's case, but
IBM's ROM code looks to turn off video during scroll up and on
before INT 9 loop (ha ha).  This at least shows you in what
direction to search. Maybe a INT 9 front end could do the

There is a whole book to write about the PC ROM's blunders.

My latest finding relates to the keyboard buffer overflow beep.
If the keyboard repeat rate is faster than the tone length (not
hard) and the running program isn't fast enough to catch up (or
simply does no keyboard input), repeated keying causes every
new beep to interupt the ongoing one. As a result, the stack
keeps growing beyond compare. It generally miserably crashes
everything, but with some luck and patience, you may be able to
contemplate once in your life the dos "internal stack overflow"

Happy computing. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.


Date: Wed, 17 Dec 86 10:14:15 PST
From: Jim Anderson <bilbo.jta@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: PATH Length Limitation

Besides available environment space, the maximum length of a command
that may be fed to COMMAND.COM also limits the length of a PATH (or
any other environment string.)  A couple of possible solutions,
neither of which I have tried:

1.  Use a program such as setenv.c from the INFO-IBMPC library to
    place a large PATH string in COMMAND's environment.

2.  Write a program that copies it's environment with an
    appropriately modified PATH string and then EXECs a secondary
    COMMAND.COM with the modified environment.

Both these solutions assume that COMMAND does not care how long the
PATH string is once it is in the environment.


From: microsof!gordonl@beaver.cs.washington.edu
Subject: Doing Our Work for Us
Date: Wed Dec 17 09:59:40 1986

[Microsoft are you listening? Our readers are doing your work for you. How
about some responses, acknowledgement? -wab]

Yes, we're listening.  We respond by fixing these bugs in the next release
that we can.  Often there are administrative reasons why our OEMs decline
to take a bug fix (too late in the testing cycle, etc.) and so it can
take quite a while for the fix to hit the streets.

Giving patches out over the net would be a big problem; people would have
troubles getting it to work, we can't provide individual support, and
we'd have to be compatible not only with previous versions of DOS but with
arbitraryly patched versions, as well.

I disagree with the implication of your "Our readers are doing your work
for you."  When my car fails and I take it in for service, am I doing
the car builder's work?  When you get sick, are you doing the doctor's work
because he didn't call you up in advance of illness to prescribe?

Buy one of our retail products and you'll get good retail support.  DOS
is an OEM product and its the responsibility of the OEM to support it.
If they don't do that job to your satisfaction, then complain to them.

I understand the frustration that this approach brings on, but our
hands our tied. That INT 25 DOS bug was discovered at Microsoft
before 3.2 was released, but we weren't allowed to fix it. We're not
*allowed* to provide the support you ask.  Take a guess as to how
happy we engineers feel about this.  


I guess we do our own work, once in a while.


Date: 17 Dec 1986 12:09:59 PST
Subject: Doing Our Work for Us
To: microsof!gordonl@BEAVER.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU

Sorry if the tone sounded harsh. Of course we users have our frustrations
with Microsoft/IBM as well. The editor engaged in a bit of retorical
overkill and I apologize for the tone. Ragging on Microsoft doesn't
do anybody any good.

On the positive side there are hundreds of new readers to INFO-IBMPC
who don't know that Microsoft is listening and that constructive
bug reports, complaints, gripes etc. do get read.

Recently I have been getting phone calls from people complaining about
bugs in Microsoft C 4.0. I wish these people would send detailed reports
and code examples. While the bug fix may take several months for the
next release, the problem will get to the right people and the rest of
us will be spared the duplicated effort of discovering the same bug.


Date: Wed, 17 Dec 86 18:16:03 PST
From: larry@Jpl-VLSI.ARPA
Subject: ARC Word Processing C Code Development environment

Answers to three questions follow:

ARC can be gotten from SIMTEL20, from the PD:<MSDOS.ARC-LBR> subdirectory.
I believe the filename you want is ARC51.COM, but you may want to bring down 
ARC-FILE.INF first which I believe summarizes the subdir contents.  I down-
loaded and am using two other programs since I don't need the full ARC 
capability.  ARCV106.COM lists the contents of an ARChive file, ARCE206.COM 
extracts files.  Since SIMTEL20 is a 36-bit machine you need to type 

   FTP>TYPE L 8              before doing the 
   FTP>get ...

I am using WordPerfect and am very happy with it.  There's a built-in 
function to import and export ASCII files, and a CONVERT program for several 
other word processor programs, including Wordstar.  WordPerfect has a number 
of features professional writers will appreciate.  I've also used Word and 
Xywrite III, and consider them equally as good as WP.  Each has somewhat 
different capabilities, though with a lot of overlap, and I suspect you'd do 
better to choose according to how you like the interface.

Beginning C programmers may very well find interpreters better than 
compilers, but I've not tried any.  Several reviews of them have appeared in 
Dr. Dobbs/Software Tools in the past year or so.  I'm currently using 
Microsoft C version 4.0 and am very happy with it.  With the Codeview 
source-code debugger and a C-smart version of the Emacs editor I have as 
good an environment as on our VAX supermini.  (Actually I do most of my work 
on an AT and transfer code to the VAX only for testing and modifications 
needed just for the VAX.)
                                    Larry @ jpl-vlsi.arpa


Date: Thu, 18 Dec 86 00:53:56 EST
Subject: MS C 4.0 Dynamic Memory Allocation

If you use malloc()/_fmalloc() with the Compact model (and apparently
with Large and Huge as well), allocation stalls when the far heap is
exhausted.  I have bench marks that took as long as 24 minutes to
allocate some 350k; 17 seconds for 300k and 24 minutes for 50k.

Full details are avilable in the Microsoft conference on BIX, and
I posted the source code to my benchmarking program there.

[What is BIX and could someone forward this info to the rest of us? -wab]

There are a couple of solutions, but MS just came back with one that is
outstanding: link with /CP:1. The consequence is that there is no near
heap for malloc() to stall on.  One still has access to all of the RAM
for dynamic allocation, and no fancy dances are necessary.

Unless a program uses _nmalloc(), it should probably be linked with
/CP:1 (under compact, large, and huge models).

Hopefully MS will document this in the future.  Of course, they might
modify their allocation routines.  One of the beauties of this solution
is that no code modification would be required to adapt to new
allocation strategies.



Date:  Thu, 18 Dec 86 17:22 N
Subject:  Pibterm

In one of the earlier digests, I complained about the fact that I
didn't receive PIBTERM in spite of the money I sent.  Philip Burns
contacted me and apologized. According to him he encountered
considerable difficulties in mailing disks to Europe.  Also foreign
requests didn't reach him always.  If there are people in Europe that
have had these complaints, please contact me. Maybe I can collect
them and send them to Mr. Burns; it seems that we have a reliable
contact now.

                                                Inno Frencken
                                                Computing Centre
                                                Agricultural University
                                                Hollandseweg 1
                                                6706 KN  Wageningen
                                                The Netherlands
                                                phone: 08370-83875
                                                EARN-id: INNO
                                                EARN-node: HWALHW5


Date: Fri, 19 Dec 86 09:04:09 EST
From: John.Brennen@VI.RI.CMU.EDU
Subject: Epsilon 2.01 w/color

This is a little patch for Epsilon version 2.01 for those of us who can't
stand a screen full of WHITE characters.  It's a quick and dirty hack, but
it works.

	Jack Brennen			Carnegie-Mellon University
	jfb@vi.ri.cmu.edu		Visual Inspection Lab

---------------------------------- Cut here ----------------------------------
rem  This patch works for Epsilon version 2.01.  Normally, if you use Epsilon
rem    with a color graphics adapter, you are stuck with white characters on
rem    a black background.  This patch makes Epsilon use whatever foreground
rem    color you prefer.  The patch as given below makes Epsilon use green
rem    characters.  To use other colors, merely change the '22' found near the
rem    end of the long string of hex bytes below.  The first digit gives the
rem    color of the inverse video mode line and the second digit gives the
rem    color of normal text.  For example, changing the '22' to '24' gives
rem    a green mode line and red everywhere else.
rem  To execute this patch, make sure epsilon.exe is in the current directory
rem    and command.com and debug.com are on the PATH or in the
rem    current directory and type:
rem               command < patch
rem  Replace patch with the name of the file you saved this patch script in.
rem  NOTE:  The modified Epsilon which is created will NOT work with a
rem         Monochrome Display Adapter (or any derivative thereof, such
rem         as the Hercules card).  If you try to run the modified Epsilon
rem         on such a system, it will hang, but won't do any permanent harm.
copy epsilon.exe foo.bar
debug foo.bar
e c65c eb fe 8a 66 0e 80 fc ff 74 03 80 e4 22 c3
e c6d0 e8 8b ff
ren foo.bar green.exe
---------------------------------- Cut here ----------------------------------

[Later versions of Epsilon allow users to specify color. -wab]


Date: Wed, 17 Dec 86 09:50:25 est
From: nagy@bnl.ARPA (John Nagy)
Subject: A Christmas Program Written in Basic

Enclosed in a program for the season.  It is based on the IBM DOS
supplementary program MUSIC.BAS.  Tunes therein have been replaced
by Christmas songs and some other features have been added.  To
get all the effects, the program should be run with the BASICA
interpreter on a system with the color/graphics adapter/monitor.

505 REM
510 REM  Based on IBM DOS 2.0 supplementary program MUSIC.BAS
525 REM  Plays Christmas music and draws a tree, instead.
530 REM
531 REM  To get all features
535 REM    (1) Use BASICA interpreter
540 REM    (2) Use color/graphics adapter/monitor
543 REM
544 REM  Suggested .BAT
548 REM    CLS
555 REM
560 REM  Following the name of a song in the DATA section,
570 REM  input for three new variables (S,TN,TD) is added.
575 REM  These are normally set to 0,1,1.  Reset S to change key,
580 REM  or reset TN,TD to change tempo.  See line 1545 and 1546.
585 REM
590 REM  For faster loading, SAVE without the ,a switch
595 REM
610 REM
920  DIM M(88),O(70)
975 DEF SEG: POKE 106,0
1010 KEY OFF:SCREEN 0,1:COLOR 15,0,0:WIDTH 40:CLS:LOCATE 5,19,0
1141 ON ERROR GOTO 1148
1142 PLAY "mf"
1143 GOTO 1149
1148 RESUME 1149
1150 SCREEN 0,1:WIDTH 40:COLOR 15,1,1:CLS
1160 LOCATE 15,1:PRINT " ------------- selections -------------"
1170 LOCATE 16,1:PRINT " A-Silent     E-Deck The   I-O Tanen   "
1180 LOCATE 17,1:PRINT " B-Little Twn F-O Holy     J-Away In A "
1190 LOCATE 18,1:PRINT " C-What Child G-Joy To The K-Drummer   "
1191 LOCATE 19,1:PRINT " D-First Noel H-O Come All L-Rudolph   "
1200 COLOR 15,0
1210 FOR I=0 TO 15:FOR J=0 TO 8
1220 LOCATE 5+J,5+I*2:PRINT CHR$(219);CHR$(221);
1240 FOR I=0 TO 12:FOR J=0 TO 4
1250 IF I=2 OR I=6 OR I=9 OR I=13 THEN 1270
1260 LOCATE 5+J,8+I*2:PRINT CHR$(32);CHR$(222);
1280 FOR J=0 TO 9
1290 LOCATE 4+J,4:COLOR 4,0:PRINT CHR$(221);:LOCATE 4+J,36:COLOR 15,0
1300 PRINT CHR$(221);:COLOR 4,1:PRINT CHR$(221);
1310 NEXT
1320 COLOR 4,1:LOCATE 4,4
1330 FOR I=0 TO 32:PRINT CHR$(219);:NEXT
1340 PRINT CHR$(221);:LOCATE 13,4
1350 FOR I=0 TO 32:PRINT CHR$(219);:NEXT
1360 PRINT CHR$(221);:COLOR 0,7
1370 FOR I=7 TO 88:M(I) =  36.8*(2^(1/12))^(I-6):NEXT
1380 FOR I=0 TO 6:M(I) = 32767:NEXT
1390 O(0) = 0
1400 O(39)=5:O(40)=7:O(41)=8:O(42)=9
1410 O(43)=10:O(44)=11:O(45)=13:O(46)=14
1420 O(47)=15:O(48)=16:O(49)=17:O(50)=18
1430 O(51)=19:O(52)=21:O(53)=22:O(54)=23
1440 O(55)=24:O(56)=25:O(57)=27:O(58)=28
1450 O(59)=29:O(60)=30:O(61)=31:O(62)=32
1460 O(63)=33:O(64)=35:O(65)=36:O(66)=37
1470 O(67)=38:O(68)=39:O(69)=40:O(70)=42
1480 GOTO 1630
1490 READ J,K
1500 CMD$ = INKEY$:IF CMD$="" THEN 1540
1520 POKE 106,0
1530 REM
1540 IF J = -1  THEN RETURN
1545 IF J>0 THEN J=J+S
1546 K=(K*TN)/TD
1550 Q = O(J)
1560 IF J>64 OR J<39 THEN 1590
1570 IF SCREEN(5,Q)<>32 THEN COLOR 0,7
1575 LOCATE 11,Q:PRINT CHR$(14);:COLOR 15,0:GOTO 1590
1580 COLOR 15,0:LOCATE 7,Q:PRINT CHR$(14);:COLOR 0,7
1595 SOUND 32767,1
1600 IF J>64 OR J<39 THEN 1490
1610 IF SCREEN(5,Q) = 32 THEN COLOR 15,0:LOCATE 7,Q:PRINT CHR$(32);:GOTO 1490
1620 COLOR 15,0:LOCATE 11,Q:PRINT CHR$(219);:GOTO 1490
1630 LOCATE 21,5:PRINT "                                ";
1650 IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN 1650
1660 CMD$=INKEY$:IF CMD$="" THEN 1660
1670 IF CMD$=CHR$(27)  THEN 1860
1680 IF CMD$="A" OR CMD$="a" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 4000:GOTO 1770
1690 IF CMD$="B" OR CMD$="b" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 4100:GOTO 1770
1700 IF CMD$="C" OR CMD$="c" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 3700:GOTO 1770
1710 IF CMD$="D" OR CMD$="d" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 4300:GOTO 1770
1720 IF CMD$="E" OR CMD$="e" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 3500:GOTO 1770
1730 IF CMD$="F" OR CMD$="f" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 3200:GOTO 1770
1740 IF CMD$="G" OR CMD$="g" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 3600:GOTO 1770
1750 IF CMD$="H" OR CMD$="h" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 3900:GOTO 1770
1755 IF CMD$="I" OR CMD$="i" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 4500:GOTO 1770
1757 IF CMD$="J" OR CMD$="j" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 3300:GOTO 1770
1761 IF CMD$="K" OR CMD$="k" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 4400:GOTO 1770
1765 IF CMD$="L" OR CMD$="l" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 4600:GOTO 1770
1769 GOTO 1640
1770 PRINT " ";CMD$
1780 READ D
1800 READ S$:LOCATE 23,1+(40.5-LEN(S$))/2
1805 COLOR 15,4:PRINT S$;:COLOR 0,7
1807 SOUND 21767,12:SOUND 32767,1:READ S,TN,TD
1810 GOSUB 1490
1820 S$=STRING$(39," "):LOCATE 23,1:COLOR 4,1:PRINT S$:COLOR 0,7
1830 GOTO 1630
1840 END
1860 SCREEN 0,1:COLOR 7,0,0:CLS:GOSUB 6000:GOSUB 7000:SYSTEM
3200 DATA -2,"O HOLY NIGHT",0,1,1
3210 DATA 0,24,45,12,45,9,45,3, 48,21,48,3,50,9,50,3,46,9,50,3
3215 DATA 53,24,48,6,0,3,48,3,45,9,43,3, 41,12,45,9,46,3,48,12,46,9,43,3
3220 DATA 41,36,0,12
3225 DATA 0,24,45,12,45,9,45,3, 48,21,48,3,50,9,50,3,46,9,50,3
3230 DATA 53,24,48,6,0,3,48,3,46,9,45,3, 52,12,48,9,50,3,52,12,55,1,53,9,52,3
3235 DATA 45,24,0,18,48,6
3240 DATA 48,12,50,12,43,12,48,12, 50,9,48,3,53,9,45,3,50,12,48,9,48,3
3245 DATA 48,12,50,12,43,12,48,12, 50,9,48,3,53,9,45,3,48,18,0,6
3250 DATA 53,36,52,9,50,3, 52,36,52,12, 55,33,50,3,50,9,50,3
3255 DATA 53,24,53,12,0,6,53,6, 57,42,48,6, 53,36,52,9,50,3
3260 DATA 48,24,48,9,48,3,50,9,48,3, 48,36,53,12, 55,36,0,6,48,6
3265 DATA 57,36,55,12, 53,24,52,12,53,9,55,3, 53,36
3270 DATA -1,-1
3300 DATA -2,"AWAY IN A MANGER",0,1,1
3310 DATA 52,12, 52,18,50,6,49,12, 49,12,47,12,45,12, 45,12,44,12,42,12
3320 DATA 40,24,40,12, 40,18,42,6,40,12, 40,12,47,12,44,12, 42,12,40,12,45,12
3330 DATA 49,24,52,12,  52,18,50,6,49,12, 49,12,47,12,45,12, 45,12,44,12,42,12
3340 DATA 40,24,40,12, 50,18,49,6,47,12, 49,12,47,12,45,12, 47,12,42,12,44,12
3350 DATA 45,36
3370 DATA -1,-1
3500 DATA -2,"DECK THE HALLS",0,1,1
3510 DATA 52,9,50,3,49,6,47,6, 45,6,47,6,49,6,45,6
3520 DATA 47,3,49,3,50,3,47,3,49,9,47,3, 45,6,44,6,45,12
3530 DATA 52,9,50,3,49,6,47,6, 45,6,47,6,49,6,45,6
3540 DATA 47,3,49,3,50,3,47,3,49,9,47,3, 45,6,44,6,45,12
3550 DATA 47,9,49,3,50,6,47,6, 49,9,50,3,52,6,47,6
3560 DATA 49,3,51,3,52,6,54,3,56,3,57,6, 56,6,54,6,52,12
3570 DATA 52,9,50,3,49,6,47,6, 45,6,47,6,49,6,45,6
3580 DATA 54,3,54,3,54,3,54,3,52,9,50,3, 49,6,47,6,45,12
3590 DATA -1,-1
3600 DATA -2,"JOY TO THE WORLD",0,1,1
3610 DATA 54,10,53,7,51,2, 49,15,47,5, 46,10,44,10, 42,15,49,5, 51,15,51,5
3620 DATA 53,15,53,5, 54,30,54,5, 54,5,53,5,51,5,49,5, 49,7,47,2,46,5,54,5
3630 DATA 54,5,53,5,51,5,49,5, 49,7,47,2,46,5,46,5, 46,5,46,5,46,5,46,2,47,2
3640 DATA 49,15,47,2,46,2, 44,5,44,5,44,5,44,2,46,2, 47,15,46,2,44,2
3650 DATA 42,5,54,10,51,5, 49,7,47,2,46,5,47,5, 46,10,44,10, 42,20
3670 DATA -1,-1
3710 DATA 44,10, 47,20,49,10,51,15,52,5,51,10, 49,20,46,10,42,15,44,5,46,10
3720 DATA 47,20,44,10,44,15,43,5,44,10, 46,30,39,20,44,10
3730 DATA 47,20,49,10,51,15,52,5,51,10, 49,20,46,10,42,15,44,5,46,10
3740 DATA 47,15,46,5,44,10,43,15,41,5,43,10, 44,30,44,30
3750 DATA 54,30,54,15,52,5,51,10, 49,20,46,10,42,15,44,5,46,10
3760 DATA 47,20,44,10,44,15,43,5,44,10, 46,20,42,10,39,30
3770 DATA 54,30,54,15,52,5,51,10, 49,20,46,10,42,15,44,5,46,10
3780 DATA 47,15,46,5,44,10,43,15,41,5,43,10, 44,30,44,30
3810 DATA -1,-1
3900 DATA -2,"O COME, ALL YE FAITHFUL",0,1,1
3910 DATA 49,8, 49,16,44,8,49,8, 51,16,44,16, 53,8,51,8,53,8,54,8
3920 DATA 53,16,51,8,49,8, 49,16,48,8,46,8, 48,8,49,8,51,8,53,8
3930 DATA 48,16,46,12,44,4, 44,32, 56,16,54,8,53,8
3940 DATA 54,16,53,16, 51,8,53,8,49,8,51,8, 48,12,46,4,44,8,49,8
3950 DATA 49,8,48,8,49,8,51,8, 49,16,44,8,53,8
3960 DATA 53,8,51,8,53,8,54,8, 53,16,51,8,53,8, 54,8,53,8,51,8,49,8
3970 DATA 48,16,49,8,54,8, 53,16,51,12,49,4, 49,24
3990 DATA -1,-1
4010 DATA 47,18,49,6,47,12,44,36, 47,18,49,6,47,12,44,36
4020 DATA 54,24,54,12,51,36, 52,24,52,12,47,36
4030 DATA 49,24,49,12,52,18,51,6,49,12, 47,18,49,6,47,12,44,24,0,12
4040 DATA 49,24,49,12,52,18,51,6,49,12, 47,18,49,6,47,12,44,24,0,12
4050 DATA 54,24,54,12,57,18,54,6,51,12, 52,36,56,24,0,12
4060 DATA 52,18,47,6,44,12,47,18,45,6,42,12, 40,72
4080 DATA -1,-1
4090 REM -- C, 6/8, 91.5 bpm
4110 DATA 49,12, 49,12,49,12,48,12,49,12, 52,12,50,12,42,12,47,12
4120 DATA 45,12,44,6,45,6,47,12,40,12, 49,36,49,12, 49,12,49,12,54,12,52,12
4130 DATA 52,12,50,12,42,12,47,12, 45,12,44,6,45,6,49,12,47,12, 45,36
4140 DATA 49,12, 49,12,49,12,47,12,45,12, 44,24,44,12,44,12
4150 DATA 42,12,44,12,45,12,47,12, 49,36,49,12, 49,12,49,12,48,12,49,12
4160 DATA 52,12,50,12,42,12,54,12, 52,12,45,12,49,18,47,6, 45,36
4200 DATA -1,-1
4300 DATA -2,"THE FIRST NOEL",0,1,1
4310 DATA 46,5,44,5, 42,15,44,5,46,5,47,5, 49,20,51,5,53,5, 54,10,53,10,51,10
4320 DATA 49,20,51,5,53,5, 54,10,53,10,51,10, 49,10,51,10,53,10
4330 DATA 54,10,49,10,47,10, 46,20,46,5,44,5, 42,15,44,5,46,5,47,5
4340 DATA 49,20,51,5,53,5, 54,10,53,10,51,10, 49,20,51,5,53,5
4350 DATA 54,10,53,10,51,10, 49,10,51,10,53,10, 54,10,49,10,47,10
4360 DATA 46,20,46,5,44,5, 42,15,44,5,46,5,47,5, 49,20,54,5,53,5
4370 DATA 51,20,51,10, 49,30, 54,10,53,10,51,10, 49,10,51,10,53,10
4380 DATA 54,10, 49,10, 47,10, 46,20
4390 DATA -1,-1
4400 DATA -2,"THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY tm",0,1,1
4410 DATA 45,18,47,6, 49,12,49,6,49,6, 50,3,49,3,50,6,49,30,0,6
4420 DATA 0,6,45,6,45,6,47,6, 49,6,49,6,49,6,49,6, 50,3,49,3,50,6,49,30,0,6
4430 DATA 0,6,47,6,49,6,50,6, 52,6,52,6,52,6,54,6
4440 DATA 52,3,50,3,49,6,47,30,0,6
4450 DATA 0,6,47,6,49,6,50,6, 52,6,52,6,52,6,54,6
4460 DATA 55,3,54,3,52,6,50,12, 54,3,52,3,50,6,49,12
4470 DATA 52,3,50,3,49,6,47,30,0,6, 45,18,47,6
4480 DATA 49,6,49,6,49,6,49,6,50,3,49,3,50,6,49,30,0,6,47,3,45,3,47,6,45,30,0
4490 DATA 6,-1,-1
4500 DATA -2,"O TANENBAUM",0,1,1
4510 DATA 40,12, 45,9,45,3,45,18,47,6, 49,9,49,3,49,18,49,6
4520 DATA 47,6,49,6,50,12,44,12, 47,12,45,12,0,6
4530 DATA 40,12, 45,9,45,3,45,18,47,6, 49,9,49,3,49,18,49,6
4540 DATA 47,6,49,6,50,12,44,12, 47,12,45,12,0,6
4550 DATA 52,6, 52,6,49,6,54,18,52,6, 52,6,50,6,50,18,50,6
4560 DATA 50,6,47,6,52,18,50,6, 50,6,49,6,49,12,0,6, 40,12
4570 DATA 45,9,45,3,45,18,47,6, 49,9,49,3,49,18,49,6
4580 DATA 47,6,49,6,50,12,44,12, 47,12,45,12
4590 DATA -1,-1
4605 DATA 49,5,51,5, 52,5,49,10,45,5,51,5,47,10,44,5,49,5,45,10,42,5,49,5,47
4610 DATA 15,52,5,49,10,45,5,51,5,47,10,44,5, 49,5,45,10,42,5,49,5,47,15
4615 DATA 44,10,44,10,44,10,44,10, 49,30,49,5,51,5
4620 DATA 52,10,52,10,52,10,51,10,49,5, 47,40
4625 DATA 47,4,49,8,47,4,44,8,52,8, 49,8,47,24, 47,4,49,4,47,4,49,4,47,8,52,8
4630 DATA 51,32, 45,4,47,8,45,4,42,8,51,8, 49,8,47,24
4635 DATA 47,4,49,4,47,4,49,4,47,8,49,8,44,32
4640 DATA 47,4,49,8,47,4,44,8,52,8, 49,8,47,24, 47,4,49,4,47,4,49,4,47,8,52,8
4645 DATA 51,32, 45,4,47,8,45,4,42,8,51,8, 49,8,47,24
4650 DATA 47,4,49,4,47,4,49,4,47,8,54,8,52,32
4655 DATA 49,8,49,8,52,8,49,8, 47,8,44,8,47,16, 45,8,49,8,47,8,45,8, 44,32
4660 DATA 42,8,44,8,47,8,49,8, 51,8,51,8,51,16, 52,8,52,8,51,8,49,8
4665 DATA 47,8,45,4,42,20
4670 DATA 47,4,49,8,47,4,44,8,52,8, 49,8,47,24, 47,4,49,4,47,4,49,4,47,8,52,8
4675 DATA 51,32, 45,4,47,8,45,4,42,8,51,8, 49,8,47,24
4680 DATA 47,8,49,8,47,8,49,8,47,16,54,16,52,56
4695 DATA -1,-1
5000 REM -- "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" INTRODUCTION
5010 ON ERROR GOTO 5090
5020 SETUP$="MB O3 T136 L4"
5080 GOTO 6070
5090 RESUME 5100
5100 PRINT "Use BASICA next time"
5110 FOR I=1 TO 1000 : NEXT I
5120 GOTO 6070
6000 REM -- exit flourish
6010 ON ERROR GOTO 5090
7000 REM --- exit picture
7002 WIDTH 80 : CLS
7004 DEF SEG=0 : IF (PEEK(&H410) AND &H30)=&H30  THEN 7006
7005 DISPLAY$="color": SCREEN ,,1,0: COLOR 0,7: CLS: LOCATE 1,1,0: GOTO 7010
7006 DISPLAY$="mono" : LOCATE 10,12,0
7007 PRINT "You should ask Santa for a color display this Christmas."
7008 FOR I=1 TO 1000 : NEXT I
7010 STAR$=CHR$(15): TRUNK$=CHR$(219): LEAF$=CHR$(14): FILL$=CHR$(177)
7015 BOTR=24: BOTC=40: WIDE=20
7020 COLOR 6,0 : FOR J = 0 TO 2
7030 IF DISPLAY$="mono" THEN LOCATE 10,12,0: FOR I= 1 TO 60: PRINT " ";:NEXT I
7035 BOTR=BOTR-3
7040 FOR I=BOTR TO 2 STEP -1
7048 COLOR 4,7 : PRINT LEAF$;
7052 COLOR 4,7 : PRINT LEAF$;
7065 LOCATE 1,1,0 : COLOR ,,7 : IF DISPLAY$="color" THEN SCREEN ,,1,1
7070 CMD$=INKEY$:  IF CMD$="" THEN 7070
7072 IF DISPLAY$="color" THEN SCREEN ,,0,0 : COLOR 7,0,0


Date: Tue 16 Dec 86 19:16:09-PST
Subject: Tecmar Music Synthesizer

Does anyone know of or use this new synthesizer card for the PC. What is the
name and model, how much is it, and is it any good?  I understand it to be
an audio generator to be used for music.

                                thanks for any info,

                                 Don Lindbergh


Date: Wed, 17 Dec 86 11:30:14 est
From: preedy@nswc-wo.ARPA
Subject: Milestone Chart

     I have been looking for project planning software for the IBM PC, but
I have been unsuccessful in finding one that I like that makes a milestone
chart.  I like to be able to fill in the triangles when the goal is met.
If you have any favorites, please let me know and how I can get a copy.



Date: Wed, 17 Dec 86  16:27:27 AST
From: wdw%Acadia.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU  (Bill Wilder - Acadia University)
Subject:  Fast Half-Height Hard Drives

We were recently made an offer we could not refuse and have purchased
a  number  of  TeleCAT-286 Model three micros.  Basically we like the
machine but are not too happy with the hard disks that were  included
(Seagate 225 - 20 Mb and 75 ms. average access time).

Can anyone offer me  some  information  on  hard  disks  with  larger
capacity  and  better  seek  times  (  < 40 ms.).  Such disks must be
suitable for use on an AT type machine and must be  half  height.   I
understand that MicroScience has a half height 45 Mb - 28 ms.  drive.
Does  anyone  have  any  information  on this such as price and model
number?  Any information you might  have  on  other  brands  of  half
height drives would also be welcome.



Date: 17 December 1986 11:50:06 CST
From: U45571%UICVM.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU  (James A. Danowski 312-996-3187)
Subject:  Z-171 internal modem

I have a Zenith 171 with internal modem.  I have been trying to
use the internal modem without the built-in modem software, instead
using a telecom package called YTERM (for IBM CMS mainframe-pc

My problem is that the internal modem will not respond to the YTERM
commands.  I suspect I somehow need to over-ride the internal modem

Any suggestions?  Thanks!


Date: 17 December 1986 18:24:58 CST
Subject: IBM-PC Jr. Accessories

Help!  I'm trying to help a friend expand the memory on her PC Jr.  I
understand that the Jr. uses sidecars (?) (external boards) in place of
slots to expand memory, etc.  Are there still sources of memory expansion
sidecars around?  I couldn't find much in Computer Shopper this month.


Date:     Wed, 17 Dec 86  20:55:55 EST
Subject: Cheap Relational Database Package Wanted

    I am trying to find relational database packages for an IBM-PC compatable
computer.  They should work in the same way as DBase or RBase, but the group
that may need these packages does not have the money to spend for the
"name brands".  Speed is not important, but reliability is.


                     Matthew Saroff



Date: 18 Dec 1986 at 0820-EST
Subject: C Cross Compiler for 8048
From: hsw at TYCHO.ARPA  (Howard Weiss)

Does aynyone know of a DOS C-compiler that will cross compile for
an Intel 8048 (or 8031 or 8051)?  Or, does anyone know how much
trouble it would be to "fix" an 8080 cross compiler to generate
correct code for the 8048?

Please reply directly to me since I am not a regular reader of this


Howard Weiss


From: ames!seismo!mcvax!targon!roel@cad.Berkeley.EDU
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 86 15:26:28 +0100
Subject: SIMCGA Wanted
Organization: Nixdorf Computer BV., OSP, Vianen, The Netherlands
Cc: roel@cad.Berkeley.EDU

In article <8612170442.AA07603@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> you write:

>    SIMCGA - Simulate CGA with Hercules Monochrome Card
>This memory-resident utility allows you to "fool" most software requiring
>a Color Graphics Adapter into using your Hercules (or compatible) mono-
>chrome adapter in the graphics mode.

We're not sure how to address B. Svetitsky directly from here, and  
we'd like to get hold of SIMCGA as possible. If he got the 
program from a bulletin board, does it follow that it's public domain ?
And if so, could you ask him to send a copy of the program to us ?

Many thanks, and Happy Christmas!


Date: Thu 18 Dec 86 11:42:55-EST
Subject: Xenix 2.0 and C

We have recently upgraded from Microsoft Xenix 1.0 to 2.0.  We
also have the software development system for Xenix 1.0 to write
C programs.  However,  we cannot compile C programs in Version
2.0.  We get the following error message:

       Warning:  __.SYMDEF out of date in /lib/Slibcfp.a

An IBM representative at the 800 number they supplied said that
we would have to buy Version 2.0 of the software development
system.  I would appreciate advice and insight on this problem.


Date: 18 Dec 86 13:30 EST
Subject: 9600 Baud Modems and CD ROM Players

    Can anyone give me their opinions on specific products that fall
into the following categories?

    9600-bps full-duplex ansynchronous modems for use with PC's (for BBS use)

    CD-ROM players w/ appropriate interface adapters to PC's

    Any and all answers would be appreciated, either to me or the net. Thanks.

                                       Dave Chatfield
                                       PC Technical Consultant
                                       Cleveland State University


End of Info-IBMPC Digest
