[mod.computers.ibm-pc] INfo-IBMPC Digest V5 #109

Info-IBMPC@C.ISI.EDU.UUCP (12/24/86)

Info-IBMPC Digest       Tuesday, 23 December 1986      Volume 5 : Issue 109

This Week's Editor: Billy Brackenridge

Today's Topics:
		 TRS-80 Diskette Conversion Programs
		     TRS-80 Model III Disk Format
	       Screen Generator for 132 Column Display
		UNIX Clone With Source Code Available
		       Cluster Allocation Size
		 Cheap Relational Database (2 Msgs.)
	      Procomm Can't Handle XON/XOFF At 9600 Baud
			 PHASER/Halo and EGA
		      LPT3 Support Without LPT2
			    Access to BIX
		      Norwegian Christmas Songs
			   PcJr Accessories (3 Msgs.)
Today's Queries:
			     Orchid 286E
			Genealogical Software
		 Need Help re Data Xfer from CPT 8000
	 Printer Spooler That Will Run out of Extended Memory
		Where is Phil Burns Author of PIBTERM
			   DBASEIII problem
		TCP/IP Implementations for XENIX/VENIX
			 Mitsubishi Digitizer
			PC/IX Hard-Cards PC/VI


Date: Sun, 21 Dec 86 20:28:07 cet
Subject: TRS-80 Diskette Conversion Programs

Recently, a questioner asked about converting TRS-80 model III
ASCII files to IBM-PC format.

The latest issue of 80-Micro lists, in the Feedback Loop, three
companies who should be contacted in this regard:

1)Educational Micro Systems,
  PO Box 471
  Chester, NJ 07930

2)Powersoft Products
  17060 Dallas Parkway
  Suite 114
  Dallas Texas 75248

  PO Box 51155
  Raleigh, NC 27609

Carl David


Date: Mon, 22 Dec 86 18:08:23 LOCAL
Subject: TRS-80 Model III Disk Format

There is a program called Supercross for the model 3/4 that converts
data on a Model3/4 to msdos format.  The entire operation occurs on
the model3/4.  A quick pass through any Tandy support mag,
(80-Micro) should reveal the manufacturer.


Date: Mon, 22 Dec 86 17:17:34 LOCAL
Subject: Screen Generator for 132 Column Display

     You can use the Turbo Graphix Toolbox with the standard
Turbo 3.0 to obtain the 132 column format.  It will not be
terribly fast but will get the job done.


Date: 22 Dec 86 09:33:09 GMT
From: The News System <mcvax!bottercs.vu.nl!usenet@seismo.CSS.GOV>
From: ast@bottercs.vu.nl (Andy Tanenbaum)
Subject: UNIX Clone With Source Code Available
Date: 22 Dec 86 09:33:07 GMT
Organization: VU Informatica, Amsterdam

I have recently finished rewriting UNIX from scratch. This system, called
MINIX, does not contain even a single line of AT&T code, so it can be
distributed with source code.  It runs on the IBM PC, XT, and AT and
those clones that are 100% hardware compatible (not all, unfortunately).
To the average, unsophisticated user, using MINIX is indistinguishable
from using V7 UNIX.  Experts will notice that some relatively less
commonly used programs and features are missing.


  - System call compatible with V7 UNIX (except for a couple of minor calls)
  - Kernighan and Ritchie compatible C compiler is included
  - Shell that is functionally identical to the Bourne shell is included
  - Full multiprogramming (fork+exec; background jobs in shell:  cc file.c & )
  - Full screen editor vaguely inspired by emacs (modeless, autoinsert, etc.)
  - Over 60 utilities (cat, cp, grep, ls, make, mount, sort, etc.)
  - Over 100 library procedures (atoi, fork, malloc, stdio, strcmp, etc.)
  - Supports a hard disk, but also works quite well with just floppies
  - Contains programs to read and write MS-DOS diskettes
  - Full operating system source code is included
  - Source code for all the utilities (except C compiler) is included
  - System will recompile itself (requires 640K and 2 floppies or 1 hard disk)
  - C compiler source is available as a separate package
  - Kernel organization radically different from UNIX and much more modular
  - Software is not copy protected

Furthermore, I have written a 719 page book telling you everything
you ever wanted to know about operating systems in general and this
one in particular.  The book contains the manual pages, an appendix
describing how to recompile the system from the sources supplied, a
full source code listing of the operating system (253 pages), and a
cross reference map.

The software is available in 4 packages (book is separate):
  - Box of eight 360K diskettes for 640K IBM PCs (512K is sort of ok too)
  - Box of eight 360K diskettes for 256K IBM PCs (no C compiler)
  - Box of five 1.2M diskettes for the IBM PC-AT
  - 9 track industry standard tape (1600 bpi, tar format)

All four distributions contain the full source code, about 54,000 lines,
(kernel + utilities, except the compiler), virtually all of it in C.  The 
source code for the C compiler is also available separately (as described 
in the book).  The C compiler is NOT based on pcc at all.  It is based on 
ACK (see Communications of the ACM, Sept. 1983, pp. 654-660).  The following
programs are included, among others.  Like the kernel, these have all been 
rewritten from scratch by me, my students, people I paid to write them or in 
a small number of cases, were donated by other people to whom I am grateful:

   ar basename cat cc chmod chown cmp comm cp date dd df dosread echo
   grep gres head kill ln login lpr ls make mkdir mkfs mknod mount mv 
   od passwd pr pwd rev rm rmdir roff sh shar size sleep sort split stty
   su sum sync tail tar tee time touch tr true umount uniq update wc 

     The book and software are being sold by Prentice-Hall.  They are NOT
public domain.  However, the publisher does not object to people making a
limited number of copies of the software for noncommercial use.  For
example professors may make copies of the software for their students.
Universities may exchange modified versions. You may make a few copies
for your friends etc.  If you want to port the software to other CPUs and
sell it, you need permission from Prentice-Hall, but they will not be
unreasonable.  To acquire the software, go to any bookstore and ask them
to order the book for you:

Title:      Operating Systems: Design and Implementation
Author:     Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Publisher:  Prentice-Hall (Jan. 1987)
ISBN:       0-13-637406-9

In the book you will find a postcard that you can use to order the
software.  Please don't ask me for the software.  I have already spent
approximately 8000 hours over the past 5 years writing it; I don't want
to spend the next 5 years duplicating floppy disks.  The book costs about
$35.  The software is $79.95 per set, including the source code.  I hope
most people will consider $79.95 for the binaries and sources of
something almost functionally equivalent to UNIX as being reasonable.  I
know of no other software package where you get 54,000 lines of source
code for this price.  As bugs are reported, I will send Prentice Hall new
disks, so that the version they sell will remain up to date.  (This also
provides some incentive to buy rather than copy.)

     For those of you going to USENIX or UNIFORUM in Washington, D.C.
January 20-23, Prentice-Hall will have a stand at the show where you can
play with the software.  You can also buy the stuff there, but since the P-H
people drive to Washington in their own cars, they have a limited carrying
capacity and they are only taking 50 copies, so get there early the first day.

     If anyone is interested, we could set up a newsgroup
comp.os.minix to discuss minix, report bug fixes, distribute updates
of individual files etc.  This letter is being multiply posted to
several newsgroups.  I propose that the initial discussion take place
in comp.sys.ibm.pc (subject: MINIX) to avoid having it spread all
over the place.  Besides, the only other newsgroup I read is
mod.recipes.  I don't think the moderator will go for floppy disk
with Hollandaise sauce.

Andy Tanenbaum, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
(mail to minix@cs.vu.nl; if your machine doesn't know where nl is 
[The Netherlands], try minix@vu44.uucp, but that will vanish soon)


Date: Dec 23 1986
Subject: Cluster Allocation Size

Recently, I read some queries on the necessary allocation size for
DOS 2.xx knows FAT entries of 12 bits length. This means that
one can not have more than 4096-8-2 = 4086 clusters, no matter
what the disk can hold. For 30 MB disks this means that a cluster
must be at least 8 KB large. There is no software solution to this
problem and there cannot be such a solution.
DOS 3.xx however knows 16 bit FAT entries, if you do a low level
format of the disk, run FDISK and FORMAT (all under DOS 3.xx).
This means that the cluster size might be as small as 512 bytes
for a 30 MB disk. For reasons of more efficient access (I think)
the cluster size under DOS 3.xx is usually not smaller than 2 KB.
If the disk is properly formatted one gets the 2 KB clusters. This
might help to solve the space problems some users have.



Date: Fri 19 Dec 86 20:24:27-PST
From: Liquid Len <Asbed@USC-ECLC.ARPA>
Subject: Cheap Relational Database 

I can highly recommend Paberback Software's VP-Info, which is a
dBASE II "clone" with a host of added commands and features that
even dBASE III doesn't have.  It lets you have up to 6 database files
open, with multiple parent/child relationships.

Although it retails for $99, you can get it for about $65 through a
mail order dealer.  

--Vincent Alfieri, Ph.D.


Date:    21 Dec 86   16:56  GMT
From:  U320%CBEBDA3T.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU  (M.Egger  Inst f org Chem Bern)
Subject: Cheap Relational Database 

> Vol 5 Issue 108
> Matthew Saroff: 

You might try the PC-RIM (Relational Information Manager), which
is available from the SIMTEL20 database. The files are:


The program is public domain and works well, but is rather slow on a
PC/XT. An AT would be better.

    M. Egger / Univ Berne / Dept Org Chem / Berne / Switzerland


Date:     Fri, 19 Dec 86 9:18:31 EST
From:     Kenneth Van Camp -FSAC- <kvancamp@ARDEC.ARPA>
Subject: Procomm Can't Handle XON/XOFF At 9600 Baud

I've never used Procomm, but I've used a couple of other communications
programs at 9600 baud and have found that sometimes lost characters can
be caused by memory-resident utilities. I know, it shouldn't make a
difference if the handshaking is working properly, but the fact is that
if I have the Backscrl program installed while using Kermit, it drops
characters at 9600 baud. Get rid of Backscrl and all is OK. So get rid
of all your TSR's before blaming the communications program.

		  --Ken Van Camp <kvancamp@ARDEC.ARPA>


From: gaia!zhahai%ncar.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET
Date: 19 Dec 86 22:37:36 GMT
Subject: PHASER/Halo and EGA
Organization: Gaia Corp, Boulder, CO

If PHASER (whatever that is) uses the Halo graphic package, or at least
older versions of that (I am not sure this has not been fixed), it will
not work on the IBM EGA, and probably many clones.  The reason is that
HALO initializes all of the 6845 graphic controller chip registers when
it goes into CGA graphics modes.  Unfortunately, the IBM EGA doesn't
have a 6845, and the custom logic it does have only emulates some of
the 6845 registers; others are redefined.  Generally, any program which
sets all 6845 registers (it thinks) on the EGA will manage to badly
scramble some EGA register and mess up the screen.  If you find a loop
in the code, via disassembly, where it sets lots of registers at i/o
address 3DX, you may be able to patch it out.  Good luck.  Supposedly a
few of the EGA clones "automatically detect when a program accesses it
as a CGA and switch to a full CGA emulation".  Paradise is one.

Zhahai Stewart
{hao | nbires}!gaia!zhahai


Date: Sat, 20 Dec 86 08:00:21 pst
From: well!nortond@lll-lcc.ARPA (Daniel A. Norton)
Subject: LPT3 Support Without LPT2

> I would like to configure a second parallel port in my PC AT as
> LPT3, and use  the LPT2 interrupt for another purpose.

The IBM PC-BIOS does not use interrupts to support the parallel
printer port, and the word is that implementations that do,
suffer from losing interrupts.

> Does anyone know of a patch to DOS, preferably 3.1, to support a
> normal LPT1 plus LPT3?  (Do I lose any significant
> functionality, driving either an Epson  or a Diablo 630
> printer?)

You might try the following to get the system to recognize LPT3:
without configuring LPT2:

Presumably, you know what the actual address of you printer is
(usually for LPT3: it is normally 03BCh).  Place this value in
memory location 0:40C.  This tells the BIOS where LPT3 is. 
Next, initialize the port by calling the BIOS printer initialize
function.  You may then use LPT3 through the regular DOS calls.

In particular, the following DEBUG session will do it all:

-e 0:40c bc 03
????:0100 mov ah,1
????:0102 mov dx,2
????:0105 int 17
????:0107 int 20


Note that the "????" will be replaced by some hex value, which
isn't really significant for this stuff.

Daniel A. Norton


From: axiom!drilex!dricej@harvard.HARVARD.EDU
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 86 16:17:08 est
Subject: BIX
Organization: Data Resources/McGraw-Hill, Lexington, MA

BIX is the Byte Information eXchange, which is a teleconference run by Byte
magazine.  It runs on an Arete computer sitting in our computer room in
Lexington, MA.  To learn how to access it, the best authority would be a
copy of Byte.

Craig Jackson
UUCP: {harvard!axiom,linus!axiom,ll-xn}!drilex!dricej
BIX:  cjackson

[An Arete computer is a Unix box with multiple 68000 processors -wab]


Date: Sat, 20 Dec 86 08:02:05 pst
From: well!nortond@lll-lcc.ARPA (Daniel A. Norton)
Message-Id: <8612201602.AA10687@well.UUCP>
Subject: Access to BIX

(The following information is from an ad in BYTE magazine)

BIX is a commercial bulletin board system owned by McGraw-Hill,
Inc. (the publishers of BYTE magazine).  Access to BIX costs $25
for a one-time registration fee.  Off-peak rates including
TYMENET charges is $11/hour.  Peak rates including TYMENET
charges is $18/hour.

You can establish an account by calling BIX through TYMENET:

1. Call TYMENET at 800/336-0149 to find the TYMENET access
number for your area.

2. Call this number with a modem.

3. Type a lower-case "a".  The system should respond with
"please log in: ".

4. Type "bix" and press return.  After a while and some
miscellaneous text, the system should respond with "name?"

5. Type "new" and press return.  Have your credit-card number
and expiration date ready.

BIX can also be accessed from foreign countries using PTT code
310600157878.  Rates, of course, vary.

Daniel A. Norton


Date: MONDAY 12-22-86 04:33 Norwegian Time
Subject: Norwegian Christmas Songs

I found the following program in your INFO-IBM mail no 109 and translated
the program to contain some Norwegian Christmas Songs instead. 4 of them
are the same, but  the rest is changed. (If of any interest to any
people of Norwegian heritage. Here it comes:

[I hate to sound like Scrouge, but save your Christmas songs till next
year this is the last we publish! -wab]

100 REM

101 REM Enclosed in a program for the season.  It is based on the IBM DOS
102 REM supplementary program MUSIC.BAS.  Tunes therein have been replaced
103 REM by Christmas songs and some other features have been added.  To
104 REM get all the effects, the program should be run with the BASICA
105 REM interpreter on a system with the color/graphics adapter/monitor.
106 REM
505 REM
510 REM  Based on IBM DOS 2.0 supplementary program MUSIC.BAS
525 REM  Plays Christmas music and draws a tree, instead.
530 REM
531 REM  To get all features
535 REM    (1) Use BASICA interpreter
540 REM    (2) Use color/graphics adapter/monitor
543 REM
544 REM  Suggested .BAT
548 REM    CLS
555 REM
560 REM  Following the name of a song in the DATA section,
570 REM  input for three new variables (S,TN,TD) is added.
575 REM  These are normally set to 0,1,1.  Reset S to change key,
580 REM  or reset TN,TD to change tempo.  See line 1545 and 1546.
585 REM
590 REM  For faster loading, SAVE without the ,a switch
595 REM
610 REM
920  DIM M(88),O(70)
975 DEF SEG: POKE 106,0
1010 KEY OFF:SCREEN 0,1:COLOR 15,0,0:WIDTH 40:CLS:LOCATE 5,19,0
1141 ON ERROR GOTO 1148
1142 PLAY "mf"
1143 GOTO 1149
1148 RESUME 1149
1150 SCREEN 0,1:WIDTH 40:COLOR 15,1,1:CLS
1160 LOCATE 15,1:PRINT " ------------- selections -------------"
1170 LOCATE 16,1:PRINT " A-Glade jul  E-O Jul med  I-I Betlehem"
1180 LOCATE 17,1:PRINT " B-Jeg er saa F-Hellige St J-Du groenne"
1190 LOCATE 18,1:PRINT " C-Deilig er  G-Joy To The K-Saa gaar  "
1191 LOCATE 19,1:PRINT " D-Deilig him H-O Come All L-Paa laaven"
1200 COLOR 15,0
1210 FOR I=0 TO 15:FOR J=0 TO 8
1220 LOCATE 5+J,5+I*2:PRINT CHR$(219);CHR$(221);
1240 FOR I=0 TO 12:FOR J=0 TO 4
1250 IF I=2 OR I=6 OR I=9 OR I=13 THEN 1270
1260 LOCATE 5+J,8+I*2:PRINT CHR$(32);CHR$(222);
1280 FOR J=0 TO 9
1290 LOCATE 4+J,4:COLOR 4,0:PRINT CHR$(221);:LOCATE 4+J,36:COLOR 15,0
1300 PRINT CHR$(221);:COLOR 4,1:PRINT CHR$(221);
1310 NEXT
1320 COLOR 4,1:LOCATE 4,4
1330 FOR I=0 TO 32:PRINT CHR$(219);:NEXT
1340 PRINT CHR$(221);:LOCATE 13,4
1350 FOR I=0 TO 32:PRINT CHR$(219);:NEXT
1360 PRINT CHR$(221);:COLOR 0,7
1370 FOR I=7 TO 88:M(I) =  36.8*(2^(1/12))^(I-6):NEXT
1380 FOR I=0 TO 6:M(I) = 32767:NEXT
1390 O(0) = 0
1400 O(39)=5:O(40)=7:O(41)=8:O(42)=9
1410 O(43)=10:O(44)=11:O(45)=13:O(46)=14
1420 O(47)=15:O(48)=16:O(49)=17:O(50)=18
1430 O(51)=19:O(52)=21:O(53)=22:O(54)=23
1440 O(55)=24:O(56)=25:O(57)=27:O(58)=28
1450 O(59)=29:O(60)=30:O(61)=31:O(62)=32
1460 O(63)=33:O(64)=35:O(65)=36:O(66)=37
1470 O(67)=38:O(68)=39:O(69)=40:O(70)=42
1480 GOTO 1630
1490 READ J,K
1500 CMD$ = INKEY$:IF CMD$="" THEN 1540
1520 POKE 106,0
1530 REM
1540 IF J = -1  THEN RETURN
1545 IF J>0 THEN J=J+S
1546 K=(K*TN)/TD
1550 Q = O(J)
1560 IF J>64 OR J<39 THEN 1590
1570 IF SCREEN(5,Q)<>32 THEN COLOR 0,7
1575 LOCATE 11,Q:PRINT CHR$(14);:COLOR 15,0:GOTO 1590
1580 COLOR 15,0:LOCATE 7,Q:PRINT CHR$(14);:COLOR 0,7
1595 SOUND 32767,1
1600 IF J>64 OR J<39 THEN 1490
1610 IF SCREEN(5,Q) = 32 THEN COLOR 15,0:LOCATE 7,Q:PRINT CHR$(32);:GOTO 1490
1620 COLOR 15,0:LOCATE 11,Q:PRINT CHR$(219);:GOTO 1490
1630 LOCATE 21,5:PRINT "                                ";
1650 IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN 1650
1660 CMD$=INKEY$:IF CMD$="" THEN 1660
1670 IF CMD$=CHR$(27)  THEN 1860
1680 IF CMD$="A" OR CMD$="a" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 4000:GOTO 1770
1690 IF CMD$="B" OR CMD$="b" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 4100:GOTO 1770
1700 IF CMD$="C" OR CMD$="c" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 3700:GOTO 1770
1710 IF CMD$="D" OR CMD$="d" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 4300:GOTO 1770
1720 IF CMD$="E" OR CMD$="e" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 3500:GOTO 1770
1730 IF CMD$="F" OR CMD$="f" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 3200:GOTO 1770
1740 IF CMD$="G" OR CMD$="g" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 3600:GOTO 1770
1750 IF CMD$="H" OR CMD$="h" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 3900:GOTO 1770
1755 IF CMD$="I" OR CMD$="i" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 4500:GOTO 1770
1757 IF CMD$="J" OR CMD$="j" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 3300:GOTO 1770
1761 IF CMD$="K" OR CMD$="k" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 4400:GOTO 1770
1765 IF CMD$="L" OR CMD$="l" THEN S$= "":RESTORE 4600:GOTO 1770
1769 GOTO 1640
1770 PRINT " ";CMD$
1780 READ D
1800 READ S$:LOCATE 23,1+(40.5-LEN(S$))/2
1805 COLOR 15,4:PRINT S$;:COLOR 0,7
1807 SOUND 21767,12:SOUND 32767,1:READ S,TN,TD
1810 GOSUB 1490
1820 S$=STRING$(39," "):LOCATE 23,1:COLOR 4,1:PRINT S$:COLOR 0,7
1830 GOTO 1630
1840 END
1860 SCREEN 0,1:COLOR 7,0,0:CLS:GOSUB 6000:GOSUB 7000:SYSTEM
3200 DATA -2,"DEN HELLIGE STAD",0,1,1
3210 DATA 0,24,45,12,45,9,45,3, 48,21,48,3,50,9,50,3,46,9,50,3
3215 DATA 53,24,48,6,0,3,48,3,45,9,43,3, 41,12,45,9,46,3,48,12,46,9,43,3
3220 DATA 41,36,0,12
3225 DATA 0,24,45,12,45,9,45,3, 48,21,48,3,50,9,50,3,46,9,50,3
3230 DATA 53,24,48,6,0,3,48,3,46,9,45,3, 52,12,48,9,50,3,52,12,55,1,53,9,52,3
3235 DATA 45,24,0,18,48,6
3240 DATA 48,12,50,12,43,12,48,12, 50,9,48,3,53,9,45,3,50,12,48,9,48,3
3245 DATA 48,12,50,12,43,12,48,12, 50,9,48,3,53,9,45,3,48,18,0,6
3250 DATA 53,36,52,9,50,3, 52,36,52,12, 55,33,50,3,50,9,50,3
3255 DATA 53,24,53,12,0,6,53,6, 57,42,48,6, 53,36,52,9,50,3
3260 DATA 48,24,48,9,48,3,50,9,48,3, 48,36,53,12, 55,36,0,6,48,6
3265 DATA 57,36,55,12, 53,24,52,12,53,9,55,3, 53,36
3270 DATA -1,-1
3351 DATA 40,12, 49,18, 45,12, 50,18, 49, 6, 47,12, 52,18
3352 DATA 54, 6, 52,12, 49,24, 45,12, 54,18, 52,12, 52,18
3353 DATA 50, 6, 49,12, 47,18, 42,12, 45,12, 44,12
3354 DATA 40,12, 49,18, 45,12, 50,18, 49, 6, 47,12, 52,18
3355 DATA 49,12, 47,18, 52,12, 54,18, 45,12, 44,12, 47,12, 52,12, 52,12
3356 DATA 56,12, 54,12, 54,12, 52,18
3357 DATA 40,12, 44,18, 45,12, 49,18, 47, 6, 46,12, 47,18, 49,12
3358 DATA 52,12, 50,12, 47,12, 49,18, 49,12, 49,18
3359 DATA 50, 6, 49,12, 49,18, 50,12, 54,12, 52,12
3360 DATA 50,12, 49,24, 47,24, 52,24, 45,12, 49,24, 47,24, 45,32
3370 DATA -1,-1
3500 DATA -2,"O JUL MED DIN GLEDE",0,1,1
3501 DATA 40, 6, 47, 6, 47, 3, 47, 3, 44, 6, 40, 3, 40, 3, 49, 6, 49, 3, 49, 3,
 47, 9
3502 DATA 47, 6, 52, 6, 47, 3, 44, 3, 44, 6, 47, 3, 44, 3, 42,12, 40,12
3503 DATA 40, 6, 47, 6, 47, 3, 47, 3, 44, 6, 40, 3, 40, 3, 49, 6, 49, 3, 49, 3,
 47, 9
3504 DATA 47, 6, 52, 6, 47, 3, 44, 3, 44, 6, 47, 3, 44, 3, 42,12, 40,12
3505 DATA 52, 6, 51, 1, 51, 1, 52, 1, 54, 3, 51, 3, 47, 6
3506 DATA 52, 6, 51, 3, 52, 3, 54, 3, 51, 3, 47, 6
3507 DATA 52, 6, 51, 6, 49, 6, 47, 6, 45, 6, 44, 6, 42, 6, 40, 6
3508 DATA 44, 6, 42, 3, 44, 3, 45, 3, 49, 3, 47, 6, 45, 3
3509 DATA 39, 6, 42,12, 40, 12
3510 DATA 44, 6, 42,12, 40, 12
3590 DATA -1,-1
3600 DATA -2,"JOY TO THE WORLD",0,1,1
3610 DATA 54,10,53,7,51,2, 49,15,47,5, 46,10,44,10, 42,15,49,5, 51,15,51,5
3620 DATA 53,15,53,5, 54,30,54,5, 54,5,53,5,51,5,49,5, 49,7,47,2,46,5,54,5
3630 DATA 54,5,53,5,51,5,49,5, 49,7,47,2,46,5,46,5, 46,5,46,5,46,5,46,2,47,2
3640 DATA 49,15,47,2,46,2, 44,5,44,5,44,5,44,2,46,2, 47,15,46,2,44,2
3650 DATA 42,5,54,10,51,5, 49,7,47,2,46,5,47,5, 46,10,44,10, 42,20
3670 DATA -1,-1
3700 DATA -2,"DEILIG ER JORDEN",0,1,1
3701 DATA 40,24, 40,12, 40,12, 42,12, 39,12, 40,24
3702 DATA 44,12, 44,12, 44,12, 44,12, 45,12, 42,12, 44,24
3703 DATA 47,24, 52,12, 49,12, 47,24, 45,12, 44,12, 45,24, 44,24, 42,32
3704 DATA 47,24, 49,12, 47,12, 47,12, 44,12, 45,24
3705 DATA 45,24, 47,12, 45,12, 45,12, 42,12, 44,12, 0,1
3706 DATA 44,12, 44,12, 44,12, 47,12, 45,12, 44,24, 42,24, 40,32
3810 DATA -1,-1
3900 DATA -2,"O COME, ALL YE FAITHFUL",0,1,1
3910 DATA 49,8, 49,16,44,8,49,8, 51,16,44,16, 53,8,51,8,53,8,54,8
3920 DATA 53,16,51,8,49,8, 49,16,48,8,46,8, 48,8,49,8,51,8,53,8
3930 DATA 48,16,46,12,44,4, 44,32, 56,16,54,8,53,8
3940 DATA 54,16,53,16, 51,8,53,8,49,8,51,8, 48,12,46,4,44,8,49,8
3950 DATA 49,8,48,8,49,8,51,8, 49,16,44,8,53,8
3960 DATA 53,8,51,8,53,8,54,8, 53,16,51,8,53,8, 54,8,53,8,51,8,49,8
3970 DATA 48,16,49,8,54,8, 53,16,51,12,49,4, 49,24
3990 DATA -1,-1
4010 DATA 47,18, 49, 6, 47,12, 44,36, 47,18, 49,6, 47,12, 44,36
4020 DATA 54,24, 54,12, 51,36, 52,24, 52,12, 47,36
4030 DATA 49,24, 49,12, 52,18, 51, 6, 49,12, 47,18, 49, 6, 47,12, 44,24, 0,12
4040 DATA 49,24, 49,12, 52,18, 51, 6, 49,12, 47,18, 49, 6, 47,12, 44,24, 0,12
4050 DATA 54,24, 54,12, 57,18, 54, 6, 51,12, 52,36, 56,24, 0,12
4060 DATA 52,18, 47, 6, 44,12, 47,18, 45, 6, 42,12, 40,72
4080 DATA -1,-1
4101 DATA 40,12, 45,18, 45,12, 49,18, 47, 6, 45,12, 44,18, 45,12, 47,24
4102 DATA 40,12, 47,18, 49,12, 50,18, 49, 6, 47,12, 49,24
4103 DATA 40,12, 45,18, 45,12, 49,18, 47, 6, 45,12, 44,18, 42,12, 50,24
4104 DATA 47,12, 45,18, 45,12, 44,18, 42, 6, 44,12, 45,24
4200 DATA -1,-1
4301 DATA 40, 6, 42, 6, 44, 6, 45, 6, 47, 6, 52, 6, 47,12
4302 DATA 49,12, 47, 3, 45, 6, 44, 6, 47, 6, 47, 6, 42, 12
4303 DATA 42,12, 44, 3, 45, 6, 42, 6, 44,12, 45, 3, 47, 6, 44, 6
4304 DATA 42,12, 44, 3, 45, 6, 42, 6, 44,12, 45, 3, 47, 6, 44, 6
4305 DATA 47, 6, 52, 6, 47, 6, 44, 6, 45, 6, 42, 6, 44, 12
4306 DATA 47, 6, 52, 6, 47, 6, 44, 6, 49,12, 47,12, 40, 32
4390 DATA -1,-1
4401 DATA 47,6,47,3,49,3,47,6,47,3,49,3
4402 DATA 47,6,47,3,45,3,44,12
4403 DATA 45,6,45,3,44,3,42,12
4404 DATA 47,6,47,3,45,3,44,12
4405 DATA 47,6,47,3,49,3,47,6,47,3,49,3
4406 DATA 47,6,47,3,45,3,44,12
4407 DATA 45,6,42,3,42,3,47,6
4408 DATA 45,3,39,3,42,12,40,12,0,12
4411 DATA 47,6,47,3,49,3,47,6,47,3,49,3
4412 DATA 47,6,47,3,45,3,44,12
4413 DATA 45,6,45,3,44,3,42,12
4414 DATA 47,6,47,3,45,3,44,12
4415 DATA 47,6,47,3,49,3,47,6,47,3,49,3
4416 DATA 47,6,47,3,45,3,44,12
4417 DATA 45,6,42,3,42,3,47,6
4418 DATA 45,3,39,3,42,12,40,12
4490 DATA -1,-1
4500 DATA -2,"I BETLEHEM",0,1,1
4501 DATA 47, 6, 52, 6, 47, 6, 49, 6
4502 DATA 47, 6, 47, 9, 45, 3, 44, 6
4503 DATA 47, 6, 47, 9, 45, 3, 44, 6
4504 DATA 56, 6, 54, 6, 51, 6, 47, 6, 52, 6, 49, 9, 51, 3, 47, 6
4505 DATA 47, 6, 54, 9, 52, 3, 51, 6, 52, 6, 56,12, 54,12, 52,12
4590 DATA -1,-1
4601 DATA  0, 4, 40, 6, 45, 4, 44, 2, 45, 4, 47, 2, 49, 4, 47, 2, 49, 4, 50, 2,
 54, 6
4602 DATA 52, 6, 52, 9, 49, 3, 52, 6, 50, 6, 50, 9, 47, 3, 50, 6, 49, 6, 49,12
4603 DATA 40, 2, 45, 4, 44, 2, 45, 4, 47, 2, 49, 4, 47, 2, 49, 4, 50, 2, 54, 6,
 52, 6
4604 DATA 52, 9, 49, 3, 52, 6, 50, 6, 50, 4, 44, 2, 44, 4, 44, 2, 45, 6, 49, 6,
4605 DATA 45, 6, 54, 4, 52, 2, 50, 4, 49, 2, 52, 4, 50, 2, 49, 4, 47, 2, 45,12,
 42, 9
4607 DATA 45, 4, 45, 2, 43, 9, 40, 6, 47, 4, 47, 2, 45, 9, 42, 6
4608 DATA 45, 6, 54, 4, 52, 2, 50, 4, 49, 2, 52, 4, 50, 2
4609 DATA 49, 4, 47, 2, 45,12, 42, 6
4610 DATA 45, 4, 45, 2, 47, 6, 52, 6, 50, 4, 49, 2, 47, 4
4611 DATA 49, 2, 50, 6, 50, 6, 50,12
4695 DATA -1,-1
5000 REM -- "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" INTRODUCTION
5010 ON ERROR GOTO 5090
5020 SETUP$="MB O3 T136 L4"
5080 GOTO 6070
5090 RESUME 5100
5100 PRINT "Use BASICA next time"
5110 FOR I=1 TO 1000 : NEXT I
5120 GOTO 6070
6000 REM -- exit flourish
6010 ON ERROR GOTO 5090
7000 REM --- exit picture
7002 WIDTH 80 : CLS
7004 DEF SEG=0 : IF (PEEK(&H410) AND &H30)=&H30  THEN 7006
7005 DISPLAY$="color": SCREEN ,,1,0: COLOR 0,7: CLS: LOCATE 1,1,0: GOTO 7010
7006 DISPLAY$="mono" : LOCATE 10,12,0
7007 PRINT "You should ask Santa for a color display this Christmas."
7008 FOR I=1 TO 1000 : NEXT I
7010 STAR$=CHR$(15): TRUNK$=CHR$(219): LEAF$=CHR$(14): FILL$=CHR$(177)
7015 BOTR=24: BOTC=40: WIDE=20
7020 COLOR 6,0 : FOR J = 0 TO 2
7030 IF DISPLAY$="mono" THEN LOCATE 10,12,0: FOR I= 1 TO 60: PRINT " ";:NEXT I
7035 BOTR=BOTR-3
7040 FOR I=BOTR TO 2 STEP -1
7048 COLOR 4,7 : PRINT LEAF$;
7052 COLOR 4,7 : PRINT LEAF$;
7065 LOCATE 1,1,0 : COLOR ,,7 : IF DISPLAY$="color" THEN SCREEN ,,1,1
7070 CMD$=INKEY$:  IF CMD$="" THEN 7070
7072 IF DISPLAY$="color" THEN SCREEN ,,0,0 : COLOR 7,0,0


Date: Mon 22 Dec 86 12:00:14-EST
Subject: PcJr Accessories

  There are sources of 'sidecars' around but you would be a lot 
better of going with the upper limit (640k) offered by  either
racore or quadram (same unit, different brands).  I have this setup 
and I like it.  It includes a second disk drive, second parallel port
(for a total of two if you already have one), 640k, etc.  It seems 
like a good system but one feels a little taken when one wants to add
a hard drive to the setup and finds his system only supports racore hard 
drives that are priced right out of the hard drive ceiling.  I was 
under the impression that PcJr owners were conservative investors.


Date: Mon, 22 Dec 86 09:32:31 pst
From: Ernie Meri <hoptoad.UUCP!leadsv!meri@cgl.ucsf.edu>
Subject: PCjr Accessories

There are side car memory expansions available from IBM still--but
third party expansions are better! The side cars require and
additional power supply and then you also would be needing more
than one to get a full 640k. The expansion I installed was
"internal" memory to 640k, no power supply, AST clock and an
increase of computer speed by two-fold for only $150. If you are
interested, I can find the name of the company I bought it from.
Send me E-mail. Ernie....


Date: 22 Dec 1986 13:22:06-EST
From: wyzansky@NADC
Subject: PCjr Accessories

With regard to PCJr expansion, IBM is having a big sale on memory
expansion and software/hardware for the Jr.  I don't need more memory
myself, but I am getting accessories such as a joystick and serial
adaptor cables at quite low prices.  Check with IBM, but do
it quickly because the sale ends 31 December.
TECMAR makes a sidecar multifunction board with clock/calendar, 128K
and a parallel port called the JrCaptain.  They also have boards for
more memory expansion.  I saw it advertised by 47th St. Photo in PC World
a couple of months back - I don't know if they still carry it.  You
could also check with TECMAR themselves.
RACORE put out an expansion unit for the junior consisting of a second
360K floppy disk drive and a board with 128K and slots for another 256K.
I put it together in about 15 minutes and put in chips that I got mail
order.  It has been running without any troubles at all.  I got it
at a department store that was closing out it's computer store so I
don't know if it is still made.  It may be in the mail order ads or
you may have to go directly to Racore.
Harold Wyzansky  (wyzansky@nadc.ARPA)


Date:     Mon, 22 Dec 86  16:45 EST
Subject: Orchid 286E

I would like to know if anyone out there have tried the
Orchid 286E board in an XT with 360k drive, 1.2Mb drive and a 20Mb
hard drive with a 384k Quad Board.
Please address info to:
BITNET ekzms@cunyvm
ARPA:  ekzms%cunyvm.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu
Phone: 212-598-4734
mail: E. Katz
      Dept. of Neurology
      Mt. Sinani Medical Center
      Box 1135
      Annenberg Bld. Rm. 21-74
      NYC NY 10029


Date: 22 Dec 86 18:49 +0330
From: Martyn Quigley <martyn%garfield.mun.cdn%ubc.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Genealogical Software

A friend has been accumulating genealogical information on her family
going back about 300 years. Does there exist any software which could help
organise/maintain such a data base? In fact any software of a general
genealogical nature would be of interest.

Any help, please, to        martyn@garfield.mun.cdn


Martyn Quigley


Date:     Fri, 19 Dec 86 21:03 EST
From:     LBAFRIN%clemson.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET
To:       info-ibmpc@C.ISI.EDU
Subject:  Need Help re Data Xfer from CPT 8000

Hello, netland.  I need some bright ideas concerning a tricky data
communications problem.  An associate of mine has been doing his word
processing work for many years on a dedicated word processor, a CPT
8000 with 2 8-inch floppy drives and a CPT Rotary VIII daisy wheel
printer (40 cps, actually just a Ricoh printer with a CPT nameplate,
I think).  Now he wants to convert to a PC-based system, but
transferring the data from the CPT to the PC will be a problem.
Never mind the CPT data format -- translation programs can be written
for the PC.  The problem is the hardware link.  CPT dealers
apparently want about $1000 for the serial card and comm software to
transfer CPT data files RS-232C/ASCII style down the line to a
receptive device (e.g., a serial port on a PC).  I think that's an
outrageous price for a simple card and a dumb terminal program.  I
was trying to think of some other way to make the transfer without
paying the $1000, and all I can think of is somehow using the 50-pin
printer cable coming out of the CPT to route the data to the PC.  I
was thinking this would need a parallel-to- serial converter, but it
struck me that "parallel" usually means Centronics 37-pin parallel.
Do 50-pin parallel-to-serial converters exist?  Is this a totally
bass-ackwards attempt to make this transfer?  Is spending a $1000 the
only way to solve this problem?  Will Mary leave John for an affair
with the priest?  Tune in next week...  Seriously, any advice would
be greatly appreciated.  Please send replies directly to me.

                                        -- Larry Afrin
                                           Dept. of Computer Science
                                           Clemson University

Please send replies, if any, to:
CSNET:  lbafrin@clemson.csnet or lbafrin%eureka@clemson.csnet
ARPA:   lbafrin@tecnet-clemson.arpa
USENET: ihnp4!seismo!{clemson.csnet|tecnet-clemson.arpa}!lbafrin


Date: Tue, 23 Dec 86 14:29:59 O
Subject: GDDM

Is there a version of GDDM that runs on a PC?  Has anyone used GDT (Graphics
Development Toolkit) from IBM?  What can you say about it?  Are graphs
portable between GDDM on a mainframe and the PC?



Date: Sat, 20-Dec-86 13:32:45 est
From: David Farber <farber%pcpond.pc.udel.edu@Louie.UDEL.EDU>
Subject: Printer Spooler That Will Run out of Extended Memory

Anyone know of a printer spooler that will run out of IBM (Like) AT
extended memory.


Date: Sat, 20 Dec 86 21:14:16 EST
From: Larry_Gauthier@um.cc.umich.edu
Subject: Where is Phil Burns Author of PIBTERM

The latest INFO_IBM DIGEST spoke about people having trouble locating
Phil Burns, the author of PIBTERM.  I sent him a check in June, and
have never heard from him (no, he didn't cash the check..)  Is there
a good address where I can reach him??


Date: 22 Dec 86 09:36:00 EST
From: "MAGBANUA, SYLVIA" <sylvia@ari-hq1.ARPA>
Subject: DBASEIII problem

Did anyone ever encountered a problem like this one.  We are running version
1.1, under DOS version 2.0, using Zenith 248, and is experiencing problems
entering data in a database with 27 fieldnames.  Every now and then, I cannot
go further down the rest of the fields, I get stuck after entering data in the
21st field.  The thing is it is not consistent.  I can go ahead and enter data
in the next few records without any problem, then the problem will just happen
again.  Any solution that you can recommend?  Or is this really a software
problem?  Also, is there another number to call DBASE other that the numbers
on the reference guides that are always busy?


Date: Mon, 22 Dec 86 10:53:28 EST
From:  Andres Echenique <aecheniq@VAX.BBN.COM>
To: tcp-ip@SRI-NIC.ARPA
Subject: TCP/IP Implementations for XENIX/VENIX 

I am interested in learning about people's experiences with using either the
Wollongong TCP/IP software or the Network Research Corp's Fusion product for
TCP/IP on an IBM PC-AT.  Experiences with other networking software for the
AT/XENIX environment are also appreciated.  In particular, comments on these
product supporting ports of UNIX network applications to the AT/XENIX
environment would be appreciated.




Organization: The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, Mass.
Subject: Mitsubishi Digitizer
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 86 10:36:56 EST
From: Mark H. Granoff <mhg@mitre-bedford.ARPA>

I am looking for information regarding a digitizer produced by
Mitsubishi.  All that I know is that they make one.  Any and all
information about the product would be appreciated.

I would like to know what it costs (obviosuly).  I would like to know
if it requires any special software or hardware (other than itself) to
run on the PC.  Also, I am interested in attaching this to a PC clone
(specifically, the "Standard PC") - is it possible?

Thanks in advance for any information.

Mark H. Granoff


Date: 23 Dec 1986 10:02-CST

We would be interested in any information obtained on the "utility"
(Simulate CGA with Hercules Mono Card) described in the reference issue.

Thanks - have a Blessed Christmas,

Bob Devonshire (RMD1)


From: Dan Gold <sun!sunncal!leadsv!dan@decwrl.DEC.COM>
Date: 23 Dec 86 06:10:07 GMT
Subject: PC/IX Hard-Cards PC/VI
Organization: Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, Inc., Sunnyvale, Ca.

A few questions...

1) Does anyone out there run PC/IX on their PC?  If so, what is your
opinion of it?  Is it a good implimentation of UNIX?  What are its
deficiencies?  What kind of system performance can I expect (I have a
standard IBM PC)?  How much of the hard-disk does it take and can DOS
co-exist with it on the same disk?  Will it support running DOS

2) Have any of you using PC/IX (if there are any such people) attempted
to install it on a hard-card (any brand)?  Are there any compability

3) Does anyone have the program PC/VI, a supposedly *true*
implimentation of UNIX VI, made by Custom Software Solutions?  It runs
under MS/PC-DOS.  What do you think of it?

Dan Gold
Lockheed Missiles & Space Company, Inc. 

UUCP: ...!{atlas1, cae780, cfcl, endotsew, esl,
          excelan, hhb, hoptoad, krent, lll-lcc,
          mycroft, rtgvax, scampi, sunncal, tdms2}!leadsv!dan

INTERNET: ucdavis!lll-lcc!leadsv!dan@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU


End of Info-IBMPC Digest
