[mod.computers.ibm-pc] Info-IBMPC Digest V6 #1

Info-IBMPC@C.ISI.EDU (Info-IBMPC Digest) (01/02/87)

Info-IBMPC Digest      Thursday, January 1, 1987      Volume 6 : Issue 1

This Week's Editor:  Eliot Moore <Elmo@C.ISI.EDU>

Today's Topics:

                       Data Xfer from CPT 8000
                        Half-Height Hard Disks
                         Z-171 INTERNAL MODEM
                            LPT2 interrupt
                             PCjr Add-Ons
        PC-based emulation of Tektronix 4107 Graphics Terminal
                      CodeView Interrupt Problem
                         Write Protect Notch
                  Genealogical Software (5 Messages)
Today's Queries:

                        XMODEM for CT wanted
                              Xenix Help
                           PcJr hard drives
                            RAM above 640K
                        MS-C  Graphics Toolbox
                          3-D Paint Package
                           Disk Duplication
                         IBM <-> Apple Disks


Date: Mon, 22 Dec 86 11:52:43 est
From: polyof!!@harvard.HARVARD.EDU

							Dennis Baer
							25 Miller Road
							Farmingdale,NY 11735

	Enclosed is information for the Structured Programming Language
for PCDOS and MS DOS. Thanks for your time.


	The Structured Programming Language is a free format PROCEDURE

and BLOCK structured programming language that runs on just about any

MSDOS computer and of course on the IBM PC family of computers. It is 

distributed as SHARE WARE and pledges and contributions are ENCOURAGED.

	The Structured Programming Language can be obtained in a number of


	1) Calling a bbs at 516 334 8221 download file SPLLIB.ARC

	2) From PC BLUE, The Library of NY PC Users group and

	   The Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey IBM PC SIG

	3) On USENET check the comp.sys.ibm.pc for announcements

	4) Fido net bbs node 1/11  302 655 6342 download file SPLLIB.ARC


	   download file SPLLIB.ARC

	   For additional questions call me at 516 694 5872.

Some major features and advantages of SPL

o SPL is an alternative to the PASCAL and C languages

o SPL programs can be run on MACINTOSH,AMIGA,ATARI ST,CP/M

o The SPL processor will run on MSDOS emulators on MACINTOSH,AMIGA,ATARI ST


o WHILE loops

o FOR loops with REAL and INTEGER indicies and increments

o REPEAT loops

o Powerful IF THEN ELSE constructs

o Powerful RANDOM and SEQUENTIAL INPUT/OUTPUT included formatted OUTPUT


o BEGIN END blocks

o ERROR trapping

o Statement labels (multiple labels supported)

o Strong data types INTEGER REAL STRING scalars and arrays

o Names of variables and labels up to 40 characters upper and lower case

o Supports mathematical functions SIN COS TAN LOG EXP ..... 

o STRING functions MID$ LEFT$ RIGHT$ STR$ VAL$ ASC$ .....

o Your compiled BASIC programs do not become obsolete link them together

o SPL programs run faster than PASCAL programs

o SPL programs can take advantage of an entire 640k IBM PC

o The SPL processor will work on an IBM PCjr with 128k and 1 drive 

The following is a sample program written in SPL:

          This program will plot a set of points in three 
          dimensions using the high resolution graphics.   ;

  REAL extent,vx,vy,topx,topy;
  REAL ARRAY x(500),y(500),z(500);
  INTEGER limit,i;

  PROCEDURE Plotter;
   COMMENT This procedure scales and plots the points on
           the computer screen. ;

   REAL maxx,maxy,minx,miny,difx,dify;

   maxx := -1*10^30; maxy := maxx; minx := 1*10^30; miny := minx;
   topx := 639; topy := 200;

   FOR i := 1 STEP 1 UNTIL limit DO
    IF x(i) >= maxx THEN maxx := x(i);
    IF x(i) <= minx THEN minx := x(i);
    IF y(i) >= maxy THEN maxy := y(i);
    IF y(i) <= miny THEN miny := y(i);

   COMMENT The maximum and minimum x and y values are computed. ;

   difx := maxx-minx; dify := maxy-miny;

   FOR i := 1 STEP 1 UNTIL limit DO
    x(i) := ((x(i)-minx)/difx)*topx;
    y(i) := ((y(i)-miny)/dify)*topy;


  PROCEDURE Convert_3D_to_2D;

   COMMENT This procedure converts 3 dimensional coordinates to
           2 dimensional coordinates.                           ;

   REAL cosine_45,sine_45;

   cosine_45 := COS((45.*3.14159)/180.);
   sine_45 := SIN((45.*3.14159)/180.);

   FOR i := 1 STEP 1 UNTIL limit DO
    x(i) := x(i) + (extent-y(i))*cosine_45;
    y(i) := z(i) + (extent-y(i))*sine_45;


  COMMENT This is the start of the main program. ;



  INPUT('Enter the scale factor:' @ extent); HOME;
  OUTPUT('.... WAIT ....');

  IF extent < 0 THEN GO Finish;
  FOR vx := -1. STEP .1 UNTIL 1. DO
   FOR vy := -1. STEP .1 UNTIL 1. DO
    x(i) := vx; y(i) := vy; z(i) := SQR(2.-vx^2-vy^2); i := i+1;

  COMMENT Points have been computed,now set up axes. ;

  x(i+1) := extent; y(i+1) := 0; z(i+1) := 0;
  x(i+2) := -extent; y(i+2) := 0; z(i+2) := 0;
  x(i+3) := 0; y(i+3) := extent; z(i+3) := 0;
  x(i+4) := 0; y(i+4) := -extent; z(i+4) := 0;
  x(i+5) := 0; y(i+5) := 0; z(i+5) := extent;
  x(i) := 0; y(i) := 0; z(i) := -extent;
  limit := i+5;




  OUTPUT( DATE$ + ' ' + TIME$ );

  LINE (x(i+1),topy-y(i+1)) - (x(i+2),topy-y(i+2)),7;
  LINE (x(i+3),topy-y(i+3)) - (x(i+4),topy-y(i+4)),7;
  LINE (x(i),topy-y(i)) - (x(i+5),topy-y(i+5)),7;

  Busy: IF INKEY$ = '' THEN GO TO Busy;
        ELSE GO TO Start_plot;



Subject: Data Xfer from CPT 8000
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 86 08:51:35 -0500
From: edelheit@mitre-gateway.arpa (Jeff Edelheit)

Larry - Has your friend looked at using the Keyword word processing
conversion box?  It takes both 8" and 5.25" disks and will convert the
documents from word processor format A to word processor format B.
Thus, if your friend knew which PC-based word processor that he/she
would be using, the files could be directly converted.

While the Keyword box itself is expensive (about $8000), I am sure
that there are a number of service bureaus that would do the conversion
and at a reasonable cost. 

If you need more information, drop me a note.
Jeff Edelheit           (edelheit@mitre-gateway.arpa)
The MITRE Corporation,  1820 Dolley Madison Blvd.
McLean, VA  22102       (703) 883-7586


Date: Wed, 24 Dec 86 09:27:55 est
From: decvax!ittatc!ittvax!jeffd@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Jeff Denenberg)
Subject: Half-Height Hard Disks

This is in response to Bill Wilder's request for information on half heigth,
high perfoformance hard disk drives for pcs. All of the drives listed below
will work with the Adaptec 2070a RLL controller to give a 50% increase in
capacity ( and read/write speed ). All prices are comparable for capacity
and discounts are available through distributors.

Available now:

    Microscience HH1050 - 5.25 winchester, lists at ~$1300, 42MB(66MB with RLL)
    Seagate ST251       - 5.25 winchester, 42MB MFM only (see ST277 for RLL
Available this spring:
     Rodime 3000 series  - 3.5 winchester, 45 and 55 MB unformatted MFM
     Rodime 5000 series  - 5.25 winchester, 40, 60, & 90 MB unform. MFM
     Seagate ST277       - 5.25 winchester, 66 MB with RLL only


Date: 24 Dec 1986 10:56-CST

James A. Danowski asked how to get the Z-171 internal modem to work YTERM.

To use the modem with other software you must first set the modem to external.

	1) Go to the World Map
	2) Select  Set-up
	3) Using the arrow keys move the cursor to the Modem Block
	4) Change Internal to External

This will make the internal modem Com Port 2, and the serial port Com-1

Now just set your program to Com2 and use the standard Hayes AT command
set. (ie ATTD 555-1212  to dial with tones)

I use Kermit with the following in the MSKERMIT.INI file:

	SET BAUD 1200

Note the port must be set before the baud rate.

Hope this answers your question.

Marc Frederick  


Date:     Fri, 26 Dec 86 10:08 EST
Subject:  SIMCGA

From the mail I've been getting, it appears that many copies of
the info-ibmpc digest omitted the author's name from my SIMCGA
writeup.  Well, here it is again.  Again, I suggest you contact
the author for a copy of the program.  I don't have the source,
and I can't ship binary except to a VAX/VMS site on BITNET.

                                        B. Svetitsky

    SIMCGA - Simulate CGA with Hercules Monochrome Card

This memory-resident utility allows you to "fool" most software requiring
a Color Graphics Adapter into using your Hercules (or compatible) mono-
chrome adapter in the graphics mode.  Graphics images are reproduced
in normal aspect ratio, using as much of the available screen area as
is possible.

Quite a few programs have been tested, including Flight Simulator, PC-CAD,
BASICA and some games with no hitches.

        Written in September 1986 by
            Chuck Guzis
            153 North Murphy Ave.
            Sunnyvale, CA  94086
                        --excerpted from documentation


Date: Mon, 29 Dec 86 12:41:55 EST
From: Chris Schmandt <geek@MEDIA-LAB.MEDIA.MIT.EDU>
Subject: LPT2 interrupt

In the last digest, it was mentioned that it may not be possible
to run a (parallel) printer under interrupts.  Indeed, the Bios
does not, nor does Dos.  A couple of observations:

1) If you have some other device that wants to use that interrupt,
just disable interrupts on the printer (the normal case, I believe)
and use it.  Since no one else uses it to print, you win.

2) The real problem with interrupt driven printer drivers boils down
to how the interrupt signal gets generated.  From the printer's point
of view, all it does is raise (or is it lower??  it has been a long
time) the "ack" line.  In fact, it does this as a rather short
pulse.  On the parallel interface, the interrupt is generated from signal
*level*, rather than transition, and the pulse from the printer is
not latched.  Turns out the pulse is so short as it make it
probably not possible to guarantee detection of all interrupts
(i.e., new int comes in before the interrupt controller is reset
and so the new int gets lost).  I eventually gave up on writing an
interrupt driven printer driver.  This suggests that care be
given to any device being built to use the parallel port to
make sure the "ack" pulse is long enough.



Date: Mon, 29 Dec 86 17:42:32 EST
From: ANDERSEN <sigurd@vax1.acs.udel.edu>
Subject: PCjr Add-Ons

I recently purchased a "jrHOTSHOT Multi-function Upgrade Plug-in" from
ES Quality Products, 5311 Mango Blossom Ct., San Jose, CA 95123 (408)
224-5574.  The jrHOTSHOT is a small circuit board that plugs INSIDE the
PCjr (take out the internal disk drive, unplug the 8088 processor, plug
in the jrHOTSHOT, plug the 8088 into the jrHOTSHOT, replace the disk
drive - actually not difficult, took me under 30 minutes, as I recall).
It comes with 256K or 512K of additional memory and can have neither,
one or both of two options - a real-time clock and a diskette controller.
The diskette controller has a cable that then attaches to an external
diskette drive (or two external drives, if you so desire).  Prices range
from $149 for a 256K board to $269 for 512K, clock and disk controller.

I'm pleased with my purchase.  I got the diskette controller, but have
not yet attached a diskette drive.  Everything else (512K and clock)
works fine.  Comes with a "60-day money-back 'full satisfaction' trial
period" and 2 years' guarantee against material defects.  Needs no ex-
ternal power supply for the jrHOTSHOT; external diskette drive(s) would,
of course, require their own power supply.  I have no connection with
ES Quality Products except as a satisfied customer.


Date: 29 December 86 09:49-PST
Subject: PC-based emulation of Tektronix 4107 Graphics Terminal

The rumour that I hear is that Tektronix(!) is about to announce
both a software-based solution, and a hardware-based (single board) solution.


Date: Thu 1 Jan 87 00:58:29-EST
From: John Romkey <ROMKEY@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU>
Subject: CodeView Interrupt Problem

I ran into an interesting problem with Microsoft's CodeView, the symbolic
source debugger that came with their 4.0 version of C. I thought a few
people out there might be interested.

I had a fragment of assembly code that was enabling an interrupt at
the interrupt controller. It looked something like this:

	mov	dx,[intc_port]
	in	al,dx
	and	al,[int_mask]
	out	dx,al

The idea was to read the current value of the interrupt controller's
mask, mask another interrupt on, and write the value back out.

While I was single stepping through the code with Codeview, I found that
AL got loaded with 0xFF, which was absurd. All the interrupts were disabled!
I tried doing an input from the interrupt controller mask register by
hand, and got something like 0x89. Both before *and* after single
stepping through the IN instruction. Finally, I put a breakpoint after
the code and just ran through it and found that the IN instruction did get
the right value. Alas.

It looks to me that while single stepping over an instruction, CodeView
disables all the interrupts at the interrupt controller.

This problem caused a lot of confusion for a fair amount of time, as I
was trying to find out why a particular piece of code broke when I converted
to Microsoft C 4.0 (I figured out why later; something to do with an
odd symbol declaration and the linker).

Caveat debugger.

John Romkey			FTP Software, Inc.
(617) 868-4878			PO Box 150
UUCP: romkey@mit-vax.UUCP	Kendall Square Branch
ARPA: romkey@xx.lcs.mit.edu	Boston, MA, 02142


Date: Thu, 1 Jan 87 20:31:16 est
From:   Russell Nelson  <bh01%clutx.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
Subject: Write Protect Notch

Back in issue 5.072 there was a discussion of software having written
on a write-protected disk.  Apparently the user had an optical sensor
and he tried to use clear tape!  I have also had this happen, but in
my case I was sure that the sensor was mechanical.  What happened to
me was that the sensor was very sensitive, and the tape covering the
notch had a small depression, enough to enable writing to the disk.


Date: Wed, 24 Dec 86  8:30:18 GMT
From: Keith Dale <kdale@bbncc-eur.ARPA>
Subject: Genealogical Software


The program, Genealogy ON  DISPLAY  (v3.1),  is  available  from  the  SIMTEL20
archives in pd:<pc-blue.vol160>.  Since you're on CSNET and not ARPANET you may
have trouble getting it.  If you need,  I  can  e-mail  it  to  you  in  either
uuencoded  or  BOO'd  form  (I  can  also  send  you the BOO programs - they're
self-bootstrapping - all you need).  Let me know...



Date: Tue, 30 Dec 86 20:01:50 EST
From: Larry_Gauthier@um.cc.umich.edu
Subject: Genealogical Software

I have purchased several generations (pardon the pun) of Genealogy
software for both the Apple II and MS-DOS families of computers.
None of them were worth their price, until my most recent purchase
of PAF (Personal Ancestral Filer) from the Mormons - Church of the
Latter Day Saints.  This is a full-functioned, multiple environment
package (runs on Radio Shacks, Apples, MS-DOS, C/PM) which is easy
to use and sells for only $35.00!  The manual alone is worth it.
Write to the LDS, Office of the President, Salt Lake City, UT.  They
have an 800 toll-free number for orders; I called them first and
they mailed me an informational brochure and order blank.


Date: Wed, 31 Dec 86 16:49:46 est
From: Robert Montante <bobmon%iuvax.cs.indiana.edu@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Genealogical Software

(Nov/Dec '86) in an article by Tom Huber of Zenith Data Systems.  Reference:
"Roots II is available from:

2452 Embarcadero Way
Palo Alto, CA 94303
(415) 493-2184"


Date: Wed, 24 Dec 86 11:48:33 est
From: decvax!ittatc!ittvax!jeffd@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Jeff Denenberg)
Subject: Genealogical Software

The Mormon Church will provide a Geneological database package for the pc
at low cost. Your local church representatives schould be able to provide
purchase information. The Mormons also maintain an impressive archive of
geneological information as a service for use by any interested party.


From: microsof!donco@beaver.cs.washington.edu
Subject: Genealogical Software
Date: Wed Dec 24 12:08:21 1986

>  Martyn Quigley asks: A friend has been accumulating genealogical
>  information on her family going back about 300 years.  Does there exist
>  any software which could help organise/maintain such a data base?  In
>  fact any software of a general genealogical nature would be of interest.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), which sponsors the
largest private genealogical record collection in the world, also has a
record keeping program for $35.  It is called "Personal Ancestral File 2.0".
At that price their objective is clearly to break even on distribution and to
encourage genealogical research.  Their license agreement specifically
invites co-development (code is written in Microsoft C).  The program prints
pedigree charts back 99 generations, family group records, and optionally LDS
temple ordinance information.  It handles every combination and permutation
of relationship imaginable.  It is available for IBM and CP/M-80 (and maybe
others).  I use the IBM version.  It is very fast, and seems very complete.
I have about 1000 names into it, and have had no problems.  You can get
details from any LDS Branch Genealogical Library.  Contact your phonebook or
ask at your local LDS meetinghouse for directions.

I have seen other genealogical software advertised at higher prices.

Don Colton   uw-beaver!microsoft!donco


Date: Tue, 23 Dec 86 19:40:40 PST
From: crash!pnet01!scotto@nosc.ARPA (Scott O'Connell)
Subject: XMODEM for CT wanted

I am looking for XMODEM or KERMIT for a Convergent Technologies AWS
computer.  It's actually a Burroughs B21 running BTOS version 7.0.  
Any help is greatly appreciated.

-- Scott O'Connell

UUCP: [ akgua hplabs!hp-sdd sdcsvax nosc ] !crash!pnet01!scotto
ARPA: crash!pnet01!scotto@nosc


Date: Wed 24 Dec 86 08:24:06-EST
From: Mary Lou Frey <mlfrey@G.BBN.COM>
Subject: ANSI.SYS

Can anybody give me pointers on ANSI.SYS?  Why I would or would not want
it in my config.sys file?  The PC Dos 3.1 manual is VERY brief on the
subject.  Also, I presume the nansi.sys recently talked about is a 'better'
replacement for it.  True?  Thanks.

mary lou frey


Date: Wed, 24 Dec 86 20:42:59 -0200
From:  roseg%puccini.UUCP%taurus.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU  (Robert J. Segall)
Subject: Xenix Help

I'm having serious problems here trying to compile some C code on
XENIX 2.0.  The program(s) were originally written on a 4.2 bsd system
without much regard for memory usage, so they turned out pretty large.

When trying to move them over to XENIX, I had to figure out the
correct compiler flags. The most obvious was to use the Large/Huge
model; however, in this mode the compiler screams "Compiler error:
Infinite spill" or some similar garbage, and dies out on me.

After some chipping at the source, I was ready to try a Medium model
compilation. The code compiled and linked fine, but when I tried to
run the executable back came the message "Not enough core" and I was
back at square one.

I tried talking to the people at IBM, and  they  won't  even
aknowledge any problem. Their basic attitude seems to be:

(1)  We don't debug user code.

(2)  The message "Infinite spill" doesn't exist.

(3)  The "Not enough core" is produced by a  perror(3)  call
     (it isn't - not in my code anyhow; the first thing I do
     is an "fprintf(stderr, ...)").

How am I supposed to show them that this is not so _WITHOUT_ their
looking at the source code is a mystery to me to this day!

I am running on an AT with 1.5 Mb of memory and a 60 Mb Priam disk, if
that is of any help. The executable file comes to about 105 Kb text +
30 Kb data.

Thanks for your help,


P.S. - An interesting note on the Priam disk: if you  follow
the  XENIX installation instructions, you end up with 4 par-

      The BITmap   1 sector
      Xenix 1      ~18000 sectors   Xenix root + swap
      Xenix 2      ~50000 sectors   Xenix /usr
      FREE         ~30000 sectors

Now I wanted  to  put  DOS  on  the  free  partition  -  and
surprise:  the  DOS fdisk doesn't recognize the partition at

The solution: after you format the disk for XENIX, create a new file
system on the extra partition (boot from the floppy, use Xenix fdisk
to define the partition, and do an mkfs). Copy the /usr file system
there, and tell Xenix about it. Finally, delete the middle partition,
and use DOS fdisk to define it as a DOS partition. Install system
normally on C:, and you're done. All you need now is to use fdisk in
order to switch from DOS to Xenix. Magic, isn't it?


Date: Thu 25 Dec 86 16:09:25-EST
Subject: PcJr hard drives

   I have a 'Racore drive plus' with my Pcjr and I'm looking for a 20meg 
hard drive without paying to much.  I refuse to pay, say over $550.     
Can anyone tell me of any sources?


Date: Mon 29 Dec 86 10:20:58-EST
From: Mary Lou Frey <mlfrey@G.BBN.COM>
Subject: RAM above 640K

My husband and I are the proud new owners of a Leading Edge Model D (for
whatever the model number is worth--it seems to be the same for several 
machines).  It came with 512K and we put in another bank of 256K chips.
My question is: there is 128K that is unaccessible (at least by us), can
we make it accessible for a RAM disk?  We tried installing AST Superdrive
above the system memory swtches ( I presume 640K) but it said no memory
was available.  That is the curretn limit of our capabilities.  Does 
anuybody out there know of a way to make this extra 128K usable?  We are
not afraid of soldering wires if necessary and will even consider (gasp!)
buying software.  Freeware or shareware is preferable.
mary lou frey


Date:     Mon, 29 Dec 86 16:55 N
Subject:  MS-C  Graphics Toolbox

Is there anybody who knows of or has a graphics toolbox for MS-C ?  I
would prefer a public domain toolbox but of course commercial products
also have my interest.

                                                Inno Frencken
                                                Computing Centre
                                                Agricultural University
                                                Hollandseweg 1
                                                6706 KN  Wageningen
                                                The Netherlands
                                                phone: 08370-83875
                                                EARN-id: INNO
                                                EARN-node: HWALHW5


Date:     Sat, 27 Dec 1986 15:39 PST
Subject: 3-D Paint Package

    I'm looking for a paint package that has 3-D capabilities in that
it permits the definition of objects/images in three dimensions with
the ability to rotate, translate, and view the objects. I expect that
some CAD packages provide much of this, but do they have the artistic
drawing capabilities of the paint programs ? Capability is a more
important factor than price; best resolution possible  but no special
hardware other than controller cards or monitors.
  Thanks in advance, reply to the net or me directly.

   Jeffrey Sicherman
   Dept Math & Computer Science
   Cal State Long Beach


Date: Wed 31 Dec 86 14:39:14-PST
Subject: Disk Duplication

	Four times a year I find myself duplicating a package of 4 disks
for 25 people.  I am currently using Tall Tree Systems JFORMAT and JET
to format (step 1) and copy (step 2) the files.  This seems like a duplication
of effort, what I would like is one program to format and transfer the files
in one step.  In addition, it would be nice if it could write out the
contents of a disk without rereading the files.

	Does anyone know of a public domain or inexpensive program that
can duplicate multiple disks, preferably formatting at the same time?

Bill Pearson


Date: Thu, 1 Jan 87 03:30:53 est
From:   Comp. Sci. Students' Union - Tak Ariga  <cssu@cdfc.utoronto>
Subject: IBM <-> Apple Disks.

> Does anyone know of any software that would run on an Apple II and allow
> it to read and/or write IBM PC format (5.25") disks (with a regular
> Apple drive)

What you say is impossible as far as I know.  The Apple drive heads are
larger than an IBM drive, so the Apple drives can't read/write to the
smaller tracks that the IBM format uses.  Another thing is that the IBM
is double sided, while the Apple is only Single.  IBM has 9 sector-tracks,
while the Apple has 16 sectors.

Basically, it spells incompatibility.

The only way you can write (maybe) IBM readable disks is to hook up an IBM
drive to the Apple.  You would need a special interface, which I believe are
a little hard to find.  But a friend of mine picked up a whole handful of
them today at a "junk" store...

>or which would run on an IBM PC and allow it to read and/or
> write Apple-formatted disks?  (I'm talking about software, not a
> hardware card, for instance.)

Well, no SOFTWARE could ever do what you want...  You will definately have
to get into some hardware modifications, or some special interface...
(and probably software on top of that!)

Good luck!

--Tak Ariga

UUCP:       {utzoo, decvax, ihnp4, cbosgd, utcsri, mnetor}!utcs!utcdfc!cssu
ARPAnet:    cssu%cdfc.toronto.edu@csnet-relay.arpa
CSnet:      cssu%cdfc.toronto.edu@csnet-relay.csnet

              University of Toronto -- Toronto, Canada


End of Info-IBMPC Digest