[mod.computers.ibm-pc] Info-IBMPC Digest V6 #17

Info-IBMPC@C.ISI.EDU (Info-IBMPC Digest) (03/16/87)

Info-IBMPC Digest      Sunday, March 15, 1987      Volume 6 : Issue 17

This Week's Editor: Billy Brackenridge

Today's Topics:

                        QMODEM TermEmulation
          ASM use of DISK DRIVE Abort Retry Ignore Int 13h
                 DECnet DOS Task to Task Interface
                   Turbo Graphix Toolbox (2 Msgs)
                       The Knowledge Network
                          Nonblocking I/O
                    ADDPATH.C Long Search Paths
                         Long Search Paths
                     FAT Recoveries with MACE+
                   Five Tektronix 4010 Emulators
                 Complex Arithmetic with MS Fortran
Today's Queries:
              Logic Design Reduction Development Tools
                  BASIC Source in C or ASM Wanted
                      Need Info on Zenith 248
                    Turbo Pascal Editor Problem
                     Signal Processing Package
                        Miniscribe II on AT
                            Disk Repair
                How do I use MASM with PROM Burners?
                          SIDEWAYS Problem
                   Keyboard Make and Break Codes
                         Franklin Computers
                     Need advice about Editors
                   Disk Problem with Show Partner
                     Need Help with Microsoft C


Date: Sat, 14 Mar 87 21:39:51 pst
From: well!rsl@lll-lcc.ARPA (Roy Stuart Levin)
To: ejs%acorn@oak.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: QMODEM TermEmulation

I talked to John Friels recently about QMODEM terminal emulation,
and the answer is: there isn't any at the curreng time.  He promises
me the next revision will have it.  When I need a terminal emulation
I ( for example on the Well to use the split screen "talk" utility )
I have to use procomm which is also shareware and available on most
BBSs.  The new QMODEM will be out within a few weeks, says John.
meanwhile when asked at a prompt to name a terminal emulation mode
if I am using QMODEM I answer: ansi this is a pure ascii mode ( I
think ) but you cant use "talk" or some advanced screen features.


From: unirot!tom@rutgers.edu
Date: 9 Mar 87 22:20:47 GMT
Subject: ASM use of DISK DRIVE Abort Retry Ignore Int 13h
Organization: Public Access Unix, Piscataway, NJ

		In response to Stephen King's request at how to use
		the disk drive.  

		Try the following code.

		mov	ah,4		; verify sector
		mov	al,1	; only 1
		mov	cx,1	; first sector on disk
		mov	dl,<drive number>
		mov	dh,0	; head zero
		mov	bx,200h		; not really needed
		int	13h
		cmp	ah,80h		; timeout/ not ready
		je	no_floppy
		xor	ax,ax
		; either no floppy, door  open, .
		mov	ax,-1

		Hope this helps.  

						Tom Giacchi



Date: Wednesday, 11 Mar 1987 18:44:30-PST
From: mitton%nac.DEC@decwrl.DEC.COM  (DECnet-DOS, More than a token effort)
Subject: DECnet DOS Task to Task Interface

>Info-IBMPC Digest       Tuesday, 10 March 1987      Volume 6 : Issue 16
>Date: 6  Mar 87  2:51 -0800
>From: "Ya`akov N. Miles" <bd%dac.triumf.cdn%ubc.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET>
>Subject: Digital Equipment DECNET-DOS Problems
>Has anyone had any experience with Digital Equipment's "Decnet-Dos"?
>This networking system allows an IBM-PC (compatible) to connect to
>the proprietary DECNET system thru ETHERNET.  We are experiencing the
>following problems, and are having trouble getting answers from DEC.

What techniques have you tried?  If you are under warranty or under a support
contract, you can call our Atlanta Telephone Support Center.  Otherwise
you are provided with an SPR form within the kit.  You could fill that
out and send it in.  The key to getting your problem resolved is persistance.
Contact your Sales Representative to work out your proper support channels.
> o Non-blocking reads (thru the RCVD assembly call) do not appear to
>   function as documented.  They return a false completion status,
>   and eventually cause the PC to crash, requiring a re-boot.

We have never seen such a serious problem.  In order to diagnose the cause
we would need to see a code sample or listing exhibiting the problem in
an easily reproducable situation.

Since most of the utilities in DECnet-DOS use non-blocking receives,
it is unlikely that there is a fundamental problem with the call.

It is possible that you misunderstand the function of the call.
It will return a status of either SUCCESS if data is availible on the 
socket to be read, or EWOULDBLOCK if there is no current data.

Possibly, if you set the MSG_CALLBACK bit in the io_flags argument,
you could be accidentally making an Asynchronous request and getting
an interrupt level callback upon reception of data.  

If your io_callback field is not initialized, this could explain
such a crash.  Also in this case, you would see an io_status of -2, 
indicating an operation in progress.  (this is documented in the 
DECnet-DOS V1.1 Programmer's Guide, Section 6.5, page 6-9)
> o Transmitting buffers from the PC (thru the SEND assembly call)
>   cause the first byte in the buffer to be overwritten with random
>   data.

This has never been observed either.  Please submit an example as 
described above.  The same problem is also possible.

>Does anyone else out there have any experience with Decnet-Dos? 

I would be interested in hearing about such experiences too.
Both pro or con.

>Can they add to my list of bugs?  Does anyone know how to get
>DEC to respond to and fix bugs in THEIR software?

The best way to get a fix for OUR bugs, is to submit a problem report to us.

    Dave Mitton,    DECnet-DOS Engineering,
                    Networks and Communications,
                    Digital Equipment Corp.

BTW: This was edited and mailed from my PC-AT in Littleton, Ma.


Date:     Thu, 12 Mar 87 10:59:05 EST
From:     Kenneth Van Camp -FSAC- <kvancamp@ARDEC.ARPA>
Subject:  Turbo Graphix Toolbox

	Due to requests from numerous users to get my public domain
surface modeling program (SURFMODL) running on different graphics
devices besides the IBM CGA, I have purchased the Borland Turbo
Graphix Toolbox and am now attempting to recompile the program
for the Heath/Zenith Z100, Hercules board, and EGA. Not having
access to these devices, it's a little difficult to do. I was
hoping someone could help with one or more of the problems I am
	The manual (and the files accompanying it) were a little
vague; the biggest question I have is regarding the number of colors
available. I notice that Maxforeground for the IBM CGA, for instance,
is 15.  But the problem is that, in graphics mode, you only have 4 
simultaneous colors in med-res mode and 2 colors in hi-res mode.  It appears 
that the toolbox supports only the hi-res mode on this board (or am I wrong 
about this?), and I certainly never would have realized it only had two 2 
simultaneous colors available from looking at the documentation.  So the 
question is, what are the actual number of simultaneous colors available on 
the rest of the devices?  I know the Hercules only has 2, but what is the 
Z-100?  Is it really 7 foreground, plus the background?  If you have info on 
any of the other devices supported by the Toolbox, please let me know.  
Right now here's all I have to go by: 

Hardware          # colors (simultaneous?)
CGA                 2
Hercules            2
Z-100               8
EGA                15
IBM 3270           15
AT&T 6300          15

I assume they know what they're talking about with the resolutions.
	My other question was regarding the Z-100's 7 foreground colors, 
which the manual makes a point of mentioning is limited to numbers greater 
than 0 (can't make Black the foreground color).  So how do you erase a line?  
In other words, one thing I do repeatedly in SURFMODL is draw a line (or 
point) in black, which erases whatever was under the line.
The Z-100 version won't set the foreground color to 0.  
	Actually, I already tried this using the CGA library of the toolbox,
like this:
  SetForegroundColor (0);
  DrawPoint (x, y);
This doesn't even work on the CGA. The point is always colored, not black.
(I don't know what color it is, since I'm working on a monochrome monitor.)
My dithering routines will NEVER work if I can't set a point to black.
	Finally, I sat down at an EGA system for a few minutes to try out
the version I compiled for that, and got the following message upon entering
graphics mode:
Fatal Error: graphics hardware not found or not properly activated
	The only explanation I can think of is that this EGA system doesn't
have any of the special EGA memory, and the Turbo routines are expecting
memory. Does anybody know if this is the case?

		  --Ken Van Camp <kvancamp@ARDEC.ARPA>


Date: Fri 13 Mar 87 11:33:51-EST
Subject: Turbo Graphix Toolbox


The Z-100, for most intent, has only one mode: High res grahics with
8 colors available (0-7) for both forground and background.  Text is
just so much graphics.   Of course, setting the forground and background
colors the same is not of much use, but all combinations, including
black as a forground (Black on Red, etc) are acceptable, and every point
of the 225x640 pixels of the screen can be individually set to any of
the 8 colors.   The only other mode of the Z-100 is interlace (combining
the two available video pages into one) of 640x512 in 8 colors per pixel,
but most applications set it to use 640x480 in 8 colors.   The terms
forground/background are really only of use when using the text display
calls, as all the pixels can be of any of the 8 colors and the text
calls alter an 8 by 9 area of pixels.    A neat, well designed machine...



Date: Thu, 12-Mar-87 15:42:53 est
From: David Farber <farber@UDEL.EDU>
Subject: The Knowledge Network

I just had an opportunity to try out several network units from Applied
Knowledge Groups Inc (1-800-443-1254). The specs are given below. I
have tried the interfaces on the Toshiba 1100+, a IBM AT, a Intel 386AT
(a 386 motherboard in a AT case, and a Zenith 148. The hardware worked
as advertised and the software did also. It gives you extended file
systems (you can treat other systems disk units as if they are on your)
and remote printer capabilities. All smooth, easy to use and fast.

The net devices plug into rs232 ports (no case open) and connect via
normal Radio Shack telephone extention wires.

It's low cost ($148 per connection - quanity one (of course you need
two to do anything ) and I am sure quanity and University prices are


ps -- as usual no affiliation just a very happy user

Specs: (from their literature)

Type: baseband structure. Interface to BUS via one rs232 serial board.
Background memory resident distributed network software.

Protocol: Carrier sense Multiple Access (CSMA) and Avoidance (CD/CA)
packet oriented (like ethernet)

Error checking: ack, nack, crc, automatic retry

Medium: Standard modular 4-wire telephone cable with RJ11 connectors

Data transmission speeds: up to 115,200 on IBM AT 

Max cable length: 1000 feet

Max number of PCs 6

Topology: BUS (peer to peer) no fied topology required. BUS, multidrop,
star or tree (daisy chaining not required).

Software (my wording): remote printers, restriction of disk access supported,
automatic file locking provided etc


Date: Thu, 12 Mar 87 10:17:20 EST
From: rochester!srs!dan@seismo.CSS.GOV (Dan Kegel)
Subject: Nonblocking I/O

About no-delay reads...
There is nothing stopping you from writing a device driver which can
be set into nonblocking mode via IOCTL.  The only drawback is that,
since there is no standard, every device that did it might do it differently.

- Dan Kegel (dan@srs.uucp)
[I still claim BIOS won't allow this for hard disk reads where it counts. -wab]


Date:           Thu, 12 Mar 87 10:46:05 PST
From: Jim Anderson <bilbo.jta@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: ADDPATH.C Long Search Paths

Since there seems to be a bit of interest in search paths longer than
127 characters (or whatever), here is a program that will stuff very
long path strings into command's environment.  It plays lots of dirty
tricks, and I'll not be held liable for any damage it does.

It seems to work on PC-DOS 3.1.  It probably works on PC-DOS 3.2.  It
very likely won't work on version earlier than 3.1, thus it makes a
version check.

ADDPATH adds (or removes) directories from your search path.  If you
try to add a directory that is already in the path it won't get
duplicated.  Directories need not be fully qualified in the ADDPATH
command.  They will be resolved relative to the current directory.

I don't have the time to comment or document this in a reasonable

[ADDPATH.C has been added to the INFO-IBMPC lending Library. -wab]


Date: 1987 Mar 14   17:56 EST
From: Bob Babcock   <PEPRBV%CFAAMP.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu>
Subject: Long Search Paths

I don't know if there is a limit on the length of a path, but
there certainly is a limit on the length of a command to DOS, so
you can't enter an arbitrarily long path.  I think the limit is
about 127 characters, and the reason for the limit is that when
an external command is executed, the command line parameters are
copied into a 128 byte field in the program segment prefix (with
the first byte of this used for a length count).


From:     gm%etone.uucp@ICS.UCI.EDU
Subject:  FAT Recoveries with MACE+
Date:     12 Mar 87 10:37:30 PST (Thu)

In response to Mr. Jagoda's message about FAT recoveries:

	I don't know if this will be helpful or what he is looking for, but
I have found for future use that using MACE+ Utilities by Paul Mace is a very
handy tool to avoid loss of data and losing the FAT. The utilities include a
squeeze/sort directories, condense(unfragament) disk, as well as a number of
other useful programs. The program rxbak put into any batch files, will auto-
-maticly update a file called backup.m_u, which are protected files containg
a copy of the FAT. The utility also provides unformat and undelete of files.
Works on hard disks up to 33mg's as well as floppies (1.2's and 360's). Last
time I checked the program was about $60.00.

Contact:           Paul Mace
                  206 Alicia Ave.
                  Ashland, OR 97520

Disclaimer: I am in no way connected with Paul Mace and his software company.
As a PC technician I am just a very satified user.

Geoff Moore

UUCP: decvax!ucbvax!ucivax!etone!gm


Date:    Thu, 12 Mar 87 18:33 CST
From:    Wayne <BILLING%UOFMCC.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu>
Subject: Five Tektronix 4010 Emulators

In reply to the query for Tektronix 4010 emulators, I have found
these suppliers (some may no longer be in service):

-Concept Technologies, 6950 S. W. Hampton, Tigard, OR (503)684-3314
-FTG Data Systems: 1081 Dale St, Suite M-2, P.O. Box 615, Stanton, CA
            (714)995-3900, $295-$495
-IBM, local IBM rep should be able to help, $295
-Paratech Inc., P.O. Box 15172, Chevy Chase, MD, 20815,(202)362-7354,$99
-Technological System Group,P.O. Box 870009, Stone Mountain, GA,
            (650)249-1965, $80

Usual disclaimers apply and the prices given may have changed.

Wayne Billing      NetNORTH address <BILLING@UOFMCC>
"Dinsdale!" - Spiny Norman


Date:    Fri, 13 Mar 87 16:15 EST
From:    Bill Gobie <FMQDM9%IRISHMVS.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu>
Subject: Complex Arithmetic with MS Fortran

    I have discovered that the Microsoft Fortran compiler v. 3.31
produces very poor code for complex arithmetic.  On my PC clone,
with 8 MHz clock and 8087-2, I observe the following:

    Coding Method                    Scalar multiplications per sec.

    COMPLEX variables                           3800
    Complex arithmetic explicitly
     coded in terms of scalar operations       14,000

    These results are for single precision arithmetic, using the
compiler metacommand $NOFLOATCALLS (to produce inline 8087 code)
and the 8087 Fortran library.  To get scalar multiplications from
complex multiplications, the number of complex multiplications
was multiplied by four.  I would be glad to discuss the details of
my benchmark with interested parties.

    Apparently this compiler performs complex arithmetic via library
calls, rather than by generating the code inline.  I suppose this
made the compiler easier to write, but what a disaster for execution
speed!  This will be an unpleasant surprise for anyone (like myself)
accustomed to using a good mainframe compiler.

    Has this problem been rectified in the new v. 4.0?  Or has
Microsoft spent its effort on the pressing problem of calling
C routines from Fortran?

    Bill Gobie
    Dept. of Chemical Engineering
    University of Notre Dame, Indiana
    Bitnet:  FMQDM9@UNDMAIL1


Date: Sat, 14 Mar 87 15:04:08 EST
From: David Kirschbaum <kirsch@braggvax.arpa>
Subject: RS232.TXT

[This file downloaded from a BBS contains lots of information about RS232
cables. It has been added to the info-ibmpc lending library. -wab]


From: Eric Feign <ericf%tekgvs.tek.com@RELAY.CS.NET>
Date: 13 Mar 87 05:06:26 GMT
Subject: Logic Design Reduction Development Tools
Organization: Tektronix, Inc., Beaverton, OR.

Can someone recommend any logic design/reduction/development tools for 
the IBM PC?  I am familiar with ABEL(tm) software, but it can get tedious
for large machines and the reduction algorithms aren't as sophisticated as
I've seen on mainframes.  I'm looking for something that will accept
state machine descriptions in some high-level format, truth tables, and
standard and-or equations and reduce the and-or equations and next-state
equations down to size.


Eric Feign (ericf@tekgvs.UUCP)
Tektronix, Inc., Beaverton, OR.


From: Jim Stanley <jimst%tekig4.tek.com@RELAY.CS.NET>
Date: 13 Mar 87 07:30:24 GMT
Subject: BASIC Source in C or ASM Wanted
Organization: Tektronix Inc., Beaverton, Or.

I am looking for source to a small BASIC (20K or less on an 8086),
written in C or 8086 assembly.  In lieu of BASIC, something like
the 'bc' processor would be fine.  Thanks in advance.

			Jim Stanley
			Tektronix, Inc.

uucp:	    {ucbvax,decvax,ihnp4,allegra,uw-beaver}!tektronix!tekig4!jimst
US Mail:    James Stanley, Lab Instruments Engineering, Tektronix, Inc.
	    Box 500  MS 39-087, Beaverton OR 97077
Phone:	    503-627-3076

[EVAL.PAS in the info-ibmpc program library isn't quite a full language, but
it is a start. -wab]


Date: 13 Mar 1987 13:56-EST
Subject: Need Info on Zenith 248

We are developing code to run on a Zenith 248, and would prefer to do it on
our current machines (AT clones, Phoenix BIOS).  Are we going to run into
porting problems?  Is there anything strange about the 248 that we should
know about?  Reports of firsthand experience would be greatly appreciated.

-- Michael Harris    MHarris@G.BBN.COM   (617) 497-3794


Date: Thu 12 Mar 87 19:27:38-PST
Subject: VAXMate

The VAXmate is DEC's recently announced (last October, I believe)
PC-AT compatible with built-in Ethernet connection.
I believe that DEC had some outside help in designing the system -
possibly it was just in doing the BIOS.
Does anyone have any dieas who might of helped DEC on the VAXmate?
Jeffrey Stone


Date: 12 Mar 87 08:02:00 CST
From: "J. PAUL FERRILL" <ferrill@eglin-vax>
Subject: Turbo Pascal Editor Problem

  I have an AT clone made up of various parts that runs at 8 MHz using the
Phoenix ROM Bios ver 1.51.  The problem concerns using the Turbo Pascal
editor.  I have version 2.00 and 3.01A of the Turbo Pascal system and the
problem shows up with both versions so it must be something with my hardware.
These problems did not appear when the same programs were used on a "true
blue" XT.  What happens is that extraneous control characters get inserted
into the text and show up as low-intensity capital characters such as 'H'.
Once these characters get inserted into the text it is almost impossible to
get them out short of using debug.  This really confuses the compiler as it
is not used to seeing control characters in the text.  I know that it is the
Turbo editor that is inserting these characters because I did a test case of
dumping a short file before going into the editor and upon entering the
editor they show up.  I called Borland's technical help line and they had 
not heard of a similar problem before.  Anybody else had a similar experience?
Replys can be sent directly to me or to the list.

Thanks in advance,

Paul Ferrill


Date: Fri, 13 Mar 87 20:58:05 CST
Subject: Signal Processing Package
From: bhaswar sen <BSEN%RICE.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu>

I am starting off on an experiment which requires a sizable amount of
signal processing. Access to an ibm pc with 640k and a hercules graphic
plus card is possible. I am looking for a software(public and/or share)
which would let me to read in digital signal via iee 488  module;
allow me to display the spectrum; do best curve fitting and related
statistics; signal processing(fft; convolution; digital filtering etc.)
and text editing. If amongst the net readers is a high energy(gamma, x ray)
spectroscopist would like to get in touch with him/her. I would like to
have all replies send directly to my bitnet address(Bsen@Rice.Bitnet).
Thanking you in advance.   B.Sen<bsen@rice.bitnet>


Date: Fri, 13 Mar 87 17:32:18 PST
Subject: Miniscribe II on AT
From: Dixon_Low%SFU.Mailnet@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA

I have a problem and would greatly appreciate any assistance.
I have tried contacting alot of people locally with no success.

My problem: I have an old ibm XT hard disk, from the real IBM XT.
It is a Miniscribe II.
It still works apparently but not very well.

I would like to know if it is possible to connect this to an IBM AT Compatible
with a Western Digital WA2 Floppy/Hard Disk controller.

Or what modifications will I have to make?
NOTE: The hard disk did not come with any controller.

If required:  I will be using this computer with either Phoenix BIOS or
Award BIOS.  I have not purchased the computer at this time.

Thank You Very Much.


Date: 1987 Mar 14   18:26 EST
From: Bob Babcock   <PEPRBV%CFAAMP.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu>
Subject: Disk Repair

I can offer you a few suggestions on recovering files from floppy
disks.  Fortunately I've never had to do what I'm about to describe,
but it should work for at least some disks.

First, if possible, make a DISKCOPY and work from that.

Second, use the absolute sector read/write commands in DEBUG to
write valid FAT and directory sectors on the disk by copying them
from another disk.  If you know enough about the file sizes and order
you may be able to create a directory and FAT on the source disk
which matches the clobbered info, but this is unlikely.  If the lost
files are text files, you could recreate a FAT and directory with
one or a few large files which fill the entire disk, then pull these
into an editor and grab the actual files with block operations.  This
will be easier if the files were not fragmented (an argument for using
disk organizers even on floppies).  If nothing else, this lets you
get into Norton and explore the disk.

If the disk is so badly damaged that you can't use DISKCOPY, you
may be able to use the Ultra Utilities to do the copying.  These are
shareware, similar to Norton in function, but with different capabilities.

Finally, any program for backing up copy protected disks may also
be able to copy a damaged disk.

Good luck.


Date: Tue 10 Mar 87 17:00:14-PST
Subject: How do I use MASM with PROM Burners?

How do I produce Intel hex format object code from MS MASM 4.0 for
use with a Data-IO prom burner?

[Assemble the program normaly load it under DEBUG. Write it to a disk file.
Then write a simple program to read the disk file and convert it to
HEX format. -wab]


Date: Wed, 11 Mar 87 08:00:35 PST
From: herman@marlin.nosc.mil (John W. Herman)
Subject: SIDEWAYS Problem

The difficulty is that SIDEWAYS Version 2.02 leaves my IBM Proprinter in an 
unusual state.  I was wondering if anyone has  had  this  problem
and has a solution they could send me.


11-Mar-87 18:17:07-PST,292;000000000001
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 87 21:18:15 EST
From: "Keith F. Lynch" <KFL@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>
Subject: Keyboard Make and Break Codes

How can I read keyboard make and break codes, so as to tell what keys
are down the the moment, preferably from Turbo Pascal?

[Look at some of the programs in the info-ibmpc lending library which
trap keyboard interrupts. Buf160.asm and DVORAK86.ASM are good examples. -wab]


Subject: Franklin Computers
Date: 8 Mar 87 07:03:39 GMT
From: rassilon@mit-eddie.MIT.EDU

Does anyone know anything about Franklin computers?  They have a PC
compatible (sold at Sears).  It doesn't look like much (in fact, it
looks rather expensive for the deal) but our secretary wants a PC for
her own use and was interested.

					-- Rassilon


Date:         Thu, 12 Mar 1987 07:13 EDT
From:         Ken Papai <ikjp400%INDYCMS.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu>
Subject:      Need advice about Editors

I have been a programmer for about 5 years now.  I think that it is about
time I get a real decent program editor.  I have been using WordStar 3.30
for the last 3 years and have found it to be an excellant editor.  It has
few limitations and I appreciate its speed in handling and editing my
source code.  But, I'm sure, there has to be better editors out there for
the PC/MSDOS world.  I've seen BRIEF and EPSILON mentioned, and I've heard
some things about the Norton Editor.  I do 90% of my code in "C" with a bit
of 8086 Assembler.  Would there be, or are there any excellant recommendations?

Probably respond to me, there might be a lot of responses.  When appropriate
I will summarize and reply back to INFO-PC.

Thank you all in advance!

Ken Papai, Indiana University - Indpls, Ind.
(317) 274-0745

[This editor votes for Epsilon. -wab]


Date: 12 Mar 87 16:53 +0330
From: Martyn Quigley <martyn%garfield.mun.cdn%ubc.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Disk Problem with Show Partner

I have just had a nasty experience with Microsoft Show Partner, which came
bundled with the Microsoft Mouse. I installed everything onto the hard disc
(LaPine 21 MB) on a Tandy 1200 (640k DDGA) running MSDOS 3.2 and started 
creating screens. Everything went fine, and screens got saved. Disaster 
struck when trying to assemble these screens into a show. The screens were 
read back from disc hopelessly scrambled.

Fortunately, I was not using my own machine, but one in the lab so I was 
saving my stuff to a floppy. Just as well, the FAT was utterly junked.
CHKDSK tells me there are 229 lost clusters, and do I want them putting into
files. I tell CHKDSK exactly where it can put my lost clusters. This
cycle of create/save/junk repeated itself over and over, with brand new discs 
freshly formatted, over several sessions over several days with several
cold boots.

Then I rebooted with 3.1, and Show Partner is behaving itself, but I still
haven't dared to save anything to the hard disc yet. 

So, don't use Show Partner to save anything if you are using 3.2


[This sort of disk crash is fairly common on PCs, at least in my experience.
 I wouldn't necessarily blame Show Partner without further evidence. -rag]


Date: Thu, 12 Mar 87 14:46:58 est
From: Ron Gershon <gershon%utai.toronto.edu@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Need Help with Microsoft C

I am writing some software on an AT with a 40M hard disk and an RGB monitor.
I am using Microsoft C as the language. The help I need is in terms of
cursor movement and color functions.

1. Are there any built-in functions in C that allow movement of the cursor
   on the screen (like CursorMove(row,column) or something of the sort)?
   If not, does anyone have any written functions of the sort?
2. Are there built-in functions in C that allow the printing of charcters
   on the screen in different colors? How about controlling the screen
   color (background color)? Again, if there are no such functions, does
   anyone have some public-domain source that I can use?
3. What are the commands one has to use in order to enable and disable the
   printer, so that output goes to the printer and not to the screen?

Any help will be appriciated.
Thanks in advance.


End of Info-IBMPC Digest