SY.CHRISTINE@CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU (Christine M Gianone) (06/27/86)
Info-Kermit Digest Fri, 27 Jun 1986 Volume 4 : Number 34 Today's Topics: New Release of Kermit for Magiscan 2 Announcing MS-DOS Kermit 2.29 for IBM Semi-Clones Announcing MS-DOS Kermit V2.29 for the Seequa Chameleon MS-DOS Kermit 2.29 Fixes CP/M-80 Kermit Developments ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 16 Jun 1986 1556-GMT From: CENT01::SYSKERMIT "Alan Phillips, KERMIT distribution" 16-JUN-1986 11:54 Subject: New Release of Kermit for Magiscan 2 Keywords: Magiscan 2 Kermit, Joyce-Loebl, UCSD p-System This is to announce an updated release of Kermit for the Joyce-Loebl Magiscan 2 image processor, running UCSD p-System. Changes from the previous release are: I micro-coded the receive packet routine so data shouldn't get clobered when it is being received. This means that transfers can take place at greater baud rates. (Though for terminal emulation you are still limited to 1200 baud because the magiscan cannot scroll faster). The receive packet routine is now just a simple loop that puts all the characters is a buffer for decoding later. The option to use the Winchester on #9 on the Magiscan 2a version has been included, also the directory on the 2a disks are larger so this has been taken care of in the SYSUNIT. For the 2a I have used JL's own image load and save routines as these are a lot faster, 2-30secs(depending on wether a floppy or winchester) cf 2.5mins for the Magiscan 2. A new command has been added, SET MUX number- this command is analogous to the one of similar name on the BBC kermit. It enable the user to set a delay porportional to the number between each byte of data sent(the default is zero). I hope that will cover all. If there is anything new/or bugs could you let me know. Henry Balen c/o Image Processing Group, Dept. Physics and Astronomy, University College London, Gower Street, London. [Ed. - Thanks for thee update, Henry and Alan. The files are in KER:UCJ*.* available with FTP at CU20B over the Internet and via BITnet using KERMSRV at CUVMA. These files have replaced the old Kermit version.] ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jun 1986 1556-EDT From: Glenn Everhart, via <LCG.KERMIT@DEC-MARLBORO> Subject: Announcing MS-DOS Kermit 2.29 for IBM Semi-Clones Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit, MS-DOS 2.29, IBM Semi-Clone Kermit I have created MSXCLO.ASM now which is edited from MSXIBM.ASM for MS Kermit V2.29. MSXCLO is a "half generic" MS-DOS Kermit that uses the IBM BIOS INT 14H call for i/o to its comm port. The screen I/O is however exactly the IBM PC version's, so you get good VT102 emulation but are able to work on a machine that uses a different serial chip from IBM's but which emulates the IBM BIOS. The Seeque Chameleon and DG/1 are examples of this sort of box. The beastie works OK at 1200 baud, may work a bit faster for file transfers - I haven't looked. To use, you need to jumper pins 20 and 6 to get the BIOS to think DSR is high, else it emits nothing. I've also made an MSVCLO.LNK which is linker instructions for the clone version, and MSICLO.INI, which sets the keyboard layout so that the AT keypad's lower 4 rows are exactly as the VT100's, F1 to F4 become PF1 to PF4, and F7,F8, f9 and F10 become up, down, left, and right arrows. This is easier to follow at our site than the "standard" layout. I intend to come up with an MSXSEEQ.ASM one of these days that will run faster on a Seequa, but this is of greater general interest. The speed setting code may only work on setup; the thing defaults to 1200 baud but can be forced by MODE, then dialing, if desired. I suspect the BIOS is refusing to change once it sees DSR there... so some care is needed in the jumpering. Anyhow, much less flaky looking than the old SEEQUA.ASM. Glenn Everhart [Ed. - We've built and tested this program on an IBM PC/AT. Glenn is right, you certainly do need to cross-connect DTR and DSR, and as he says, the speed setting code is not entirely reliable. In fact, on our PC/AT, it seems that the speed would change from 1200 to 1800 occasionally during CONNECT, and the only way to get it back to 1200 would be to exit from the program and use some other utility (like MODE, or the real PC/AT Kermit) to set it back to 1200. On the AT, we couldn't transfer files at all, because upon escaping back from CONNECT, the speed would always change from 1200 to 1800. But then, the program wasn't intended to be run on a real IBM system, only on semi-clones with IBM-compatible BIOS, but with different serial i/o chips. Everyone with DG/1's, Seequa Chameleons, and other systems that fall into this category are encouraged to pick up this version and report back their results. The files are in KER:MSXCLO.ASM, KER:MSVCLO.LNK, KER:MSVCLO.BOO, KER:MSVCLO.EXE (if you can transfer binary file directly) all on CU20B, and on KERMSRV at CUVMA with the same names, but without the KER: in front or the dot in the middle.] ------------------------------ Date: 20 Jun 1986 0902-EDT From: Glenn Everhart, via <LCG.KERMIT@DEC-MARLBORO> Subject: Announcing MS-DOS Kermit V2.29 for the Seequa Chameleon Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit, MS-DOS 2.29, Seequa Chameleon Kermit I've now (finally) got a Kermit (the MSXSEE.ASM part anyhow; the rest uses IBM PC modules) for Seequa Chameleon that works, even at high baud rates (at least to 19.2, maybe higher; tries up to 38.4). It's interrupt driven and works nicely, and finally gives the Chameleon and its 8274 port a decently fast public Kermit. MSVSEE.LNK is the MS-DOS Link command file to put it together, and MSVSEE.BOO is the encoded .EXE file. I expect that these pieces will replace the old SEEQUA.ASM. Glenn Everhart, RCA Labs, 609-338-6022 [Ed. - Thanks, Glenn! The files have been placed into KER:MS%SEE.* on CU20B (available on the Internet via anonymous FTP), and are also available on BITNET via KERMSRV at CUVMA, and they have indeed replaced the old (circa November 1983) SEEQUA.ASM in the Kermit distribution.] ------------------------------ Date: Mon 23 Jun 86 16:57:13-EDT From: Frank da Cruz <SY.FDC@CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU> Subject: MS-DOS Kermit 2.29 Fixes Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit, MS-DOS 2.29 The MS-DOS Kermit "beware file" now contains patches for the following problems, which were reported over the past few weeks with version 2.29 of MS-DOS Kermit. Thanks to Joe Doupnik for collecting and verifying them (and to those who submitted them in the first), and for devising some of them himself. . Current packet number in the file transfer display is not set back to 0 when a SEND or GET command is issued to a remote Kermit server. . Server mode does not always use the negotiated block-check type. . Receive command fails if it follows a Get which ended with an error message. . Hayes 1200B internal modem hangs up at inconvenient times. . Occasional transmission of a null (ASCII 0) flow control character. The "beware file" is in KER:MSKERM.BWR, available via anonymous FTP from host CU20B, or MSKERM BWR on CUVMA via BITNET KERMSRV. It is expected that after a few more weeks, after the bug reports have settled down, there will be a new release of MS-DOS Kermit that incorporates these and other fixes, and possibly a few new features. ------------------------------ Date: 23-JUN-1986 11:19:42 From: Alan Phillips <> Subject: CP/M-80 Kermit Developments Keywords: CP/M-80 Kermit Here's the latest news on CP/M-80 Kermit from the UK: 1. CP4TTK.HEX is for a Teletek CP/M-80 micro with an ADM 22 terminal. It's from David Moore, Software Development, APV Automation, Fleming Way, Crawley RH10 2YX, UK. Telphone (UK) 0293-51890. Source will probably be built into Bertil Schou's 4.07 release. 2. Bertil has produced what he's calling version 4.07 (wonder what happened to 4.06???), and it's about ready for test release. We'll put it out over here to get out the major bugs, than think about whether we should get the pre-release stuff to you for more general use. Bertil has split the SYS file into one per implementation, fixed the outstanding bugs in the system- independent stuff, and added a few features that we found were needed to talk to a common, but UK-specific mainframe version. One thing that occured to me is that we ought to change the naming structure of the files to match the MS-Kermit method, now we've split the SYS file. Having CP4 as the prefix dosn't give enough characters, so how do you feel about renaming it to CP? Then we can use CPSxxx.ASM for system independent source CPXxxx.ASM for system dependent CPVxxx.HEX for the hex files Let us know what you feel on that. [Ed. - The new naming is just fine. The CP4 prefix was only to distinguish the then-new version from the previous one (whose prefix was CPM), because they had to coexist for a while. Thanks to Bertil for doing all this work, and to you for coordinating it with us. Now that the system-dependent files are all separated, I hope someone (maybe Bertil?) can take on the task of making them compatible with the MODEM overlay files, so that Kermit and MODEM (XMODEM, YMODEM, MEX, etc) can share the same set of overlays. The new version will be announced on Info-Kermit when it arrives.] ------------------------------ End of Info-Kermit Digest ************************* -------