crm@duke.UUCP (Charlie Martin) (09/17/85)
All this about blaster bolts, and how a Jedi Knight can deflect them -- when I used to study Budo seriously, I spent a lot of time practicing with wooden swords. I noticed a couple of odd things: 1) Sometimes the damn' sword would zip over without me noticing what it/I was doing -- usually when this happened I would either hit the other guy, and he would say ``Where'd that come from'' or else it would intercept a hit that I had never seen. 2) After a certain amount of time practicing, I would notice in some drills that the swords were almost magnetic: they wanted to hit together, usually in the same spot each time. Clearly, lightsabers have at least as much smarts as a red-oak bokken, and take care of it themselves. -- Charlie Martin (...mcnc!duke!crm)