[mod.protocols] SIGCOMM '86 SYMPOSIUM

garcia%sri-azteca@sri-tsc.UUCP (06/25/86)

the following information may be of interest to you all.


ACM SIGCOMM '86 SYMPOSIUM.  Stowe, Vermont; August 5, 6 & 7, 1986.  The
symposium features 45 papers chosen from over 120 submissions.  Bob
Kahn is the keynote speaker (Developing an Advanced Communications
Infrastructure).  Carl Sunshine (network interconnection and gateways)
and Najah Naffah (distributed message systems) are the two tutorial
speakers.  The topics of the paper sessions include: local area
networks, voice/data integration, protocol engineering, network
algorithms, performance analysis, security and access control, and
design and analysis of transport-level protocols including TCP. 

Of particular interest to the protocols list are the sessions on
protocol engineering and the sessions on transport protocol design and

For more information about symposium and tutorials, and preferred
registration, contact Jose Garcia-Luna before July 20, 1986.  Postal
address: SRI International, 333 Ravenswood Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025;
Tel: (415) 859-5647 or (415)859-6366; Telex: 334486; ARPANET:
garcia@sri-tsc.  Else, contact Prof. Frank Vanecek, SIGCOMM '86,
Norwich University, Dewey Hall, Northfield, Vermont 05663, USA; Tel:


garcia%sri-azteca@SRI-TSC.ARPA.UUCP (07/10/86)

Last call....  Please contact me if you want to register begore the
15th at advance registration rates.

                                ADVANCE PROGRAM

                           ACM SIGCOMM '86 SYMPOSIUM

                        STOWE, VERMONT AUGUST 5-7, 1986

General Conference Information

The symposium provides an international forum for the presentation and
discussion of communication network applications and technologies, as
well as recent advances and proposals on communication architectures,
protocols, algorithms, and performance models.

The Location

Stowe, Vermont--New England tradition at its best: A charming New
England village, nestled in the Green Mountains - the classic church
spire surrounded by red and white clapboard buildings.

By car: Stowe is on Route 100 and is 10 miles from I-89, Exit 10.  The
Stoweflake Resort is 1.7 miles up the Mountain road (Rt.  108).

By air: The Stoweflake is served by Burlington International Airport,
just 35 miles from Stowe.  Daily flights are available on US Air,

Transportation to Stoweflake Resort from the airport will be arranged
for you by indicating the arrival date/time/airline/flight # on the
Hotel reservation Form.  Cost is $15.00/person.  Minimum 3 people.
Taxi service is also available for $40 per trip.


Stoweflake resort offers a relaxed atmosphere complete with tennis
courts, outdoor pools, jacuzzi and exercise room.

Conference Proceedings

The proceedings will be distributed at the symposium.  Additional
copies may be purchased for $20.  All conference registrants, except
student registrants, receive one copy of the proceedings.

Registration Fees

Fees include:

   - Registration Reception (Monday)

   - Lunches ((Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

   - Coffee breaks

   - Reception (Wednesday)

   - Conference  proceedings,  -  one  copy - additional copies available:

Banquet tickets for Wednesday evening are available for $20 before July
7, $25 after July 7.

Cancellations must be made in writing by July 7 to the Conference
Registrar.  All cancellation refunds will be made following the

For more information concerning the conference, contact the Conference

Conference Committee

General Chair: Walter Kosinski, Central China University of Science and

Program Co-Chairs: J.  Joaquin Garcia-Luna and Franklin F.  Kuo, SRI
                International, Menlo Park, California

Treasurer: Thomas Parrott, Norwich University, Northfield, VT

Local Arrangements: Al Popoli, AT&T, Burlington, VT

Conference Registrar: Frank Vanecek, Norwich University, Dewey Hall,
Northfield, VT 05663, Tel: 802/485-5011


                            HOTEL RESERVATION FORM

Please communicate directly with the hotel using this form.  If you
make your reservation by any other means, please refer to your
attendance at this conference to obtain special room rates.

Reservations must be received by the hotel no later than July 21, 1986.
Room requests must be accompanied by a deposit check of $50 US/per room
made payable to Stoweflake Resort.

Mail directly to:

Reservations Manager, Stoweflake Resort, Mountain Road (Route 108), Box
301, Stowe, VT 05672.  Tel: 802/253-7355.

If you want to expedite the processing of your reservation from
overseas, you can contact J.J.  Garcia-Luna by ARPANET: garcia@sri-tsc,
Telex: 334486, or Fax: (415) 326-5512.

Please print or type:


Address: _____________________________________________

City: _____________ State: ____ Zip:_________

Country: ___________________

Sharing Room with: _________________________________

Please check desired package:

Package #1 (Arrival August 4, Departure August 7)
Double occupancy                         Single Occupancy
(per person)
$165US _______                          $240US ______


   - 3 nights accommodations (Aug 4,5, and 6)
   - 2 continental breakfasts (Aug 5 and 6)
   - i dinner (Aug 5)
   - 6% Vermont tax & gratuity

Package #2 (Arrival August 5, Departure August 7)
Double occupancy                         Single Occupancy
(per person)
$110 US _______                         $170 US ______


   - 2 nights accommodation (Aug 5, 6)
   - 2 continental breakfasts (Aug 6, 7)
   - 1 dinner (Aug 5)
   - 6% Vermont tax & gratuity

Should your require accommodations the night of August 7, please
contact hotel directly to determine availability.

Please indicate if you will require transportation from the Burlington,
VT Airport.

# people _____ Arrival day/time __________________

Arrival Airline flight # __________

Minimum 3 people - $15.00 per person



Please check applicable fees:

                           ADVANCE                    REGULAR
                           (before 7/7/86)            (after 7/7/86)
Tutorial                   SIGCOMM ACM member         SIGCOMM ACM member
                           $115 US ______             $140 US ______

                           Non-member                 Non-member
                           $135 US ______             $160 US ______

                           * Student                  * Student
                           $20 US ______              $20 US ______

Symposium                  SIGCOMM ACM Member         SIGCOMM ACM Member
                           $140 US ______             $165 US ______

                           Non-member                 Non-member
                           $160 US ______             $185 US ______

                           * Student                  * Student
                           $30 US ______              $30 US ______

Reception/Banquet (August 6)
                           ADVANCE                    REGULAR
                           (before 7/7/86)            (after 7/7/86)
                           $20 US ______              $25 US ______

* Student registration must be accompanied by a copy of valid full-time
student ID.

Amount Enclosed: $__________

Please print or type:



Mailing Address:_______________________________________


Country:__________Business Tel: __________

Please return conference registration form and complete payment in US$
to: Prof.  Frank Vanecek, SIGCOMM '86, Norwich University, Dewey Hall,
Northfield, Vermont 05663, USA.  Tel: 802/485-5011.

If you want to expedite the processing of your registration from
overseas, you can contact J.J.  Garcia-Luna by ARPANET: garcia@sri-tsc,
Telex: 334486, or Fax: (415) 326-5512.


                                ADVANCE PROGRAM

                      TUTORIALS-- Tuesday, August 5, 1986

Carl Sunshine, System Development Corporation, USA

Najah Naffah, Director, Advanced Studies, Bull Transac, France

                     SYMPOSIUM-- Wednesday, August 6, 1986

                            9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

1. Keynote Session 
General Chair: Walter Kosinsky, Central China University of Science and
Program Chair: J. Joaquin Garcia-Luna and Franklin F. Kuo, SRI
International, USA 
Keynote Address: Robert E. Kahn, President, Corporation for National
Research Initiatives, USA

                            10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon

2A: Panel: OSI Upper Layer Architecture Harmony or Discord 
Chair: Alexander McKenzie, Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc, USA 
P. Amaranth, General Motors, USA
P. Bartoli, ATT Bell Labs, USA
H. Kesterson II, Honeywell, USA
D. Steedman, BNR, USA

                            10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon

2B: Advances in Protocol Engineering 
Chair: Harry Rudin, IBM Research Lab, Switzerland 
The Current Status of MAP
J.S. Foley and Y. Weon-Yoon, Electronic Data Systems Corporation, USA
The State of the Art in Protocol Engineering
T.F. Piatkowski, State University of New York at Binghamton, USA
Protocol Conversion--Correctness Problems
Simon S. Lam, University of Texas at Austin, USA
A Formal Protocol Conversion Method
K. Okumura, IBM Japan Science Institute, Japan

                             1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

3A: Local Area Networks 
Chair: Raphael Rom, SRI International, USA 
A Model for Evaluating Demand Assignment Protocols with Arbitrary Workloads
Z. Koren, I. Chlamtac, O. Ganz, Technion, IIT, Israel
Implementing Priorities in Multiaccess Protocols for Optical
Fiber-Based Local Area networks
T. Vo-Dai, Laval University, Canada
Real-Time Voice Communications Over a Token-Passing Ring LAN
E. Friedman and C. Ziegler, Brooklyn College, USA
A Comparison of Adaptive and Standard Token-Passing on Bus Networks
V. Rego, Purdue Univ., USA and H.D. Hughes, Michigan State Univ., USA

                             1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

3B: Modeling of Transport Protocols 
Chair: Michael Ferguson, INRS Telecommunications, Canada 
Command Execution in a Heterogeneous Environment
J.T. Korb and C.E. Wills, Purdue University, USA
Prediction of Transport Protocol Performance Through Simulation
K. Mills, M. Wheatley, and S. Heatley, National Bureau of Standards, USA
A Verified Sliding Window Protocol with Variable Flow Control
A.U. Shankar, University of Maryland, USA
Modeling a Transport Layer Protocol Using First-Order Logic
H.P. Lin, Univ. of Washington, USA

                             3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

4A: Voice and Data Integration 
Chair: Najah Naffah, Bull Transac, France 
Voice Transmission in a Priority CSMA/CD LAN: An Efficient Protocol
Using Hybrid Switching
J.  van de Lagemaat, J.M.A.  Daemen and I.G.  Niemegeers, Twente
University of Technology, The Netherlands
Dynamically Controlled Time-Division for Integrated Voice/Data Traffic
in a Local Area Network
S.M.  Sharrock, H.C.  Du, K.J.  Maley, and S.  Ghanta, University of
Minnesota, USA
Voice and Data Performance Measurements in L-Express Net
F.  Borgonovo, E. Cadorin, L. Fratta, M. Pezze, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
An Architecture for a Multimedia Teleconferencing System
L. Aguilar, J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, D. Moran, E. Craighill, R.
Brungardt, SRI International, USA

                             3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

4B: Protocol Specification 
Chair: Carl Sunshine, System Development Corp., USA 
Tier Automation Representation of Communication Protocols
Z.  Bavel, J.  Grzymala-Busse, Y.  Hsia, R.  Mancisidor-Landa, The
University of Kansas, USA
Deriving Protocol Specifications from Service Specifications
G. von Bochmann and R. Gotzhein, University of Montreal, Canada
A Petri Net Reduction Algorithm for Protocol Analysis
C.V. Ramamoorthy and Y.Yaw, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Structure and Use of a LOTOS Interpreter
J.P.  Briand, M.C.  Fehri, L.  Logrippo, and A.  Obaid, University of
Ottawa, Canada

                        RECEPTION 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

                     SYMPOSIUM-- Thursday, August 7, 1986

                            8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

5A: Performance and Experience 
Chair: Gian Paolo Rossi, University of Milan, Italy 
High-Speed (LAN) Communication by FDM/TDM Control
I. Chlamtac and O. Ganz, Technion, IIT, Israel
Performance Analysis of a Satellite Communications Backchannel Architecture
D. Baum, University of Trier, FRG
The Butterfly Satellite IMP for the Wideband Packet Satellite Network
W.  Edmond, S.  Blumenthal, A.  Echenique, S.  Storch, T.  Calderwood,
and T.  Rees, Bolt, Beranek and Newman Inc, USA
A Closer Look at Noahnet
D.J. Farber and G.M. Parulkar, University of Delaware, USA

                            8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

5B: Protocol Testing and Analysis 
Chair: H.K. Reghbati, Simon Fraser University, USA 
Conformity Analysis for Communication Protocols
N. Liu and M.T. Liu, Ohio State Univ., USA
Synthesis of Error-Recoverable Protocols
C.V.  Ramamoorthy, Y.Yaw, R.  Aggarwarl, J.  Song, Univ.  of
California, Berkeley, USA, and W.T.  Tsai, Univ.  of Minnesota, USA
Formal Specification-Based Conformance Testing
B.  Sarikaya, Concordia University, Canada, G.v.  Bochmann, M.  Maksud,
and J.M.  Serre, University of Montreal, Canada

ITSG: An Interactive Test Sequence Generator
H. Ural and R. Short, University of Ottawa, Canada

                            10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon

6A: Panel: Networking for Scientific Research 
Chair: Barry Leiner, Research Institute for Advanced Science, USA 
Ron Bailey, NASA ARC, USA
David Farber, Univ. of Delaware, USA
Harvey Newman, JPL
Dennis Smith, BIONET, USA

                            10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon

6B: Security and Access Control 
Chair: Wai Sum Lai, BNR, Canada 
Inter-Organization Networks: Implications of Access Control
Requirements for Interconnection Protocols
D. Estrin, Univ. of Southern California, USA
Extending a Capability Based System into a Network Environment
R.D. Sansom, D.P. Julin, and R.F. Rashid, Carnegie-Mellon Univ., USA
Communication Services under EMCON
B. Nguyen and R. Rom, SRI International, USA
Access Control for Network Directory Systems
M. Goodwin and K.J. McDonell, Monash University, Australia

                             1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

7A: Performance Analysis 
Chair: Nachum Shacham, SRI International 
A Selective Repeat ARQ Scheme for Point-to-Multipoint Communications
and Its Throughput Analysis
S.R. Chandran, University of Hawaii, USA, and S. Lin, Texas A&M Univ., USA
Control Procedures for Slotted Aloha Systems that Achieve Stability
L.P. Clare, Rockwell International Science Center, USA
A Two-Bit Contention-Based TDMA Technique for Data Transmissions
D.  Tsai, Telecomm.  Training Institute, Taiwan and J.  Chang, National
Taiwan University, Taiwan

                             1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

7B: Distributed Systems 
Chair: Paul E. Green, IBM, USA 
A Realiable Datagram Protocol with a Uniform Interprocess Communication
Interface on LANs
D. Lee and K. Chon, KAIST, Republic of Korea
Message-Based Fault Diagnosis Procedures
J.R. Agre, Rockwell International Science Center, USA
A Model File Server Performance for a Heterogeneous Distributed System
K.K. Ramakrishnan, J.S. Emer, Digital, USA
A Study of Dynamic Load Balancing in a Distributed System
A. Hac and T. Johnson, The John Hopkins University, USA

                             3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

8A: Distributed Algorithms 
Chair: Radia Perlman, Digital, USA 
A Resilent Distributed Protocol for Network Synchronization
I.A. Cimet and P.R. Srikanta Kumar, Northwestern University, USA
A Tunable Protocol for Symmetric Surveilance in Distributed Systems
B. Walter, University of Stuttgart, FRG
Local Distributed Deadlock Detection by Knot Detection
I.  Cidon, J.M.  Jaffe, IBM Research Center, USA, and M.  Sidi,
Technion, IIT, Israel

                             3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

8B: Protocols for Interprocess Communication 
Chair: Robert Braden, USC Information Sciences Institute, USA 
Distributed System V IPC in LOCUS: A Design and Implementation Restrospective 
B.D. Fleisch, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Why TCP Timers Don't Work Well
L. Zhang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
A Transport Protocol for the Next Generation of Communication Systems
D. Cheriton, Stanford University, USA
