[mod.protocols.appletalk] MPP

mss@DARTMOUTH.CSNET (03/11/86)

Hm, let's try once more. You need two additions to your system to make
MacIP work. The first is the .MPP package which implements the
Appletalk protocols (well, most of them, no ATP, which isn't used by
MacIP). You can install .MPP by using the "Install Appletalk"
application in the May '85 supplement. The second is a resource named
"atpl" (note the lower case letters).  This consist of "glue" between
Pascal (Lisa or TML) and the MPP, sort of the same as osintf.rel for
providing glue between "high level" OS calls and lower lever OS calls. WHy
a resource instead of a Rel file? Ask Apple; I've got some partial
answers and they aren't enlightening (primarily concerned with issues
of future upward compatibility). Anyway, the atpl resource comes in
the file ATAlk/ABPackage (which came with the Appletalk Developer's
Handbook a while ago and with TML Pascal -- I do not recall if it came
with the May supplement). You can move the atpl resource in with RMaker
on the Lisa or with ResEdit on the Macintosh. See if that helps.

I was trying to figure out if I can use the Kinetics box to send to a
random Ethernet host, e.g., I'll put a pup packet into LAP (or DDP) and
send it to the gateway (in the hopes of final delivery to some Ethernet
host - specifically a Xerox Laser Printer). I'm now planning on using a
Dandelion to get going, but a cheap alternative would be appreciated.