[mod.protocols.appletalk] Distributed applications


Concerning distributed applications:

Here at the NMFECC, we have a network utilizing a line oriented message 
transmission scheme (we are redoing it).  Currently it does not allow the use 
of a full-screen character based editor due to the line limitations.  What we 
did is to develop a distributed editor that runs on a micro and on our Cray 
mainframes and communicates over the network.  The micro runs a full screen 
editor and communicates changes and data requests back to the mainframe.  All 
in all it is a workable scheme.

We have had this running on the IBM PC for quite some time and the folks at 
the San Diego Supercomputer Center have converted it to the Mac (with the help 
of the folks at Paragon Courseware, makers of QUED).  It is currently still in 
beta on the Mac, but we keep changing all the software on all the mainframes 
too, so no one should notice.

Just thought someone might like to know, in addition to the fellow who asked.


         N         L                          pugh@nmfecc.arpa
          M    A    L          National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center
           F    T    N             Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
            E         L                       PO Box 5509 L-561
             C                           Livermore, California 94550
              C                                (415) 423-4239