[mod.protocols.tcp-ip] Drop from Mailing List

dfs%a@LANL.ARPA (Don Shafer) (12/27/85)

Please drop me from your mailing list.



walker%cod@NOSC.ARPA (Janet M. Walker) (12/27/85)

Please drop me from your mailing list.      Thanks,     walker@nosc

G.ROODE@SU-SCORE.ARPA (David Roode) (12/28/85)

Please send drop requests to



JNC@MIT-XX.ARPA ("J. Noel Chiappa") (01/02/86)

	Once again, please send messages requested to be added or
dropped from the TCP-IP mailing list to 'TCP-IP-REQUEST' at SRI-NIC.
Do NOT send such messages to TCP-IP, since you are sending junk mail
to thousands of people. I am currently mildly harassing people who do
this, and may escalate to persecution if warranted.