[mod.protocols.tcp-ip] The big search for companies who sell DDN gateways


I am looking for product information on Gateway products that can
interface with DDN X.25 and an ethernet local area network.  The
ideal product would interface with DDN X.25 standard and IEEE 802.3.
The internet protocol (IP) would use the "Revised Internet Security
Option (IPSO)".  Please send me any information on companies you
know about that sell DDN X.25 gateways or if you represent a firm
whose product line includes such a product, please send me information
on your gateway products.

    Mail address:
		Barbara J. Pease
		Mail Stop K326
		MITRE Corp.
		Burlington Rd.
		Bedford, MA 01730

   Electronic Mail:	bjp@mitre-bedford.arpa

If you could send me something soon, It would be a big help.

					bj Pease

Jschmidt%cda-pdp01@AMC-HQ.ARPA (08/04/86)

Communication Machinery Corp. (CMC) has a gateway that interfaces DDN
X.25 to IEEE 802.3.  Their product designation is DRN-3200.
Their address is:  1421 State St.
		   Santa Barbara,  CA  93101
		   (805) 963-9471

Jeff Schmidt

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Received: From Sri-Nic.ARPA by AMC-HQ via smtp;  1 Aug 86 15:35 EDT
Received: from mitre-bedford.ARPA by SRI-NIC.ARPA with TCP; Fri 1 Aug 86 12:21:08-PDT
Full-Name: Pease
Message-Id: <8608011921.AA13535@mitre-bedford.ARPA>
Organization: The MITRE Corp., Bedford, MA
To: tcp-ip%sri-nic.arpa@AMC-HQ.amc
Cc: bjp%mitre-bedford.arpa@AMC-HQ.amc
Subject: The big search for companies who sell DDN gateways
Date: Fri, 01 Aug 86 15:21:35 -0500
From: bjp%mitre-bedford.arpa@AMC-HQ.amc
Via:  amc-hq; 1 Aug 86 16:17-EDT
Via:  Darcom1; 1 Aug 86 17:11-EDT

I am looking for product information on Gateway products that can
interface with DDN X.25 and an ethernet local area network.  The
ideal product would interface with DDN X.25 standard and IEEE 802.3.
The internet protocol (IP) would use the "Revised Internet Security
Option (IPSO)".  Please send me any information on companies you
know about that sell DDN X.25 gateways or if you represent a firm
whose product line includes such a product, please send me information
on your gateway products.

    Mail address:
		Barbara J. Pease
		Mail Stop K326
		MITRE Corp.
		Burlington Rd.
		Bedford, MA 01730

   Electronic Mail:     bjp@mitre-bedford.arpa

If you could send me something soon, It would be a big help.

					bj Pease

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