[mod.protocols.tcp-ip] Ultirx TCP/IP problems ?


Well Ultrix fans, I am having problems with Ultrix TCP/IP TELNET. Here is
a list of packets as seen by the PC. The packets preceeded with a "*"
are from the Ultrix machine. I am attempting to cat the file /etc/rc .
The first table the Pc's window is 82, while the second table the window
is set to 512.
The seq and ack are the low word of seq and ack displayed in deciaml.
The flag is display if hex.
The #char is decimal, and time is in seconds with 1/10 sec ticks.

PC Window = 82

who  seq     ack   flag  wind.  #char time in seconds
        41   27182  18     82      1  55.70 ; Pc sends last "c" of "cat rc"
 *   27182      42  18   4096      1  55.70 ; Ultrix echos "c"
        42   27183  18     82      0  55.70 ; Pc acks
        42   27183  18     82      1  55.90 ; Pc sends "<CR>"
 *   27183      43  18   4096      2  56.00 ; Ultrix echos "<CR><LF>"
        43   27185  18     82      0  56.00 ; Pc acks
 *   27185      43  10   4096     82  01.20 ; Utrix sends text 5.2 sec. later
        43   27267  18     82      0  01.20
 *   27267      43  10   4096     82  06.20
        43   27349  18     82      0  06.20

PC Window = 512

who  seq     ack   flag  wind.  #char time
        41   20270  18    512      1  10.00 ; Pc enter last "c" in "cat rc"
 *   20270      42  18   4096      1  10.00 ; Ultrix echo of "c"
        42   20271  18    512      0  10.00 ; Ack of echo
        42   20271  18    512      1  10.30 ; Pc send of <CR>
 *   20271      43  18   4096      2  10.40 ; Ultrix echos <CR><LF>
        43   20273  18    512      0  10.40 ; Pc ack of <CR><LF>
 *   20785      43  14   4096      0  20.00 ; Ultrix resets the connection
        43   20273  18    512      0  23.00
 *   20273       0  04   4096      0  23.00

   Any comments and solutions, except using another PC version are welcome.
Please send responces to me and I will summerize the results back to the

          - thanks
                    Carl Beame   BEAME@MCMASTER.BITNET