[mod.protocols.tcp-ip] How sweet it is

mills@HUEY.UDEL.EDU (01/13/87)


Mike Petry, fierce swamprat from U Maryland, staggered from the muck
waving an ACC 5250 X.25 interface driver in one hand and dragging
an awesome alligator in the other. Shortly before he passed out
(the swampgas was just too much - he began to see UFOs) he whispered
"only ten keystrokes did the varmits in." I rushed to the ooze and
tossed a ping raft between dcn-gateway (56-Kbps 1822/ECU
and terp (56-Kbps X.25 and reeled in 5000 packets of
catfish, a possum and two owls. The swamp never smelled so good.

Relative to my gruesome scatter plots mentioned previously to the
list, the X.25 circuit has much joy. The Sun-format bitmap file
is on udel2.udel.edu under anonymous/guest as terp1.bit, should you
care to light it up. The max delay was almost five seconds, but only
five samples were more than two seconds. The regression line had
a y intercept of 32 and 576-octet intercept of 238, for a slop of
22411 bps, about to be expected for the two-hop dcn-gateway PSN 111
terp path. Mike tells me the problem was a simple bug in the driver,
so I suggested he set a reasonable price for ransome at just $500
per keystroke. Comes to one 5250, unless you can find a ripoff in
Filene's basement basement.

I don't know about you guys, but I am mighty relieved and would like
to be one of the first to throw Mike a towel so he can wipe off that
icky, smelly swamp stuff and take a bath.
