bruce@THINK.COM.UUCP (02/21/87)
Starting 2 or 3 days ago, we have been experiencing a very weird problem. We (Think.COM, are getting hdh timeouts (resulting in a hung interface) every time we try to communicate with one particular host, NSF.ARPA ( If we ping (ICMP echo) them with 56 data bytes, everything is OK. If we try to ping them with 100 data bytes (or more), we get hdh timeouts. Probably has something to do with crossing the 128-byte frame length. We are running HDH in packet mode with ACC IF-11/HDH unibus interface. No problems talking to any other hosts. Any ideas or similar problems? This has been reported to NOC as SR#8700483. Didn't I read here that new HDH code was installed on the PSNs recently? --bruce