postmap@cbosgd.UUCP (01/23/86)
echo x - cat > <<'!Funky!Stuff!' #N aicchi #S Plexus P40, UNIX System III #O Analysts International Corp., Chicago Branch #C Douglas H. Price, Ron Spizzirri #E aicchi!price, aicchi!ron #T (312) 882-4673 #P 650 Woodfield Drive, Suite 300, Schaumberg, IL, 60195 #L 42 04 45 N / 88 02 18 W #R AiC provides computer consulting services. #W fluke!schuh (Mike Schuh); Thu Oct 31 19:55:18 PST 1985 #U chinet aicchi pyrchi(DAILY), ihnp4(DAILY*3), chinet(DAILY*3), intrndr(DAILY), grc97(DEMAND), homebru(DEMAND) #N anubis #S Pyramid 90x/OSx #O University of Chicago, Computer Science Dept. #C Chris Johnston #E ihnp4!gargoyle!chris #T (312) 962-8440 #P Ryerson Hall, 1100 E. 58th St., Chicago, IL 60637 #L #U #R #W ksh per paper form 7/29/85 # anubis gargoyle(DEMAND) #N bourbaki #S Vax 730, 4.2BSD #O University of Chicago, Mathematics Dept. #C Chris Johnston #E ihnp4!gargoyle!chris #T (312) 962-8440 #P 5734 S. University Ave., Chicago, IL 60637 #L #U #R #W ksh per paper form 7/29/85 # bourbaki gargoyle(HOURLY) #N bradley #S #O Bradley University, Text Processing #C Bradley Smith #E uiucdcs!bradley!brad #T (309) 676-7611 x446 #P Bradley Hall #6, Peoria, IL 61625 #L 40 42 N / 89 36 W city #R #W #U uiucdcs cyber bu-jrn # bradley akgua(DAILY), ihnp4(DAILY), uiucdcs(DAILY), cepu(DAILY), bu-jrn #N bu-jrn #S #O Bradley University, Text Processing #C Bradley Smith #E bradley!brad, bradley!bu-jrn!brad #T (309) 676-7611, x446 #P Peoria, IL 61625 #L #R #W cbosgd!mark 5/11/85 #U bradley # bu-jrn bradley #N ccvaxa #S #O Compion Corp. #C Fred Segovich, Bob Van Valzah #E ccvaxa!fred, ccvaxa!bobvan #T (217) 384-8500 #P 1101 East University, Urbana, IL 61801 #L 40 07 N / 88 12 W city #R #W #U uiucdcs # ccvaxa laidown(DAILY), uiucdcs(DAILY) #N cdlncch #S #O Cadlinc, Inc. #C Bob Collar #E cdlncch!bob #T (312) 228-7300 #P 1872 Brummel, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 #L 42 01 N / 87 59 W city #R #W #U laidbak # cdlncch laidbak(DAILY), turtlevax(DAILY) #N chinet #S AT&T 3b2/300 SysVr2 #O Chi-net, Public Access UNIX #C Randy J. Suess #E ihnp4!chinet!randy #T +1 312 545 7535 #P 5219 W. Warwick, Chicago, IL 60641 #L 87 55 W / 41 54 N #R formerly site wlcrjs; updated from chinet!randy Tue Oct 8 17:00 1985 #W fluke!schuh (Mike Schuh); Thu Oct 31 20:01:37 PST 1985 #U ihnp4 aicchi glcrhs ilunix # chinet ihnp4(DIRECT), aicchi(DIRECT), ilunix(DIRECT), ihnp3(DIRECT), wss(DIRECT), homebru(DIRECT), vfrot(DIRECT), uklpl(POLLED), glcrhs(DIRECT), jpusa1(POLLED), intrndr(POLLED), zoom(POLLED), enigma(POLLED), afbf01(POLLED), emboss(POLLED), nfmtech2(POLLED), mrstve(POLLED), qpsn(POLLED), thefarm(POLLED), wcom(POLLED), oscdbm(POLLED), sscchi(POLLED), HAS-2(POLLED), teachad(POLLED), ubbs(POLLED), Go_Away(POLLED) #N crsp #S Perkin-Elmer 3210, Xelos (System V, Rel. 2) #O University of Chicago #C Alan Becker #E ihnp4!crsp!alan #T (312) 962-7467 #P 1101 E 58th St., Chicago, IL 60637 #L #U #R #W ksh per paper form 7/28/85 # crsp gargoyle(DEMAND), ihnp4(DAILY) #N cyber #S #O Bradley University, Computer Center #C Jeff Hibbard #E bradley!cyber.jeff #T (309) 676-7611, x468 #P Peoria, IL 61625 #L #R On Usenet but not UUCP #W cbosgd!mark 5/11/85 #U bradley #N extel #S PDP 11/70 V7/2.8bsd #O Extel, Incorporated #C Larry Pajakowski #E ihnp4!extel!larry #T (312) 291-4991 #P 4065 Commercial Ave., Northbrook, IL 60062 #L 42 08 N / 87 52 W #R #W fluke!schuh (Mike Schuh); Tue Oct 1 05:37:03 GMT 1985 #U tellab1 # extel tellab1(DAILY), ihnp4(DAILY/3) #N gargoyle #S Vax 11/750, 4.2BSD #O University of Chicago, Computer Science Department #C Chris Johnston #E ihnp4!gargoyle!chris #T (312) 962-8440 #P Ryerson Hall, 1100 E. 58th St., Chicago, IL 60637 #L 41 53 N / 87 38 W city #R netnews feed information is at least a year old #W fluke!schuh (Mike Schuh); Tue Dec 3 12:31:16 PST 1985 #U ihnp4 oddjob crsp sphinx # gargoyle anubis(LOCAL), apollo(LOCAL), bose(LOCAL), bourbaki(DEMAND), cantor(DEMAND), chip(LOCAL), control(LOCAL), crsp(DEMAND), csrlvax(DEMAND), fermi(LOCAL), galton(LOCAL), guts(LOCAL), ihnp4(HOURLY), kaos(LOCAL), molly(DEMAND), oddjob(LOCAL), paideia(DEMAND), puck(DEMAND), rigel(LOCAL), sam(DEMAND), sentry(DEMAND), sphinx(LOCAL), spsspyr(DEMAND), strider(LOCAL), swcdbc(DEMAND), tuzeus(DEMAND) #N homebru #S Altos 586; Xenix 3.0b (w/mods) #O Private node (contact for aicchi!<info> or chinet!<info> #C Dave Ihnat #E homebru!ignatz,aicchi!ignatz #T +1 312 784 4544 #P 4414 North Malden Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, 60640, USA #L 41 50 N / 87 45 W #R Also intimately associated with sites chinet and aicchi # <with a flakey but friendly 80 Mb disk, no bloody neighbors yet!> #U #W homebru!ignatz (Dave Ihnat); Sat Jan 4 01:50:00 CST 1986 # homebru ihnp4(HOURLY*6), aicchi(HOURLY*6), chinet(HOURLY*6), vfrot(DAILY), pyrchi(DAILY), jpusa1(WEEKLY) #N ilunix #S DEC VAX-11/780; 5.0.5 UNIX #O Illinois Bell ARSB Support #C Sam Spitzner #E ilunix!sks #T +1 312 727 5129 #P 225 W Randolph HQ17B Chicago, Ill 60606 #L 41 50 N / 87 45 W #R Several other UNIX systems tie into this one, locally #U chinet ihnp4 #W ilunix!sks (Sam Spitzner); Thu Jan 2 09:22:35 CST 1986 # ilunix ihnp4(HOURLY), chinet(HOURLY) #N intrndr #S National Semiconductor Sys32 running GENIX #O Interand Corporation #C Mike Beirne #E ihnp4!aicchi!intrndr!beirne #T 312-478-1700 #P 3200 W. Peterson, Chicago,Il 60659 #L 41 53 N / 87 30 W city #R manufacturer of video teleconference equipment, doesn't get Netnews #U aicchi chinet #W fluke!schuh (Mike Schuh); Tue Dec 3 12:33:32 PST 1985 intrndr chinet(DAILY), aicchi(DAILY/2) #N invest #S #O Investment Futures, Inc. #C Gene E. Fowler #E ihnp4!invest!gef #T (312) 858-9437 #P 424 Anthony St., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 #L 41 52 N / 88 03 W city #R #W jett!bill 8/4/84 #U ihnp3 ihnp4 # invest realtime, ihnp3, ihnp4, iitcs #N jpusa1 #S Viasyn 68k; UniPlus+ System V #O J.P.U.S.A. #C Stu Heiss #E jpusa1!postmaster #T +1 312 561 2450 #P 4707 N. Malden, Chicago, Il. #L 41 50 N / 87 45 W #R #U gargoyle #W jpusa1!stu (Stu Heiss); 1-3-1986 # jpusa1 ihnp4(DAILY/4), gargoyle(HOURLY), chinet(DAILY/2) #N laidbak #S #O Lachman Associates, Inc. #C Mark Brukhartz #E laidbak!mark #T (312) 986-8840 #P 645 Blackhawk Drive, Westmont, IL 60559 #L 41 48 N / 87 57 W city #R #W #U ihnp4 cdlncch # laidbak akgua(DAILY), allegra(DAILY), cdlncch(DAILY), cdlnch(DAILY), ihnp4(DAILY), ihuxm(DAILY), ittral(DAILY), laidown(DAILY) #N moria #S #O #C #E #T #P IL #L #R #W cbosgd!mark 5/11/85 (from Usenet map) #U uiucdcs # moria uiucdcs #N nucsrl #S VAX-11/780 ; 4.2BSD UNIX #O Northwestern University Computer Science Research Lab (CSRL) #C Jacob Gore #E ihnp4!nucsrl!gore #T (312) 491-5248 #P 2145 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, IL 60201 #L 42 03 33 N / 87 40 32 #R They don't get news yet, but will soon. #U none yet -- probably ihnp4 later #W fluke!schuh (Mike Schuh); Tue Dec 3 12:39:13 PST 1985 # # uucp info commented out pending verification that name is unique # and waiting for connectivity data #nucsrl ihnp4 #nucsrl numusic #N numusic #S Pyramid 90x, Unix ucb 4.2 and att system n #O Northwestern University Computer Music (NCM) #C Jim Roth or Derek Ludwig #E ihnp4!numusic!jim ihnp4!numusic!derek #T 312 491 3895 #P 711 Elgin, Evanston IL, 60201 #L 42 03 34 N / 87 40 30 W # (or 42.059 N, 87.675 W) #R They don't get news yet #U #W fluke!schuh (Mike Schuh); Wed Jan 15 15:45:52 PST 1986 # # uucp info commented out pending verification that name is unique # and waiting for connectivity data #ihnp4 nucsrl nuearth molly goldsho laidbak pyrchi sunbird #N oddjob #S VAX 11/780, 4.2BSD #O University of Chicago - Astronomy & Astrophysics Dept. #C Matt Crawford #E ihnp4!oddjob!matt #T (312) 962-7971 #P 5640 S. Ellis, AAC-111; Chicago IL 60637 #L 41 47 N / 87 36 W #R #W Matt Crawford, 15 May 84 #U gargoyle # ODDJOB # called ~4 times / day by lbl-csam # oddjob gargoyle(DEDICATED+HIGH), ihnp4(DEMAND), astrovax(HOURLY*2), noao(HOURLY*2), anlams(POLLED), lbl-csam(DAILY/4) # gargoyle link will convert to LOCAL someday. # We implement the following aliases via anl-mcs = anlams AAC-net = { oddjob, rigel, strider, guts, kaos }:(LOCAL) #N osiris #S ? #O Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Computer Services Office #C Paul Pomes #E pur-ee!uiucdcs!uiucuxc!paul #T (217) 333-6262, (217) 333-9020 #P 127 Digital Computer Lab, 1304 W. Springfield, Urbana, IL 61801 #L 40 07 N / 88 12 W city #R #W zaiaz!john 12/15/84 #U uiucuxc # # This entry has been removed pending it being renamed. The osiris # at Johns Hopkins seems to have priority. - MRH 6/3/85 #osiris uiucdcs, uiucuxc, uiucuxa # there is another site in with the name of osiris #N paideia #S HP9000; HP-UX 4.02 #O University of Chicago; Education Department #C Richard T. Congdon #E paideia!richard #T +1 312 962 9453 #P 5835 S. Kimbark Ave., Chicago, IL 60637 #L #R #U gargoyle, shpinx #W fluke!schuh (Mike Schuh); Fri Aug 9 23:11:41 PDT 1985 # paideia gargoyle(DEMAND), sphinx(DEMAND) #N pallas #S Convergent Technologies MiniFrame; CTIX 3.2 (Unix V.2) #O Athenanet, Inc. #C Lee Bertagnolli #E pallas!lbert359 #T +1 217 529 0360 #P 34 Hazel Lane, Springfield, Illinois #L 039 45 W / 089 37 N city #R Host site for Minnie BBS, a semi-private (yet FREE) bulletin board #W pallas!lbert359 (Lee Bertagnolli); Fri Jan 3 13:23:55 CST 1986 # Minnie can be reached at (217) 529-3223, 24 hours each day, # at 300, 1200, and 2400 bps. # #N parks1 #S #O Parks College #C Bob Pasken #T (314) 337-7500-277 #P Parks College Cahokia, IL 62206 #E ihnp4!wuphys!slu70!{pasken,parks1}!pasken #L 38 34 N / 90 05 W city #R #U #W hokey@plus5.UUCP, 31 Aug 84 # parks1 slu70(DEMAND) #N pyrchi #S Pyramid 90x, UNIX SV & 4.2 #O Pyramid Technology Corp. - Central Region #C Michelle Donat #E ihnp4!pyrchi!michelle #T 312-699-0420 #P 1350 E Touhy Ave; Des Plaines, Il 60018 #L 42 01 N / 87 80 W #R They used to call themselves by the illegal name pyr_chi #U #W ihnp4!pyrchi!michelle (Michelle Donat); Sat Aug 10 00:04:05 EDT 1985 # # Costs: # ACU external, uucp/ddd - wide area (DEMAND) # ACU external, uucp/ddd (hours 2000-0600)- wide area (EVENING) pyrchi agrigen(EVENING), aicchi(DIRECT), ihnp4(DIRECT), mdc1(EVENING), numusic(DIRECT), pyramid(DEMAND), pyrcorp(DEMAND), pyrlis(DIRECT), pyrnj(DEMAND), sphynx(DIRECT), spsspyr(DIRECT), tulane(EVENING), talcott(EVENING), uiucuxc(EVENING), uiucuxa(EVENING), uiucdcsp(EVENING), uniqvax(DIRECT), uwvax(EVENING), chinet(DIRECT) #N riccb #S DEC VAX-11/780-5; UNIX System V Release 2 #O Rockwell Telecommunications #C David S. Benco #E riccb!sec #T +1 312 960 8567 #P 1431-600 Opus Place, Dept. 632, Downers Grove, IL 60515 #L 41 50 N / 88 00 W #R This is a Rockwell Telecommunications UUCP gateway machine #W riccb!dsb (David S. Benco); Mon Aug 12 20:33:19 CDT 1985 #U ihnp4 # riccb ricca(DEDICATED), riccc(LOCAL), BVAXA(DIRECT), ihnp4(DEMAND+LOW) #N sphinx #S #O University of Chicago, Computation Center #C Jim Lichtenstein #E sphinx!jiml #T #P 5737 S. University Ave., Chicago, IL 60637 #L #R #W fluke!schuh (Mike Schuh); Tue Oct 1 05:59:39 GMT 1985 #U gargoyle # sphinx gargoyle(DAILY) #N tapa #S PC/AT Xenix 3.0 #O Pata Consultants #C Larry Pajakowski #E ihnp4!tapa!larry #T +1 312 291 4991 #P PO Box 969F, Wheeling IL 60090 #L 42 10 N / 87 52 W #R #U extel #W fluke!schuh (Mike Schuh); Tue Oct 1 05:42:15 GMT 1985 # tapa extel(DAILY), ihnp4(DAILY) #N tellab1 #S #O Tellabs, Inc. #C Steve Harpster #E tellab1!steve #T (312) 969-8800 #P 4951 Indiana Ave., Lisle, IL 60532 #L #R #W cbosgd!mark 5/11/85 #U ihnp4 tellab2 extel tmq # tellab1 tellab2, ihnp4, extel #N tellab2 #S #O Tellabs, Inc. #C Steve Harpster #E tellab1!steve #T (312) 969-8800 #P 4951 Indiana Ave., Lisle, IL 60532 #L #R #W cbosgd!mark 5/11/85 #U tellab1, tellab3 # tellab2 tellab1, tellab3 #N tellab3 #S #O Tellabs, Inc. #C Steve Harpster #E tellab1!steve #T (312) 969-8800 #P 4951 Indiana Ave., Lisle, IL 60532 #L #R #W cbosgd!mark 5/11/85 #U tellab2 # tellab3 tellab2 #N tmq #S #O tmq/ICOM #C Peter Kerrigan, Andy Marrison #E ...!ihnp4!tmq!peter, ...!ihnp4!tmq!andy #T (312) 520-4440 #P 1110 Lake Cook Road, Buffalo Grove, IL 60090 #L #R custom electronic design/manufacturing/software house #W zaiaz!kim 3/29/85 #U tellab1 tmq ihnp4(DAILY), tellab1(DAILY), ll1(DAILY) #N uicsg #S VAX11/780 / UNIX 4.1 (4.2 soon) #O University of Illinois, Computer Systems Group #C Geoff McNiven #E uiucdcs!uicsg!mcniven #T (217) 333-3516 #P 262 CSL, 1101 W. Springfield, Urbana, IL 61801 #L 40 07 N / 88 12 W city #R #W Geof McNiven 3/27/84 #U uicsl # 9600 baud lines to uicsl and uiucdcs. Excellent service to # these two machines. # uicsg uicsl(DIRECT), uiucdcs(DIRECT) #N uicsl #S VAX 11/780 currently running 4.1BSD, soon to be 4.2BSD #O University of Illinois, Coordinated Science Lab #C Joan Eslinger #E uiucdcs!uicsl!wombat #T (217) 333-7205 #P 2-110 CSL, 1110 W. Springfield, Urbana, IL 61801 #L 40 07 N / 88 12 W city #R #W Joan Eslinger 3/27/84 #U uiucdcs uicsg # UICSL uicsl uicsg(A), uiucdcs(A) # # I will be the contact person until 1-Jun-84. After that, # it will probably be Bruce Mather (uicsl!mather) or Dave # Ballman (uicsl!ballman). Sometime (probably after 4.2 # comes up) we will have an Ethernet connection to uicsg. #N uiucdcs #S VAX 11/780 UNIX #O Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Dept. of Computer Science #C Rob Adams #E uiucdcs!adams #T (217) 333-3536 #P 222 Digital Comp. Lab, 1304 W. Springfield, Urbana, IL 61801 #L 40 07 N / 88 12 W city #R #W convex!kolstad 11/23/83 #U convex uicsl moria ccvaxa pur-ee bradley uiucme # # uiucdcs bradley(DAILY), ccvaxa(DAILY), ihnp4(DAILY), laidown(DAILY), moria(DAILY), convex(DAILY), philabs(DAILY), ptuvax(DAILY), pur-ee(DAILY), soft(DAILY), uicsg(DAILY), uicsl(DAILY), uiuccsb(DAILY), uiuccsl(DAILY), uiucsrl(DAILY), uiucuxc(DAILY) #N uiuceml #S PDP 11-60 / UNIX #O Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Eye Movement Lab, Center for the Study of Reading #C David Zola #E pur-ee!uiucdcs!uiucuxc!uiuceml!david #T (217) 333-7635 #P 51 Gerty Dr., Champaign, IL 61820 #L 40 07 05 N / 88 14 48 W #R #W May 1, 1984 dz #U uiucuxc # uiuceml uiucuxc(C) #N uiucme #S #O University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Dept. of #C Philip Gross #E uiucme!phil #T (217) 333-9044 #P 349 MEB, 1206 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801 #L 40 07 N / 88 12 W city #R #W jett!bill 8/4/84 #U uiucdcs # uiucme uiucuxc #N uiucmsl #S #O Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Microcomputer Systems Lab #C Gary Mehler #E pur-ee!uiucdcs!uiucmsl!mehler #T (217) 333-5272 #P 1408 W. University, Urbana, IL 61801 #L #R #W cbosgd!mark 5/11/85 #U uiucuxc # uiucmsl uiucuxc #N uiucsrl #S #O Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Survey Research Laboratory #C Albert Cheng #E uiucdcs!uiucuxc!uiucsrl!albert #T (217) 333-8475 #P 1005 W. Nevada, Urbana, IL 61801 #L 40 07 N / 88 12 W city #R #U #W # uiucsrl uiucdcs(DAILY), uiucuxc(DAILY) #N uiucuxa #S #O Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Computer Services Office #C Bob Foertsch #E pur-ee!uiucdcs!uiucuxa!bob #T (217) 333-8033, (217) 333-3780 #P 127 Digital Computer Lab, 1304 W. Springfield, Urbana, IL 61801 #L 40 07 N / 88 12 W city #R #W zaiaz!john 12/15/84 #U uiucuxc # uiucuxa uiucuxc, uiuceml #N uiucuxc #S #O Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Computer Services Office #C Paul Pomes #E pur-ee!uiucdcs!uiucuxc!paul #T (217) 333-6262, (217) 333-9020 #P 183 Digital Computer Lab, 1304 W. Springfield, Urbana, IL 61801 #L 40 07 N / 88 12 W city #R #W fluke!schuh (Mike Schuh); Fri Aug 9 22:21:06 PDT 1985 #U uiuceml uiucuxa # uiucuxc harpo(DAILY), uiuceml(DAILY), uiucmsl(DAILY), ihnp4, mass1, iswsgw, caissa, ctt, pyrchi, uiucme, uiucuxa #N uniq #S #O Uniq Computer Corp. #C Karen King #E lime!we13!uniq!kek #T (312) 879-1566 #P 28 S. Water St., Batavia, IL 60510 #L 41 51 N / 88 19 W city #R #W #U mgnetp # uniq akgua(DAILY), allegra(DAILY), ihnp4(DAILY), ihuxm(DAILY), we13(DAILY) !Funky!Stuff! echo x - usa.fl cat >usa.fl <<'!Funky!Stuff!' #N ACEE #S Gould ???; UTX-32 1.1c #O Gould, Computer Systems Division #C #E #T (305) 587-2900 #P 6901 West Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33310 #L 80 08 W / 26 10 N city #R #W 9/12/85 # ACEE csd-gould(DIRECT) #N csd-gould #S Gould ???; UTX-32 1.1c #O Gould, Computer Systems Division (MIS machine) #C Donna Harland #E csd-gould!dharland #T (305) 587-2900 #P 6901 West Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33310 #L 80 08 W / 26 10 N city #R Main mail hub for Gould CSD and its field offices #W 9/12/85 # csd-gould ACEE(DIRECT), bcopen, brl-bmd, ccvaxa, csd-prod(DIRECT), eunice(DIRECT), gcsd-nh, gould(DIRECT), gould9(DAILY), houligan(DIRECT), jabba(DIRECT), pur-ee, rti-sel, samson(DIRECT), sel-dal, sun(DAILY), trainer(DIRECT), uf-csg, utxla(DEAD), wombat #N csd-prod #S Gould ???; UTX-32 1.1c #O Gould, Computer Systems Division #C #E #T (305) 587-2900 #P 6901 West Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33310 #L 80 08 W / 26 10 N city #R #W 9/12/85 # csd-prod csd-gould(DIRECT) #N eunice #S Gould 32/67; UTX-32 1.1c #O Gould, Computer Systems Division (QA Dept.) #C Larry Lebin #E eunice!larry #T (305) 587-2900 #P 6901 West Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33310 #L 80 08 W / 26 10 N city #R #W 8/30/85 # eunice csd-gould(DIRECT), gould9 # # Local Ethernet at Gould CSD Plant 4 CSD4NET = {eunice, houligan, jabba}:(LOCAL) # "opus" and "midas" is on this net, but unpublished #CSD4NET = {eunice, houligan, jabba, midas, opus}:(LOCAL) #N fau #S #O Florida Atlantic University, College of Business and Public Administration, Computer Systems Department #C Gail Edwards #E duke!ucf-cs!fau!gail #T (305) 393-3190 #P Boca Raton, FL 33431 #L 26 21 N / 80 05 W city #R #U #W # fau ucf-cs(DEMAND) #N houligan #S Gould 32/67; UTX-32 1.1 #O Gould, Computer Systems Division (UTX-32 development) #C #E #T (305) 587-2900 #P 6901 West Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33310 #L 80 08 W / 26 10 N city #R #W 9/12/85 # houligan csd-gould(DIRECT), novavax(DAILY) #N jabba #S Gould PN6050; UTX-32 1.1c #O Gould, Computer Systems Division (UTX-32 development) #C #E #T (305) 587-2900 #P 6901 West Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33310 #L 80 08 W / 26 10 N city #R #W 9/12/85 # #N ki4pv #S Intel '286 in a Multibus Box #O CompuData South #C Tanner Andrews #E decvax!ucf-cs!ki4pv!tanner #T #P P.O.Box 3636, Deland, FL 32723 #L 29 00 N / 81 19 W #R #U ucf-cs #W cbosgd!mark 5/12/85 # ki4pv ucf-cs(DEMAND), cdin-1(DEMAND) #N marketing #S Gould PN6080; UTX-32 1.1c #O Gould, Computer Systems Division (Marketing) #C #E #T +1 305 587 2900 #P 6901 West Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33310 #L 80 08 W / 26 10 N city #R #W Updated tgi 1/16/86, 9/12/85 # marketing brl-bmd, gould(DIRECT), gould9(DAILY), novavax(DAILY) #N eunice #S Gould 32/67; UTX-32 1.1c #O Gould, Computer Systems Division (QA Dept.) #C Larry Lebin #E eunice!larry #T (305) 587-2900 #P 6901 West Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33310 #L 80 08 W / 26 10 N city #R #W Updated tgi 1/16/86, 8/30/85 # eunice gould(DIRECT), gould9 # # Local Ethernet at Gould CSD Plant 4 CSD4NET = {eunice, houligan, jabba, birddog, kant, cadsun, frankenix, nugipsy, smaug}:(LOCAL) # "opus" "midas" "atlas" "hal" "puff" is on this net, but unpublished #CSD4NET = {eunice, houligan, jabba, birddog, kant, cadsun, frankenix, # nugipsy, smaug, midas, opus, atlas, hal, puff}:(LOCAL) #N novavax #S DEC VAX 11/780; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Nova University (Computer Center) #C Don Joslyn #E novavax!don #T +1 305 475 7678 #P 3301 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314 #L 26 05 N / 80 14 W #R We also feed our notesfile system for READ ONLY use. #W zaiaz!curtis sieber 1/3/86 #U houligan ucf-cs # novavax ucf-cs(EVENING+HIGH), neoucom(EVENING+HIGH), allegra(EVENING+HIGH), houligan(DIRECT), es5vax(DIRECT), usfvax2(EVENING+LOW) #N peora #S PE 3230 Edition 7 #O Perkin-Elmer SDC #C Steve Davies #E ihnp4!pesnta!peora!srd #T (305) 850-1033 #P 2486 Sand Lake Road, Orlando, FL 32809 #L 28 26'57" N / 81 24'56" W #R #W srd 4/24/85 #U petsd # peora petsd(DEMAND), ucf-cs(DIRECT), pesnta(DEMAND+LOW) # # petsd is in Tinton Falls, NJ. pesnta is in Santa Clara, CA. ucf-cs is # the University of Central Florida in Orlando. All but ucf-cs are toll calls. #N samson #S Gould PN6000; UTX-32 1.1c #O Gould, Computer Systems Division (tech support) #C #E #T (305) 587-2900 #P 6901 West Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33310 #L 80 08 W / 26 10 N city #R #W 9/12/85 # samson bcopen, csd-gould(DIRECT), gould9, ucla-cs #N tslvax #S DEC VAX-11/751; System V Release 2 Unix #O Tech-Source Laboratories, Division of Ciprico, Inc. #C Timothy E. Beres #E tslvax!usenet #T +1 305 788 9100 #P 1175 Spring Centre South, Suite D, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714 #L 81 22 W / 28 38 N city #U ucf-cs #W zaiaz!curtis sieber 1/3/86 # tslvax ucf-cs(DEMAND) #N ucf-cs #S #O Univ. of Central Florida, Computer Science Dept. #C Ben Goldfarb #E decvax!ucf-cs!goldfarb #T (305) 275-2699 #P Orlando, FL 32816 #L 28 32 N / 81 23 W city #R #W zaiaz!curtis sieber 1/3/86 #U ki4pv novavax peora usfvax2 miami tslvax # ucf-cs akgua(DEMAND), decvax(DEMAND), ki4pv(DEMAND), miami(DEMAND), novavax(DEMAND), peora(DIRECT), tslvax(DIRECT), ucf44(DIRECT), usfvax2(DEMAND) #N uf-cgrl #S #O University of Florida, Gainesville, Computer Graphics Research Group #C Robert T. Jen, John Staudhammer #E uf-cgrl!robert, uf-cgrl!jstaudh #T (904) 392-1010 #P Larsen Hall 216, Gainesville, FL 32611 #L 29 40 N / 82 20 W city #R #W #U ittvax uf-che akgua # uf-cgrl allegra(DEMAND), amd(DEMAND), beesvax(DEMAND), brunix(DEMAND), cwruecmp(DEMAND), fluke(DEMAND), gatech(DEMAND), ios(DEMAND), ittvax(DEMAND), metheus(DEMAND), princeton(DEMAND), rlgvax(DEMAND), rti(DEMAND), sb1(DEMAND), sb6(DEMAND), sbcs(DEMAND), seismo(DEMAND), tektronix(DEMAND), ucf-cs(DEMAND), ucsfcgl(DEMAND), uf-che(DEMAND), utah-gr(DEMAND), uw-beaver(DEMAND), wivax(DEMAND), wjh12(DEMAND), yale(DEMAND) #N uf-che #S #O University of Florida, Department of Chemical Engineering #C Dr. Dale W. Kirmse, Chris Skowlund #E uf-che!kirmse, uf-che!chris #T (904) 392-0862, (904) 392-0881 #P 329 Chemical Engineering, Gainesville, FL 32611 #L 29 40 N / 82 20 W city #R #W #U uf-cgrl uf-csg # uf-che che1(DIRECT), che2(DIRECT), nsc(DEMAND), optcom(DEMAND), ucf-cs(DEMAND), uf-cgrl(DIRECT), uf-nsc(DIRECT) #N uf-csg #S #O University of Florida, Department of Computer and Information Science #C Ralph Kuntz, Leo Wilson #E uf-csg!ralph, uf-csg!leo #T (904) 392-2371 #P 512 Weil Hall, Gainesville , FL 32611 #L 29 40 N / 82 20 W city #W jett!bill 12/15/84 #U uf-che uf-csv # uf-csg fllcsmis, rti-sel, uf-cgrl, uf-che, uf-csv #N uf-csv #S #O Univ. of Florida, Computer and Information Sciences Dept. #C Ralph Kuntz, Leo Wilson #E uf-csv!ralph, uf-csv!leo #T (904) 392-2371 #P 512 Weil Hall, Gainesville, FL 32611 #L 29 40 N / 82 20 W city #R #W zaiaz!john 12/15/84 #U akgua uf-csg # uf-csv akgua, uf-che #N usf-cs #S USF Computer Science PDP-11/44 (2.9 BSD) #O University of South Florida Computer Science Dept #C Ian Hewitt #E ihnp4!akgua!usfvax2!usf-cs!hewitt #T (813)-974-3307 #P Computer Science Dept, LIB 630, Tampa, Florida, 33620 #L 27 58 N / 82 38 W #R Used for Architecture/Microprocessor Teaching Support #R Mail with usfvax1, usfvax2,pur-ee,akgua,uf-csv,ucf-cs #R News from usfvax2 #W Ian Hewitt 7/8/85 #N usfvax1 #S USF Engineering Vax #1 (4.2 BSD) #O University of South Florida College of Engineering #C Dave Hollenbeck #E ihnp4!akgua!usfvax2!usfvax1!dave #T (813)-974-2369 #P Electrical Engineering Dept, ENG 249, Tampa, Florida, 33620 #L 27 58 N / 82 38 W #R Research Machine used for CAD #R Mail with ucf-cs,uf-csv,usf-cs #R News and Mail from usfvax2 #W Dave Hollenbeck 5/31/85 #N usfvax2 #S USF Engineering Vax #2 (4.2 BSD) #O University of South Florida College of Engineering #C Ian Hewitt #E ihnp4!akgua!usfvax2!hewitt #T (813)-974-3307 #P Computer Science Dept, LIB 630, Tampa, Florida, 33620 #L 27 58 N / 82 38 W #R Research Machine used for CAD/Vision/Robotics #R Mail with hispace, usf-cs, novavax, usfvax1,pur-ee,akgua,uf-csv #R News and Mail from ucf-cs #W Ian Hewitt 7/8/85 !Funky!Stuff! : End of shell archive