dave@lsuc.UUCP (David Sherman) (12/16/85)
Has anyone worked out a script which will make it easy to turn a gamescore (or partial score) into a picture of the board? Roughly, I want to take 1. P-K4 P-K4 2. P-KB4 PxP and have it automatically turned into /usr/games/chess <<EOF manual p-k4 p-k4 p-kb4 pxp EOF (Note the extra blank line, which will cause the board to be printed.) Extra bonus points for ignoring initial irrelevant stuff (a la patch(1)), so you can, in theory, save mail or news and run it right through the ChessGameScorePlayer program. Also, an option to put a blank line after every full move, so that the user can see the board as it develops, would be nice. This could be done in either sh or C. Make a nice little assignment for someone who has undergrad students learning programming :-) Dave Sherman The Law Society of Upper Canada Toronto -- { ihnp4!utzoo pesnta utcs hcr decvax!utcsri } !lsuc!dave