[net.micro.amiga] Assorted Amiga queries

wjr@utai.UUCP (William Rucklidge) (09/03/85)

Okay... you asked for them:

1) How is the windowing environment? How easy is it to open, drag, resize
   windows? How fast (crisp, clean movement vs. slow, mushy movement)?
   Are the icons really as ugly as they appeared in the various photographs?

2) How easy is it to program the windowing environment (set up screens,
   windows, gadgets)?

3) How usable is the multitasking: how much do two jobs slow down if run
   concurrently as opposed to sequentially? How is the memory allocation
   done? Is 256K enough for the standard edit/compile cycle? Is there any
   form of paging/swapping/overlaying?

4) How is the physical unit: how does the keyboard feel, the mouse etc.
   Is the two-button mouse useful? Does the down cursor key REALLY point

5) What is I/O like? What is the average disk transfer rate for, say, a
   10-100K file? How easy is it to configure a printer, a modem, an
   external drive?

6) Is there an 'enivronment configuration' (how fast the mouse moves,
   what delay is acceptable in a double-click, keyclick on/off, key
   repeat rates)? If so, how is it stored? Is the date/time volatile?
William Rucklidge			University of Toronto
UUCP	{ihnp4	utzoo	decwrl	uw-beaver}!utcsri!utai!wjr
CSNet	wjr@toronto		BITNET	wjr at utoronto
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