[net.micro.amiga] Compatibility, Kermit


From: Steve Dennett <DENNETT@SRI-NIC.ARPA>

As a user of an IBM compatible system, I'd be interested in hearing more
about how compatible the AMIGA is in it's IBM emulation mode.  Specifically,
have you tried to run any graphics programs?  When you have a chance, 
perhaps you could comment on the results of trying to run the classic
compatibility tests, "Flight Simulator" and "Lotus 1-2-3".

Also, has Kermit been written for the AMIGA yet?  It would be useful for
overcoming the disk compatibility problems in moving programs from 


Steve Dennett




 I don't know exactly how compatible it is, as I don't have a 5-1/4 inch drive.

I have seen it run Lotus 1 2 3 and Commodore claims 95% compatibility.

They say it will run Wordstart, Dbase, Lotus etc. I have no idea about

flight simulator, but I doubt it since the PC emulator seems to run

in a monochrome configuration (green on black on a color monitor).

 I am beginning work on an extensive terminal project which will

include Kermit as one of it's many protocols. I have already notified Columbia

so they are aware of it. I can't say right now when it will be ready.

