[net.micro.amiga] PD Portable Core Graphics Package

jrv@mitre-bedford (10/17/85)

From: jrv@mitre-bedford.ARPA

I have been working on a portable implementation of the Core System
graphics package, and have it running on the IBM PC and the Z-100 (two
graphics modes on each).  All the 2D and 3D viewing transformations are
provided, but there are no retained segments, no input primitives, and
only string-precision text.  I have recently contributed the source
code for the graphics package, along with two programs I have written
using it, to the info-ibmpc library.  These files can be ftp'd from
directory <info-ibmpc.graph> on ARPANET host usc-isib:

READ.ME          This list (a brief description of the files)
GRAPH.DOC        Documentation for GRAPH.
GRAPH.C          Graphs a tabulated function (like the Unix program).
SCALE.C          Scales and draws axes for GRAPH.
SINE.            Sample data for GRAPH
SINH.            Sample data for GRAPH
DOTS.DOC         Documentation for DOTS
DOTS.C           3D version of GRAPH
SPIRAL.          Sample data for DOTS
G3.DOC           Documentation for G31 and G32.
G3.H             Definitions for portable CORE graphics package.
G31.C            Portable CORE graphics package (part 1)
G32.C            Portable CORE graphics package (part 2)
BENCH.DOC        Documentation for BENCH.
BENCH.C          Demonstration/benchmark routine for interface routines.
G.H              Declarations for machine interface routines.
GPC.C            Interface routines for IBM PC.
GZ.C             Interface routines for Z-100
MKFILE           Make file (for Holub's MAKE program)
The definitive description of CORE graphics is volume 13, number 3 of
Computer Graphics (August 1979), which you can get from the ACM...

     call:       1-800-526-0359 x 75      (1-800-932-0878 x75 in N.J.)
     or write:   ACM Order Dept., P.O. Box 64145, Baltimore MD 21264

I would like to see this package ported to other microcomputers with
good graphics, like the NEC APC and the DEC Rainbow.  If you want to
help, please get in touch with me directly.

              - Jim Van Zandt