[net.micro.amiga] serial port trash

louie@trantor.UMD.EDU (11/20/85)

From: Louis A. Mamakos <louie@trantor.UMD.EDU>

I took the AMIGA into work today to play show and tell, and to download some
stuff to it at 9600 baud rather than 1200 baud from home.  I've been using the
READ command on the AMIGA, along with a really simple program on our UNIX host
to generate the stuff to shove down the wire.  For those of you who don't know,
READ just reads pairs of ASCII hex digits (0-9,A-F) and sticks them together
to form a byte.  The file is terminated by receiving a 'Q' character.  What
I did was to sign on the machine on one line, and then plug the AMIGA into
that port.  Then I'd sign on another terminal line, and just talk to that
port to send the data down.  Look what I found after sending a couple of
dozen files, and running a whole pile of demos:

     1	biff n		
     2	mesg n
     3	who
     4	who am i
     5	lsl /dev/ttyh1
     6	wakeupbit=80000000 AllFlags=13480
     7	multi-bit setting timer
     8	wakeupbit=C0000000 AllFlags=13480
     9	multi-bit setting timer
    10	windbit too
    11	We've got NEWSIZE, AllFlags=13480
    12	start=0 body=0 count=2
    13	cd
    14	history
    15	cd amiga
    16	history > serial.port.trash

The first few commands (1-5)) I used to set up the line, and keep other people
from writing to the tty port.  Then, while playing with the AMIGA, it sent
lines 6 thru 12 OUT the serial port to the host.  Looks like someone forget
to disable some debug code.

Louis A. Mamakos  WA3YMH    Internet: louie@TRANTOR.UMD.EDU
  University of Maryland, Computer Science Center - Systems Programming