[net.micro.amiga] sample AbasiC programs

brolsma@BBN-SPCA.ARPA (11/24/85)

From: Bruce Brolsma <brolsma@BBN-SPCA.ARPA>

Believe me, I know the problems of getting a manual out under the pressure of
deadlines, and I'm sure the AbasiC manual had a tight one (the Errata sheets
attest to that)...

Since there are some folks who don't have the Lattice C compiler and don't
program in C, thought I'd include a few AbasiC listings of the type I'd have
liked to see in the manual; short, complete programs that exercise various
some of the neat features of the Amiga.  Short, complete programs can help
those who haven't mastered the various parts of AbasiC into a cohesive whole;
after all, there are some pretty non-standard BASIC statements here; there
have to be, to take advantage of Amiga's capabilities...

Have fun!

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100     REM exercise color registers.
200     screen 1,4,0
300     font 0
400     graphic(0): print at (30,1); "Basic Register Colors"
500     n = 0: REM initialize pen color
600     rad = 15
700     y1 = -15
800     for j = 1 to 2: REM print two rows of circles
900     y1 = y1 + 50
1000    x1 = -30
1100    for i = 1 to 8 : REM print eight circles per row
1200    x1 = x1 + 70
1300    circle (x1,y1), rad
1400    n = n + 1
1500    PENA n
1600    PAINT (x1,y1), 1: REM fill circle with color and number it
1700    graphic(-1): print at (x1 - 10, y1); n
1800    next i
1900    next j

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10      REM Practice phonetic spelling with this loop.  CTRL-C twice to end.
20      audio 15, 1
30      line input "Enter line to speak: "; i$
40      a$ = translate$ (i$)
50      x% = narrate(a$)
60      goto 30

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10      REM Exercise mouse coordinate location feature.
20      PENA 3
30      FONT 0
40      print at (10,1) "Mouse location practice."
50      print at (50,2) " x1        y1"
60      count = 1
70      while(1)
80      ASK MOUSE x1%, y1%, lpush%
90      print at (50,1) x1%, y1%;
95      REM Normally, you'd branch off here once you've detected that
96      REM mouse button has been pushed, to do some task...
97      REM SLEEP is necessary because of speed of the loop.
100     if lpush% = 4 then count = count + 1: sleep .5*10^6 ELSE goto 80
110     if (count > 10) then PRINT "DONE": END
120     wend