[net.micro.amiga] ED Commands


From: George S. Musser Jr.

To use ED, AmigaDOS's full-screen line-oriented editor, type
ED <filename> from the CLI prompt.  Once you're in ED, use the
ESC key to get the command-prompt line.  On this line, you can type...

a "text" insert a line of text below the cursor
b        goes to bottom of file
d        deletes the line where the cursor is
e ...    search for and delete a string
f        moves the cursor right
i "text" insert a line of text above the cursor
j        join lines
m #      move to line #
n        move down
p        move up
q        quits without saving the file
s        insert a line
t        goes to top of file
u        undelete character deleted with the DEL key
x        save the file and quit

If you precede the commands  d, f, n, p, s, u  by a number, the command will
execute that many times.

I use ED (a) to create and modify EXEC files, such as S/STARTUP-SEQUENCE,
and (b) when I get so annoyed with ABasiC's "editor" that I want to cold work
my ABasiC disk.

                                     George Musser Jr.

slb@bnl44.UUCP (San Barr lying around @ The Beach (slb @ Brookhaven Nat. Labs, L.I.)) (12/05/85)

This listing of Ed commands comes from a pre-published release of
Bantam Books' "AmigaDOS User's Manual".  I don't know when the official
publication is but it's in a series of three VERY worthwhile books.

"AmigaDOS User's Manual" - Covers All DOS commands, along with ED and EDIT

"AmigaDOS Technical Reference Manual" - Everything you ever wanted to 
					know about the Filing System,
					Binary File Structure, AmigaDOS
					Data structure, and DISKED.

"AmigaDOS Developer's Manual" - How to call DOS commands from "c",
				The macro assembler, and ALINK
				The linker.

CTRL-A		Insert line
CTRL-B		Delete line
CTRL-D		Scroll text down
CTRL-E		Move to top or bottom of screen
CTRL-F		Flip case
CTRL-G		Repeat last "extended command" line
CTRL-H		Delete character left of cursor (BACKSPACE)
CTRL-I		Move cursor to next tab position
CTRL-M		Return
CTRL-O		Delete word or spaces
CTRL-R		Cursor to end of previous word
CTRL-T		Cursor to start of next word
CTRL-U		Scroll text up
CTRL-V		Verify Screen
CTRL-Y		Delete to end of line
CTRL-[		Escape (enter extended mode)
CTRL-]		Cursor to end or start of line

Precede all commands with the <ESC> key.

In the list, /s/ indicates a string, /s/t/ indicates two exchange strings,
and n indicates a number.

A /s/		Insert line after current.
B	        Move to bottom of file.
BE		Block end at cursor
BF /s/ 		Backwards find
BS		Block start at cursor
CE		Move cursor to end of line
CL		Move cursor one position left
CR		Move cursor one position right
CS		Move cursor to start of line
D		Delete current line
DB		Delete block
DC		Delete character at cursor
E /s/t/		Exchange s into t
EQ /s/t		Exchange but query first
EX		Extended right margin
F /s/		Find string /s/
I /s/		Insert line before current
IB		Insert copy of block
IF /s/		Insert file s
J		Join current line with next
LC		Distinguish between UPPER/lower in searches
M n		Move to line number n
N		Move to start of next line
P		Move to start of previous line
Q		Quit without saving text
RP		Repeat until error
S		Split line at cursor
SA		Save text to file
SB		Show block on screen
SH		Show information
SL n 		Set left margin
SR n		Set right margin
ST n 		Set tab distance
T		Move to top of file
U		Undo changes on current line
UC		Equate UPPERCASE and lowercase in searches
WB /s/		Write block to file s
X		Exit and save text

             Sanford L. Barr             | Voice phone: (516) 736-4155
Famous designer of the Write Only Memory.| Address (USnail):
            --             --            |
  ..!decvax!mcnc!philabs!sbcs!bnl44!slb  | Almagmated Tech.
           ...slb@bnl44.ARPA             | 39 Royalston La.
	   ...slb@bnl44.UUCP             | S. Setauket, N.Y. 11720
           ...slb@bnl44.bitnet           | ATTN: Sanford L. Barr
 "Did you exchange a walk-on part in a war for a lead role in a cage?"