[net.micro.amiga] Ref Card repost ... and some trivia

kim@mips.UUCP (Kim DeVaughn) (12/06/85)

[ ... go ahead, eat my bits ... ]

Several people asked me to send them copies of the "ref card" that Dale
posted for Bruce awhile ago.  Alas, for some reason, most of them are on
ARPA, and I can't get mail to them.  So, with apologies, I'm re-posting
it here.

Just so this won't be totally redundent, here's a "tidbit" or two:

I was supposed to receive Deluxe Paint by Electronic Arts on Tuesday,
Dec. 3rd.  That has been delayed to between Dec. 7th, and Dec. 9th.
Reason given was a couple of last minute bugs found in going from the
V1.0 OS, to the V1.1 OS.  So what else is new ...

BTW, the V1.1 s/w seems somewhat more stable than V1.0, but it still crashes
alot;  at least the Guru Meditation numbers are different though.  Biggest
problem area still seems to be "doing things" (like *closing* windows) when
there's *only* 30-40K of free memory around.  V1.1 has occasionally trashed
a disk, as did V1.0 ... these from AmigaBASIS (MS-Basic) and ABasiC,
respectively.  AmigaBASIC is ALOT like the MS-Basic for the Mac;  I had heard
this, so I went out and bought a book on MS-MacBasic (why you ask ... because
I don't have any documentation ... the dealers only copy the new floppys ...
the documentation is *supposed* to come from CBM directly ... REAL SOON NOW!)
Anyway, it's true that they're quite similar as far as the syntax/semantics/
etc. goes;  less true for the environment itself.  Ah well ...

Read in the newspaper the other day ... there's been an "Executive Reorg-
anization" at Commodore.  New President, new COO, negotiations with the
Bank on debt restructuring, etc.  Their stock is up about 2 points from
the last time I checked (about a month ago), so hopefully they'll be around
for awhile.  Good luck, CBM-Amiga folks!

Enough trivia ... here's the repost.


> From: dale@amiga.UUCP (Dale Luck)
> Newsgroups: net.micro.amiga
> Subject: software quickie reference card
> Date: 30 Oct 85 19:42:31 GMT
> Organization: Commodore-Amiga Inc., 983 University Ave #D, Los Gatos CA 95030
> Bruce Barrett sent this to me to make available, hope it helps.
> You might like to post the folowing on USENET / BIX it is the 
> Amiga Reference Card I designed a while ago.
**********************************Start of card*********************
======= Amiga Reference Card =====1=
----------- ED Commands ------------

esc:key:what happens  (type esc first, then you can use the commands on left)
CL	<-  Cursor left one char.
CR	->  Cursor right one char.
	^I  Tab to next
	^R  Cursor left one word
	^T  Cursor right one word
CS	^]  Cursor to start of line
CE	^]  Cursor to end of line
	^|   Cursor Up
	v|   Cursor down
N	    Next line (start of)
P	    Previous line (start of)
	^E  Top or Bottom of screen
	^D  Scroll text Down
	^U  Scroll test Up
B	    Bottom of file
T	    Top of file

Changes (insert, exchange, delete):

S	^M  Insert <cr>
A/s/	    Insert line before
I/s/	^A  Insert line after
IB	    Insert block
IF!f!	    Insert file

DC	del Delete character
	BS  Delete previous char.
	^O  Delete next word
J	    Delete next <cr>
	^Y  Delete to end of line
D	^B  Delete line
DB	    Delete Block

EQ/s/t/	    Exchange w/Query
E/s/t/	    Exchange
BE	    Block End
BS	    Block Start
SB	    Show block
F	    Find
BF	    Find, backwards
LC	    Check case in searches
UC	    Don't check case
======= Amiga Reference Card =====2=
----------- ED Commands ------------


U	    Undo changes
RP	    Repeat til error
SL	    Set Left margin
SR	    Set Right margin
ST	    Set Tab distance
EX	    Extend right margin
SH	    Show information
Q	    Quit (no save)
SA	    Save file
WB!f!	    Write block to file
X	    Exit (and save)
	^G  Repeat last extended

======= Amiga Reference Card =======
---------- DOS Error Codes ---------

103  Out of memory
120  Command line invalid
121  Not an Object Module
202  Object in use
203  Object exists
205  Objet not found
209  Action not known
210  Invalid stream name
211  Object lock invalid
212  Object wrong type
213  Disk not validated
214  Disk Read only
215  Rename across devices
216  Directory not empty
218  Device not mounted
219  Seek error
220  Comment too big
221  Disk full
222  File delete protected
223  File write protected
224  File read protected
225  Not a DOS disk
226  No disk in drive
232  No more DIR entries
======= Amiga Reference Card =====3=
==--==--  Dead End Alerts   --==--==

-------- 68000/68010 errors  -------

0	Call to Debug();
1	--?--
2	Bus error
3	Address error
4	Illegal instruction
5	Division by Zero
6	CHK inst. (shouldn't happen)
7	TRAPV inst. (shouldn't happen)
8	Privileged instruction
9	trace (single step)
A	Line 1010 emulator
B	Line 1111 emulator
2x	Trap instructions 0-E
2F	Normal break point

======= Amiga Reference Card =====4=
-------- Lattice C Compiler  -------

LC1	[LC1Options] program
LC2	[LC2Options] program
	-cc	nest comments
	-cd	allow '$' in symbols
	-cm	allow 'cc'
	-cs	use one copy of string
	-cu	force all "char" to
		 "unsigned char"
	-cw	ignore return()'s 
	-d	put debug info in quad
	-l	align data to an even
		 4 byte address
	-n	ingore chars 9-31 of
		 symbol names
	-oname	output (quad file) name
	-p	create preprocessor
		 output only
	-u	remove predefined
	-x	definitions outside
		 functions are treated
		 as XREFs not XDEFs
	-f5|6	Use A5 or A6 for -b
	-oname	output (.ld file) name
	-s	load contiguously

======= Amiga Reference Card =====1=
----------- The Assembler ----------

Assem	prog [-o outfile] [-c options]
	  [-i include/group/]
	  [-l listfile]

	S  Place symbols in -o file
	D  No local symbols in -o file
	C  Ignore label case
	X  Add xref info to -l file
	Wn Set workspace value {8000}
======= Amiga Reference Card =====5=
------------ The Linker ------------

Alink	file[+file...] [WITH file]
	  [LIB file[+file...]] 
	  [XREF file] [WIDTH n]
	  [MAP file] [TO file]

ALink startup.o+foo.o lib lib 
	  lc.lib+amiga.lib to foo.ld

Alink with foo.wth
foo.with:    FROM startup.obj*
	     TO myfile.ld
	     LIBRARY lc.lib*

======= Amiga Reference Card =======
------- DOS Execute Commands -------

Execute	file [arguments]
FailAt	return_code (from 1 to 2000meg)

IF	condition
    :	  :
	[NOT] srring1 EQ string2
	[NOT] EXISTS file

Skip	[label]
LAB	[label]
Quit	[return_code]		{0}
======= Amiga Reference Card =====6=
----------- DOS Commands -----------

;	comment
>	redirect stdout
<	redirect stdin
Assign	log_dev: dir
Break	task# [All][C][D][E][F]
CD	dir
Copy	[dir|file] [TO] dir|file 
Date	[dd-mmm-yy] [[h]h:mm[:ss]]
Delete	name[ name...]
Dir	[dir] [OPT A|D|I]
	  A=all, D=Dir names only, 
Diskcopy DFn: to DFm: [new_name]
Echo	"string"
Fault	n [n...]
FileNote file "string"
Format	DRIVE DFn: NAME "string"
Install	DFn:
Join	file [file...] AS new_file
List	[dir] [P patern] [S pattern]
	  [SINCE date] [UPTO date]
MakeDir	dir
NewCLI	["x/y/width/heigth/[name]"]
Prompt	"string"  (May use %n for 
	  tack number)
Protect	file|dir [R][W][D][E]
Raname	file|dir file|dir
Run	program [arguments] [+
	  program [arguments] [+...
Search	dir|pattern [SEARCH] "string"
Sort	file file [COLSTART n]
Stack	n
Status	[process#] [FULL] [TCB] 
	  [SEGS] [ALL]
Type	file [OPT N|H]
Wait	n SEC|MIN
Wait	UNTIL hh:mm
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that's all, folks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

UUCP:  {decvax,ucbvax,ihnp4}!decwrl!mips!kim
DDD:   415-960-1200
USPS:  MIPS Computer Systems Inc,  1330 Charleston Rd,  Mt View, CA 94043


UUCP:  {decvax,ucbvax,ihnp4}!decwrl!mips!kim
DDD:   415-960-1200
USPS:  MIPS Computer Systems Inc,  1330 Charleston Rd,  Mt View, CA 94043