[net.micro.amiga] ABasiC MandelHack



Herein lies the ABasiC source for the Mandelbrot zoom program.  This
distribution consists of two ABasiC programs: MandelMung.bas, which contains
the source for the assembly language subroutine, and Mandelbrot.bas, which
is the actual zoom program.

To bootstrap these programs, run ABasiC, and give the following commands:

RUN MandelMung          ' which should take about 1 minute
RUN Mandelbrot          ' which should take about 15 minutes

Running Mandelbrot the first time will cause it to compute the entire set
(which is the part that takes 15 minutes), and write it to disk as
MandelSet.320.  This is a low resolution, 4 bit plane image in which each
point is computed to 250 iterations.

Any time Mandelbrot.bas is run after this, it will read either MandelSet.640
or MandelSet.320 and display it on the screen.  Once done, it waits for the
left mouse button to be pressed.  When pressed, it prompts for a command.  A
complete list of available commands may be obtained by typing the "HELP"
command.  When typing commands, always type the command name, followed by a
carraige return.  Mandelbrot.bas will then prompt for all subsequent
arguments needed to complete the command.  Some of the more interesting
commands are:

SET      which prompts for the X and Y coordinates, the DeltaX (difference
         between the X value at the right and left of the screen - not the
         difference between single points on the screen), screen resolution
         (0 or 1 as given to the basic SCREEN statement), bit plane count
         and iteration count.  When prompting for each of these values, the
         default value will be given in parenthesis.

MOUSE    Use the mouse to set the coordinates.  Move the pointer to the
         lower left of the desired coordinate "box", press the left mouse
         button, then move the pointer to the upper right of the box and
         press the mouse button again.  Note that due to several bugs, this
         command will not work properly if issued after a set command, nor
         will the set command work properly if issued after a MOUSE command.

SHOW     Show the current coordinate settings

GO       Compute the set as given by the coordinates set by the SET or MOUSE

READ     Read and display an existing set

SAVE     Save the current set (may not be done after a SET or MOUSE command,
         unless the set has been computed via the GO command).  This will
         also save the coordinate data with the actual picture.

EXIT     Exit to ABasiC.

Program notes:

     In order to speed computation of the set, an assembly language
subroutine which does the actual per point iteration.  Code readers will
notice that it does not use the normal floating point representation.  Since
virtually all the points being computed have an absolute value in the range
of .01 to 1.99, a floating binary representation isn't absolutely necessary.
As a result, a 32 bit fixed point representation has been chosen in which
the high order bit is the sign, the next higher bit is considered to be
"before" the decimal point, and the remaining 30 bits are considered
fraction.  This yields an exclusive range of 0 to 2, and in many cases
produces a couple more bits of precision than the normal 32 bit floating
point, as well as reducing execution time.  This results in low resolution
screen computation time of between 15 - 45 minutes for most regions.

     As is well documented in the USENET Net.Micro.Amiga mailing list, high
resolution screens of more than 2 bit planes will steal compute cycles from
the 68000 processor.  It is suggested that when computing high resolution
sets, the screen should be "hidden" under a screen of fewer bit planes.
Fortunately, the workbench screen fits this.  Typing some combination of
{Amiga key} N or M will bury the ABasiC screen without affecting the run,
except to speed it up.

     Two last points: you're going to need at least 512K bytes of memory,
and using 5 bit plane low resolution screens aren't going to do much for
you, as the program doesn't set the last 16 color registers, which are by
default mapped to the same colors as the first 16 registers.  It wouldn't
take much work to modify the program to do this, but we didn't.

Happy hacking!


1000    Dim code%(71),regs%(16)
1010    Restore 10000
1020    i% = 0: Read j$
1030    While Asc(j$) <> 126
1040        If Asc(j$) = 38 Then Poke_W VarPtr(code%(0)) + i%, Val(j$): i% = i% + 2
1050        Read j$
1060    WEnd
1070    BSave "MandelMung", VarPtr(code%(0)), 282
1999    End
1 '
1 ' MANDEL - calculate Mandelbrot set membership for a point
1 '
1 '          A point C (in the complex plane) belongs to the Mandelbrot set
1 '     if, after iteratively calculating the value Zn+1 = Zn2 + C (with Zo
1 '     being 0 + 0i) the value of Z converges or stabilizes.  In this
1 '     algorithm, we actually just test if the magnitude of Z reaches or
1 '     exceeds 2.
1 '
1 ' Arguments:
1 '
1 '     D0      Cr (real component) in 2's complement fixed point binary
1 '             notation with 2 bits in front, 30 behind the binary point
1 '
1 '     D1      Ci (imaginary component)
1 '
1 '     D2      maximum number of iterations, 16 bit unsigned integer
1 '             0 means 65536
1 '
1 ' Returns:
1 '
1 '     D2      number of iterations executed
1 '
1 '     creams all data registers
1 '
1 ' Stack and register usage:
1 '
1 '     A(A7)   saved maximum iteration count (integer word)
1 '
1 '     9(A7)   -1 if Cr is negative, 0 otherwise (boolean byte)
1 '
1 '     4(A7)   absolute value of Cr
1 '
1 '     (A7)    absolute value of Ci
1 '
1 '     D0,D1,D3 miscellaneous temporaries
1 '
1 '     D2      -1 if sign of Zr differs from sign of Cr, 0 otherwise
1 '
1 '     D4      absolute value of Zr (usually) - an unsigned longword
1 '             fixed point number with 1 or 2 (depending on when)
1 '             bits in front of the binary point
1 '
1 '     D5      absolute value of Zi (usually)
1 '
1 '     D6      sign of Zi or 2ZrZi (depending on what calculation
1 '             is pending).  0 for positive, -1 for negative
1 '
1 '     D7      iterations are counted down here using DBF.  The value
1 '             starts out one less than the maximum count input in D2,
1 '             because of the behaviour of DBF
1 '
1 ' Initialize stuff, set up stack frame
1 '
1 '                     MANDEL:
10000   Data &o051502        ," SUBQ.W  #1,D2           Adjust count for DBF"
10002   Data &o037402        ," MOVE.W  D2,-(A7)        Save count on stack"
10004   Data &o037002        ," MOVE.W  D2,D7           Move count to D7"
10006   Data &o045200        ," TST.L   D0              Check sign of Cr"
10010   Data &o055702        ," SMI     D2              Set D2 if negative"
10012   Data &h6A06          ," BPL     10$             Positive, no worry"
10014   Data &o042200        ," NEG.L   D0              Cr < 0, |Cr| = -Cr"
10016   Data &h6900,&hAA     ," BVS     DONE1           Cr was -2, done"
1 '
10022   Data &o045201   ," 10$: TST.L   D1              Check sign of Ci"
10024   Data &h6A06          ," BPL     20$             Already positive"
10026   Data &o042201        ," NEG.L   D1              Nope, make it +ive"
10030   Data &h6900,&hAC     ," BVS     DONE2           Ci was -2, done"
1 '
10034   Data &o037402   ," 20$: MOVE.W  D2,-(A7)        Stack sign of Cr"
10036   Data &o027400        ," MOVE.L  D0,-(A7)        Put |Cr| on stack"
10040   Data &o027401        ," MOVE.L  D1.-(A7)        Put |Ci| on stack"
10042   Data &o074000        ," MOVEQ   #0,D4           Clear Zr"
10044   Data &o075000        ," MOVEQ   #0,D5           and Zi"
10046   Data &o076000        ," MOVEQ   #0,D6           and sign of Zi"
1 '
1 ' Add Ci to 2ZrZi and Cr to Zr2-Zi2 to get new Zi and Zr, respectively
1 '
1 '                     MNDLUP:
10050   Data &o045006        ," TST.B   D6              Check sign of 2ZrZi"
10052   Data &h660C          ," BNE     10$             Go do -ive things"
10054   Data &o155227        ," ADD.L   (A7),D5         Add Ci to 2ZrZi"
10056   Data &h6500,&h92     ," BCS     DONE            Result >= 4, done"
10062   Data &h6B00,&h8E     ," BMI     DONE            Result >= 2, done"
10066   Data &h600E          ," BRA     20$             OK, go do real part"
1 '
10070   Data &o115227   ," 10$: SUB.L   (A7),D5         Add -Ci to 2ZrZi"
10072   Data &h6506          ," BCS     15$             Negative?"
10074   Data &h6B00,&h84     ," BMI     DONE            Result >= 2, done"
10100   Data &h6004          ," BRA     20$             OK, go do real part"
1 '
10102   Data &o042205   ," 15$: NEG.L   D5              Make Zi positive"
10104   Data &o043006        ," NOT.B   D6              Note change in sign"
1 '
10106   Data &o045002   ," 20$: TST.B   D2              sgn(Zr2-Zi2)<>Sgn(Cr)"
10110   Data &h660A          ," BNE     30$             Signs <>, subtract"
10112   Data &o154257,&h4    ," ADD.L   4(A7),D4        Add Cr to Zr2-Zi2"
10116   Data &h6572          ," BCS     DONE            Result >= 4, done"
10120   Data &h6B70          ," BMI     DONE            Result >= 2, done"
10122   Data &h600E          ," BRA     40$             Go square Z"
1 '
10124   Data &o114257,&h4,"30$: SUB.L   4(A7),D4        Add -Cr to Zr2-Zi2"
10130   Data &h6504          ," BCS     35$             Negative?"
10132   Data &h6B66          ," BMI     DONE            Result >= 2, done"
10134   Data &h6004          ," BRA     40$             |Cr|<|Zr2-Zi2|"
1 '
10136   Data &o042204   ," 35$: NEG.L   D4              Think positive"
10140   Data &o043002        ," NOT.B   D2              Sign changed"
1 '
10142   Data &o132057,&h9,"40$: CMP.B   9(A7),D2        Find sign of Zr"
10146   Data &h6702          ," BEQ     45$             Positive, go on"
10150   Data &o043006        ," NOT.B   D6              Note sign of 2ZrZi"
1 '
1 ' Square Z, i.e., calculate 2ZrZi and Zr2-Zi2
1 ' also, check magnitude of Z > 2 (Zr2+Zi2 > 4)
1 '
10152   Data &o161604   ," 45$: ASL.L   #1,D4           Align Zr"
10154   Data &o161605        ," ASL.L   #1,D5           and Zi for BIGMUL"
10156   Data &o027404        ," MOVE.L  D4,-(A7)        Push Zr"
10160   Data &o027405        ," MOVE.L  D5,-(A7)        Push Zi"
10162   Data &h6158          ," BSR     BIGMUL          Get ZrZi"
10164   Data &o023037        ," MOVE.L  (A7)+,D3        High end into D3"
10166   Data &o160727        ," ASL.W   (A7)            Get top of low end"
10170   Data &o161623        ," ROXL.L  #1,D3           Make 2ZrZi"
10172   Data &o045127        ," TST.W   (A7)            Check next bit"
10174   Data &h6A02          ," BPL     50$             Is is set?"
10176   Data &o051203        ," ADDQ.L  #1,D3           Yup, round up"
1 '
10200   Data &o027204   ," 50$: MOVE.L  D4,(A7)         Put Zr on stack"
10202   Data &h6176          ," BSR     BIGSQR          Get Zr2"
10204   Data &o027405        ," MOVE.L  D5,-(A7)        Push Zi"
10206   Data &h6172          ," BSR     BIGSQR          Get Zi2"
10210   Data &o046327,&h33   ," MOVEM.L (A7),<D0,D1,D4,D5>"
10214   Data &o151205        ," ADD.L   D5,D1           Add low parts"
10216   Data &o150604        ," ADDX.L  D4,D0           Add high parts"
10220   Data &h6522          ," BCS     DONE3           Zr2+Zi2 >= 4"
10222   Data &o46337,&h33    ," MOVEM.L (A7)+,<D0,D1,D4,D5>"
10226   Data &o012057,&h9    ," MOVE.B  9(A7),D2        Get sign of Cr"
10232   Data &o115201        ," SUB.L   D1,D5           Subtract Zi2"
10234   Data &o114600        ," SUBX.L  D0,D4           from Zr2"
10236   Data &h6406          ," BCC     60$             Positive?"
10240   Data &o042205        ," NEG.L   D5              No, make it"
10242   Data &o040204        ," NEGX.L  D4              positive"
10244   Data &o043002        ," NOT.B   D2              sgn(Zr2-Zi2)<>sgn(Cr)"
1 '
10246   Data &o045205   ," 60$: TST.L   D5              Check top of bottom"
10250   Data &h6A02          ," BPL     70$             If 0, don't round"
10252   Data &o051204        ," ADDQ.L  #1,D4           Round up Zr"
1 '
10254   Data &o143505   ," 70$: EXG     D3,D5           Move 2ZrZi to D5"
10256   Data &o050717,&hFF78 ," DBF     D7,MNDLUP       ReSlog"
10262   Data &h600E          ," BRA     DONE            Out of count, done"
1 '
1 ' Various ways out
1 '
1 '                      DONE3:
10264   Data &o047757,&h10   ," LEA     10(A7),A7       Pop off Zr2, Zi2"
10270   Data &H6008          ," BRA     DONE            Go finish up"
1 '                      DONE1:
10272   Data &o045201        ," TST.L   D1              Cr=-2, does Ci=0?"
10274   Data &h6608          ," BNE     DONE2           No, no big deal"
10276   Data &o077377        ," MOVEQ   #-1,D7          Pretend we DBFed"
10300   Data &h6004          ," BRA     DONE2           Go end it all"
1 '                       DONE:
10302   Data &o047757,&hA    ," LEA     A(A7),A7        Remove Ci, Cr, flags"
1 '                      DONE2:
10306   Data &o117527        ," SUB.W   D7,(A7)         Figure how many"
10310   Data &o032037        ," MOVE.W  (A7)+,D2        times, put in D2"
10312   Data &o047165        ," RTS                     POPJ"
1 '
1 ' BIGMUL - unsigned 32 bit multiply
1 '
1 ' Arguments:
1 '
1 '     2 unsigned longwords received on the stack
1 '
1 ' Returns:
1 '
1 '     1 unsigned quadword on the stack
1 '     creams D0, D1, D2 and D3
1 '
1 '                     BIGMUL:
10314   Data &o046257,&hF,&h4," MOVEM.W 4(A7),<D0,D1,D2,D3>"
10322   Data &o140302        ," MULU    D2,D0           Both high order parts"
10324   Data &o141303        ," MULU    D3,D1           Both low order parts"
10326   Data &o142357,&h6    ," MULU    6(A7),D2        High by low"
10332   Data &o143357,&h4    ," MULU    4(A7),D3        Low by high"
10336   Data &o027500,&h4    ," MOVE.L  D0,4(A7)        Store high back"
10342   Data &o027501,&h8    ," MOVE.L  D1,8(A7)        Store low back"
10346   Data &o152203        ," ADD.L   D3,D2           Combine middle parts"
1 '
10350   Data &h6404  ," BIGCMN: BCC     10$             Any carry?"
10352   Data &o051157,&h4    ," ADDQ.W  #1,4(A7)        Yup, incr. top word"
1 '
10356   Data &o152657,&h6,"10$: ADD.L   D2,6(A7)        Put middle in middle"
10362   Data &h6404          ," BCC     20$             Any carry?"
10364   Data &o051157,&h4    ," ADDQ.W  #1,4(A7)        Yup, incr. top word"
1 '
10370   Data &o047165    ,"20$: RTS                     Done, return"
1 '
1 ' BIGSQR - unsigned 32 bit square
1 '
1 ' Arguments:
1 '
1 '     1 unsigned longword on the stack
1 '
1 ' Returns:
1 '
1 '     1 unsigned quadword on the stack
1 '
1 '     creams D0, D1 and D2
1 '
1 '                     BIGSQR:
10372   Data &o027427        ," MOVE.L  (A7),-(A7)      Move ret. addr. up"
10374   Data &o030057,&h8    ," MOVE.W  8(A7),D0        High order into D0"
10400   Data &o031057,&hA    ," MOVE.W  A(A7),D1        Low order into D1"
10404   Data &o032000        ," MOVE.W  D0,D2           Copy high order to D0"
10406   Data &o140300        ," MULU    D0,D0           Mpy. high by high"
10410   Data &o141301        ," MULU    D1,D1           Mpy. low by low"
10412   Data &o142357,&hA    ," MULU    A(A7),D2        Mpy. high by low"
10416   Data &o027500,&h4    ," MOVE.L  D0,4(A7)        Store high back"
10422   Data &o027501,&h8    ," MOVE.L  D1,8(A7)        Store low back"
10426   Data &o152202        ," ADD.L   D2,D2           Double the middle"
10430   Data &h60CE          ," BRA     BIGCMN          Join up with BIGMUL"
29999   Data ~


1 '
1 ' Tacky, hacky program to do Mandelbrot pretty color pictures
1 '
1 ' Some storage declarations
1 '   XOrigin        Real part Origin
1 '   YOrigin        Imaginary part origin
1 '   Iterations%    Maximum number of iterations for each point
1 '   DeltaX         Maximum X delta
1 '   DeltaY         Maximum Y delta
1 '   X%             Current X coordinate
1 '   Y%             Current Y coordinate
1 '   XInc%          X increment
1 '   YInc%          Y increment
1 '   ScreenX%       Screen X coordinate
1 '   ScreenY%       Screen Y coordinate
1 '   MouseX         Screen X coordinate of mouse origin
1 '   MouseY         Screen Y coordinate of mouse origin
1 '   MouseDX        Screen delta X for mouse box
1 '   Scale%()       Current scaling array
1 '   Screen%        An array to save the screen into
1 '   FileName$      The filename to write the screen into
1 '   Resolution%    Screen resolution (0=320, 1=640)
1 '   BitPlanes%     Number of bit planes to use
1 '   Prompt$        Command prompt string
1 '   Command$       Command string
1 '   Upper$         String of upper case characters
1 '   Lower$         String of lower case characters
1 '   LowerCase%     Non-zero if lower case characters are ok from the command
1 '   Valid%         Non-zero if the screen data is valid
1 '   MouseValid%    Non-zero if the mouse data is valid
1 '   Default        Default numeric argument
1 '   Result         Numeric argument from keyboard
1 '   Direction%     Sign of direction for UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT
1 '   Code%          Array containing iteration loop code
1 '   Regs%          Array containing registers for LibCall
1 '   ContourValid%  Non-zero if contouring array has been built
1 '   Boot%          True if we're bootstrapping
1 '
1000 Dim Scale%(2000), Screen%(16010), Code%(150), Regs%(16)
1020 Lower$ = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
1030 Def FnMax(a%, b%) = a% - (a% < b%) * (b% - a%)
1035 Boot% = 0                            ' Assume not booting
1 '
1 ' Read the initial mandelbrot set:
1 '
1040 FileName$ = "MandelSet.640"
1050 GoSub 13000 : If Success% Then GoTo 1100
1060 FileName$ = "MandelSet.320"
1070 GoSub 13000 : If Success% Then GoTo 1100
1075 XOrigin = -2.0 : YOrigin = -1.125 : DeltaX = 3.99 : DeltaY = DeltaX * 180 / 320
1076 Iterations% = 250 : Resolution% = 0  ' Default iterations and resolution
1077 BitPlanes% = 4                       ' Default number of bit planes
1080 FileName$ = "MandelSet.320"          ' Default bootstrap filename
1090 Boot% = -1                           ' We're bootstrapping !
1 '
1 ' Read the iteration loop from disk:
1 '
1100 BLoad "MandelMung", VarPtr(Code%(0))
1 '
1 ' Zero all the regs:
1 '
1110 For I% = 0 to 15
1120    Regs%(I%) = 0
1130 Next I%
1140 ContourValid% = 0                  ' Contour array isn't valid yet
1150 MouseValid% = 0                    ' No valid mouse data yet
1 '
1 ' Setup the screen
1 '
2000 RGB 0, 0, 0, 0                     ' Set color register zero to black
2010 RGB 1, 6, 9, 15                    ' Set color register 1 to dark blue
2020 Screen Resolution%, BitPlanes%, 0  ' Setup screen resolution
2030 ScnClr                             ' Make sure the screen is clear
2040 If Boot% Then GoTo 6000            ' Compute set if in boot mode
2050 GShape (0, 0), Screen%()           ' Restore the old screen data
2060 Valid% = 1                         ' Say our data isn't valid
1 '
1 ' Look for some commands:
1 '
3000 GoSub 10000                 ' Wait for the user to be ready
3010 GShape (0, 0), Screen%      ' Restore the screen
3015 Prompt$ = "Command: "       ' Get the command prompt
3020 LowerCase% = 0              ' Make sure everything's upper case
3025 GoSub 14000                 ' Get the command string
3030 If Command$ = "EXIT"  Then End
3035 If Command$ = "GO"    Then GoTo 6000
3040 If Command$ = "SAVE"  Then GoTo 3100
3045 If Command$ = "RESET" Then GoTo 1010
3050 If Command$ = "READ"  Then GoTo 3200
3055 If Command$ = "CLEAR" Then GoTo 3500
3060 If Command$ = "SET"   Then GoTo 3300
3065 If Command$ = "SHOW"  Then GoTo 3400
3070 If Command$ = "UP"    Then GoTo 3600
3075 If Command$ = "DOWN"  Then GoTo 3610
3077 If Command$ = "RIGHT" Then GoTo 3700
3079 If Command$ = "LEFT"  Then GoTo 3710
3080 If Command$ = "ZOOM"  Then GoTo 3800
3085 If Command$ = "MOUSE" Then GoTo 4000
3090 If Command$ = "SYSTEM" Then System
3097 If Command$ = "HELP"  Then GoTo 3900
3098 If Command$ = ""      Then GoTo 3000
3099 Print at (0,0) "? Command error";: GoTo 3000
1 '
1 ' He wants to save something, prompt for the filename:
1 '
3100 If Valid% Then GoTo 3120    ' Only do this if screen active
3110 Print at (0,0) "? Data not computed";: GoTo 3000
3120 Prompt$ = "File name: "     ' Ask him for a filename
3130 LowerCase% = 1              ' Say lowercase here is ok
3140 GoSub 14000                 ' Go get the filename
3150 FileName$ = Command$        ' Copy the filename
3160 GoSub 12000                 ' Go write the file
3165 Boot% = 0                   ' We aren't booting anymore I guess
3170 If Success% Then GoTo 3010  ' Ok, go ask for another command
3180 Print at (0,0) "? File write error";
3190 GoTo 3000                   ' Wait for the mouse again
1 '
1 ' He wants to read a file.  Prompt for it:
1 '
3200 Prompt$ = "File name: "     ' Ask him for a filename
3210 LowerCase% = 1              ' Say lowercase here is ok
3220 GoSub 14000                 ' Ask for the filename
3230 FileName$ = Command$        ' Copy the filename
3240 GoSub 13000                 ' Go read the file
3250 If Success% Then GoTo 2000  ' Re-init the screen if happy
3260 Print at (0,0) "? File read error - Reset";
3270 GoSub 10000                 ' Wait for a mouse button
3280 GoTo 1010                   ' And restart
1 '
1 ' Prompt the user for the new values:
1 '
3300 Prompt$ = "X Origin "   : Default = XOrigin         : GoSub 16000
3305 XOrigin = Result
3310 Prompt$ = "Y Origin "   : Default = YOrigin         : GoSub 16000
3315 YOrigin = Result
3320 Prompt$ = "Delta X "    : Default = DeltaX          : GoSub 16000
3325 DeltaX = Result : DeltaY = DeltaX * 180/320
3330 Prompt$ = "Iterations " : Default = Iterations%     : GoSub 16000
3335 Iterations% = Result
3340 Prompt$ = "Resolution " : Default = Resolution%     : GoSub 16000
3345 Resolution% = Result
3350 Prompt$ = "Bit Planes " : Default = BitPlanes%      : GoSub 16000
3355 BitPlanes% = Result
3360 If ((Resolution% + BitPlanes%) < 6) And (Resolution% > -1) And (Resolution% < 2) And (BitPlanes% > 0) Then 3390
3370 Print at (0,0) "? Illegal resolution/bitplane values" : GoTo 3000
3390 GoTo 3880                   ' Say the screen and mouse isn't valid
1 '
1 ' Show the current values:
1 '
3400 If MouseValid% = 0 Then Print at (0,0) "X Origin = "; XOrigin; " Y Origin = "; YOrigin
3405 If MouseValid% = 1 Then Print at (0,0) "X Origin = "; MouseX ; " Y Origin = "; MouseY
3410 If MouseValid% = 0 Then Print "Delta X  = "; DeltaX; " Delta Y  = "; DeltaY
3415 If MouseValid% = 1 Then Print "Delta X  = "; MouseDX;" Delta Y  = "; MouseDY
3420 Print "Iterations = "; Iterations%
3430 Print "Resolution = "; Resolution%
3450 Print "  Bit Planes = "; BitPlanes%;
3460 GoTo 3000
1 '
1 ' Here if we want to clear the data just set.  About the only thing that
1 ' can be done is default back to the current screen data
1 '
3500 GoSub 13500                             ' Yank the data back from Screen%
3510 Valid% = 1                              ' Say the screen's valid again
3520 GoTo 2000                               ' Back to the prompt loop
1 '
1 ' Here if we want to increment Y some fraction of the screen:
1 '
3600 Direction% = 1 : GoTo 3620              ' Set sign of increment
1 '
1 ' Here if we want to decrement Y some fraction of the screen:
1 '
3610 Direction% = -1                         ' Set the sign of the increment
3620 Prompt$ = "Screen fraction "            ' Set the prompt
3630 Default = .5                            ' Assume half the screen
3640 GoSub 16000                             ' Read the screen fraction
3650 YOrigin = YOrigin + (DeltaY * Result * Direction%)
3660 GoTo 3880                               ' Screen data not valid
1 '
1 ' Here if we want to increment X some fraction of the screen:
1 '
3700 Direction% = 1 : GoTo 3720              ' Set sign of the increment
1 '
1 ' Here if we want to decrement X some fraction of the screen:
1 '
3710 Direction% = -1                         ' Set sign of the increment
3720 Prompt$ = "Screen fraction "            ' Set the prompt
3730 Default = .5                            ' Assume half the screen
3740 GoSub 16000                             ' Read the screen fraction
3750 XOrigin = XOrigin + (DeltaX * Result * Direction%)
3760 GoTo 3880                               ' Screen is no longer valid
1 '
1 ' If here we want to zoom in or out.  > 1 is zoom in, < 1 is zoom out
1 '
3800 Prompt$ = "Zoom Factor "                ' Set the prompt
3810 Default = 2                             ' Assume twice resolution
3820 GoSub 16000                             ' Get the zoom factor
3830 If Result > 0 Then GoTo 3860            ' Check range
3840 Print "? Must be greater than 0"        ' Complain
3850 GoTo 3000                               ' Let him think about it
3860 DeltaX = DeltaX / Result                ' Scale the DeltaX
3870 DeltaY = DeltaY / Result                ' Scale the DeltaY
3880 Valid% = 0                              ' Screen's no longer valid
3885 MouseValid% = 0                         ' No more mouse data
3890 GoTo 3010                               ' Prompt again
1 '
1 ' Give some hint as to what we're about:
1 '
3900 Print at (0,0) "One of the following commands:"
3905 Print "Clear  Clear data just set"
3910 Print "Down   Reset Y origin downwards"
3915 Print "Exit   Exit Mandelbrot.Bas"
3920 Print "Go     Compute the new set"
3925 Print "Help   Show this text"
3930 Print "Left   Reset X origin left"
3933 Print "Mouse  Use mouse to set origin"
3935 Print "Read   Read a saved screen"
3940 Print "Reset  Reset program"
3945 Print "Right  Reset X origin right"
3950 Print "Save   Save the screen"
3955 Print "Set    Set new data"
3960 Print "Show   Show current settings"
3965 Print "System Exit to CLI or workbench"
3970 Print "Up     Reset Y origin upwards"
3975 Print "Zoom   Zoom current settings"
3980 Print "Press left mouse button to continue"
3999 GoTo 3000
1 '
1 ' Here to set the new coordinates using the mouse:
1 '
4000 GoSub 20000                 ' Go get the new coordinates
4010 Print at (0,0) "X = "; MouseX
4020 Print "Y = "; MouseY
4030 Print "DeltaX = "; MouseDX
4040 Print "DeltaY = "; MouseDY
4050 GoTo 3000
1 '
1 ' Main loop here:
6000 If ContourValid%= 0 Then GoSub 11000    ' Compute the contour map
6001 If MouseValid% = 0 Then GoTo 6010       ' Skip this if mouse not valid
6002 XOrigin = MouseX : YOrigin = MouseY
6003 DeltaX = MouseDX : DeltaY = MouseDY
6010 Screen Resolution%, BitPlanes%, 0       ' Setup the screen resolution
6020 ScnClr                                  ' And start with a clean screen
6023 XInc% = (2 ^ 30 * DeltaX / 320 / (Resolution% + 1))
6024 YInc% = (2 ^ 30 * DeltaY / 180)         ' Compute increments
6030 Y% = YOrigin * (2 ^ 30)                 ' Set initial Y
6040 For ScreenY% = 179 to 0 Step -1         ' Outside loop is Y%
6050    X% = XOrigin * (2 ^ 30)              ' Set initial X again
6060    For ScreenX% = 0 to (320 * (Resolution% + 1) - 1) Step 1
1 '
1 ' Initialize a single point's values:
1 '
6070       Regs%(0) = X% : Regs%(1) = Y%
6080       Regs%(2) = Iterations%
1 '
1 ' Per point loop:
1 '
6100       LibCall VarPtr(Code%(0)), 0, Regs%()
6110       I% = Peek_W(VarPtr(Regs%(2)) + 2)  ' Get the iteration count
6120       If I% > (Iterations% - 1) Then GoTo 6300
1 '
1 ' Here if we bummed out.  Plot the point
1 '
6200       Draw (ScreenX%, ScreenY%), Scale%(I% + 1)
1 '
1 ' Bump to the next point
6300       X% = X% + XInc%
6310    Next ScreenX%
6320    Y% = Y% + YInc%
6330 Next ScreenY%
1 '
1 ' All done!
1 '
6340 Valid% = 1                        ' Say we're valid again
6350 MouseValid% = 0                   ' Mouse data isn't valid
6360 SShape (0, 0; (320 * (Resolution% + 1)) - 1, 199), Screen%
6370 If Boot% Then Goto 3160 Else GoTo 3000
1 '
1 ' Write the data file out and quit
1 '
7000 GoSub 10000                       ' Wait for the mouse button
7010 GoSub 12000                       ' Write the file out
7020 End                               ' End of proggie
1 '
1 ' Subroutine to wait for the mouse button to be pressed
1 '
10000 Ask Mouse X%, Y%, Button%
10010 If Button% = 0 Then GoTo 10000
10020 Return
1 '
1 ' Subroutine to fill in the scaling array given the number of bit planes
1 ' desired.
1 '
11000 Interval% = 1
11010 Print at (0,0) "Computing contouring array";
11020 I% = 1
11030 Color% = 1
11040 For J% = 1 to Interval%
11050    If I% <= 2000 Then Scale%(I%) = Color%
11060    I% = I% + 1
11070 Next J%
11080 If I% > 1000 Then GoTo 11130
11090 Color% = Color% + 1
11100 If Color% < (2 ^ BitPlanes%) Then 11040
11110 Interval% = Interval% + 2
11120 GoTo 11030
11130 ContourValid% = 1       ' So we don't have to do this again
11140 Retu1 '      The disk file is created/read with BSAVE/BLOAD into array Screen%.
1 ' The first elements of this array are obtained from/fed to SShape/GShape.
1 ' We load values into this array following the screen data itself.  On
1 ' write, the location in the array is determined by the resolution we're
1 ' writing.  When reading the file, the offset can be obtained from the
1 ' resolution implied by the width paramter in the front of the array.
1 '
1 ' The values appended to the screen array are:
1 '
1 ' Byte #     Contents
1 ' ==== =     ========
1 '    0       File format version number (1)
1 '    1       Screen resolution mode (0 or 1)
1 '   2-3      Iteration count
1 '   4-7      X Origin
1 '  8-11      Y Origin
1 ' 12-15      Delta X
1 ' 16-19      Delta Y
1 '
12000 SShape (0, 0; (320 * (Resolution% + 1) - 1), 199), Screen%()
12010 I% = (2000 * BitPlanes% * (Resolution% + 1)) + 2
12020 Poke VarPtr(Screen%(I%)), 2
12030 Poke VarPtr(Screen%(I%))+1, Resolution%
12040 Poke_W VarPtr(Screen%(I%))+2, Iterations%
12050 Screen%(I%+1) = Peek_L(VarPtr(XOrigin))
12060 Screen%(I%+2) = Peek_L(VarPtr(YOrigin))
12070 Screen%(I%+3) = Peek_L(VarPtr(DeltaX))
12080 Screen%(I%+4) = Peek_L(VarPtr(DeltaY))
12090 Success% = 0 : On Error GoTo 12130                 ' In case of errors
12100 BSave FileName$, Varptr(Screen%(0)), (I% + 5) * 4
12110 Success% = 1 : On Error GoTo 0
12120 Return
12130 Resume 12120
1 '
1 ' Converse of the previous routine, this routine restores a screen to
1 ' memory.  See the previous subroutine for notes on the file format.
1 '
13000 Success% = 0 : On Error GoTo 13660   ' In case the file lookup fails
13010 BLoad FileName$, VarPtr(Screen%(0))
13020 On Error GoTo 0
13500 BitPlanes% = Peek_W(VarPtr(Screen%(0)))
13510 Width% = Peek_W(VarPtr(Screen%(0))+2)
13520 If Width% < 320 Then Resolution% = 0 Else Resolution% = 1
13530 I% = (2000 * BitPlanes% * (Resolution% + 1)) + 2
13540 FileVersion% = Peek(VarPtr(Screen%(I%)))
13550 If (FileVersion% > 0) And (FileVersion% < 3) Then GoTo 13580
13560 Print "? File version number error"
13570 Return
13580 If FileVersion% < 2 Then Iterations% = Peek(VarPtr(Screen%(I%))+2)
13590 If FileVersion% >= 2 Then Iterations% = Peek_W(VarPtr(Screen%(I%))+2)
13600 Poke_L VarPtr(XOrigin), Peek_L(VarPtr(Screen%(I%+1)))
13610 Poke_L VarPtr(YOrigin), Peek_L(VarPtr(Screen%(I%+2)))
13620 Poke_L VarPtr(DeltaX), Peek_L(VarPtr(Screen%(I%+3)))
13630 Poke_L VarPtr(DeltaY), Peek_L(VarPtr(Screen%(I%+4)))
13640 Success% = 1
13650 Return
13660 Resume 13650
1 '
1 ' Subroutine to prompt for and read a command.  Called with the command
1 ' prompt in Prompt$, and returns the command keyword (uppercased) in
1 ' Command$.  We'll restore the screen after we're done.
1 '
14000 Print at (0,0) Prompt$;
14010 Input "", Command$
14020 GShape (0, 0), Screen%        ' Restore the screen
14030 If LowerCase% Then Return     ' Return now if lower case is ok
1 '
1 ' Subroutine to uppercase the alpha characters in the command string.
1 '
15000 For I% = 1 to Len(Command$)
15010    J% = InStr(1, Lower$, Mid$(Command$, I%, 1))
15030    If J% Then Replace$(Command$, I%, 1) = Mid$(Upper$, J%, 1)
15040 Next I%
15050 Return
1 '
1 ' Prompt for a numeric argument, preserving the old value if appropriate
1 '
16000 Prompt$ = Prompt$ + "(" + Str$(Default) + "): "
16010 GoSub 14000                   ' Go prompt and read the number
16020 If Command$ = "" Then Result = Default Else Result = Val(Command$)
16030 Return
1 '
1 ' Routine to take new coordinates from mouse input.
1 ' User positions mouse to lower left corner of intended
1 ' area to zoom, clicks mouse button once.  Position mouse
1 ' to upper left corner, click mouse button again.  This
1 ' goes to great lengths to preserve the proper aspect
1 ' ratio.
1 '
20000 PenA 1                     ' Set the default writing color
20005 XoverY = 320 * (Resolution% + 1) / 180 : YoverX = 1 / XoverY
1 '
1 ' Wait for the button to be pressed while on screen
1 '
20010 Ask Mouse X%, Y%, Button%  ' Go read the mouse
20020 If X% < 0 or Y% < 0 Then GoTo 20010 ' Ignore if not in window
20030 If X% > ((Resolution% + 1) * 320) - 1 Then GoTo 20010
20040 If Y% > 179 Then GoTo 20010    ' Ignore if too big also
20050 If Button% = 0 Then GoTo 20010 ' Wait for mouse buttom
20060 MouseX% = X% : MouseY% = Y% : NewDX% = 0 : OldDX% = 0
1 '
1 ' Wait for the button to be released
1 '
20070 While Button% <> 0: Ask Mouse X%, Y%, Button%: Wend
1 '
1 ' Loop here waiting for the second pressing of the button
1 '
20080 While Button% = 0
20090    If X% < MouseX% Then GoTo 20210     ' Don't make negative boxes
20100    If Y% > MouseY% Then GoTo 20210
20110    If X% > ((Resolution% + 1) * 320) -1 Then GoTo 20210
20120    If Y% > 179 Then GoTo 20210         ' Don't bother if too big
20130    OldDX% = NewDX%                     ' Copy the old delta X
20140    NewDX% = FnMax ((X% - MouseX%), int(XoverY * (MouseY% - Y%)))
20150    If NewDX% = OldDX% Then GoTo 20210  ' Don't bother if no change
20160    GShape (0, 0), Screen%              ' Something moved, restore the old screen
20170    X% = MouseX% + NewDX%               ' Find the corner
20180    Y% = MouseY% - int(YoverX * NewDX%) '  of the box
20190    Draw (MouseX%, MouseY% to X%, MouseY% to X%, Y%), 1
20200    Draw (X%, Y% to MouseX%, Y% to MouseX%, MouseY%), 1
20210    Ask Mouse X%, Y%, Button%           ' Get the new mouse position
20220 Wend
20230 MouseValid% = 1                        ' Say we have valid mouse data
20240 Gshape (0, 0), Screen%                 ' Restore the screen
20250 MouseX = XOrigin + DeltaX * MouseX% / (320 * (Resolution% + 1))
20260 MouseY = YOrigin + (DeltaX * 180 / 320) * (179 - MouseY%) / 180
20270 MouseDX = DeltaX * NewDX% / (320 * (Resolution% + 1))
20280 MouseDY = MouseDX * 180 / 320
20290 Return
