[net.micro.amiga] Questions, requests, pleas ...



I don't subscribe to net.sources, and have no convenient way of doing so.  Is
it at all possible to obtain the micro EMACS and C debugging package recently
alluded to in this interest group via ARPAnet?  If anyone has obtained a copy
of either of these, I'd certainly appreciate it if you could make it available.

Secondly, I've been reading about some neat sounding stuff from AMICUS.  There
have been references made to what is available to anyone, and what is available
to developers.  Well, we're not sure if we're a developer:  As noted here
previously, we had tried to obtain a developer's kit directly from Amiga early
on, but were given the heave-ho by Amiga.  We were later able to order a kit
through our local computer store (which has since arrived), and contains all
the normal developer's kit contents (C, Assembler, lots of manuals, software
replicated on 1BM format 5.25" floppies, etc), including some support phone
numbers that I'm sure Amiga wouldn't want us to call.  Since we paid our
local computer store for this (and they presumably paid Amiga for it), I don't
think Amiga has listed as a registered developer, even though we have all the
developer stuff.  Does that make us an official developer, an unofficial
developer, or one of the ABasiC masses?

								D Banks.