[net.micro.amiga] Speech and Hi-Res Video

haddock%waltz%ti-csl.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA (12/22/85)

From: Rusty (Fe2O3)Haddock (North Atlantic fish) <haddock%waltz%ti-csl.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>

An interesting question I hope someone can answer:

Given that the speech synthesis sounds garbled while displaying,
640x200x(>2-bits) would the speech return to normal if the user's
program (that was trying to "speak") ran out of "fast memory"???
Or, is the problem with the "chip memory" and its associated buss
getting swamped by the video chip, Angus?   Anyone with extended
memory care to reply?  Amiga?


*hardcopy*		*electr{onic, ic}*
Rusty Haddock		ARPA:  Haddock%TI-CSL@CSNet-Relay.ARPA
POB 226015 M/S 238	CSNET: Haddock@TI-CSL
Texas Instruments Inc.	USENET: {ut-sally,convex!smu,texsun,rice}!tilde!haddock
Dallas, Texas		VOICE: (214) 995-0330