From: LMC-TRANS@GUNTER-ADAM.ARPA HELP! It appears everyone is running Mandelbrot except me. I'm not a C programmer, in fact Mand is the first thing I've even compiled, so I may need some additional assistance. I have added the stuff about INTUTICKS and the additional case statements and my error messages are down to a total of 1 in Mand1.c and 11 in Mand2.c. I used to have a problem with Mand.c/line 535 -- redir_fp == NULL; -- but resolved it by taking one of the = signs out. Is that right? The remaining problems: Mand1.c/line 358 Warning 30 Now reads -- w = screen = NULL; (way at the end of file) Mand2.c/lines 116 128 140 152 164 181 193 205 217 229 241 Each of the above lines are similar and all give Warning 30 Lines 116-164 are basically -- &OptionsText[0] (thru [4]) Lines 181-241 are basically -- &ZoomText[0] (thru [5]) These warnings are apparently nonfatal and I do get a .o file, but then the linker fails with a return code 20 error. Would appreciate any tips or advice. Using V1.1 NEW SUBJECT -- DISPLAY FLICKER Saw it once -- it has not returned. Using a 1080. NEW SUBJECT -- CHEERS FOR M.E. KIDWELL It's time to concentrate on the Amiga and stop comparing it to the ST. Who really cares which is better? Mike's little essay was timely and very appropiate. NEW SUBJECT -- DISCOUNT AMIGAs AND SOFTWARE My February issue of Computer Shopper has an ad for a company in Garland, TX that is selling stuff at 10% below retail with free shipping. Add in sales tax avoidance and you can have quite a savings. The ad is on page 110. Their phone is 1-800-531-4747. I just ordered Deluxe Paint for $69 (no hidden costs). They told me they also have all the hardware stuff, too. No HD, yet, but will get it soon. NEW SUBJECT -- Hard disk I have just purchased a 20M HD with controller for $465 for my Zenith-158 (IBM clone, sorry guys -- I'm also in the IBM world). It works great. Just snapped it in and off it went. Now I understand economies of scale and all that rot, but something seems wrong here. Someone is making a lot of money off the Tecmar hard disk for our Amigas -- could it be Tecmar? Is anyone working on a homebrew controller or expansion chassis? NEW SUBJECT -- Stripping comments from .h files Chris Metcalf, Considering that the Lattice disk is so bloody full, there are probably a bunch of folks who would like to strip comments in order to get some more space. If not to large could you put the info on info-amiga? If it is large, please tell me how at lmc-transhanks. NEW SUBJECT -- Which printer to buy? Dave Rasmussen uwmcsd1!daveisc-rsch asked what printer he should get for his Amiga. EPSON!! I've had 2 Epsons, MX-80 and FX-80+. Available mail order for around $339. Latest models are in the 85 series (I've heard reports of 286 series?). Prices always seem to be around $350. Might want to look at the JX-80. I haven't been in the market for a printer for quite awhile so really haven't kept up, but I think the JX-80 is the color printer. Why the Epson? It is the de facto industry standard. You will have less software problems with this printer than any other. It has a good resale value, in the event you want to upgrade. It is reasonably priced. It's good quality and well supported. END OF MY TWO BITS -- SEE YOU LATER -- All human problems can be -- -- solved with the approriate -- -- charge of high explosives. -- Vaughn Wasem lmc-trans -------